
Re: Blah blah blah
Tobi Telford See my TER Reviews 842 reads

And bigots will always justify their racist, misogynistic, homophobic attitudes by babbling about "conservative values." Funny, the most staunch anti-LGBTQ guys are usually the ones who get caught in a seedy motel with a bag of meth and an underage boy.  

Bonus douche points for "liking" your own post

This Sunday's sermon will focus on loving one another as ourselves

We are a community of fags and fag-lovers, here in Chicago

Heaven's gates are open to all, and there's a special place just for fags ...and their lovers ;-)

Where there is no hate, and no harm can come.

Lev. 20:13, "If there is a man who lies with a male as those who lie with a woman, both of them have committed a detestable act; they shall surely be put to death. Their bloodguiltness is upon them"  

Even though the Bible says otherwise

But we don't follow the Bible around here

Well ...that about covers it

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this subject, please follow the link below

Capstone: To follow the straight path in life, and not veer off course

I agree......  Very classless when that word is used, I have a lot of gay guy friends & it's offensive!!! Ugh

eynstein985 reads

got to you, huh??   You should have let it go, now you just come across as ignorant.

If you eliminate every group you're trying to intimidate, you're going to end up on your own.
Not to mention this is supposed to be a forum to include, not exclude.
Put it to rest already.

I for one am in love with all types of people...just not the hateful kind.

Hobby Easter!

There's no place in heaven for unrepentant anything. Fags or anyone else for that matter. I don't like fags so don't speak for everyone.

Notice how the PC crowd insists on PC terms? What's next? Don't use hooker, bitch, slut, whore?

The idea that dividing us, defining us, listing, categorizing and menu optioning every part of what we are is ridiculous, insulting and yes, ignorant.

Find some fun at church if that's what you're into.  I'm guessing they will happy to oblige:-)

I used to be gay; now I'm happy, euphorious, exhilarated, and so on and so forth. Fags were something I smoked. cf Hayakawa, Ladder of Abstraction.

I'm sure your hate branches out to racial minorities too. You're an equal opportunity bigot, congratulations.  

Truth be told, I pity people like you. Having so much hatred in you must make for a pretty sad existence.

Your peace, love and drugs mission is growing tiresome already.

Consevative values will always ring as hate to those who wish to do as they please void of accountability

And bigots will always justify their racist, misogynistic, homophobic attitudes by babbling about "conservative values." Funny, the most staunch anti-LGBTQ guys are usually the ones who get caught in a seedy motel with a bag of meth and an underage boy.  

Bonus douche points for "liking" your own post

Just like guys who 'would never see a hooker' and so love to flaunt that fact... Are our biggest clients lol

Posted By: Tobi Telford
And bigots will always justify their racist, misogynistic, homophobic attitudes by babbling about "conservative values." Funny, the most staunch anti-LGBTQ guys are usually the ones who get caught in a seedy motel with a bag of meth and an underage boy.  

Anything anti-gay (or pretty much anti-anything provided it doesn't hurt others) makes me's hoping you never inadvertently take an appointment from that kind of douchenozzle!

I recently had an experience with a well known provider.  After a great session (to that point), she started going on about her dislike of African American men, using the N word.  The beauty of it all was she shared no personal experiences to support her dislike.  Completely ruined the session and my opinion of her as both a person and a provider.  It completely amazes me that as an advanced society and a country founded on freedom and inclusiveness that there is still so much ignorance.

Wow. It really saddens me to hear that. The people within this community are marginalized enough as it is without adding an extra layer of prejudice. What a bummer.  

Posted By: H Dog
I recently had an experience with a well known provider.  After a great session (to that point), she started going on about her dislike of African American men, using the N word.  The beauty of it all was she shared no personal experiences to support her dislike.  Completely ruined the session and my opinion of her as both a person and a provider.  It completely amazes me that as an advanced society and a country founded on freedom and inclusiveness that there is still so much ignorance.

Now if you'll excuse me, I've a hockey game to attend.
Man does not live on psuedo intellectuals alone

Confidence is very sexy; don't you think lol

Are you born again lately?

Not 'hating' on you... Just seems like you have had a revival. Lol

I just find to be unworthy of those that reside inside that group.  I am with many others and find that word offensive when referring to a social group as it is completely exclusionary.  We are all just people, with different likes, interests and such.

Gentlemen who do not dig same gender male relationships, think of it this way, more pussy for you(and think about it if you could marry someone who could be your football beer buddy for life/minus the appendage you would probably be all over that as it is preferred over nagging to do the dishes)!  Besides many that do not like or want to see same sex male happenings gobble up same sex female happenings to the extent of drool at times.  It is not the different.

Uptight Chicagoans ;-)


Posted By: ZabrinaSarafina
This Sunday's sermon will focus on loving one another as ourselves  
 We are a community of fags and fag-lovers, here in Chicago  
 Heaven's gates are open to all, and there's a special place just for fags ...and their lovers ;-)  
 Where there is no hate, and no harm can come.  
 Lev. 20:13, "If there is a man who lies with a male as those who lie with a woman, both of them have committed a detestable act; they shall surely be put to death. Their bloodguiltness is upon them"  
 Even though the Bible says otherwise  
 But we don't follow the Bible around here  
 Well ...that about covers it  
 If you have any questions or concerns regarding this subject, please follow the link below  
 Capstone: To follow the straight path in life, and not veer off course

being uptight, nor is it anything to joke/kid or even make light of.  Seriously, you comment was in bad taste and that is coming from someone who doesn't take offense to much.

-- Modified on 4/22/2014 4:43:52 PM

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