
Re: I think you read to much into it... AGREED 100%
kendallis See my TER Reviews 1152 reads

I have NEVER met a client who asked me about another client by name NOR asked me about another client EVER! Nor have I ever bring up a client by name or in reference with anyone else. When I agreed with COMI it was about being clean, showing care, being cooperative and showing respect.

My liking what he said had 100% nothing to do with being friends with any client because I am NOT.  
This is a business, I have no time for friends and gossiping about specific guys. BORING....

I agree, some are reading way too much into ladies agreeing with what he said.

Take a chill pill and RELAX! Speaking for myself, I have no interest in talking about a client by name or not by name to another client. That's STUPID and weird!! What guy wants to come and pay to see a lady then talk about another guy during a session? That has never happened to me and if it did I would IGNORE him. If he continued I would SHUT it down. It's stupid and kills the session!

This whole thread of COMI sharing what ladies like and DISlike about a client turned into him naming names is ridiculous and BORING!  How dare anyone put words in a providers mouth just cause she agrees with what another person said. Some here are confused about what providers are agreeing with.

We all need to move on to more positive and productive things...  not bashing one another.

-- Modified on 7/17/2014 2:43:12 PM

Yesterday's "Rant" thread by cosmicangst revealed a potential hazard that wasn't addressed. There appears to be a select few providers and hobbyists that have formed personal friendships through their P4P activities. As cosmicangst so proudly boasted, the provider "friends" he has made have given him a plethora of information on the grooming and behavioral habits on a vast number of hobbyists. This begs the question, what other information have these providers given to their hobbyist friends? The providers scream the common mantra of performing a thorough screening of their clients, and request a lot of personal information before seeing someone. How secure do you feel providing this information now, knowing that there are some providers who seem to have no problem sharing personal information about their client experiences with their "friends?" Think of the implications this has. For all of you ladies who so blindly ran to his defense yesterday, did you even read what he wrote before voting him Mr. TER? Are you so cavalier about the concept of discretion and personal anonymity that this doesn't bother you?  

I want to thank cosmicangst for putting some light on this troubling issue, though I am sure it was inadvertent on his part

It does open up a can of worms .. I do not want other hobbyists knowing anything about me and if that information was given to him from a provider that is upsetting to say the least.

You are spot on with your assessment of certain members (both guys and gals) lacking discretion.  

But fortunately those like cosmic and Giselle have few morals, and there are reasons for this.  The stories that some have heard all resonate true when readers can read for themselves this insanity.

I trust that those who have PM'd other members seeking more information from some of the respondents did their own thorough research and decide on their own as the issues that were discussed.  And now many have the tools to decide how they wish to interact with others going forward.

Reminding the members here that all is not as it may appear is a good thing.  There are people here that do have an is to fleece a guy for everything he has and move on to the next mark.  Others it seems is to cry to anyone about how badly life treats them, seeking "friends" all the while.  When the two meet it's a match made in heaven.  

But for the majority of folks here they are either doing a job, or seeking a short term companion.  And need to be reminded that not all here are seeking the same things.

Thank you for bringing this up again....some actually thought the cosmic OP was about cleanliness.  But seems now that most understand what narcissism really looks like.

Posted By: RespectfullyYours
Yesterday's "Rant" thread by cosmicangst revealed a potential hazard that wasn't addressed. There appears to be a select few providers and hobbyists that have formed personal friendships through their P4P activities. As cosmicangst so proudly boasted, the provider "friends" he has made have given him a plethora of information on the grooming and behavioral habits on a vast number of hobbyists. This begs the question, what other information have these providers given to their hobbyist friends? The providers scream the common mantra of performing a thorough screening of their clients, and request a lot of personal information before seeing someone. How secure do you feel providing this information now, knowing that there are some providers who seem to have no problem sharing personal information about their client experiences with their "friends?" Think of the implications this has. For all of you ladies who so blindly ran to his defense yesterday, did you even read what he wrote before voting him Mr. TER? Are you so cavalier about the concept of discretion and personal anonymity that this doesn't bother you?  
 I want to thank cosmicangst for putting some light on this troubling issue, though I am sure it was inadvertent on his part.  
-- Modified on 7/17/2014 9:19:26 AM

Your post here horrified me! I thought "Dear god, there is someone bragging about knowing personal details of other clients - and the providers told him?!?!"

I scrolled down quickly to find the post and read through it thoroughly.

Nowhere did he say that any providers have given him PERSONAL INFORMATION. He didn't say they outed anyone specific! However, in any trade, you're likely to tell stories of mishaps and bloopers or unfavorable experiences. That does not mean you hand out the personal information of the person involved!

As a provider, I always respect my visitor's discretion, even when I want to squeal and brag about a high-profile one! As do most of these ladies! It would take ONE post anywhere on the internet about a breach of confidentiality to ruin an entire career.

That being said, if a bitch doesn't wash his wanker before coming, you'd better believe that I'm going to groan about it to someone later. Will I provide his name or any personal information? FUCK NO! That's unethical.

Now, if he was unhygienic or abusive or rude, etc, I sure as hell will let my other provider friends know if I'm used for a reference! That is for the safety of my fellow ladies.  

You took a post where someone was getting praised for speaking the obvious facts that so many hobbyists do not find obvious and twisted into negative fear-mongering paranoia.

Fact is - don't be a smelly dickhole and no one will have any reason to mention you AT ALL.

Posted By: cosmicangst
It is a well known fact that a large number of the guys who play around here are just completely unlikable.  And an even larger number are unlikable AND undatable.  There are good guys in this arena.  Just not all that many.  Most of the guys here are complete asshats - bad hygiene, bad manners, rude, obnixious, abbrasive, mean, cheap, unattractive, difficult, mean, manipulative, creepy, etc etc etc.  
 Ironically, these are the guys who are constantly throwing around negative comments about the girls. Talking about things like how a) ladies here never enjoy themselves with a client and b) ladies here see the guys as nothing more than money, and c) ladies here could never be friends or more with a client and d) talking about bad appointment after bad appointment.  
 What these guys really mean to say is a) ladies here never enjoy themselves with ME and b) ladies here see the ME as nothing more than money, and c) ladies here could never be friends or more with ME.    
This is his opening statement...condescending at best.  He comments as though HE knows through his paid friend Giselle which guys this OP relates to.  As most of the readers have commented (here and privately) how the fuck does he KNOW that "a large number of guys"...because he is privy to a few hookers sharing private information with him.  

Don't confuse his insane drivel about cleanliness as his agenda.  It has NOTHING to do with his agenda.  What that thread has done is to show that there are guys/gals here who have no morals and are more than willing to babble about their clients/hookers to each other.  That in itself is no real secret.  What is scary and potentially an issue for the community is when those members share on a public board their proclivity to bloviate their indiscretions.

And through that they implicate many here (in particular the women that many of us know) into their sordid webs of deceit and lies.  It makes them look bad....and given the multitude of posts and PM's many had no clues just how indiscreet that particular couple really is.

So don't bash RY's PSA announcement as changing anything around and manipulating words...Cosmic and Giselle posted for all the world to see their "Bonny and Clyde" routine.  And they love the drama.

But to implicate those that they claim are their friends into their drama is pitiful.  And they've been called out by so many here for their indiscretions.

You can judge for yourself if you think you have nothing to be concerned about.  There's no lack of information on those two and their methods.  Just do a little homework here and on google....then make a call on this.

Posted By: lola.luscious8
Your post here horrified me! I thought "Dear god, there is someone bragging about knowing personal details of other clients - and the providers told him?!?!"  
 I scrolled down quickly to find the post and read through it thoroughly.  
 Nowhere did he say that any providers have given him PERSONAL INFORMATION. He didn't say they outed anyone specific! However, in any trade, you're likely to tell stories of mishaps and bloopers or unfavorable experiences. That does not mean you hand out the personal information of the person involved!  
 As a provider, I always respect my visitor's discretion, even when I want to squeal and brag about a high-profile one! As do most of these ladies! It would take ONE post anywhere on the internet about a breach of confidentiality to ruin an entire career.  
 That being said, if a bitch doesn't wash his wanker before coming, you'd better believe that I'm going to groan about it to someone later. Will I provide his name or any personal information? FUCK NO! That's unethical.  
 Now, if he was unhygienic or abusive or rude, etc, I sure as hell will let my other provider friends know if I'm used for a reference! That is for the safety of my fellow ladies.  
 You took a post where someone was getting praised for speaking the obvious facts that so many hobbyists do not find obvious and twisted into negative fear-mongering paranoia.  
 Fact is - don't be a smelly dickhole and no one will have any reason to mention you AT ALL.

