
Rating systemteeth_smile
sertab123 25 Reviews 937 reads

Do any of you ladies ever exchange a rating on the hobbyist?  For example if a guy uses you as a reference, what do you tell the other provider?  This guy has a magic tongue/he's thick in the right/wrong places/you're stealing ma' man! Lol. Or if we book a double session and haven't played with the second party, what do you tell her?  Finally should TER have a rating system that you girls can use that rates us like we use to rate you?  Hope I didn't open a can of worms, look forward to some responses.

zelig660 reads

I've heard that providers that are pretty close exchange notes on how "easy" clients are. The easy clients come quickly with little wear and tear on the provider, whereas more "difficult" clients can last much longer and make it more difficult for the providers to see many clients without getting very sore. I suspect that this sort of information is not shared between providers that don't know each other.

I always like a subtle reminder when giving a reference. Very similar info and I don't keep a spreadsheet of dick size and favorite drinks lol.

This is in response to your last point about a rating system. Do you really want to know?

"I recently had a visit from Tornacl. Nice enough fellow, took care of business quickly and discretely."

The juicy details.

"His gut was so big I had to drive my shoulder into it to find his equipment. I finally found it in what looked like a rabbits warren of grey and twisted pubic hairs. He had enough hair on his back to make Sasquatch jealous. He was kind enough to shower before we started, but he still smelled like a three day old gyro.

He got on top for mish and his performance took my breath away. I mean I couldn't  fukking breath. He was crushing my lungs. I asked to get on top to save my life. He was pissed, mish is his favorite so that means no tip for me."


Appearance 3 barely human
Performance 4 at least he finished quick

We're in this for the money. (Some for the sex, I'm sure) you're in it for the sex and looks.

Our reasons for being here is way different than your reasons for being here. Why would we score on the same scoring system and review on the same standards? They're opposite,

I will tell you. I've seen some hot guys in this industry who think they don't have to pay as much and are always asking for discounts because they know they're young and hot.

I never see them again and will poorly review a guy who doesn't pay my rate. (Unless he has arranged something with me and is already regularly seeing me.)  

A guy who has a big belly, a tiny dick, and funny ears will ALWAYS get a good review from me if he pays and he us respectful.

If he doesn't wash and tries to manipulate me into eating his asshole? He will get a bad review - because that is rude and disrespectful. It's not because he's overweight.

There are a lot of people who play the race card here, but it's actually the weight card. I had a guy today say I would probably not see him because he was fat and was mad at me. That is not the case. Send me the fat guys, because any overweight guy Ive seen this far (aside from a couple) are overly sweet, tip well, always return, and sometimes become SD's.

Looks don't matter here. Making Money and helping us enjoy serving you does matter.

-- Modified on 8/31/2014 1:03:46 PM

ROGM1215 reads

Posted By: Courtney.Ova
We're in this for the money. (Some for the sex, I'm sure) you're in it for the sex and looks.  
 Our reasons for being here is way different than your reasons for being here. Why would we score on the same scoring system and review on the same standards? They're opposite,  
 I will tell you. I've seen some hot guys in this industry who think they don't have to pay as much and are always asking for discounts because they know they're young and hot.  
 I never see them again and will poorly review a guy who doesn't pay my rate. (Unless he has arranged something with me and is already regularly seeing me.)  
 A guy who has a big belly, a tiny dick, and funny ears will ALWAYS get a good review from me if he pays and he us respectful.  
 If he doesn't wash and tries to manipulate me into eating his asshole? He will get a bad review - because that is rude and disrespectful. It's not because he's overweight.  
 There are a lot of people who play the race card here, but it's actually the weight card. I had a guy today say I would probably not see him because he was fat and was mad at me. That is not the case. Send me the fat guys, because any overweight guy Ive seen this far (aside from a couple) are overly sweet, tip well, always return, and sometimes become SD's.  
 Looks don't matter here. Making Money and helping us enjoy serving you does matter.

-- Modified on 8/31/2014 1:03:46 PM

Going to McDonald's, Burger King, and Wendy's to Bulk up.

There are awesome skinny dudes too. I'm not generalizing, I'm saying I keep seeing good clients.

