
Keep that door locked in a situation like that, real simple
axeman170 13 Reviews 3321 reads

You should have kept the door locked and called the cops. Tell them you don't know WTF the problem is with these two.

I am in Chicago.  On Friday I ordered up an out-call to my apartment.  The service provider arrived an hour and a half late.  I got the sense that I was about to get ripped off so I asked her some tough questions about the upcoming session before I gave my donation.  Specifically, I asked her to list her restrictions, which she refused to do.   I told her that she could be straight-up with me or she could go home.  She said she was going home, but demanded a cancellation fee.  I pointed out that she was the one who was cancelling, but agreed to give her $40 for a cab.

The provider then refused to leave my apartment.  Eventually, I started shepherding her to the door.  She told me to stop touching her, and I pointed out that she was now trespassing, and that I could throw her out if I wanted to.  She then called her pimp.  I got her to leave my apartment, using the $40 as bait.  I locked the door and started tidying up.

A few minutes later there was some loud banging at my door.  I debated my options and decided to go with opening the door and confronting the pimp with reason.  Obviously a mistake.  The pimp immediately punched me in the head and pushed his way into the apartment and started demanding that I pay the full $700 for a two hour session.  I refused and said that she got a $40 dollar cancellation fee and that all I was paying.  The pimp hit me several more times before I started to scream for help.  Although none of my neighbors responded to my cries of help, the pimp and the provider did turn tail and leave.

I have visible bruises to my face which are going to be difficult to explain at work tomorrow.  

I am wondering about my legal options at this point.  I have clearly been assaulted.  The pimp clearly trespassed into my apartment, and tried to extort monies from me.  But is it worth my time to go to the police?  Also, am I guilty of any crime in having a service provider visit me and then me deciding to send her away?  Will I get charged if I go to the police?


It looks like your a newbie who didn't go to the newbie board before getting involved. Did you check this lady out here. Does she have reviews ? What you asked the lady and the way you confronted her I would have not walked run like hell.

You made many mistakes....Never invite a stranger to your home especially if she isn't well reviewed. Never push for sexual answers that shouldn't be asked by a stranger. You should have done your homework.

Write a review and get the ladies info right so others will not run into this problem.

Yes, you have every right to press charges for assault but LE will want the whole story. The lady could have felt in danger herself but coming back to man handle you is clearly wrong. If you have had other ladies visit you the neighbors might not be your best friend when the cops ask what they may have heard.

Next time "get a room"

Kisses Haley

PS : many well respected ladies have drivers not pimps

Posted By: HaleyOrlando
It looks like your a newbie who didn't go to the newbie board before getting involved. Did you check this lady out here. Does she have reviews ? What you asked the lady and the way you confronted her I would have not walked run like hell.

You made many mistakes....Never invite a stranger to your home especially if she isn't well reviewed. Never push for sexual answers that shouldn't be asked by a stranger. You should have done your homework.

Write a review and get the ladies info right so others will not run into this problem.

Yes, you have every right to press charges for assault but LE will want the whole story. The lady could have felt in danger herself but coming back to man handle you is clearly wrong. If you have had other ladies visit you the neighbors might not be your best friend when the cops ask what they may have heard.

Next time "get a room"

Kisses Haley

PS : many well respected ladies have drivers not pimps
Hello Haley, t

hanks for the comments.  Let me start with your p.s. first.  You're right, there are drivers out there.  But I think any guy who comes up and tries to kick down your door and then beat you up, while attempting to extort $700 is best described as a pimp, not a driver :)  

I am new to Chicago, I am from Canada originally.  I have been an active hobbyist in Canada in the past, including being active on local Canadian review boards.  I have never heard of an incident like this.  But maybe I am just country bumpkin and this is my welcome to the big city of Chicago?

The girl in question is Courtney Cummings.  I wrote a review of what happened for TER yesterday -- it has not appeared in public, yet.   I found her ad on Eros, and she has two reviews on TER (one which is good and one which is middling).  

About what I asked the lady, that would have been an entirely legitimate question in Canada.  After all, I am not asking what she is going to do, I am only asking what she won't do.  There's no crime in that.  But you're right in that I am in newbie in the U.S., and in Chicago, and it may have been a faux pas to word what I said the way I did.

You're totally right in pointing out that I should never have invited a stranger into my home.  That was my mistake.

Thanks for your comments.

tricky question for a novice but by answering what you don't do it summarizes  everything else is on the table. Hence proposition and busted.

Things are different in the US where this is not legal. Chicago is one of the hottest cities in the  country so I hope your careful. Not only do they bust us ladies but they set up stings to get you guys. Don't think because a ladies staying in a 4or 5 star hotel that it can't be a sting because it can. Also they use many different avenues to advertise in hopes of snaring unsuspecting newbies like yourself.

Please visit the newbie board to help keep yourself safe. Learn much about the laws here and how you might get entrapped and how to read any red flags they may be waving. Read reviews and be sure there are more than 10. This will make your choices safer

Sorry you were hurt and I am glad nothing more happened to you. You could have been killed

Kisses Haley

Radcow3368 reads

Sorry you got banged up, but clearly a serious lesson learned. Don't invite someone to your home that you do not know or have not been "friends" for at least a visit or two. These people had bad intentions from the beginning and you are lucky to be alive.

Yes, right you are, I should never have invited her into my home in the first place.