Fair enough - I don't know either of them personally, so I can't really speak to their intentions. Sure, I can easily see the ego masturbation of mentioning success and close relationships with providers. However, the concepts around how to handle oneself with providers that he mentions would explain to me why he may have had such success.

But I think there are fair points on both sides.... Although I just don't associate with people I feel would instigate drama or break people's right to discretion so I have no personal experience with that.

However, an overarching post about providers violating people's rights to discretion is damaging.

Because "facts" about people's stupid personalities are not facts worth educating myself on. However, the obvious facts of general conduct and mannerisms of hobbyists/providers are what I was focusing on.

In the case that there are some feelings about the backstory, I'll sure defer to and accept that - as I did. So, calm it down.

Jack_Inhoff1076 reads

Lola, on another post, you admitted you can't read. So that means you made your judgement without reading all the facts and details. Being ignorant of these facts and details, you went on to berate the hobbyists here.  That's not a good thing to do, and when you do it in the future, expect to be called out on it.

-- Modified on 7/17/2014 2:02:30 PM

She may think you're me...or I'm you  ;)

Posted By: Jack_Inhoff
Lola, on another post, you admitted, you can't read. So that means you made your judgement without reading all the facts and details. Being ignorant of these facts and details, you went on to berate the hobbyists here.  That's not a good thing to do, and when you do it in the future, expect to be called out on it.

Jack_Inhoff725 reads

Posted By: ChgoCPA
She may think you're me...or I'm you  ;)  
Posted By: Jack_Inhoff
Lola, on another post, you admitted, you can't read. So that means you made your judgement without reading all the facts and details. Being ignorant of these facts and details, you went on to berate the hobbyists here.  That's not a good thing to do, and when you do it in the future, expect to be called out on it.
Great minds think alike! Ha!

1.You write, "Nowhere did he say that any providers have given him personal information."  

cosmicangst wrote, "Most of the guys here are complete asshats - bad hygiene, bad manners, rude, obnixious, abbrasive, mean, cheap, unattractive, difficult, mean, manipulative, creepy, etc etc etc. "  

Are you saying this is not personal information? If these comments were directed at you, or for that matter, at most of the escorts, are you going to go on record and tell everyone this is not personal information being discussed?  

2. You also write, "He didn't say they outed anyone specific!" I love the explanation mark for emphasis. I have to concede cosmicangst did not identify anyone by name. However, in reference to the ugly comments identified above, he wrote, "Ironically, these are the guys who are constantly throwing around negative comments about the girls. Talking about things like how a) ladies here never enjoy themselves with a client and b) ladies here see the guys as nothing more than money, and c) ladies here could never be friends or more with a client and d) talking about bad appointment after bad appointment."

Google the phrase "deductive reasoning" and then ask yourself the following question: how did cosmicangst know the individuals posting the comments he identified above were also the same individuals who had "bad hygiene," or were "cheap" and "unattractive," to name just a few of his prejoratives? Now, couple in his gloating claim of a special friendship with some of the providers and connect the dots.

If you really believe cosmicangst and his provider "friends" were not discussing specific individuals, then your naïveté exceeds your exotic beauty. Furthermore, it's absolutely no surprise providers talk among themselves. Fuck, isn't that what the whole screening and reference process is all about? But nowhere is it implied, or in any way acceptable, for a provider to discuss information about one hobbyist with another. I'm not so gullible to think it doesn't happen, but it is still wrong. Given the breach of this most basic and essential tenet of the hobbyist/provider relationship by cosmicangst and his provider "friends," I have no confidence additional, more private matters, we're not also discussed. Thus the reasons for my post.

Finally, go reread the thread again (maybe with the help of someone with a bit more reading comprehension). Point out one dissenting post that advocated or defended bad hygiene or disrespectful conduct towards the female providers. The overwhelming majority of the negative posts were directed at his condescending, paternalistic, completely narcissistic tone, as though the entire P4P community needed to be reminded of the obvious.  

What these guys really mean to say is a) ladies here never enjoy themselves with ME and b) ladies here see the ME as nothing more than money, and c) ladies here could never be friends or more with ME

Forgive me, I actually don't even know how to read... someone read it to me!

Anyway, I'm not gonna get all heated. I acknowledged that perhaps I do not have the complete perspective on the individual poster. But my point was that he made some positive and helpful remarks that I saw clearly without needing to read between the lines. Again, this post seemed to me to be an overall judgement about safety in the community.

Oh, and by "personal information" I meant names, identification, employment information. Things that really matter. Not just a bruised ego by insinuation of an anonymous identity on the interwebs.

Jack_Inhoff1040 reads

The ladies linked to cosmicangst through his reviews and who came to his defense are now on my do-not-see list. Cosmicangst's post yesterday backfired on him big time. He looked like an idiot and he just cost at least a few escorts some business.  

Now, I'm sure people like cosmic and his lady overlords will say that i have bad manners.  No, that's not the case at all. I actually go out of my way to have good manners, hygiene etc when seeing an escort.  But what if, for some reason, one of the ladies happens to be a BSC hooker for some reason and turns on me irrationally?  Well, what's to prevent her from sharing with cosmic and others confidential information about me?  Is this scenario a stretch? Maybe...but maybe not. You never know. Regardless, this industry has too many risks to take unnecessary chances, so why take the risk by seeing women that are linked to this guy?

Jack_Inhoff1088 reads

Cosmicangst's post yesterday backfired on him big time.  He made himself look like an idiot and he cost some providers some business.  

The ladies linked to cosmic through his reviews and the ones who rushed to his defense yesterday are now on my do-not-see list. Now, I'm sure Cosmic and his female overlords will be quick to say that I must have bad manners, hygiene etc. Well, it's quite the contrary. I go out of my way to have good hygiene, manners etc, but what happens if I see one of these ladies and she turns out to be some kind of BSC hooker who turns on me irrationally? What is to prevent her from sharing confidential info about me with someone like cosmicangst?  Is this scenario a stretch? Maybe....but maybe not. In an industry such as this with so many risks, I'd rather not take unnecessary chances by seeing ladies who are linked to this guy.  

Way to go, Cosmic. You just hurt the people you were claiming to help.

-- Modified on 7/17/2014 8:59:05 AM

GaGambler886 reads

It's funny, I will rarely see a woman "because" of her board personality, but I damn sure will put woman on my own personal "must miss" list if she proves herself, BSC, vindictive, petty, or untrustworthy by virtue of what she say on a discussion board.

Several women made my personal "must miss" list yesterday because of what was said on Cosmicsucksup's thread yesterday, Great job there Cosmicsuckup, You should be proud of yourself.

Jack_Inhoff792 reads

After hitting "post message", it didn't appear right away. So, I wrote it up again. Don't think I'm too narcissistic! LOL!

I was trying to say in the other posts I posted related to this topic.  Thank you!  I was never good at expressing what I feel in words.  Happy hobbying :)

eally, I don't see anything about names or specific handles being give out.

-- Modified on 7/17/2014 11:55:13 AM

Jack_Inhoff1085 reads

Do you know what this guy talks about with his paid "friends"?  Do you?  If you don't, then perhaps you should stop lecturing the rest of us.

-- Modified on 7/17/2014 10:32:00 AM


I guess since I had nothing to do with any of these crazy ass posts except throwing in a little comment here or there constitutes me agreeing with whomever or whatever, which quite honestly I don't give a shit either way, I'll assume you're now pointing fingers my way so I can also be on people's' 'must not see' list... Not sure but I guess I'll make an assumption just like you lol.

Anyway, since we brought me and my thoughts into this, here's my current practice:

Charge my hourly fee, answer emails and questions about location, screen, give address info at the correct time, guy comes over, I fuck the shit out of him, or chat then blow for a bit, depending on how he likes the time spent, make him smile, give him a nice kiss goodbye, a pat on the ass, and leave him and his business alone until next time. I do promote other ladies to make him fantasize tho.

