
HEY GIRLS, see 9/23-9/26 string developing below -- good way to make $$$
qp4 10354 reads

Don't knock it if you haven't tried it.  Makes sense.

observerinchicago10012 reads

Then perhaps the restrictions and dynamics of your offer are way off.  You want to pay some young, slim GFE $5-10k over the course of a year for something she can probably earn in a month without all the hassles of getting to know someone on that level.   The business may be slow for some, but its not slow for all.  You are seeking a long term engagement with PDA and not a lot of girls do this with clients.  PDA involves mental and emotional connections for most ladies.  Perhaps you should raise the $$$ or lower the time commitment of a year.  Lots of girls charge the amount you are offering for a weekend, let alone spread out over the course of a year.

qp49910 reads

Yep I know all that, but have gotten several responses already plus 2 calls from past providers wanting now to be called back more and be considered for this type arrangement, so either things not as good as you think or something to be said for regularity and trust and knowing who you're with and free time used to bring in a nice piece of extra dough.  Sure the girls charge a thou and more for several hour visits and overnight (which I'm not seeking), etc., but how many get those dates?  And with what regularity?  Only a select few apparently.  So wht I'm fishing for is not so overreaching as you expect.  Nothing says nice looking GFEs can't also figure the odds and add the numbers.  Smart girls ...  Still many to be heard from, so COME ON GIRLS AND SEE WHAT DEAL YOU CAN WRITE.

To get girls to vie for your attention or lack there of money?...What exactly is the whole point how many girls would respond to what you have and play them against each other?

Personally whether this may be so or not, it seems that your on a male power trip trying to get providers to respond. Your in need of attention and this is your way of getting it.

Any provider with any real good business sense will not respond to your offer or risk the chance of getting to emotionally attached my dear. Plus your really not offering what we can not provide for ourselfs...

But hey maybe Im reading to much into your posting or maybe you just posted for the attention?

Hey just what I am percieving here though...Food for thought to girls...

-- Modified on 9/27/2003 2:44:38 PM

qp48996 reads

No power trip here or anybody being short cut on pay.  And certainly no competition.  Just girls who see the logic in tying up $10-15,000 income during otherwise dead time on a pretty assured basis without having to worry about a bevy of one-time unknown customers to get it.  As to the emotional tie, don't know where that came from.  PDA is just the warm-up to FS and far more natural and more easily acted out and normally not marketed (except for GFs who NEVER intend on delivering FS and like the gifts and trips and other perks from playing up to a guy's sexual ego).  It's all fantasy and an act, and all I'm doing is asking who's up for packaging the two together and smart enough not to demand full FS price for the whole thing.  Don't know why certain girls are getting so put off by this while others (pretty good looking ones in the mix) are wanting to talk about it and of course pushing to get the average between the two prices as high as they can, but I assure you not at the full FS price for the whole thing.  May not be for you, or sure sounds like it, but there're a lot out there showing interest.  Major hurdle is convincing them of the reliability and regularity of dates, and that's something that requires some talk.  Easier with girls I've been with before, but I think doable if one of those who have come out of the blue on this end up my ATF.  Just like the hundreds of provider ads, I'll pick and choose and try my best to make a good choice.  Because of the future aspect, the girls also will try to make a good choice and I only can say for myself that none of them will get shafted by me so long as they are good at the act (both PDA and FS) and can sell me on the feeling that they are not in agony over it (just as purely FS providers have to do to get repeats).  So what's the problem ...

observerinchicago9814 reads

If you have gotten such a good response, then what is the purpose of this thread?  Apparently, you have not gotten the response you seek as stated above.

Public Display of Affection demands a higher level of intimacy between two individuals than what secretly goes on behind closed doors.  When no one is watching, people can and usually will do whatever they want whether its real or not.  But in public, its more than likely the people who share an emotional and physical connection which is much more difficult to fake.  I am sure if you posted that you were seeking a monthly commitment from a provider without PDA...your inbox would be full.  

So, why are you still seeking if you have gotten so many responses?  If the responses you have received are not what you have been searching for, then perhaps you should either take what you can get (within reason) or approach the ladies you have seen in the past.    

Obviously, the one you are seeking is not interested, or they are simply....not interested.