1. You have 1 review where you gave someone poor ratings, and this mess. No more TOFTT for you.
2. Get a shotgun. The guy in Will county was not charged when he shot a pimp, but he did end up with his name in the paper.
3. First encounter should be in a motel. The cost of the motel will be offset by competition. You could have got a room in Shaumburg and had many reviewed options for less than 700 total.
4. I would not report this. You will piss off mr pimp, and he knows where you live. The cops will probably not charge you, but they could.
5. Start thinking of a story for the coworkers, and stick to it.
6. Write a review so we can avoid her and mr pimp.

-- Modified on 1/15/2012 12:29:52 PM

Some good ideas niblet.  I must admit that I am new to Chicago (from Canada) and when you're new, it seems that every encounter is TOFTT.  But I am learning.

In the future I think I will try you Shaumburg motel idea.

I wrote a review on TER yesterday, it should appear tomorrow.

-- Modified on 1/15/2012 5:16:11 PM

Consider yourself lucky you still Alive or not beaten and Robbed. I guess you have to bite the bullet and learn the lesson not to invite providers who had no reviews. From your first review looks like this is second time for you and most probably the ad must be on Eros. Some ads on Eros ends up in Bait and Switch if no reviews to follow. Not sure how Eros allows so much of these fake pics on their sites. If pictures look too good and no good Reviews then just Run from those Ads.

Calling LE will result in more questions to answered then them being Caught.
At least out the Girl who did this to you so others will caution. But I am sure she will run another Ad with a different name and different pics.

Lesson learned !!!! Stay with well reviewed ladies on this board.

Posted By: koshermeat
Consider yourself lucky you still Alive or not beaten and Robbed. I guess you have to bite the bullet and learn the lesson not to invite providers who had no reviews. From your first review looks like this is second time for you and most probably the ad must be on Eros. Some ads on Eros ends up in Bait and Switch if no reviews to follow. Not sure how Eros allows so much of these fake pics on their sites. If pictures look too good and no good Reviews then just Run from those Ads.

Calling LE will result in more questions to answered then them being Caught.
At least out the Girl who did this to you so others will caution. But I am sure she will run another Ad with a different name and different pics.

Lesson learned !!!! Stay with well reviewed ladies on this board.
Thanks for the advice koshermeat, I do consider myself lucky.  As I mentioned in other replies, I am from Canada, and I have never heard of shit like in Canada.

The girl in question is Courtney Cummings, whom I found on Eros and has who has two reviews on TER.  I've wrote a third review yesterday, but it is still being reviewed by the administrators and has not appeared yet.

Thanks for the comments.

-- Modified on 1/15/2012 5:16:32 PM

If you truly were beaten up one has to consider the intellect of someone who opens the door to a pissed off pimp. That stated, the only real purpose of posting on here would be to out her and end her career.

Call the cops? Really?

Sorry to say but this smells like bull shit to me

So a pimp is kicking at your apartment door.  I think you've got 3 options.  

One, you can call the cops and hope they arrive before the pimp succeeds in kicking the door down -- but then you have some explaining to do.  

Two, you can do nothing and hope that either the pimp gives up or someone in the building comes along and scares him away, but again, you might have some explaining to do.

Three, you can open the door and deal with the pimp.  

I chose three and got punched in the head half a dozen times and given a whopper of a black eye.  But my door is fine and I haven't had to answer any questions (yet).  

But I did get assaulted, and that's not cool.  My question is whether I want to file charges.  Not only from the expectation of getting revenge, but also because this pair (the provider and pimp) appears to be a threat to the community and filing charges could remove the danger.

The girl in question is Courtney Cummings in Chicago.  I found her ad on Eros.  She has two reviews on TER, one good one, one mixed one.  I have a VIP membership on TER.  Why did I choose her and allow her to come to my house?  I guess I was not thinking properly.

I am not from the U.S. originally, but from Canada.  I have been active in Canada in this hobby and have never heard of a situation like this before.  Is this an example of country bumpkin coming to the big city?  Perhaps.  But no more out-calls to my apartment, ever again.

I have written a review of this incident on TER -- I have submitted it, but it has not been posted yet.

Sorry to say but common sense is always needed. Two reviews published and only one good one is a red flag. Your line of questioning sounds like a cops attempt at entrampment. No woman on this board with any sense would answer that line of questioning. Most I bet would walk out and black list your ass.

Chicago maybe different than Canada but due diligence will serve you well no matter where you hobby.

Let's see. Girl wants 500 an hour with 2 reviews, one of them being really bad. We can pretty much figure the 1st review is just BS PR she had written for her.
But from the 2nd review we learn she posts fake pics and only provides CBJ, and you still agreed to pay her 700 ? Did not notice that her 2nd reviewer has like 40 reviews and she is by far the worst of all of them, and you still agreed to 700 ? Then you want to grill her at the door for exactly what she will do. Did you not read the review ?
I can't wait to read her side of this, because I betcha she is going to respond to your post. In the meantime, you've had a bad enough weekend, don't make it worse by calling the cops.
Apparently you have more money then sense. And in case you did not know, yes, what you did is a no-no in the US, you are not in Montreal.

Hi FT,

Being disabled i ask what is on  on the menu!!! First of all, I do three things, research, research, research!!!   Then I contact the young lady through e-mail & tell her of my disability!! If it's a go, then I arrive put my donation on the counter & ask her if three things are on the menu, DFK, DATY, & finguring  the southern region!!! Mr. Happy cannot perform, so It's Imperative I know these things, beforehand!!!  The ladies are not put off by this line of questioning, but they can see I am disabled!!

Posted By: funtimes61
Sorry to say but common sense is always needed. Two reviews published and only one good one is a red flag. Your line of questioning sounds like a cops attempt at entrampment. No woman on this board with any sense would answer that line of questioning. Most I bet would walk out and black list your ass.