Other than that I will say, to the guy who likes what I advertise, I'm ethical, discreet, and give this my all as I do everything in my life. Hopefully the guys who see me notice that and understand that. I look good, smell good, am groomed, and prepare for the man paying the bucks to see me.

I'm very confident in what I do for a living, and who I am as a person. I don't usually brag about myself, but just in case...


I have made a couple short term friends here. It's been fun PMing guys, emailing, etc. My clients are sweet, hygienic, funny, smart, fun, and pay me. When I don't have time to talk they leave me be lol.

If anyone's feelings are hurt by all these threads, do NOT look at me as someone who insults my customers. They are my bread and butter and in return, I am their dessert.

-- Modified on 7/17/2014 12:44:10 PM

I don't see anything wrong with advocating someone clearly defining a code of conduct.

I feel similarly to you. I don't see any of this type of hurt-ego mess in my world. I'll point out what I believe is useful vs beneficial on this board though

I do hint respect here on the boards to remind my gents that I associate with respectful people who treat me well.  

But if someone wants to rant and rave to other guys about wiping their ass - well - I want nothing to do with that. That's between me and my clients - why would I flaunt that info.

I guess I'm lucky that I haven't really come across a lot of those issues, so...

Jack_Inhoff704 reads

Posted By: Courtney.Ova
 I guess since I had nothing to do with any of these crazy ass posts except throwing in a little comment here or there constitutes me agreeing with whomever or whatever, which quite honestly I don't give a shit either way, I'll assume you're now pointing fingers my way so I can also be on people's' 'must not see' list... Not sure but I guess I'll make an assumption just like you lol.  
 Anyway, since we brought me and my thoughts into this, here's my current practice:  
 Charge my hourly fee, answer emails and questions about location, screen, give address info at the correct time, guy comes over, I fuck the shit out of him, or chat then blow for a bit, depending on how he likes the time spent, make him smile, give him a nice kiss goodbye, a pat on the ass, and leave him and his business alone until next time. I do promote other ladies to make him fantasize tho.  
 Other than that I will say, to the guy who likes what I advertise, I'm ethical, discreet, and give this my all as I do everything in my life. Hopefully the guys who see me notice that and understand that. I look good, smell good, am groomed, and prepare for the man paying the bucks to see me.  
 I'm very confident in what I do for a living, and who I am as a person. I don't usually brag about myself, but just in case...  
 I have made a couple short term friends here. It's been fun PMing guys, emailing, etc. My clients are sweet, hygienic, funny, smart, fun, and pay me. When I don't have time to talk they leave me be lol.  
 If anyone's feelings are hurt by all these threads, do NOT look at me as someone who insults my customers. They are my bread and butter and in return, I am their dessert.  

-- Modified on 7/17/2014 12:44:10 PM

Courtney, I'm not pointing fingers at you, nor am I indicating that you are part of the cosmicangst fan club and therefore on my DNS list.  

Perhaps, I'm wrong, but you seemed to display a "just don't worry about it" attitude.  My response to you is that if you don't know for sure what this jerk has discussed with others, you probably shouldn't lecture us. As we see from cosmicangst's latest post, he just outed a provider, so discretion is not his strongpoint.  Still think people who have seen providers linked to this guy shouldn't be worried?

I don't think seeing one person say a quick hello to another or engaging in board talk means they know everything about what us being talked about.

Some people come here, have a little fun, utilize TER for the reasons it's here, then move on. They don't get into the background.

Many folks here meet in various formats and have fun.  They share stories and experiences...that is a good thing.

The problem is that in this world when someone tends to take a side they become part of the "guilt by association" in threads and posts.

I have read your comments over the past couple of days and you've stayed neutral, as most people will tend to do.  Here you tended to "side" with cosmic on not naming people, and understandably someone jumped on that as "you're on his side".  But Lola had a similar observation and then re-read and understood what many (both guys and gals) are quite alarmed about.

Fortunately most folks have fun here...move along and find some more fun.

But it's also good to know those whose idea of fun is to out other members to the masses.  Then "we" can decide if "we" want to avoid them.  Sharing this information is the purpose of the boards and PM system.  Seems you got a chance to see it work the way it was designed.

Posted By: Courtney.Ova
I don't think seeing one person say a quick hello to another or engaging in board talk means they know everything about what us being talked about.  
 Some people come here, have a little fun, utilize TER for the reasons it's here, then move on. They don't get into the background.

My original point was, that for the sake of people who don't take the time to recognize patterns in shitty behaviors, the first post had valuable advice (even if wrapped up in an opportunity to boast). This one just seemed all-out negative.

The point is to not feed the trolls.

a complaint is just that and names are not brought up or asked for.  I personally have not shared info about nasty items happening with guests with people who are not my girlfriends but even then names are not brought up.  It ends up more us bringing up the worst so we can laugh about it later.  Again it is more for venting not about sharing names or the like.  Not sure exactly where you got that.  By him saying it is alot of guests here, I would guess on his part that is just a guess but then I am not privy to those conversations.

Thinking that we are all unethical just because we have visited with and been reviewed by Cosmic and like him, does not mean we run to him to share bad stuff.  We may not agree about alot of things but there i always blowback when sharing info about guests with other guests and personally I try to avoid that at all costs because it is not part of the fantasy I provide.

You may not share names with other people when your venting about guys. That's you but can you say with 100% certainty that every lady in Chicago does the same thing?.  The problem is we don't know how much information, Cosmic and his ladies friends share between each other. That is the part that is bothering most people.

And checking out his paid friends Giselle's reviews she has 137 written...which in TER would translate to well over a thousand paid encounters.  Add to that cosmics listing of paid encounters...well, that would become a "large sample" as cosmic posted in his opening paragraph.

Considering the six degree theory that would seem that many of "us" know each other quite well  LOL

Fortunately most of "us" don't out our friends publicly.  Heck, most of "us" don't discuss shit aside from the usual friendly banter.

Cosmic and his paid friend Giselle have blown that right out of the water.  But they are in the minority IMHO.  

As Axxel's good to know who the despicable assholes in this community are.  And if that thread wasn't enough to form an opinion on...all any reader has to do is a google or search here and there's no shortage of why that thread turned into the trainwreck it did.

Posted By: LamontCranston69
You may not share names with other people when your venting about guys. That's you but can you say with 100% certainty that every lady in Chicago does the same thing?.  The problem is we don't know how much information, Cosmic and his ladies friends share between each other. That is the part that is bothering most people.

Jack_Inhoff1054 reads

Well Sage, considering you are one of those girls linked to cosmicangst, it's no surprise that you would come rushing to his defense and not hesitate to say that he didn't really mean what he implied.  

Hate to break it to you but you have NO credibility in my book.  

-- Modified on 7/17/2014 10:28:00 AM

Jack_Inhoff852 reads

Sage, you may have all the credibility in the world with "those that matter", but the reality is that your flippant disregard for the very legitimate concerns of various people on here doesn't exactly endear you to others. As I said, considering you are linked to Cosmicangst and are one of his defenders, your reaction is not unexpected.

Jack_Inhoff980 reads

Posted By: nevertell
back at ya
Perhaps my comment was stupid, BUT that has nothing to do with my use of an alias.  I use an alias for a number of reasons, all of them good-natured.  One big reason I use an alias is because I don't think it's fair for the ladies I've reviewed to be associated with my possibly stupid comments like the one to which you refer.  I just speak for me and no one else. That's my reasoning at least. Also, I don't want to take a chance of dragging the girls I've reviewed into drama such as this.  I guess that's the mangina/white knight in me. LOL!

I just had a bet going with GaG on when comsic's paid friend would show up...with an alias  LOL

I guess I won  ;)

Posted By: Jack_Inhoff
Posted By: nevertell
back at ya
 Perhaps my comment was stupid, BUT that has nothing to do with my use of an alias.  I use an alias for a number of reasons, all of them good-natured.  One big reason I use an alias is because I don't think it's fair for the ladies I've reviewed to be associated with my possibly stupid comments like the one to which you refer.  I just speak for me and no one else. That's my reasoning at least. Also, I don't want to take a chance of dragging the girls I've reviewed into drama such as this.  I guess that's the mangina/white knight in me. LOL!

