
Re: Hi Drew! :-) You convey yourself as goal oriented and thoughtful
drewros2142 14 Reviews 84 reads

Thank you, both of you! That's really encouraging to hear!

I would like some advice/input from providers, please. I don't have the best income. It's not terrible, but I'm trying to pay off loans and debts, it really leaves me with little extra for recreation. For me to meet with a provider, I usually have to save up for a month or two, to get a good 2 hours appointment (I almost exclusively do 2 hours, to make it worthwhile for myself and provider). This being said, I almost never tip. I feel kind of awful about it, but I don't feel there's much I can do. Because of this, when I'm with a provider, I try my hardest to not make our time suck. I offer to give massages, just have a great conversation if it seems like that's what she's in the mood for, not really asking for anything except for their time. Am I hurting her business by not tipping?

On a related note, I'm saving up to spend the weekend with a provider. Due to the length of time, the consideration will be quite high, and I've been saving up since summer. Will she be offended if I ask to keep this as relaxed as possible? Like, go out to eat, but not somewhere too expensive. Or, go for a walk around town, or go to the aquarium, instead of going to the opera. I don't want her to feel like I don't think she's worth it, but I don't feel that saying "I'm a little poor" would be very tactful either.

May I have your thoughts on this?

I would love to be able to discuss this with you over PM, but a few things I'll say here.... Typically, most providers do not expect a tip. It is a nice surprise, but I am never upset if someone doesn't tip. Personally, I also offer specials because I know that many gentlemen are in your position that they have to save up for their sessions. I would also definitely look for someone that you are attracted to within your price range. Read her reviews, make sure she isn't a clock watcher. I would also try to ensure that she is someone who TRULY enjoys what she does, as these ladies usually don't rush.  I also offer date session specials, as I personally truly enjoy doing a date along with private time.  

Please feel free to email or pm me, as I have a couple of more thoughts that I'd rather not share publicly. [email protected].

Jimbo320058 reads

I went to your web site.  Really cool.  Might sound kinky, but who did your website?

Also, I prefer a date instead of a WMTYM (David Bowie reference).  Always wondered why “escorts” don’t really escort.

I did my website all by myself! I am glad you like it! :) What do you mean by escorts don't really escort? Like go on dates? If so- I offer that.

Posted By: Jimbo3200
Re: Can you PM?  
I went to your web site.  Really cool.  Might sound kinky, but who did your website?  
 Also, I prefer a date instead of a WMTYM (David Bowie reference).  Always wondered why “escorts” don’t really escort.

Lots of things keep my business going, tips aren't one of them so I wouldn't worry there.  

Regarding the weekend- I would find a provider who gives off a relaxed vibe. Check out twitter to see how ladies are in real life, if she's low-key and enjoys museums and cool hole-in-the-way places in real life chances are she'll be a fun weekend date and closer to what you're looking for. We enjoy being treated well but I would never want someone to go outside of their means to spend time with me. Plus, activities like wandering the city give you a chance to build more of a connection that sitting at the opera for a few hours. I'm not sure if you already have a woman in mind or not but simply asking her is also ok to do. If she says "no that's not my style" then simply find another lady.

Another alternative to a weekend is booking two longer dates two days in a row, like a 4 hour lunch date one day and 4 hour dinner date the next evening. Also this time of year ladies tend to have holiday packages.

If you have any questions feel free to PM or email me. Enjoy!

Wow it would be great if a guy called me up and said hey let's grab some takeout some movies and lay in bed for the weekend or let's check out the city and just have fun then end the night with bedroom fun. You massage too! Score!!! I'm usually the one doing the massage I would love to get one for a change. Am I dreaming....are you real... :) By the way you should never feel like u need to tip. But even when guys leave me an extra $10 I'm overjoyed as if it were $100 or $1000. If the person bulks at you for not tipping then they are not for u. Something else to keep in mind If you are not paying at least market value however they may expect a tip. It's all in who you choose to see.

Wow...what an overwhelming response from everyone! THANK YOU! This is a huge weight off my shoulders and it sets my heart at ease. Thank you, thank you, thank you, ladies!

and thinking the type of lady you pick will be one that will enjoy the small things which are fun.  However, if you go high end you could be disappointed, because the more high end ladies expect on weekends to be taken to plays, concerts and Ruth Chris for dinner.  While a nice normal mid range will have no issue with hitting the hole in the wall zah place, enjoy the Museum of Science and Industry with you or whatever you choose.  

Another thing to be clear on is who is getting the room.  While some providers have static incalls, you may or may not be comfy there for a weekend or you may expect her to have an incall for the duration but she may expect the same of you.  Typically on 24hr plus dates the guy gets the room as well so make sure to figure in all expenses so you are not surprised in the end.