The Cynic8915 reads

I notice your price offer went from $5,000 - $10,000 to $10,000 - $15,000.  Any particular reason?

qp48926 reads

Initially wrote that I was projecting 10-12 visits (a year's projection).  Later writing specified 20 visits (and "half day" each), which works out to a 1 1/2 - 2 year projection.  Reason for the change was that one of the girls responding asked that I be more specific about the pricing and hours and figure 20 visits because she was sure she would be so good that that's what it would be over a year's time.  I'm doubtful about that, but I know what I like and if that good, who knows?  BTW, note as posted above that by "half day", I'm speaking of 4 hours, not 12 hours.  The latter would indeed be a chore for any provider and worth a lot more than the $$$ shown.

qp49214 reads

In a way you're right, that in discussions and emails I'm still trying to get a fix on with whom I'll have the best chance of finding what I want.  As for the "higher level of intimacy", I don't agree.  We're talking neutral territory and discretion, not in my or a provider's backyard, and far less intimacy than dropping our drawers and doing the deed 6 different ways.  Also, and maybe this is why I'm getting neg reactiopns from some of you in this string, when I say "half days": I mean 4 hours, half a working day, not a 12 hour run.  The latter certainly would be an outlandish request for 10-15,000 a year, but that's not at all what I have in mind.  Hope this helps ...

I for one, would not be with someone for 3 - 4 hours, 10 - 15 times a year for a grand total of $5,000 - $10.000. I am a great GFE provider and will continue to be such until I decide to retire. I have been on multiple 1 day visits to overnights to weekly encounters with gentlemen within & outside the US and have gotten $5,000 - $10,000+. No, this doesn't happen every week, but it happens quite frequently. I am simply stating the obvious of qp4's request.... It's very unreasonable for "providers." Now for some, this may be a breath of fresh air to see one client once or twice a month for a year, with no emotional attachments and no rules of going out (PDA) unless you both agree on it. BUT that is NOT what he wants. I think what you are looking for is a girlfriend in the wrong place, we are providers who enjoy what we do and at the end of the day we go back to our regular lives (husbands, boyfriends, girlfriends, children, etc.) GFE can only be taken so far, genuine friendship and a meaningful relationship cannot be paid for or sold.

For all you ladies that have responded to his request, he is a very nice guy whom I have had the pleasure of spending time with on several occasions. I'm sure if his offer is to your liking you will be just fine.

qp4 I wish you luck on your search and hope you find what you're looking for, I only ask that you be fair and realize that this is not only a fun, fulfilling position for us - it's our means of living, our livelihood.


qp410131 reads

Hey Ahvani, kind of figured you were out of the running when we emailed last week because you indeed are among the best at this job and one of the few maybe legitimately feeling your out of this price range (but you know me, always ready for a debate).  Still hold a small hope for you, but know in my heart of hearts that probably not to be. lol.  Those guys who whisk you away for days and week-ends I'm sure are in a constant state of PDA bliss and can hardly walk upright, and all that even before the FS private stuff starts!  Hell, that's about the way I feel after the first 2 mnutes of our traditional 2 hour dates, when we're just talking and catching up with things and you've hardly capturd me with those big eyes and other big stuff yet.  So believe me I understand your feelings and will settle on more of your traditional dates when I'm ready and you can fit me in (or you let me know of one of those lovely specials you run now and then).  BTW there is one thing I disagree with out of what you wrote -- I DO ENVISION no emotional attachments and no rules of going out (PDA) unless I and whomever both agree on it, and am not looking for a genuine friendship and a meaningful GF relationship by way of just paying for it.  About the most I look for, besides being sent to the moon and back, is to respected as honest and sticking by the rules and at least not causing agony in being played up to and serviced, like I think I've earned in your case, but realy nothing more.  Remember I'm not a 20-something stud anymore and had more than my share of TLS years before losing my wife to cancer so have my memories and emotions pretty well in solid balance.