One of the prerequisites for an initial appointment is the disclosure of sufficient information for a provider to do whatever screening she feels necessary to make her feel safe and comfortable. This includes, in some cases, requests for your legal name, employer, email address, phone number, etc. I don't think you need to be reminded how sensitive the subject of anonymity and non disclosure is to the hobbyist, and how critical it is to the survival of the industry.  

cosmicangst wrote, "Most of the guys here are complete asshats - bad hygiene, bad manners, rude, obnixious, abbrasive, mean, cheap, unattractive, difficult, mean, manipulative, creepy, etc etc."

He then identifies these offending individuals as "the guys who are constantly throwing around negative comments about the girls. Talking about things like how a) ladies here never enjoy themselves with a client and b) ladies here see the guys as nothing more than money, and c) ladies here could never be friends or more with a client and d) talking about bad appointment after bad appointment."  

Finally, he unabashedly states he derived this information "from 10 years of getting close to ladies, being brought behind the veil, and seeing what really goes on from a provider's perspective.  Not just one, but many.  And I have heard the same stories, over and over and over again.  These ladies put up with tons of shit from the guys.  But they won't come out and say these things because they don't want to jeopardize their business.  I don't have the same constraint, so here it is."

Read my earlier post in this thread about deductive reasoning and maybe you won't be so apologetic for your friend, and so totally dismissive of the angst this is causing a lot of hobbyists. How the fuck would you feel if cosmicangst's thread was flipped around, and the men had all of this personal information about you, and you read there was a possibility (READ THIS VERY CLEAR, I SAID A POSSIBILITY) the information was being shared with someone who had no business knowing it. Would you be so callous and indifferent then?  

Unless you need reminding, we are breaking the law here, and some people will suffer dire consequences if ever exposed. So excuse the paranoia if it is upsetting to you and your circle of "friends." What he and the women did was wrong. The only redeeming factor in this whole scenario is that the hobbyists now have a little better insight into the back room intrigues that go on.

This kind of behind-the-scenes gossip is seriously getting out of hand (not to mention the fact that it's clearly not so "behind-the-scenes" anymore). I'm kind of appalled that people are pitting people against each other/alluding to the contents of private correspondence, etc. It's that kind of high school-ish drama that makes shit harder for the rest of us (on both sides of the transaction).  

Posted By: RespectfullyYours
One of the prerequisites for an initial appointment is the disclosure of sufficient information for a provider to do whatever screening she feels necessary to make her feel safe and comfortable. This includes, in some cases, requests for your legal name, employer, email address, phone number, etc. I don't think you need to be reminded how sensitive the subject of anonymity and non disclosure is to the hobbyist, and how critical it is to the survival of the industry.  
 cosmicangst wrote, "Most of the guys here are complete asshats - bad hygiene, bad manners, rude, obnixious, abbrasive, mean, cheap, unattractive, difficult, mean, manipulative, creepy, etc etc."  
 He then identifies these offending individuals as "the guys who are constantly throwing around negative comments about the girls. Talking about things like how a) ladies here never enjoy themselves with a client and b) ladies here see the guys as nothing more than money, and c) ladies here could never be friends or more with a client and d) talking about bad appointment after bad appointment."  
 Finally, he unabashedly states he derived this information "from 10 years of getting close to ladies, being brought behind the veil, and seeing what really goes on from a provider's perspective.  Not just one, but many.  And I have heard the same stories, over and over and over again.  These ladies put up with tons of shit from the guys.  But they won't come out and say these things because they don't want to jeopardize their business.  I don't have the same constraint, so here it is."  
 Read my earlier post in this thread about deductive reasoning and maybe you won't be so apologetic for your friend, and so totally dismissive of the angst this is causing a lot of hobbyists. How the fuck would you feel if cosmicangst's thread was flipped around, and the men had all of this personal information about you, and you read there was a possibility (READ THIS VERY CLEAR, I SAID A POSSIBILITY) the information was being shared with someone who had no business knowing it. Would you be so callous and indifferent then?  
 Unless you need reminding, we are breaking the law here, and some people will suffer dire consequences if ever exposed. So excuse the paranoia if it is upsetting to you and your circle of "friends." What he and the women did was wrong. The only redeeming factor in this whole scenario is that the hobbyists now have a little better insight into the back room intrigues that go on.

It can be difficult on a board to discern the truth from bullshit at times.  When a poster...any poster is refuting to take responsibility and ownership of comments made (and that may be in various forms and on various boards) then it is incumbent to call the poster out on that.

We've had that crap happen too many times on other boards here...members overtly lie to cover up their own words...and yet the evidence to flush out the truth can't readily be displayed.  But you (and most active contributors) know that information can be disseminated to those interested in educating themselves.

Providing the opportunity to display damaging evidence is done everyday.  It tends to refute the nonsense that some posters babble.  

If getting to the truth on a matter is an affront to you as childish...I doubt you'd enjoy practicing law.

Posted By: Tobi Telford
This kind of behind-the-scenes gossip is seriously getting out of hand (not to mention the fact that it's clearly not so "behind-the-scenes" anymore). I'm kind of appalled that people are pitting people against each other/alluding to the contents of private correspondence, etc. It's that kind of high school-ish drama that makes shit harder for the rest of us (on both sides of the transaction).  
Posted By: RespectfullyYours
One of the prerequisites for an initial appointment is the disclosure of sufficient information for a provider to do whatever screening she feels necessary to make her feel safe and comfortable. This includes, in some cases, requests for your legal name, employer, email address, phone number, etc. I don't think you need to be reminded how sensitive the subject of anonymity and non disclosure is to the hobbyist, and how critical it is to the survival of the industry.    
  cosmicangst wrote, "Most of the guys here are complete asshats - bad hygiene, bad manners, rude, obnixious, abbrasive, mean, cheap, unattractive, difficult, mean, manipulative, creepy, etc etc."  
  He then identifies these offending individuals as "the guys who are constantly throwing around negative comments about the girls. Talking about things like how a) ladies here never enjoy themselves with a client and b) ladies here see the guys as nothing more than money, and c) ladies here could never be friends or more with a client and d) talking about bad appointment after bad appointment."    
  Finally, he unabashedly states he derived this information "from 10 years of getting close to ladies, being brought behind the veil, and seeing what really goes on from a provider's perspective.  Not just one, but many.  And I have heard the same stories, over and over and over again.  These ladies put up with tons of shit from the guys.  But they won't come out and say these things because they don't want to jeopardize their business.  I don't have the same constraint, so here it is."  
  Read my earlier post in this thread about deductive reasoning and maybe you won't be so apologetic for your friend, and so totally dismissive of the angst this is causing a lot of hobbyists. How the fuck would you feel if cosmicangst's thread was flipped around, and the men had all of this personal information about you, and you read there was a possibility (READ THIS VERY CLEAR, I SAID A POSSIBILITY) the information was being shared with someone who had no business knowing it. Would you be so callous and indifferent then?    
  Unless you need reminding, we are breaking the law here, and some people will suffer dire consequences if ever exposed. So excuse the paranoia if it is upsetting to you and your circle of "friends." What he and the women did was wrong. The only redeeming factor in this whole scenario is that the hobbyists now have a little better insight into the back room intrigues that go on.

I do think that it being all about the truth or whatever is a bit of a reach, but I also don't know the entire story (nor do I want to).  