Chicago maybe different than Canada but due diligence will serve you well no matter where you hobby.

I looked at your review that is published,  and in that one you said you went downstairs to meet the girl outside very late at night.    After that disasterous encounter you now allowed the girl to come right inside?    I have about 20 questions I could ask, but I don't see the answers to them leading anywhere.  My .02 is that you may want to buy vip and read a lot more reviews before you see anyone, do incalls, or maybe find another hobby.

Tell your co-workers a packer fan jumped you in a bar. You'll get a ton of support from everyone.

Posted By: niceguyforyou
Tell your co-workers a packer fan jumped you in a bar. You'll get a ton of support from everyone.
You just read my mind. Packer excuse will work fine.

Little story for you. Years ago I had a party at my house. My ex GF was still living w me (I was being nice and letting her stay w me till her apt was ready). I bring a date to my own house party. After the party I drive my date home, and spend the night at her place (so as to not offend the ex). When I get home in the morning, Ex GF has moved out and house is trashed. $20K in damages. I call the Sheriff, they come over, take pics, interview me, then go see crazy ex. Couple of days later they call me down to the station for a talk and slap the cuffs on me and start reading me my rights (on Xmas Eve none the less) WTF I'm in trouble ? Yup. One of the guests at the party, a friend of my ex GF, that I did not invite or know was 20. She was drinking beer that she brought with her that I did not buy. Did not matter. Legal drinking age is 21. My home, my legal responsibility. Her parents are friends with my ex GF and if I want want my ex GF charged for felony criminal damage, they want me charged for contributing. Cop says you want your ex GF arrested I gotta arrest you also, whata you want to do ? I tell him lets forget about the damage to the house, he says "smart decision son", then takes the cuffs off, says "Merry Christmas, go on home and don't bring a date to a party while your ex is still living there, boy that was short-bus stupid"  
This gets better. I call my insurance company, they say sure, we'll cover the damage but we have to have the police report. Ooops, can't give you that I dropped the compliant. OK, then the $20K is all yours.
Moral of the story, when you call the police thinking someone else is going to get in trouble, you better be damn clean yourself, and you sir, are not.

Welcome to USA and never think This Hobby is same here as in Canada. Been their and done it many times.
You did made basic mistakes like inviting these girls from Eros with few or no Reviews. Many good ladies from rs2k with good reviews would have come to your outcall. LE ofcourse will ask you lots of questions and who you are but don't think can charge you since no money was exchanged for Sex.

The reason you ask her so many questions may be because you did get burn once before from Eros. But the Girl will get suspicious too if you are not an undercover Cop. This is not Canada my friend where laws are very relax when it comes to hobbying. You made some basic mistakes again and again.

Don't invite someone for 2 hrs on first visit. The amount of $$ you willing to spend you can get great ladies at your doorstep in no time.
My .02 Cents

-- Modified on 1/15/2012 5:19:47 PM

He agreed to pay 700 for 2 hours with her. It was his INTENT to have sexual relations and pay for them. What caused that to not happen was him asking for specifically what sex acts he was going to get for 700. If he went to the wrong cop or local police dept, or ADA and they were having a bad day (or slow day) yes they could arrest him and possibly have the arrest turn into formal charges. Granted it is doubtful they would go through the trouble, and he probably would never be found guilty, but he would still have an arrest on his record and have to hire an attorney. If he travels back and forth from the US to Canada that arrest (does not have to be a conviction, an arrest is enough) might prevent him from entering the country he is not a citizen in.
All of this for what, maybe they get the pimp ? And if they do get the pimp, what does the pimp say, probably something like "I heard screams coming from the apt. when I got in this perv was chokin and hittin my girl, I was just tryin to get her outta there and this perv gets violent and goes after me likes he's higher than a kite on PCP" and you know the escorts is gonna back him up. Now it's 2 against 1. They said, he said. Who do the cops arrest ? Why risk it. Like you said, move on.

Posted By: cpdude
He agreed to pay 700 for 2 hours with her. It was his INTENT to have sexual relations and pay for them. What caused that to not happen was him asking for specifically what sex acts he was going to get for 700. If he went to the wrong cop or local police dept, or ADA and they were having a bad day (or slow day) yes they could arrest him and possibly have the arrest turn into formal charges. Granted it is doubtful they would go through the trouble, and he probably would never be found guilty, but he would still have an arrest on his record and have to hire an attorney. If he travels back and forth from the US to Canada that arrest (does not have to be a conviction, an arrest is enough) might prevent him from entering the country he is not a citizen in.
All of this for what, maybe they get the pimp ? And if they do get the pimp, what does the pimp say, probably something like "I heard screams coming from the apt. when I got in this perv was chokin and hittin my girl, I was just tryin to get her outta there and this perv gets violent and goes after me likes he's higher than a kite on PCP" and you know the escorts is gonna back him up. Now it's 2 against 1. They said, he said. Who do the cops arrest ? Why risk it. Like you said, move on.  
Agree LE will give him hard times he being Canadian and what he doing calling these girls for $700 and even Flag him on immigration and his entry to USA.  But no way they can stick these charges to him just because he ask a girl to see him for $700 for 2 hrs. I know of Clients who were caught in the room as a Sting just because they put an envelope full of $$$$ on the dresser. The Client told the cops he has done nothing wrong and DA drop the charges in the court and Client went out free with no record and he was not even US Citizen. Others who agree got 1 year probations because they give in to Cops.
Know your Rights !!! And have a good Attorney # on hands.

