
Re: ^^^He's referring to the bad apple, not the OP^^^ - had to click to see lol. e
hawki24 47 Reviews 714 reads

I am sorry to hear this and I hope in time she will be better but the sad part is that she will have to live with what happened to her and she will never really be safe or trust men. This truly sucks and I hate when I hear news like this. It should never happen to any women no matter what.

Anyone who rapes or harms a women or child should have the same pain inflicted on them.
Who ever did this may they be caught go to prison and be raped themselves over and over again.
The world would be a better place if all criminals that commit violent crimes to others were sentenced to death maybe then the USA would not have so much violence

Good morning everyone!  

I am trying to spread the word on a bad situation!  

Unfortunately one of my girls that will remain anonymous had a very bad situation...

She decide to try booking her own appts and that's compleatly fine... But she is fairly new and I guess I make it look easy to keep girls safe...  

Unfortunay her first independent call was a bad apple. He robbed then raped her with a buddy...  
I try so hard to keep everyone safe...  And her being new and not really knowing the exact process and rules that are in place to keep girls safe has led her to being a victim.. (FYI she has gotten some help and is doing good)  

I can't post the info on here but please providers contact me for his info.    

It only takes one bad apple to ruin it for everyone.  

Girls please contact me for the info I do have on him. Although I think the only thing real was the address and phone number.  

I don't want this to happen to anyone else!  

Thanks in advance  

EndlessNameless720 reads

That is horrible and hopefully she will recover in time. Rapists are lower than the slime at the bottom of a garbage dump.

Yes it's very unfortunate.    

She is doing better now.  I sent her to RVA (rape victim advocates) for help and counseling.  She seems to be getting better everyday.  But what a horrible thing!

I just saw this story on the evening news tonight after the world series.  F'd up cowards

Sounds like real human garbage to take that kind of advantage of someone in an already vulnerable situation.  Glad to hear the girl is getting help and hope something can be done to get this guy off the street.

The scene seems to have taken on a very dark tone in Chicago lately - makes it hard for this to just be a fun escape.

Glad to hear the young lady is doing better.

WICardinalfan684 reads

Folks like that should burn in hell along with Hitler, Stalin, and all the folks who rape and plunder......

I am sorry to hear this and I hope in time she will be better but the sad part is that she will have to live with what happened to her and she will never really be safe or trust men. This truly sucks and I hate when I hear news like this. It should never happen to any women no matter what.

Anyone who rapes or harms a women or child should have the same pain inflicted on them.
Who ever did this may they be caught go to prison and be raped themselves over and over again.
The world would be a better place if all criminals that commit violent crimes to others were sentenced to death maybe then the USA would not have so much violence

WICardinalfan460 reads

Thanks Courtney.

You are correct.  Sometimes when I get pissed my hands move faster than my mind.

Also happens when having sex sometimes LOL.......

That doesn't sound like a bad thing lol!

Posted By: WICardinalfan
Thanks Courtney.  
 You are correct.  Sometimes when I get pissed my hands move faster than my mind.  
 Also happens when having sex sometimes LOL.......

Thank you everyone for your love and support.  I love how everyone comes together in this littl community of ours!  


This is why women want some form of verification from men, its so they are safe when they arrive. So guys either be honest and give them info they need or don't use escorts. Its for the safety of both parties

Verified or not, no provider on this board is going to a vacant building to meet a john. Jamie raised the alarm quickly which was exactly the right thing to do beyond the other means the ladies have to communicate with each other.

-- Modified on 10/29/2014 7:08:17 PM

Betsy and I's thoughts are with her, that is beyond terrifying.

And you know, there have been a rash of men contacting us saying how they are on here/won't screen.  Or upset they have to first get screened by our assistant before hearing from us directly.

This is why.  

Please let her know that we are rooting for her recovery with all we got, and if she needs anything to hit us up here or email us.  If we don't have each others backs...well, we should ALWAYS have each others backs.  End of story.

And thank you for putting the warning out there - hopefully it will reinforce to ladies why they need to screen, even if seemingly "cuts down business".


Please give her my sympathy.  Please be safe ladies.  

What a pair of Morons!!


The linked CBS Chicago story lists more details. Apparently 5 such attacks have been reported to the police, so I would imagine that there are more that haven't been reported. Probably a lot of other escorts are getting called by these guys, as I would hope that most would be hesitant to go on an outcall with a new client to a private residence (that turns out to be a vacant house or apartment). Is such a request unusual enough so that providers are likely to know if they've been contacted by these guys?

Hopefully, there would be a way to set up a sting for these guys without exposing an escort to any legal difficulties. The CBS Chicago story gives the contact info for the (female) cop handling the case.

I would love for you to pm me the info u have on them so I could show them a good time in one of those abandon buildings!

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