Posted By: ChgoCPA
It can be difficult on a board to discern the truth from bullshit at times.  When a poster...any poster is refuting to take responsibility and ownership of comments made (and that may be in various forms and on various boards) then it is incumbent to call the poster out on that.  
 We've had that crap happen too many times on other boards here...members overtly lie to cover up their own words...and yet the evidence to flush out the truth can't readily be displayed.  But you (and most active contributors) know that information can be disseminated to those interested in educating themselves.  
 Providing the opportunity to display damaging evidence is done everyday.  It tends to refute the nonsense that some posters babble.    
 If getting to the truth on a matter is an affront to you as childish...I doubt you'd enjoy practicing law.  
Posted By: Tobi Telford
This kind of behind-the-scenes gossip is seriously getting out of hand (not to mention the fact that it's clearly not so "behind-the-scenes" anymore). I'm kind of appalled that people are pitting people against each other/alluding to the contents of private correspondence, etc. It's that kind of high school-ish drama that makes shit harder for the rest of us (on both sides of the transaction).    
Posted By: RespectfullyYours
One of the prerequisites for an initial appointment is the disclosure of sufficient information for a provider to do whatever screening she feels necessary to make her feel safe and comfortable. This includes, in some cases, requests for your legal name, employer, email address, phone number, etc. I don't think you need to be reminded how sensitive the subject of anonymity and non disclosure is to the hobbyist, and how critical it is to the survival of the industry.    
   cosmicangst wrote, "Most of the guys here are complete asshats - bad hygiene, bad manners, rude, obnixious, abbrasive, mean, cheap, unattractive, difficult, mean, manipulative, creepy, etc etc."    
   He then identifies these offending individuals as "the guys who are constantly throwing around negative comments about the girls. Talking about things like how a) ladies here never enjoy themselves with a client and b) ladies here see the guys as nothing more than money, and c) ladies here could never be friends or more with a client and d) talking about bad appointment after bad appointment."    
   Finally, he unabashedly states he derived this information "from 10 years of getting close to ladies, being brought behind the veil, and seeing what really goes on from a provider's perspective.  Not just one, but many.  And I have heard the same stories, over and over and over again.  These ladies put up with tons of shit from the guys.  But they won't come out and say these things because they don't want to jeopardize their business.  I don't have the same constraint, so here it is."    
   Read my earlier post in this thread about deductive reasoning and maybe you won't be so apologetic for your friend, and so totally dismissive of the angst this is causing a lot of hobbyists. How the fuck would you feel if cosmicangst's thread was flipped around, and the men had all of this personal information about you, and you read there was a possibility (READ THIS VERY CLEAR, I SAID A POSSIBILITY) the information was being shared with someone who had no business knowing it. Would you be so callous and indifferent then?    
   Unless you need reminding, we are breaking the law here, and some people will suffer dire consequences if ever exposed. So excuse the paranoia if it is upsetting to you and your circle of "friends." What he and the women did was wrong. The only redeeming factor in this whole scenario is that the hobbyists now have a little better insight into the back room intrigues that go on.

Without knowing, or wanting to know, why would you even comment here?

That's how most view any discussion board...rarely can someone follow an issue.  Yet feel compelled to criticize with no basis whatsoever.

Just sayin!

I'm saying I don't know about any of the backchannel shit, I just don't like when people are like "I heard some shit about you," "oh yeah? Well I heard some shit about YOU!"  

My basis was what was made publicly available by the people participating in the thread. I'm not even taking sides here. I just thought what was being said by multiple parties was lame. That's all. I made a simple observation and voiced my opinion. I have no dog in this fight.  

Posted By: ChgoCPA
Without knowing, or wanting to know, why would you even comment here?  
 That's how most view any discussion board...rarely can someone follow an issue.  Yet feel compelled to criticize with no basis whatsoever.  
 Just sayin!

Chill, that is.

PM'd me to try to insult me since I went offline.

Somebody is cwwwanky.

Send Tobi that problem.

If you're going to be least let me issue you a real insult.

That was a question (regarding your prior post to me here)...feel free to post it here.  

I thought you had a few more brain cells than others here...apparently not. (that's an insult!)

Glad you are drama free  LOL

Posted By: lola.luscious8
Chill, that is.  
 PM'd me to try to insult me since I went offline.  
 Somebody is cwwwanky.

I TOLD you, I can't read.

And yeah, I have better things to do than sit on the TER board being butthurt all day.

I also would imagine Tobi does as well, so if you want to be the wanker that continues to seek out ways to be bitchy, have at it and send it.

Seems like logic is also not your strong suit  ;)

Whatever...just own what you post.

Or not and expect some of the board assholes (CPA to be precise) to call you on it.

Posted By: lola.luscious8
I TOLD you, I can't read.  
 And yeah, I have better things to do than sit on the TER board being butthurt all day.  
 I also would imagine Tobi does as well, so if you want to be the wanker that continues to seek out ways to be bitchy, have at it and send it.

This is all about privacy and confidentiality that has admittedly been breached for some time now. All the rest is pure surplusage. Anyone paying upwards of $700 an hour for a discreet, intimate encounter has a legitimate expectation that what goes on behind closed doors stays behind closed doors. Providers sharing information amongst themselves for purposes of screening and safety is one thing, and can reasonably be expected to occur. A male hobbyist writing a review is also an accepted norm. But there is no fucking reason for a provider to share information about one hobbyist with another hobbyist. It serves no useful or constructive purpose save for the prurient, perverted desire to share gossip and innuendo. The providers scream for respect on the boards, and deservedly so. But respect is a two-way street, and what cosmicangst and his circle of friends did was completely disrespectful, and potentially damaging to a number of individuals

I have NEVER met a client who asked me about another client by name NOR asked me about another client EVER! Nor have I ever bring up a client by name or in reference with anyone else. When I agreed with COMI it was about being clean, showing care, being cooperative and showing respect.

My liking what he said had 100% nothing to do with being friends with any client because I am NOT.  
This is a business, I have no time for friends and gossiping about specific guys. BORING....

I agree, some are reading way too much into ladies agreeing with what he said.

Take a chill pill and RELAX! Speaking for myself, I have no interest in talking about a client by name or not by name to another client. That's STUPID and weird!! What guy wants to come and pay to see a lady then talk about another guy during a session? That has never happened to me and if it did I would IGNORE him. If he continued I would SHUT it down. It's stupid and kills the session!

This whole thread of COMI sharing what ladies like and DISlike about a client turned into him naming names is ridiculous and BORING!  How dare anyone put words in a providers mouth just cause she agrees with what another person said. Some here are confused about what providers are agreeing with.

We all need to move on to more positive and productive things...  not bashing one another.

-- Modified on 7/17/2014 2:43:12 PM

Definitely agree with this.

I've never discussed another client with any client. Why would I? That is a concept that is beyond me.

I suppose that's why I agreed with the points that he made in the post. Honestly, we are all here for personal gain, so who gives a flying fuck about what anyone else is doing?

OP thanks, that was a very insightful post with a perspective that was lost in the other clusterfuck thread.  It will be interesting to see how many people discretely delete or reword posts in that thread.  After being on this forum for more than a decade I have learned much  information and gained much wisdom by watching who interacts and supports who on this board.  Chances are if there is a big buddy relationship on the surface there is a lot more behind the scenes.  Generally speaking prolific posters here who are involved with stupid talk and drama are much more involved with the same behind the scenes.  Cosmicdingdong has done this board a valuable service in outing hidden channels.  Look at who he has reviewed, who he is buddys with, who came to his support here.  Then look at who they buddy up with.  If you have seen any of them one could pause for a second to consider that your personal info could be shared through that entire group.  

I don't remember a trainwreck like that here, but I saw it once or twice on TBD.  

To all the lurkers who don't post much, learn from these threads.  The way to avoid these loose lipped drama queens and kings from taking over the board is to contribute real information, avoid the treads about non hobby related crap as well as the "hobbiests" and girls who contribute to those threads.  When they control the flow of information here, the information is useless.

I expect to see many posts or even a  few threads deleted due to this thread.  Thanks OP.

I give it a 9.5 on the cringe-o-meter. Cringey OP, cringey retorts.

OMG now you are on a witch hunt and you are going to punish the girls who know me?  That is just ridiculous.  

So, in order to try to alleviate some of the worry, let me explain to you where my information comes from.

First of all, if you don't think the ladies talk, you are deluding yourself.  They talk to each other.  They talk to their significant others.  If you aren't treating them well, word will get around.  I have no delusions that I am not talked about.  If you are going to stop seeing anybody who talks, you're going to have to stop seeing everybody.