But as I said move on and others should black list this provider and her Pimp. Pimp was lucky he was not in Joliet otherwise he might be in Hospital with life threatening Gun Shots. No excuse to break someone Door and beat them up.

You were assaulted and have every right to file a report, pursue pressing charges, etc

Why she was at your place isn't going to be an issue.  Calling on an ad in itself is not a crime.  You can always state that your intentions were just to get a therapeutic massage.  Nothing more (sexually speaking) happened nor was that your intent.

When the situation is reversed and a guy goes to a girls hotel for an appt and then robs her (for example) they don't go after the girl because she didn't actually do anything illegal.

All that said......all this would involve a police investigation to find her, ID the pimp, track him down, more questioning with you, all this being public record and maybe even a blurb in a local paper, etc.  So you'd need to be OK with all these cards being out on the table as the process runs its course.

I think your advise is good advise THOMASD.
I have asked to view photos of the OP and I
can see that his bruises are new and severe.
I hope he follows through and they locate and charge the
man who hit him .


You have to consider that option to protect yourself. He can also get you on your way to work or grocery shopping.

I think you should check with a lawyer to see what your options are to protect yourself with being entangled in legal issues or getting charged for soliciting.

All the best and be safe.

Radcow2621 reads

If he comes back, give him his balls the jar on his dashboard. If me, I'd just shoot them off and put them in a ziplock bag for easy carrying.

Call 911 !!!! And explain them what type of Emergency you have.

Yeah, you point out a serious issue, but I have given it some thought.  

First off, I'm changing my appearance so it will be harder for him to recognize me.  Then, there are multiple exits from my building, so it will be hard for him to keep an eye on all off them.   So I am going to take my chances with him tracking me on the street, but my chances are good.

The real issue is him paying an uninvited visit to my front door.  For him to do so would immediately mean he is trespassing (to get past the locked front doors).  I'll call the cops right away, and when they arrive, I have nothing to explain as the cops can charge him right away with trespassing, and breaking and entering (assuming he is still kicking down my door).

But finally, I could always buy a gun.  That's something I never thought I would ever do, but I see their point now.  And if the he does break down my door, well, I'll aim for his legs.

From your own post it sounds like you know little about guns.  Having a gun is not enough, you have to be use it well.  You need to be trained to use a gun well and without hesitation.  If you simply buy a gun and put it in the night stand for protection there is a very real possibility of it being taken away from you and used against you.  This could leave dead instead of bruised.  Do you really think you could shoot somebody.  Consider these things carefully, if you decide to buy a gun I urge to take some classes and go to the range a few times a week.  You might consider some pepper spray and a baseball bat by the front door.

Posted By: specialk01
Yeah, you point out a serious issue, but I have given it some thought.  

First off, I'm changing my appearance so it will be harder for him to recognize me.  Then, there are multiple exits from my building, so it will be hard for him to keep an eye on all off them.   So I am going to take my chances with him tracking me on the street, but my chances are good.

The real issue is him paying an uninvited visit to my front door.  For him to do so would immediately mean he is trespassing (to get past the locked front doors).  I'll call the cops right away, and when they arrive, I have nothing to explain as the cops can charge him right away with trespassing, and breaking and entering (assuming he is still kicking down my door).

But finally, I could always buy a gun.  That's something I never thought I would ever do, but I see their point now.  And if the he does break down my door, well, I'll aim for his legs.

is better than a gun. But not sure how effective the plans will be as I am sure the pimp must be reading all this.

I seriously think you should look at legal options that will not get you into trouble with a solicitation charge.

We are all novices here. Remember you have more to lose than the pimp and the lady.

Posted By: asiantantric
is better than a gun.

I seriously think you should look at legal options that will not get you into trouble with a solicitation charge.

We are all novices here. Remember you have more to lose than the pimp and the lady.
Today's a holiday, but come tomorrow, I will speak with a lawyer or three.

I think a gun might be a reasonable option.  Although I am not a fan of guns, I did get a chance to learn to shoot when I sent a summer as a youth on a ranch.  Mainly at coyotes, but also at an occasional black bear.  I don't have much experience with hand guns, but I know how to take care of a gun, and how to shoot.

But I like your pepper spray suggestion -- I might as well stock up.

Use Wasp Spray.  The Pepper Spray has a range of about 6 feet so the guy could deflect it or close his eyes till he grabs you.  Wasp spray has a range of 29 feet and you could keep backing up and keep spraying.  I even keep some in my truck between the seats.

Why would he ? Lighten up dude. You pissed him off and he nailed you. I can tell you as far as the pimp is concerned you are forgotten. As long as you don't call, e-mail or text this girl you will never see his ass again. The only way you see this guy again is if you go to the cops and report this. Then maybe you would need to be worried about looking over your shoulder.
I'm sorry to be hard on you but you kinda brought this on yourself, $700 is a big chunk of change to be offering someone who has no actual good reviews (we know the first one she probably had written for her) and has fake pics up. Think about it, this girl has an entire website, not just 1 or 2 pics, but an entire effn website of pics she lifted from some other girl, you knew this and yet you STILL called her, and you're surprised she turned out to be bad news. Come on. Use some common sense.
Next item of common sense, never, ever shoot a gun at a person except to protect your own life, in which case you shoot to kill, always - ask a cop about that (but not this week, not a good idea in your state of mind). In the legs, fuxn A. And don't buy a handgun, if you have to buy a gun (bad idea I think for you) buy a shotgun. As scared as you sound you're gonna be pissin your pants if this guy comes back (which he won't) and you're hands are going to be shaking like a leaf. More likely he gets the handgun from you and shoots you w it. With a shotgun your aim does not have to be that good, anywhere in the general direction will work. Besides you need a special permit for a handgun in most cities, only standard registration for a shotgun.
Last, dude see a lawyer before you even think about going to the police, you have no idea where this could lead. Let someone with criminal defense experience who knows how the system operates talk through this with you, and if necessary, go w you to make the reports and do the talking FOR YOU. He will know what to say, and more importantly want NOT TO SAY. None of us on this board is a criminal defense attorney. Don't make this any worse for yourself. Talk to a good criminal defense attorney before you make any more moves, other than just letting this go.