All that said....  Congrats on staying on top of your debt, so many now adays let it get away from them selves and pay mountains of interest and late fee's even.  I personally do my best to pay everything off every month because interest sucks...  Just thought you could use a slap on the back for that!  

Take care and hope you have a great weekend with the lady of your choice, Sage

Thank you, Sage, for the words of wisdom and congratulations! :)

I always stop to see what you have to say when you comment on a thread. It's always clearheaded and sound. You're an asset to our little world.

and any woman would be positively lucky to spend time with you.  

I, and many of my compatriots, feel that Twitter (especially) gives clients an unhealthy idea of what providers enjoy and how we live. The whole "I am a lady of the utmost luxury .. look at my closet full of Loub's & Chanel" thing is running rampant. Not everyone cares about that stuff. (Raises hand.)

There are those of us (seriously - many, many women in the industry) who are like you in the sense that we are saving our money, planning, and maximizing it's impact with an eye towards the future.  

Point being: There are scores of wonderful women who would love a trip to the aquarium as much as (or more than) a night at the opera. There are so many women out there who will be positively touched by knowing you are adhering to your life plan (paying off loans, etc) and that you saved and planned in order to see them.  


As a fellow saver (mint user here!), I like that you put aside money to save up for time with the provider of your choice and make financially responsible decisions. It does not offend me at least when you don't tip. The tip is just a gesture of kindness.  

While I love going to the opera (despite falling asleep a few times), I do love going to the aquarium or walking around the Garfield Conservatory. I love looking at the jellyfish and the tropical fish.

Both on Twitter where (some) providers go on about their expensive tastes, and here on TER where (some) guys brag about their six-figure incomes and their half-dozen three-hour appointments a week, it's easy to forget that there are a lot of us here with more modest incomes and a more frugal way of life. So I thank you for bringing this up in such a straightforward and thoughtful way.

And I really appreciate the reminder that there are so many providers who accept and appreciate us as we are and understand financial considerations. Many thanks to all you fine ladies who have responded here. You are worth every penny we expend to compensate you for your time and every minute we spend saving up to see you.  :-)

I’d imagine that a large tip is a great way to ingratiate yourself with anyone in this industry. However, to be honest, most independent providers appreciate when someone becomes a regular client more than anything else. Tips are awesome. But, personally, I’d take having someone that I know and trust who contributes to my life regularly over a tip any day.  

As far as the weekend you’re saving up for, I wouldn’t be upset with a regular client of mine  wanted to negotiate such a large rate as long as he wasn’t totally low balling me. It’s a common practice of mine to go on discounted vacations with my regular clients - especially if I’m allowed to pick the destination. But, that’s just me! Other people may feel differently.

I think tipping is more often expected by agency girls than by independant providers.  As indies, we set our own rates and while tips are always appreciated I don't know any independant providers who are unhappy to recieve "only" their requested donation.  

Many of us, myself included, prefer longer dates and price our time accordingly.  With every hour you spend with me, the rate per hour goes down.  You sound like a very thoughtful, respectful, and considerate client, and I imagine you will be a wonderful weekend date for the lady you choose, regardless of whether you have Hamilton tickets or just go see a movie.  Personally, I love the aquarium, and I know many other ladies do too!

While our services may be pricey, I think most of us know not all our clients are wealthy.  I am always honored to know that a gentleman has saved his hard-earned money for weeks or months to enjoy some time with me.  It means a lot to me, and I do everything I can to ensure that he feels his money was well-spent.  Some of my favorite clients have been regular Joes, working stiffs, guys who can only do this a few times a year.  When I hear that one of them had a lousy experience with a provider, my heart breaks a little for them, because I know how much each encounter means to them.  

We aren't all spoiled princesses, and we don't all see our rates as trivial amounts that our clients can afford to lose.  I know that guys have spent time with me rather than travelling, buying a new IPhone, going to sporting events and concerts... and it makes me want to be the best I can be for them.  I don't think a providers rates indicate anything about her respect for her clients and the sacrifices they make to see her- you can find selfish brats who charge $200/hr and genuine, caring, empathetic providers who charge $600/hr, and both attitudes anywhere in between.  My one concrete reccomendation is to choose a provider for your extended weekend date who you have met before.  You want to make sure that you have chemistry and enjoy each other's company, and no matter how wonderful a lady is. no one can "click" with 100 percent of clients, even if they treat every one like a king.  For such a big investment in your own happiness, you should make sure that spending time with this person really will make you happy!

This warmed me, and made me feel confident I've picked the right person. Seriously, I can't thank you, not any of the others who've spoken, in this thread, enough! I met my first provide about a year and a half ago, and the prism of people I've met is of every color. Thank you, all, for your kindness, warmth, and wisdom!

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