Second of all, for the most part my information comes from general stories - complaints when hanging out with ladies.  Nobody ever talks about who the client is, they just say "I saw this fat guy who shit all over the towels my bathroom", or "I was going down on this guy with so much dick cheese I puked on him".  I have heard story after story like this.  Most guys don't realize what these ladies have to deal with.  But nobody says "hey, XXXX from the boards shit on my towels today" or " YYYY pulled a chunk of my hair out" or " ZZZZ hog tied me and hung me from the ceiling"   Yes, all these are actual things that have happened, and shit like this happens way more than anybody realizes.  But nowhere did I say I have, or that any girl, is sharing specific info on any hobbiest.  You guys are jumping to conclusions.

Third of all, some information is "public domain".  For example, a lot of what I heard from CTP didn't come from any specific lady that I was seeing, but instead a whole group of ladies standing outside smoking at a meet and greet talking shit about him.  They were drinking, and talking about how much they disliked the guy.  And they weren't just talking for them, but for their friends as well.  Public domain.  

And CPA, well, I have a little bit of a history with him, and it's not a pleasant one.  I swear CPA, you are possibly the biggest asshole I've ever met, and I think you work hard to be that guy.  And I think you are a little obsessed with me.

And finally, I did date Traci / Generosa Goodhand for two years.  She used to leave big notebooks filled with detailed information of her clients lying around.  Nice huh?  And I made a lot of friends with ladies she knew, who I never saw professionally.  Any really detailed info I ever saw came from my relationship with her.  But I heard the same stories back then as I do now.  

Do not punish the girls because you are pissed at me.  It's like, I made you so mad, that you want to kill me and my whole family too.  It's ridiculous.  None of the ladies I have ever seen did anything wrong.  None of what I said came from them.  You guys are all going crazy.  Additionally, I have stopped seeing everybody.  Go ahead and ask any of them!  Ladies, I give you full permission to tell any of these guys anything you want about me.  

I have to apologize for my "rant".  I stand by the content of it, but I was heated when I wrote it, and therefore it came across too heated, and turned into a massive train wreck.  CTP and CPA made it about me and Giselle, which made me even more heated.  If I knew how that would have exploded, I would have bit my tongue.  But at least the board is interesting again, eh?


Posted By: RespectfullyYours
Yesterday's "Rant" thread by cosmicangst revealed a potential hazard that wasn't addressed. There appears to be a select few providers and hobbyists that have formed personal friendships through their P4P activities. As cosmicangst so proudly boasted, the provider "friends" he has made have given him a plethora of information on the grooming and behavioral habits on a vast number of hobbyists. This begs the question, what other information have these providers given to their hobbyist friends? The providers scream the common mantra of performing a thorough screening of their clients, and request a lot of personal information before seeing someone. How secure do you feel providing this information now, knowing that there are some providers who seem to have no problem sharing personal information about their client experiences with their "friends?" Think of the implications this has. For all of you ladies who so blindly ran to his defense yesterday, did you even read what he wrote before voting him Mr. TER? Are you so cavalier about the concept of discretion and personal anonymity that this doesn't bother you?  
 I want to thank cosmicangst for putting some light on this troubling issue, though I am sure it was inadvertent on his part.  
-- Modified on 7/17/2014 3:35:07 PM

-- Modified on 7/17/2014 3:39:24 PM

YOU are a fucking danger to this community.  

I won't link her reviews here...but anyone can easily get them.

Stop already...quit this arena you are in.  YOU are out of control!!!!!!!

You've already seen the exodus of some of the gals you outed via your prior bullshit nonsense...stop already.

Posted By: cosmicangst
OMG now you are on a witch hunt and you are going to punish the girls who know me?  That is just ridiculous.    
 So, in order to try to alleviate some of the worry, let me explain to you where my information comes from.  
 First of all, if you don't think the ladies talk, you are deluding yourself.  They talk to each other.  They talk to their significant others.  If you aren't treating them well, word will get around.  I have no delusions that I am not talked about.  If you are going to stop seeing anybody who talks, you're going to have to stop seeing everybody.  
 Second of all, for the most part my information comes from general stories - complaints when hanging out with ladies.  Nobody ever talks about who the client is, they just say "I saw this fat guy who shit all over the towels my bathroom", or "I was going down on this guy with so much dick cheese I puked on him".  I have heard story after story like this.  Most guys don't realize what these ladies have to deal with.  But nobody says "hey, XXXX from the boards shit on my towels today" or " YYYY pulled a chunk of my hair out" or " ZZZZ hog tied me and hung me from the ceiling"   Yes, all these are actual things that have happened, and shit like this happens way more than anybody realizes.  But nowhere did I say I have, or that any girl, is sharing specific info on any hobbiest.  You guys are jumping to conclusions.  
 Third of all, some information is "public domain".  For example, a lot of what I heard from CTP didn't come from any specific lady that I was seeing, but instead a whole group of ladies standing outside smoking at a meet and greet talking shit about him.  They were drinking, and talking about how much they disliked the guy.  And they weren't just talking for them, but for their friends as well.  Public domain.    
 And CPA, well, I have a little bit of a history with him, and it's not a pleasant one.  I swear CPA, you are possibly the biggest asshole I've ever met, and I think you work hard to be that guy.  And I think you are a little obsessed with me.  
 And finally, I did date Traci / Generosa Goodhand for two years.  She used to leave big notebooks filled with detailed information of her clients lying around.  Nice huh?  And I made a lot of friends with ladies she knew, who I never saw professionally.  Any really detailed info I ever saw came from my relationship with her.  But I heard the same stories back then as I do now.    
 Do not punish the girls because you are pissed at me.  It's like, I made you so made, that you want to kill me and my whole family too.  It's ridiculous.  None of the ladies I have ever seen did anything wrong.  None of what I said came from them.  You guys are all going crazy.  Additionally, I have stopped seeing everybody.  Go ahead and ask any of them!  Ladies, I give you full permission to tell any of these guys anything you want about me.    
 I have to apologize for my "rant".  I stand by the content of it, but I was heated when I wrote it, and therefore it came across too heated, and turned into a massive train wreck.  CTP and CPA made it about me and Giselle, which made me even more heated.  If I knew how that would have exploded, I would have bit my tongue.  But at least the board is interesting again, eh?  
 1) I dated Generosa Goodhand for two years.  She used to leave note books with tons of information about her clients, contact info, and other notes just lying around.  Nice huh?  Anyway, I was her significant other.  I learned a ton from her.    
 2) Through that relationship, I became good friends with a number of other ladies, many who I have never seen as a client, and therefore never reviewed.  In fact, some of my most detailed information comes from ladies I've never seen professionally.  
 3) I have stopped seeing every girl.  Go through my list and ask each one of them when the last time they saw me was.  I'm not seeing them anymore, so you don't have to worry.  Consider me disassociated with everybody but Giselle.  Ladies (who know me), I give you full permission to tell any of these guys anything you want about me.  So guys, go ahead and see them and ask.  I'm out of the picture.  
 4) If you are going to stop seeing every girl that "talks", you will have to stop seeing pretty much every body.  The girls talk to each other.  They talk to their significant others.  They talk.  And so do the guys.  Everybody talks.  If you are not treating them right, word gets around.  
 I do want to apologize about the "rant".  It came across way way harsher than it should have.  I was a little heated when I wrote it due to countless people who do not know me at all interfering in my life.  And I got even more heated when CPA and CTP chimed in and made it all about me and Giselle.  But the content of it was not wrong.  Many guys do NOT treat the ladies well.   But I did not expect this it to turn into the massive disaster it was.  
 Please do not punish the ladies for any of this.  It is ridiculous and wrong.  It's like, you're so mad at me you want to punish anybody who knows me.  And you cannot blame any of this on them.  It is all me.   The rant came from me.  You want to be pissed at somebody, be pissed at me.    
-- Modified on 7/17/2014 3:33:56 PM

I am a danger?  The only person I named was the one lady who cannot be trusted.  And I'd be happy to explain why.

This is mob mentality and you are going for a lynching.  Pitchforks and torches blazing.  I do not know how you live with yourself.  You are looking to punish somebody that YOU supposedly care about for the crime of knowing me.  Remember how you told me, at lunch that day, that you have only 2 friends?  Is it any wonder why?

I am exiting the community.  You should do the same, for the sake of everybody.  

-- Modified on 7/17/2014 4:29:32 PM

IsorokuYamamoto1032 reads

Haven't we heard this before?  

