
Re: I'd be willing to bet that 90% of those can be explained by one thing...
GFE-Massage See my TER Reviews 791 reads

I agree Tobi lots of guys just don't read. I require refs from two massage only providers. I am guessing that if they like to get service from me, a massage only provider, then they should have seem someone providing similar service.
I know I may me limiting my customer base, but thank fully I need only 10 appointments a month.

that a lot of people send in appointment requests without complete verification info.  

After a long time I opened my email as I had a couple of appointment slots open up. There was a ton of email and only a fraction had the verification info I needed. The info I need is stated on my website.

A lot of people have told me that my requirements are very stringent. I can understand that and don't want to relax my standards.  

So if people cannot provide the verification info I need, I can't understand why they take the time to try to see me. Is it because they think I will lower my requirements?

Well, I for one did contact you when you first arrived on the scene and my access was denied, unfairly, I believe. Your screening seems to uncover what you believe to be truths, when in reality I believe you make unfair assumptions.  

As for the tons of emails without verification info, well, these types of people will always exist. But I think you need to take some ownership as to the intense scrutiny you subject potential clients to.

Also, we all want what we seemingly cannot have.

Peace and Namaste


Not unfair assumptions Joe, just being safe. My requirement is refs from reputed massage only providers. I am a massage only non-fs provider so seek references from ladies providing the same service.

I have been verified by you for months and have yet had the chance to experience your wonderful service. Pm if there is a problem I'm not aware of. Thx

One reason may be that, so often, verification information is sent along with specific requests for a time and date, just as the provider asks, and there is no answer of any kind. It makes potential clients reluctant to provide their information upfront.

I have an auto responder so you will get an idea of what my schedule is like

I checked your website and the verification info you ask for is not IMO extreme. However for me personally, I would probably not send it to you in an initial email, I'll explain.

You have chosen not to list your availability in the Calendar section on your site. No problem, that's your choice.

Let's say though that I only have a limited time window to be able to see you say Tuesday or Wednesday between Noon and 3 P.M.

To follow your protocol, I'd be sending you my Full RS2K info, which includes my Full Name, phone number and Town, not knowing if you are even available during the time frame that I have.

So you reply that sorry you're not available (this is a hypothetical example) but now you have All my real info.  

As a Hobbyist, I personally don't like to send that private and potentially damaging info to a provider until I know that at least there is the possibility of securing an appointment.

So to me it's not that I won't or can't provide the information you request, I'd just like to know it won't be a futile effort.


I'm not giving out my personal information until we've agreed upon a day and time and I'm committed to an appointment, plain and simple.

I only ask for references and don't accept RS verification

It looks like you want two provider references. Is this in addition to RS2k and p411? I think part of the disconnect may be that p411 has a list of provider OKs for each member and their information (website, email, etc.) is all right there. For example, I have 11 OKs on p411, so that gives you 11 providers you can contact, so to me, sending it again in an email would be sending the same information twice. If you really just want two references and their info emailed and you don't accept p411 it may be helpful to specify that on your site. Just a friendly suggestion and I hope everything works out.

Thanks Ramone I think my contact form makes it clear I want references. I don't verification info to verify, but guys may provide it to jog the memory of the lady of is providing the ref

Baba Booey872 reads

So, you just admitted you have a mailbox full of ignored appointment requests, some with private info in them.  And you wonder why clients are wary of sending info???

I might be one of those submitting with partial info, not on purpose though.

I didn't realize you needed rsk + additional references. I thought rsk's purpose was so you don't need references. to each their own.  hopefully ill get you the info soon.

Not RS2K +. I just need massage only provider references.

I think there are multiple reasons:

1.  They don't have RS2K and other paid verification sites, because they literally can't afford to have it show up and questioned (no matter how discreet) on a credit card statement at home OR they don't want their CC information on file.

2.  They expect that you may at least contact them and verify them more verbally.

3.  They are taking a chance you will not necessarily lower your standards but take alternative means, like TER or NR activity into account.

4.  They are inconsiderate, time-wasters.

A lot of people just don't read. They look at pictures and then click the first contact method they see. I can't tell you how many emails I get that just say "r u avail" or "what's ur rate?" when it's literally listed in the same spot that my email address is. Hazard of the trade.  

As for the remaining 10%, some of it may be due to what some of the guys on this thread have mentioned, and some probably expect you to just cave. Just respond to those initial queries with your screening requirements. If they don't want to play by your rules, wish them well but bid them deuces.