Posted By: cpdude
Why would he ? Lighten up dude. You pissed him off and he nailed you. I can tell you as far as the pimp is concerned you are forgotten. As long as you don't call, e-mail or text this girl you will never see his ass again. The only way you see this guy again is if you go to the cops and report this. Then maybe you would need to be worried about looking over your shoulder.
I kind of agree with you, except how are the pimp and the girl going to react to me posting this thread and writing a review saying that they tried to extort $700 from me?  Could the review not prompt another visit from the pimp?
I'm sorry to be hard on you but you kinda brought this on yourself, $700 is a big chunk of change to be offering someone who has no actual good reviews (we know the first one she probably had written for her) and has fake pics up. Think about it, this girl has an entire website, not just 1 or 2 pics, but an entire effn website of pics she lifted from some other girl, you knew this and yet you STILL called her, and you're surprised she turned out to be bad news. Come on. Use some common sense.
Sure I made mistakes, but I have been very candid about them.  And let's be frank, none of those mistakes warrant having a pimp trying to kick my door down and then punch me in the head half a dozen times.  Don't say I had it coming, because what happened to me was way over the top.  Seriously, this pair broke some serious laws in what they did, and if I do go to the police, they will be looking at jail time.  Are you trying to say because I acted as a newbie, I deserved to nearly have my door kicked down and get punched in the head 6 times?
Next item of common sense, never, ever shoot a gun at a person except to protect your own life, in which case you shoot to kill, always - ask a cop about that (but not this week, not a good idea in your state of mind). In the legs, fuxn A. And don't buy a handgun, if you have to buy a gun (bad idea I think for you) buy a shotgun. As scared as you sound you're gonna be pissin your pants if this guy comes back (which he won't) and you're hands are going to be shaking like a leaf. More likely he gets the handgun from you and shoots you w it. With a shotgun your aim does not have to be that good, anywhere in the general direction will work. Besides you need a special permit for a handgun in most cities, only standard registration for a shotgun.[/quote

A shot gun is a good idea, I've used a shot gun before.  Thanks for the suggestion.
Last, dude see a lawyer before you even think about going to the police, you have no idea where this could lead. Let someone with criminal defense experience who knows how the system operates talk through this with you, and if necessary, go w you to make the reports and do the talking FOR YOU. He will know what to say, and more importantly want NOT TO SAY. None of us on this board is a criminal defense attorney. Don't make this any worse for yourself. Talk to a good criminal defense attorney before you make any more moves, other than just letting this go.  
Damn straight with this suggestion.  I'll be talking to some lawyers tomorrow.

Never shoot to wound, always shoot to kill.  If you maim a criminal they will bleed you dry financially for the rest of your life.  If you kill a criminal in self defense your problems with them end immediately.   The bigger question however is "are you capable of killing another human being?".  If you're not, then I agree with the pepper spray and baseball bat option.  Or better yet, a tazer and baseball bat.  Hopefully a good lawyer will advise you correctly in how to handle things going forward.

AggieFan012899 reads

If so, then wtf are you doing even CONSIDERING buying a gun?

I'm not in LE but as has already been said, I think it's highly unlikely you'll see the pimp again. You pissed him off and he acted, it's over. I don't think he's sitting around fuming about you and plotting to extract vengeance.

I think the smartest thing you can do is just move on. I Know it was a frightening incident but don't let it get the better of you. If it makes you feel safer to get pepper spray or even wasp spray, do it. I think the best advice is that if for some unlikely reason he WOULD show up, for chrissake don't open the door, dial 911. I really doubt he has you or your place staked out - I'm sure his life is crazy enough he doesn't have time to dwell on things.

Posted By: AggieFan01

I think the smartest thing you can do is just move on. I Know it was a frightening incident but don't let it get the better of you. If it makes you feel safer to get pepper spray or even wasp spray, do it. I think the best advice is that if for some unlikely reason he WOULD show up, for chrissake don't open the door, dial 911. I really doubt he has you or your place staked out - I'm sure his life is crazy enough he doesn't have time to dwell on things.
You advice is well taken but I think you're missing the point here.  Courtney Cummings and her male friend should be going to jail.  Not because my face is bruised, but because they damage this industry.  This industry should be about fun (and the girls get to make a bit money).  But when you throw in a few bad apples like Courtney Cummings, hobbyists become much more cautious about who they visit, and the hobby becomes a lot less enjoyable.  To be frank, Courtney Cummings and her pimp are a danger to all of us, and they should be removed.

I've brought this issue to the board not so much to seek revenge for the beating I took, but more so to remove an obvious danger from our community.  On this discussion board, I have gotten lots of great advice on how to do so.  Ultimately, the best move would be for me to go ahead and file charges, and I may very well proceed with this action, after speaking to a lawyer.  Those charges would remove a deceitful service provider and her violent pimp from the community, and that would be a good thing for everyone.

But if I file charges, the pimp may very well come back for one last visit.  Indeed, he may very well come back after reading this forum.  I should be prepared for that eventuality, be it by buying a shotgun, or pepper spray, or just reinforcing my door.  But yes, I should be prepared.