Posted By: cosmicangst
I am a danger?  The only person I named was the one lady who cannot be trusted.  And I'd be happy to explain why.  
 This is mob mentality and you are going for a lynching.  Pitchforks and torches blazing.  I do not know how you live with yourself.  You are looking to punish somebody that YOU supposedly care about for the crime of knowing me.  Remember how you told me, at lunch that day, that you have only 2 friends?  Is it any wonder why?  
 I am exiting the community.  You should do the same, for the sake of everybody.  

-- Modified on 7/17/2014 4:29:32 PM

No putz...this is all on YOU.  YOU started a thread yesterday with an agenda.  YOU called me out and I responded.  I even asked in my first post to you "are you sure you want to go there"?  Check it out a search by time stamps.  I don't fucking make up shit that I can't back up or own.

Now you are just itching to out another innocent.  And of all the people here...and you damn well know she doesn't post here...YOU want to fucking out her?  How simply pathetic your sorry life must be.  The ONLY person in all of this that actually gives somewhat of a shit about you.

But it seems that given your recent dive into the abyss with your pathetic can't see anything anymore.  Maybe if you'd step back and realize that you're not Captain Save-A-Hoe and that Giselle has been down this path more times than you care to count you'd realize that a drowning person will grab onto anything.

Be a fucking man however...and just go down the shithole you've decided to go down with Giselle...and leave the good ones alone.

Or be the pathetic little man you are...and try and take someone(s) with you. are not a victim.  YOU are simply one who is so pathetically immature that simply can't ever take responsibility for anything in your life.  You've done it over and over and over.  And will continue blaming everyone else for your pathetic decisions in life.  

Your move can't imagine how many of your "friends" are watching your next move!

Posted By: cosmicangst
I am a danger?  The only person I named was the one lady who cannot be trusted.  And I'd be happy to explain why.  
 This is mob mentality and you are going for a lynching.  Pitchforks and torches blazing.  I do not know how you live with yourself.  You are looking to punish somebody that YOU supposedly care about for the crime of knowing me.  Remember how you told me, at lunch that day, that you have only 2 friends?  Is it any wonder why?  
 I am exiting the community.  You should do the same, for the sake of everybody.  

-- Modified on 7/17/2014 4:29:32 PM

Jack_Inhoff761 reads

Posted By: cosmicangst
OMG now you are on a witch hunt and you are going to punish the girls who know me?  That is just ridiculous.    
 So, in order to try to alleviate some of the worry, let me explain to you where my information comes from.  
 First of all, if you don't think the ladies talk, you are deluding yourself.  They talk to each other.  They talk to their significant others.  If you aren't treating them well, word will get around.  I have no delusions that I am not talked about.  If you are going to stop seeing anybody who talks, you're going to have to stop seeing everybody.  
 Second of all, for the most part my information comes from general stories - complaints when hanging out with ladies.  Nobody ever talks about who the client is, they just say "I saw this fat guy who shit all over the towels my bathroom", or "I was going down on this guy with so much dick cheese I puked on him".  I have heard story after story like this.  Most guys don't realize what these ladies have to deal with.  But nobody says "hey, XXXX from the boards shit on my towels today" or " YYYY pulled a chunk of my hair out" or " ZZZZ hog tied me and hung me from the ceiling"   Yes, all these are actual things that have happened, and shit like this happens way more than anybody realizes.  But nowhere did I say I have, or that any girl, is sharing specific info on any hobbiest.  You guys are jumping to conclusions.  
 Third of all, some information is "public domain".  For example, a lot of what I heard from CTP didn't come from any specific lady that I was seeing, but instead a whole group of ladies standing outside smoking at a meet and greet talking shit about him.  They were drinking, and talking about how much they disliked the guy.  And they weren't just talking for them, but for their friends as well.  Public domain.    
 And CPA, well, I have a little bit of a history with him, and it's not a pleasant one.  I swear CPA, you are possibly the biggest asshole I've ever met, and I think you work hard to be that guy.  And I think you are a little obsessed with me.  
 And finally, I did date Traci / Generosa Goodhand for two years.  She used to leave big notebooks filled with detailed information of her clients lying around.  Nice huh?  And I made a lot of friends with ladies she knew, who I never saw professionally.  Any really detailed info I ever saw came from my relationship with her.  But I heard the same stories back then as I do now.    
 Do not punish the girls because you are pissed at me.  It's like, I made you so mad, that you want to kill me and my whole family too.  It's ridiculous.  None of the ladies I have ever seen did anything wrong.  None of what I said came from them.  You guys are all going crazy.  Additionally, I have stopped seeing everybody.  Go ahead and ask any of them!  Ladies, I give you full permission to tell any of these guys anything you want about me.    
 I have to apologize for my "rant".  I stand by the content of it, but I was heated when I wrote it, and therefore it came across too heated, and turned into a massive train wreck.  CTP and CPA made it about me and Giselle, which made me even more heated.  If I knew how that would have exploded, I would have bit my tongue.  But at least the board is interesting again, eh?  
Posted By: RespectfullyYours
Yesterday's "Rant" thread by cosmicangst revealed a potential hazard that wasn't addressed. There appears to be a select few providers and hobbyists that have formed personal friendships through their P4P activities. As cosmicangst so proudly boasted, the provider "friends" he has made have given him a plethora of information on the grooming and behavioral habits on a vast number of hobbyists. This begs the question, what other information have these providers given to their hobbyist friends? The providers scream the common mantra of performing a thorough screening of their clients, and request a lot of personal information before seeing someone. How secure do you feel providing this information now, knowing that there are some providers who seem to have no problem sharing personal information about their client experiences with their "friends?" Think of the implications this has. For all of you ladies who so blindly ran to his defense yesterday, did you even read what he wrote before voting him Mr. TER? Are you so cavalier about the concept of discretion and personal anonymity that this doesn't bother you?    
  I want to thank cosmicangst for putting some light on this troubling issue, though I am sure it was inadvertent on his part.  
 -- Modified on 7/17/2014 3:35:07 PM

-- Modified on 7/17/2014 3:39:24 PM

So, you say we have nothing to worry about, but then you proceed to out a provider and tell us that you learned all kinds of intimate details about her specific clients from the notes she left laying around.  In your attempt to clean up this mess you made, you dug an even deeper hole for yourself. Even though you made a complete ass out of yourself, as other said, you did us all a service. You showed that you and the providers you've seen and the ones who have come to your defense are not worth having anything to do with due to the lack of discretion on your and their part.  This is a very good information for all community members to know .

In my 30+ years as a litigator and jurist I've seen more than my share of liars and back trackers, so you're no exception. Not once have you seen me advocate punishing any of the girls who have seen you. As you continue to do in your current post (I really have a hard time believing you are so incredibly dense and clueless), it was you who indicted these women with your inane comments about all of the things they have told you about other providers. As I said in my earlier post responding to Tobi, when I am paying up to $700 an hour for an intimate encounter with a a provider, you better goddamned well believe I have an expectation that they will be discreet and respect my privacy. You've blown the fucking lid off that expectation with your ridiculous admissions, and now call into question whether anything is  confidential. Quite frankly, I've seen some of the women you have reviewed and have no plans to boycott them based on your blathering. Nevertheless, your feeble explanations are so far-fetched and incredible that I am surprised anyone would ever trust your judgment, or your word. All you are is the unwitting, absolutely clueless messenger who openly exposed this hobby's dirty little secret. Sage, Brooke, Courtney, Carly, et al, I hold no ill will towards them as I've never met them, and have no idea what type of individuals they are. Their rush to defend or minimize your post was probably motivated by a true concern for respect and cleanliness. They can answer that question for themselves. However, the lack of any provider openly condemning the practice of talking about individual client sessions is deafening, and speaks volumes about the double standard applied when discussing respect in this industry.

Just for the record, I DID openly condemn that shit. I think it's insane (not to mention a total boner-killer).  