When rent is due, sure, I'll rotate a jackass in every now and then. ;)

Posted By: ROGM
Posted By: Courtney.Ova
We're in this for the money. (Some for the sex, I'm sure) you're in it for the sex and looks.  
  Our reasons for being here is way different than your reasons for being here. Why would we score on the same scoring system and review on the same standards? They're opposite,  
  I will tell you. I've seen some hot guys in this industry who think they don't have to pay as much and are always asking for discounts because they know they're young and hot.  
  I never see them again and will poorly review a guy who doesn't pay my rate. (Unless he has arranged something with me and is already regularly seeing me.)    
  A guy who has a big belly, a tiny dick, and funny ears will ALWAYS get a good review from me if he pays and he us respectful.  
  If he doesn't wash and tries to manipulate me into eating his asshole? He will get a bad review - because that is rude and disrespectful. It's not because he's overweight.  
  There are a lot of people who play the race card here, but it's actually the weight card. I had a guy today say I would probably not see him because he was fat and was mad at me. That is not the case. Send me the fat guys, because any overweight guy Ive seen this far (aside from a couple) are overly sweet, tip well, always return, and sometimes become SD's.  
  Looks don't matter here. Making Money and helping us enjoy serving you does matter.  
 -- Modified on 8/31/2014 1:03:46 PM
 Going to McDonald's, Burger King, and Wendy's to Bulk up.

… is what in hail does "SD" stand for?  And where is the glossary of all these obscure, idiosyncratic, here-today-gone-tomorrow acronyms and abbreviations that keep showing up in online forums?  —PAL [Peace And Love]

Amen to this Courtney. I think guys forget that this is a HOBBY for them - a fun time for which they pay - like I choose to pay for an hour of a lovely face treatment or a wonderful meal. They are reviewing a service and we are giving the service as in it's a JOB not a hobby, therefore our criteria for having a great session is totally different from the guy buying the service.  
I like guys who are straightforward (as in not playing mind games) talk to me like an intelligent woman, are polite and friendly, are clear about what they want/expect from our time together (as in not manipulating/negotiating/cajoling ) who have a sense of humour and self confidence and are sexy :))

Those are the things I would review on :))

We're in this for the money. (Some for the sex, I'm sure) you're in it for the sex and looks.  
 Our reasons for being here is way different than your reasons for being here. Why would we score on the same scoring system and review on the same standards? They're opposite,

Crisis25389 reads

What was mistaken for "shyness" by the first lady I visited was relayed to the 2nd.

He is ok, his info is correct.


Sorry I do not know that name nor that email/phone.


He checked out but I would not see again.

Really sharing to much info unless it is someone you know well in this industry can backfire even if it is something good.   Shoot I once filled a good friend of mine in that the guy was hung.  Later he messages me and can't believe I told her that.  See even the good things to those you know well can and will bite you.

i am off to go play, have yourselves a great rest of the holiday weekend

all of us guys have a rep..some good..some bad..the best thing about is that we will never know..

Posted By: sertab123
Do any of you ladies ever exchange a rating on the hobbyist?  For example if a guy uses you as a reference, what do you tell the other provider?  This guy has a magic tongue/he's thick in the right/wrong places/you're stealing ma' man! Lol. Or if we book a double session and haven't played with the second party, what do you tell her?  Finally should TER have a rating system that you girls can use that rates us like we use to rate you?  Hope I didn't open a can of worms, look forward to some responses.

Which is Yes He's Good, meaning he gave me no issues and I would see him again. Or I will tell her to have him contact me if I can't say he's good.  

I personally would not like seeing a rating of the guy before I met him. I like the anticipation and surprise of meeting for the first time and don't want someone else's opinion to ruin it.  

If a lady asks for certain information about hygiene, the gents size (as in weight, height), or asks if the guy is a lot of work (meaning he might really need to book a PSE session instead of GFE), etc, I will share those details but almost no one asks at all.  

The only time I make an exception and share additional details is when I've established a very regular (seen him 3x or more) meeting and the client is extremely and I mean extremely nice. Sort've like how you guys only feel like writing the dirty details about the absolute best or absolute worse experiences ;-)

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