In all honestly, I doubt the pimp will come back.  During his first visit, he had surprise on his side.  If he comes back a second time I will be waiting for him and he could easily end up dead or in jail.  He'd have to be mighty irrational to take that chance.   But then again, he did try to break down my apartment door in the middle of the day just a few days ago, and that is pretty irrational.

AggieFan013338 reads

Posted By: specialk01
Posted By: AggieFan01

I think the smartest thing you can do is just move on. I Know it was a frightening incident but don't let it get the better of you. If it makes you feel safer to get pepper spray or even wasp spray, do it. I think the best advice is that if for some unlikely reason he WOULD show up, for chrissake don't open the door, dial 911. I really doubt he has you or your place staked out - I'm sure his life is crazy enough he doesn't have time to dwell on things.
You advice is well taken but I think you're missing the point here.  Courtney Cummings and her male friend should be going to jail.  Not because my face is bruised, but because they damage this industry.  This industry should be about fun (and the girls get to make a bit money).  But when you throw in a few bad apples like Courtney Cummings, hobbyists become much more cautious about who they visit, and the hobby becomes a lot less enjoyable.  To be frank, Courtney Cummings and her pimp are a danger to all of us, and they should be removed.

I've brought this issue to the board not so much to seek revenge for the beating I took, but more so to remove an obvious danger from our community.  On this discussion board, I have gotten lots of great advice on how to do so.  Ultimately, the best move would be for me to go ahead and file charges, and I may very well proceed with this action, after speaking to a lawyer.  Those charges would remove a deceitful service provider and her violent pimp from the community, and that would be a good thing for everyone.

But if I file charges, the pimp may very well come back for one last visit.  Indeed, he may very well come back after reading this forum.  I should be prepared for that eventuality, be it by buying a shotgun, or pepper spray, or just reinforcing my door.  But yes, I should be prepared.

In all honestly, I doubt the pimp will come back.  During his first visit, he had surprise on his side.  If he comes back a second time I will be waiting for him and he could easily end up dead or in jail.  He'd have to be mighty irrational to take that chance.   But then again, he did try to break down my apartment door in the middle of the day just a few days ago, and that is pretty irrational.
Oh, I ABSOLUTELY think he should be taken off the streets and I would probably go to the Police if I were in your position, but looking from the outside and knowing how the real world works I can't honestly say that would be the smart thing in the long run. Maybe it is, you're the only one who can find out. I really don't think he'll come back even if you file charges.

I do disagree with one thing - he should be going to jail for attacking you, no other reason. You can't protect the industry, don't be a martyr for it.

Posted By: AggieFan01

Oh, I ABSOLUTELY think he should be taken off the streets and I would probably go to the Police if I were in your position, but looking from the outside and knowing how the real world works I can't honestly say that would be the smart thing in the long run. Maybe it is, you're the only one who can find out. I really don't think he'll come back even if you file charges.

I do disagree with one thing - he should be going to jail for attacking you, no other reason. You can't protect the industry, don't be a martyr for it.
We could have an interesting discussion on the role of punishment in crime using this incident as a case study.  I think we agree that the crime was the pimp assaulting me along with the pair trying to extort and rob me.  But what is the purpose of the punishment?

Should this be about retribution, about me exacting revenge for having them try to extort me and for him hurting me?

Should this be about safety in that this pair clearly is a threat to others, and that through this punishment they will be removed from the community?

Should this be about setting a precedent as a deterrent so that others who might think about exploiting and extorting clients realize that there is a potential to be punished?

Should this be about "justice" where these two were clearly in the wrong, and "deserve" to be punished?

Now while cases can be made for all four of the above arguments, only the safety argument is tangible.  Sure I was the one that was beaten, and sure I deserve some retribution, but how much retribution do I deserve?  Similarly, it would be great if the outcome of this incident could serve as a deterrent to future crime, but somehow I doubt that it will.  As for the "justice" argument, I'm not so sure that everyone can agree on the same standards of justice.  But the safety argument is valid and universal.  This pair is dangerous, and they should be removed.  Or at a minimum, the community should be warned about their existence.

But you are right, I will not martyr myself for this community.  I will go out of my way to try to deal with this pair, but I will not harm my own future prospects to deal with them.
For me it's not primarily about retribution (although yes, I will appreciate whatever retribution occurrs).

The old trusted AK-47. How to get it is a different Story.

Was the pimp some Big Dude, white, Black, Brown or Yellow

Pimp do know you are their and loaded with Cash. I will watch my Door and my Back if I were you.
Try reinforcing your front Door with more Dead Bolts, keep your Escape plan ready if he did break into the appartment again. Like jumping from the balcony or Window. You never told us what kind of neighborhood you living in. If in deep south side then you better pack and Run.

Last Winter I was in Toronto downtown waiting for an Incall in my Car with 1 ft of snow around me in an appartment building near the campus. Out of nowhere I saw one Canadian mounted police guy start coming towards me and knock on my window I was like how the fuck he finds out I am here to see some one. I lower my window thinking of what they will do to a US Citizen. He smile at me and said Sir you need to get a paid parking ticket from the machine next to my car. I was like running in Snow to get the ticket. He said I been watching you for almost 90 min you in your car and don't have a permit.
After that I only call girls to my Hotel room and that worked much better.

One thing about Canadian Girls is they work from 4pm to 5am and when they come to room they run to get shower and all done from showering in 2-3 min and when leaving they takes a quick shower. Very friendly and young and beautiful.
I guess Work must have brought you to this part of the border.