Posted By: RespectfullyYours
In my 30+ years as a litigator and jurist I've seen more than my share of liars and back trackers, so you're no exception. Not once have you seen me advocate punishing any of the girls who have seen you. As you continue to do in your current post (I really have a hard time believing you are so incredibly dense and clueless), it was you who indicted these women with your inane comments about all of the things they have told you about other providers. As I said in my earlier post responding to Tobi, when I am paying up to $700 an hour for an intimate encounter with a a provider, you better goddamned well believe I have an expectation that they will be discreet and respect my privacy. You've blown the fucking lid off that expectation with your ridiculous admissions, and now call into question whether anything is  confidential. Quite frankly, I've seen some of the women you have reviewed and have no plans to boycott them based on your blathering. Nevertheless, your feeble explanations are so far-fetched and incredible that I am surprised anyone would ever trust your judgment, or your word. All you are is the unwitting, absolutely clueless messenger who openly exposed this hobby's dirty little secret. Sage, Brooke, Courtney, Carly, et al, I hold no ill will towards them as I've never met them, and have no idea what type of individuals they are. Their rush to defend or minimize your post was probably motivated by a true concern for respect and cleanliness. They can answer that question for themselves. However, the lack of any provider openly condemning the practice of talking about individual client sessions is deafening, and speaks volumes about the double standard applied when discussing respect in this industry.

i love these superfluous train we need to figure out who the engineer is?..

That way you can still pretend to be cosmic/Giselles pal and still be OK with ratting them out to others.

Sorry...didn't really mean ratting them out...just discussing know  ;)

Posted By: macdaddy1944
i love these superfluous train we need to figure out who the engineer is?..

McLeaker lol he never ever learns does he?

Posted By: ChgoCPA
That way you can still pretend to be cosmic/Giselles pal and still be OK with ratting them out to others.  
 Sorry...didn't really mean ratting them out...just discussing know  ;)  
Posted By: macdaddy1944
i love these superfluous train we need to figure out who the engineer is?..

But some seem to think that cosmic is feeding her (shit...that'll run a few bucks too) intel.

Maybe she'll tell us the real poop on her RO access?  I know I'll never meet her at a M&G...I don't do them.

Posted By: USGrantlover
McLeaker lol he never ever learns does he?  
Posted By: ChgoCPA
That way you can still pretend to be cosmic/Giselles pal and still be OK with ratting them out to others.  
  Sorry...didn't really mean ratting them out...just discussing know  ;)  
Posted By: macdaddy1944
i love these superfluous train we need to figure out who the engineer is?..

GoingForIt!871 reads


The real poop is in macleaky "depends" adult underwear!

you should change your name to USCOCKLOVER..then i could leak in your fucking mouth asswipe..

Posted By: USGrantlover
McLeaker lol he never ever learns does he?  
Posted By: ChgoCPA
That way you can still pretend to be cosmic/Giselles pal and still be OK with ratting them out to others.  
  Sorry...didn't really mean ratting them out...just discussing know  ;)  
Posted By: macdaddy1944
i love these superfluous train we need to figure out who the engineer is?..

i love peripheries..rim jobs are even better..give up the ghost..this shit has become excruciatingly fucking boring..i am sure you will have a new patsy to fuck over fucking love it and you know it..try to change your shorts more often cause i know you get your nuts off disseminating your righteous fucking drivel little man..

Posted By: ChgoCPA
That way you can still pretend to be cosmic/Giselles pal and still be OK with ratting them out to others.  
 Sorry...didn't really mean ratting them out...just discussing know  ;)  
Posted By: macdaddy1944
i love these superfluous train we need to figure out who the engineer is?..
-- Modified on 7/17/2014 5:43:59 PM

Shit...even you can't be that desperate....can you?

Posted By: macdaddy1944
i love peripheries..rim jobs are even better..  
Posted By: ChgoCPA
That way you can still pretend to be cosmic/Giselles pal and still be OK with ratting them out to others.  
  Sorry...didn't really mean ratting them out...just discussing know  ;)  
Posted By: macdaddy1944
i love these superfluous train we need to figure out who the engineer is?..

Boring and yet here you are. Leakdaddy the master leaker.  

Posted By: macdaddy1944
i love peripheries..rim jobs are even better..give up the ghost..this shit has become excruciatingly fucking boring..i am sure you will have a new patsy to fuck over fucking love it and you know it..try to change your shorts more often cause i know you get your nuts off disseminating your righteous fucking drivel little man..  
Posted By: ChgoCPA
That way you can still pretend to be cosmic/Giselles pal and still be OK with ratting them out to others.  
  Sorry...didn't really mean ratting them out...just discussing know  ;)  
Posted By: macdaddy1944
i love these superfluous train we need to figure out who the engineer is?..
-- Modified on 7/17/2014 5:43:59 PM

Eat some pussy and suck some dick and call it a day?

I like multi-tasking  ;)

I'll let you gals and macdaddy do the dick sucking however.

Posted By: Courtney.Ova
Eat some pussy and suck some dick and call it a day?

i will nevertell..

Posted By: ChgoCPA
I like multi-tasking  ;)  
 I'll let you gals and macdaddy do the dick sucking however.  
Posted By: Courtney.Ova
Eat some pussy and suck some dick and call it a day?

He won't consider you his friend if he finds out  

Posted By: macdaddy1944
i will nevertell..  
Posted By: ChgoCPA
I like multi-tasking  ;)  
  I'll let you gals and macdaddy do the dick sucking however.  
Posted By: Courtney.Ova
Eat some pussy and suck some dick and call it a day?
-- Modified on 7/17/2014 8:50:28 PM

Macleaker loves to talk about guys sucking his dick doesn't he? Shrivled up worm that it is.  

Posted By: ChgoCPA
I like multi-tasking  ;)  
 I'll let you gals and macdaddy do the dick sucking however.  
Posted By: Courtney.Ova
Eat some pussy and suck some dick and call it a day?

I keep a solo..... Not be involved in the drama.... Hobby should be fun fun fun..  My guys are "lurkers".... Who are reviewers & active hobbyists whom keep to themselves...  I like them & appreciate them a lot!!!

Jack_Inhoff957 reads

Posted By: Gemma Coreana
I keep a solo..... Not be involved in the drama.... Hobby should be fun fun fun..  My guys are "lurkers".... Who are reviewers & active hobbyists whom keep to themselves...  I like them & appreciate them a lot!!!  
You're involved in your large share of drama. You're somewhat of a troublemaker. It's amusing to hear you praise people who aren't involved in drama. You're the last one who should be talking. LoL

I'm not involved in any drama.. Don't point your fingers at me.. I don't know any of these fools & don't tend to... So don't put me in it...  With your alias, coward!!

Jack_Inhoff789 reads

Posted By: Gemma Coreana
I'm not involved in any drama.. Don't point your fingers at me.. I don't know any of these fools & don't tend to... So don't put me in it...  With your alias, coward!!
LoL!!! Why do you want to know which ladies I've reviewed? So you can involve them in this drama? No thanks to that! You've already shown, by supporting Cosmicangst's original thread, that you support indiscretion.

Look ASSWIPE, I only support the gents being generous, cleansed, not violent & respect of the girls... Anything else I don't give a fuck about!!! So GO FUCK YOURSELF!!!    Don't fucking out my name in ur drama dickwad when I'm agreeing with the basic mannerisms that all hobbyist should show providers.... I don't give a fuck about whom the OP is or wtf he's griping & yakomoto or whatever fuck your Jap ass name is can go fuck URSELF too with your stupid 2cent comments... Trust me I would never see u so don't think your snarky comments about "board is great place to screen" shit....

IsorokuYamamoto933 reads

Of all the idiotic posts,this one may take the cake. The train wreck of the 15th? Who was the first comment!? You. Who lit up the Chicago board today!? You. You're an absolute drama queen. Entertaining absolutely. Embarrassing? Incredibly so. You need to disappear.  

Posted By: Gemma Coreana
I'm not involved in any drama.. Don't point your fingers at me.. I don't know any of these fools & don't tend to... So don't put me in it...  With your alias, coward!!

Point blank period, ladies should not share personal information about the people they see. If you are compelled to talk about your experience, at least do it with another lady in the business, or use no names.  

Other than that point- I think this whole thread and subject is pretty childish. Why can't everyone just get along, if you don't have anything nice to say- say nothing at all. It is does not make you special because someone complained about their clients to you- who know if she was even telling the truth. Not everyone wants their business out there- if you have a problem with an individual why dont you take it up with them? That is what adults do, isn't it?

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