You may not have seen it, but I was asked to be more specific on hours and pricing so wrote in later email than you originally saw that I envisioned 20 half day (4 hour) visits for $10-15,000, intending that about half of each would be PDA at lunch and shopping and walking and maybe part of a movie, etc., and the other half private FS.  At the $15,000 end, which is certainly where you would be if at all, this figures to a pretty high rate for FS (maybe a little discounted because of the extended repeat schedule) and a good deal less than that for the PDA, which I figure is about right considering the far less physical acting and effort involved.  And nobody should take it as a putdown that I might think this highest amount appropriate for Ahvani and a very few others but something less in the range quoted for other of you.  Just look out there and you see pretty and slim and well built providers pricing their work all over the lot, with specials to boot, so no secret and no embarrassment that some just come across more at ease and sensual and loving than others.  In my business I was able to get $400+/hr because the value of knowledge and strategizing I delivered was greater than that of the guys/gals delivering at $200/hr.  Same thing in your business.  In this case, although as now repeated in adnauseum, Ahvani may have been my #1 choice (and you know that, you mynx you!), I'll have a wonderful time with someone else still damn beautiful and talented and proud of her work and she'll totally monopolize my mind every minute I'm with her.  That's the beauty of the biz in the first place ... there's someone for everyone and the here-and-now governs.  Hope saying this doesn't sink me in shit so deep I'll never see sun or those other girls again, but it's honest and I think providers like honest and that's what I am.  And I think you girls know what really goes on under all our hobbyist macho, and that we're about as much in charge as quivering jellow once we get off the pot and get to where you want us to be.

BTW Ahvani, I appreciate your saying those nice things about me cause you of all girls around town know me and my antics (except for that love child you know I was involved with that kept me out of the market for some time but now I believe truly is over, lol), and hope the other girls reading this take notice.  I'm really a pretty good bet and this is really a pretty good deal for the right providers, sideline naysayers notwithstanding.  With nothing absolutely guaranteed in life (other than death and taxes, lol) this is way up there in terms of possibility.  And those of you I've already heard from, if you know Ahvani you know why maybe I secretly kind of hoped she'd succomb, but again don't hold that against me (same as saying I was glad to see Prior on the mound yesterday for the Cubs' first game rather than Joe Blow), so please keep an open mind, OK?  Considering all this narrative, I'm beginning to feel I'm on a public vigil with the sidelines cheering and booing, depending on each viewer's take.  All I can say is I'm doing all the work and it will be up to the girl as to whether I let anyone know the result, so eat your hearts out ...

Dnev9698 reads

You want 20 experiences, 2 hrs of sessions and 2 hrs of arm candy in public, with affection. Thats 40 hours of sessions and 40 hours of arm candy for $10,000 to $15,000?
Even at the bargain rate of $50/hr for the arm candy part, thats just 200/hr for the sex at $10,000 a year. At the higher level of $15,000, then its $325 an hour for the sex, more reasonable if you are looking for an upper scale girl.
Thing is, these girls price their non sexual time , even for "dinner dates plus dessert", at more than $50/hr. If you can sell them on that type of rate, then at $15k you might be able to get a quality lady. They are used to doing the straight calculation, "80 hours for $15k? Why, thats not even 200 an hour". You might have a better choice of ladies if you did not require the PDA part. A lot of these girls would rather f*ck you than kiss you. Good luck.

qp410662 reads

Good math, and that's about how I fugure it, but at 300 for FS and 75 for arm candy (vs your 325 and 50).  And considering that these are slack hours (been suggested to me weekdays from 10AM -2PM), seems a pretty profitable repeating use of that time. But as you say, that's for top scale girls, and there are ranges, and some newer girls advertise at lower rates and my guess would happily settle at this point in their careers for the lower end of the range.  And if they start there and grow out of it, either I go along or look elsewhere, no worries.  BTW, I agree that a lot (most?) of the girls would rather just f**k in private, and that's why I'm offering a good price for the supplemented package and promising a repeat schedule if all works out.  And I know the repeat schedule thing is wrought with unknowns, but I have a record of honesty with the girls so pretty good assurance that if parts are played well (always basis for repeat biz) I'll be there monthly as promised.  Big part of this is that timing is at the girl's convenience (slack times, not evenings or week-ends), so maybe that softens your thoughts a bit.

I'll not be posting much more on this because I have a good deal of off-board emails and phone conversations cooking and other hobbyists have suggested it's time to take all this more private.  Although I've never named names of possible takers, I don't want to give the girls any reason not to trust in my discretion, so the less posted going forward probably the better.  The girls have gotten the word of what I'm looing for and those interested either have contacted me or will do so.

Thanks for your math and input.  Always helpful.  If my version still makes no sense to you, I'd appreciate reply back so I know there may be re-thinking still to be done.

Rome wasn't built in a day and critics said Galileo was nuts, but maybe the arm candy/FS combination is a whole new package for the girls to make livings off of while not endangering their highr earning peak evening and week-end hours.  My time's flexible so sure hope so.  Who knows?

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