Your first mistake was to have a provider you have never met come to your home.  I've been in the hobby for quite awhile and never invite provider to my home. Even though some of the ladies and I are close. Always go to hotel. You have more control of your surroundings. Be safe all the time.Never just open the door fully when she knocks. Keep safety chain on and look through peep hole.( I'm speaking from experience-opened door,she walked in followed by man with gun who robbed me and this was at a 5 star hotel) I now answer door with my stun gun in hand, especially if it our first visit. Sorry you had this happen to you and play safe. As far as LE. I reported the armed robbery to LE and because I was straight up with them about making appointment and they couldn't prove that I had. THe girl and her partner were on the security video tape and Desk clerk recognized the girl from BP. They called number and the girl answered and made appontment with them. Within hour she arrived at different hotel and when Le opened door gun man pushed his way in.Was he surprised when Le meet him with guns drawn. Both of them were hopped up on coke and his only remark was that the gun wasn't loaded. They are both serving time and I learned a very scary lesson. If it had been just a cash&dash, I probably wouldn't have called LE, but when he put that gun between my eyes, I said he wasn'r getting away withit. Again enjoy the hobby, but be safe and careful.

Since you invited her to your home, one can assume you are not married. Perhaps you should consider moving. It may cost you $$$ to break your lease, but probably less than hospital bills.

The advice about having a gun taken away and used against you also applies to a knife or a baseball bat. And you'll look strange carrying a bat to the grocery store or to work.

The odds of his coming back to batter you again are small. Most bullies feel that one beating is sufficient. It delivers the message. If you are really concerned about him coming back to finish what he started, the wisest, safest thing would be to move.

And if you learn only two things, they would be:
1. Never, ever invite a stranger into your home.
2. If you want to hobby, always do thorough research first.

Just read your review.
OK - here's one reason why I said go to a lawyer before the police. In your initial post, you got hit a few times w his hands. In your review, you get hit w hands then hit w a hammer. Big, Big Difference to the Police and Judge. One is Assualt & Battery, the other is Aggrevated Assualt. 1st may be a misd the next will certainly be a felony and maybe major prison time. If they arrest this guy, and they get a copy of your inital post on this site, his lawyer will say you made up the hammer part after you had time to think about it to make it look worse.
I know what a few of you will say, not a big deal, so he didn't ad it in. It is a big deal, the hammer is a weapon and shows pre-planning to cause serious bodily harm, not like the pimp just freaked. No, bringing a hammer showed he planned to do this, again, big diff in the charge.
Before you go to the Police, you had damn well better get your story straight, and it better be the truth. Because if you lie to the police, dude you're in deep trouble. Detectives are not stupid, they are well trained to note any discrepancies in stories. Forgetting to mention the hammer is a big one.
If you did get hit w a hammer then I seriously, seriously doubt the police will give a shit about charging you w soliciting, no matter what kind of a prick the officers are. They now need your cooperation at trial to put this guy away, and they WILL want to get this guy. Swinging a hammer at someones face is a far, far greater threat to society than your horny hobby.
Still, get a lawyer, don't do this on your own. If you have to cross the border for work, you can't afford an arrest. The lawyer will make sure that does not happen and the cops treat you as the victim, not the criminal.

Were you there? Testify to what?  Conjecture and speculation from a blog?  C'mon man.

You should have kept the door locked and called the cops. Tell them you don't know WTF the problem is with these two.

They have been pointed out on the various posts you have made about this tramatic experience.  The what if conversations make a lot of valid points.  You are a wiser man I hope.

I do want to thank the OP...  for risking the ridicule by going public with this incident...  So many others can should learn from your example.  You have helped very many people today & you do deserve our thanks.  

Be careful out there, friends

I am glad that you have found my adventure educational, but now that you're had your fun, I was wondering if you would like to be constructive?

I did not post my story to amuse you, or to educate you, but to alert you that there is a dangerous pair in our community who is bent on ripping off, extorting and robbing whomever they can reach through violent means.

Moreover, I brought this story to attention not just so that you would be warned of their existence, but also in hopes that you might have some constructive suggestions in how this pair could be removed from the community.  For instance, do you have any legal advice on how I might press charges without being charged myself?  Failing that, could you recommend a good lawyer who is versed in the field escorts and clients?

Clearly you want to make your two-bits heard; I was wondering if you could also make your two-bits be constructive?

Never never never open the door to a pimp........thats asking for oodles of trouble!!!!!!!!!!

I would agree, buy a gun. If you are hobbying inside your place. You need something to protect yourself.  Research will be your friend. No need to listen to your big head, if its going to get you in trouble.

Research, research, research, if she seems weird, get a hotel room or just do not see her. I am very sorry, you got beat up. Thats a shame, a real shame.

Posted By: specialk01
I am in Chicago.  On Friday I ordered up an out-call to my apartment.  The service provider arrived an hour and a half late.  I got the sense that I was about to get ripped off so I asked her some tough questions about the upcoming session before I gave my donation.  Specifically, I asked her to list her restrictions, which she refused to do.   I told her that she could be straight-up with me or she could go home.  She said she was going home, but demanded a cancellation fee.  I pointed out that she was the one who was cancelling, but agreed to give her $40 for a cab.

The provider then refused to leave my apartment.  Eventually, I started shepherding her to the door.  She told me to stop touching her, and I pointed out that she was now trespassing, and that I could throw her out if I wanted to.  She then called her pimp.  I got her to leave my apartment, using the $40 as bait.  I locked the door and started tidying up.