I agree Tobi lots of guys just don't read. I require refs from two massage only providers. I am guessing that if they like to get service from me, a massage only provider, then they should have seem someone providing similar service.
I know I may me limiting my customer base, but thank fully I need only 10 appointments a month.

Frankly, I wanted to see you but I don't have two "massage only" references.  I see some massage providers but they also engage in other activities.   Of course, I am not going to go see two "massage only" ladies for just a chance to see you.  Anyway, its your choice, take care and good luck.

I'm in the same situation. One massage-only provider will be my reference only if I saw her within the past 3 months but I saw her a year ago. I'm rs2k but that won't help either. That is a strict verification process.  

I'd have to find 2 massage-only providers with the goal being to see you. You're likely worth it, but instead of seeing 2 massage-only gals to only use as references, I would just send you the references that I already have and hope it's good enough.  

Some guys probably don't understand why the references have to be massage only or don't read closely enough. I'm not sure why references have to be massage only either but you probably have a good reason.

woodchip738 reads

from providers go unanswered, it is possible.  In this case of request for personal info up front it think the "cart has been put before the horse" and let me explain why.

As a member of P411 with over 25 ok's and years of membership, my experience has been that more than 50% of the request I send out are not even replied to with a simple "not available".  Of the remainder that do reply only about 15% communicate in a way I'd feel comfortable providing any more info if they asked for it. (generally do not now but did in the past).  You would not believe how many times I have made a very clear request by email with the date time in subject line and body or p411 detail form only to have the lady come back and say...."what day and time did you want to seem me? for how long?"   Given that, there is no way I'm filling out a form with personal info up front without knowing a date is possible, just no way that is ever going to happen.  I would advise anyone thinking its a good idea to sit and give it some real thought..either you have nothing to lose or you do not care about your personal info and who has it.  

So that's a little insight to the other side...and believe me with all the conversations I've had with you ladies I know what you deal with daily.  Everyone is best to have their set of rules and if they are not met, move on.

woodchip766 reads

provide reference info until first contact is made.  Its the nature of the beast given the response rate for "request" is quite low based on my experience.  Using P411 is a bit different than this scenario, I've been out of the reference arena for quite some time and only use P due to my profile being higher than average.

I'd suggest removing the email adddress from the website and go to an all contact form with all fields needed being fill in info, no submit! That's what we do in business otherwise we just end up receiving emails that say "hi, may want 2 buy" with no other info.  As i see it this would eliminate the problem for the most part.

Good Luck!

I too have tried to get an appointment with you. And I have also followed up with emails.

What I guess may be the case is that I first thought you wanted RS2K info from me - I was confused by the fact that you didn't. Then it wasn't completely clear that you only wanted references from massage-only providers, so after I had already sent you references for providers I saw for massage (but who may do FS as well) I sent a follow-up with additional info. So, if you weren't able to put my two or three messages together, I could see how they might appear incomplete individually.  

You may want to consider rewording your verification requirements a little and looking to see if someone has provided you with information already.


If you can't tell by the numerous responses on this thread- people are confused by your approach. I also understand and agree with those that have said that they don't send their information in an initial email. You say that you don't ask for personal information- fine- but maybe they want to make sure you are even going to respond before they send their references it is their choice. You make it very clear that you don't offer full service, but many providers offer massage and full service. Maybe you should think about being a bit more open minded about the references you accept.  

Why don't you have your contact form ask for what you need.  

TER Handle____________
Massage Provider Reference ________________
Massage Provider Reference #2______________


If you aren't able to do a form like that on your site, there are many free form sites that you can embed onto a page of your site. Sometimes you have to spell out the information that you want.  

I understand fully how frustrating it can be when you receive endless emails that make it obvious that he didn't even read your website. But your approach to screening is a tad bit different than the norm. And even your contact form makes it seem like you DO accept RS2K because you have a drop down box asking whether they use RS2K,P411,ETC.

Just my thoughts.

OK, Apsara, I went to your site and read it thoroughly.  It is very clear that all you are asking for in email or the form is two references from well-known massage-only providers.

You're not even asking for P411 or RS2K information from us.  You're just recommending that we give that information to the references as a means of them remembering us.  

I now have a huge dilemna.  How in the hell do I find the other providers to build up my massage resume?  Tough call.  It's like having your heart set on steak but you stop and eat somewhere else because you're hungry now

are very clear.

I sent in all the required info in my first mail and her response confirmed the appointment.  

I am guessing some people don't read the requirements properly. Others may be trying to get past  the requirements

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