A few minutes later there was some loud banging at my door.  I debated my options and decided to go with opening the door and confronting the pimp with reason.  Obviously a mistake.  The pimp immediately punched me in the head and pushed his way into the apartment and started demanding that I pay the full $700 for a two hour session.  I refused and said that she got a $40 dollar cancellation fee and that all I was paying.  The pimp hit me several more times before I started to scream for help.  Although none of my neighbors responded to my cries of help, the pimp and the provider did turn tail and leave.

I have visible bruises to my face which are going to be difficult to explain at work tomorrow.  

I am wondering about my legal options at this point.  I have clearly been assaulted.  The pimp clearly trespassed into my apartment, and tried to extort monies from me.  But is it worth my time to go to the police?  Also, am I guilty of any crime in having a service provider visit me and then me deciding to send her away?  Will I get charged if I go to the police?


obsidian1122700 reads

I'm going to disagree with some of what others have said regarding buying a gun. Chicago is legendary for being one of the most anti-gun cities in the country, with only DC being possibly more anti-gun (NYC, SF, and LA though also deserve mentioning of course). Rumor has it Chicago police who want to buy ammo to practice with have to leave city limits to buy ammo.

You said in your review you were going to contact an attorney. How did that go?

If they didn't tell you then, I'll tell you now: if you do have to use lethal force and are talking to the police (or are in any other trouble with the police) say NOTHING! Don't listen to anything the police say, and only say you invoke your right to silence and that you want an attorney. Say it over and over until they stop talking to you. Only talk to the police once you have consulted with your attorney.

On your attack (which I bet your attorney will explain to you is battery not assault), if you talk to the police, make sure your attorney is there with you during any questioning.

As always though, I'm not an attorney. Which is why you should have your own and listen to his or her advice!

IKnowKarate3606 reads

1. Lousy review. Bait and Switch and then some. Never should have made the appointment.  That's where this mess all began.

Her first review is from someone with 10 reviews from all over the place (DC, Chicago, Phoenix, etc.) and mostly good scores.  I don't think he's a shill, as some have said. Maybe a bad reviewer, but not a shill. The 2nd review is from someone with around 40 reviews and CC was a standout low score.

2. Someone mistakenly posted that you made the appt for 1 in the morning but your review says 1PM (afternoon), right?  This was all in the afternoon?

3. Your question about limits may have been off-putting and scared her into thinking you were LE ... but then HER reactions (ladies, please chime in here) indicate that that wasn't it.  If she really thought you were LE, wouldn't she be trying to get out ASAP with any excuse possible??  No, she's asking for the money!  Yeah.  "Well Mr. Policeman, I think I rang the wrong bell.  Will you please give me $700 anyway before I leave?"  Ladies, how would you 'excuse yourself' from that? "I'm Courtney's friend and I just stopped by to say that Courtney can't make it and to apologize for her. Envelope? Please don't shove that envelope at me!! I'm outta here, bye bye!"

4. Let's see ... does she still think you're LE?  Yeah, she now goes to get her pimp and teach the cops a lesson? Not quite. They know you're not LE or are behaving like you're not LE. They are out to get your money ($700) that they consider theirs.

5. You opened the door. You know that was another big mistake.

6. Can you prove MEDICALLY that you were struck with a hammer or other deadly weapon (and not just a closed fist)?  You didn't say so, but I assume you went to a hospital or doctor to see if there is a fracture or other damage underneath the bruises.

7. Assault with a HAMMER raises the ante and the charges that can be levied against the assailant. It could be anything up to, I don't know, attempted murder? (I'm not a lawyer and I don't play one on TER.) I guess he could say it wasn't a hammer (premediatation) but something he picked up off your table (heat of the moment). Tough call.

8. The local lawyers (real ones!) you are meeting with should give you the best, local advice.

Good luck.

Personally, I think that pimp needs to be put away, big time.

Posted By: IKnowKarate
1. Lousy review. Bait and Switch and then some. Never should have made the appointment.  That's where this mess all began.

Her first review is from someone with 10 reviews from all over the place (DC, Chicago, Phoenix, etc.) and mostly good scores.  I don't think he's a shill, as some have said. Maybe a bad reviewer, but not a shill. The 2nd review is from someone with around 40 reviews and CC was a standout low score.
Yes, my screening system failed me.  I noted the discrepancy between the two reviews, but failed to determine how to pick the more trustworthy reviewer.  Definitely my mistake.
2. Someone mistakenly posted that you made the appt for 1 in the morning but your review says 1PM (afternoon), right?  This was all in the afternoon?
Yes, this was all in the afternoon.  I spoke with one neighbor afterwards, he was quite shaken.
3. Your question about limits may have been off-putting and scared her into thinking you were LE ... but then HER reactions (ladies, please chime in here) indicate that that wasn't it.  If she really thought you were LE, wouldn't she be trying to get out ASAP with any excuse possible??  No, she's asking for the money!  Yeah.  "Well Mr. Policeman, I think I rang the wrong bell.  Will you please give me $700 anyway before I leave?"  Ladies, how would you 'excuse yourself' from that? "I'm Courtney's friend and I just stopped by to say that Courtney can't make it and to apologize for her. Envelope? Please don't shove that envelope at me!! I'm outta here, bye bye!"

4. Let's see ... does she still think you're LE?  Yeah, she now goes to get her pimp and teach the cops a lesson? Not quite. They know you're not LE or are behaving like you're not LE. They are out to get your money ($700) that they consider theirs.
Thank you for pointing out the obvious.  I tried to stick to the facts in my rendition without too many conclusions but it is pretty clear that  Courtney Cummings behaviour from the get-go, from sneaking past the locked front door of the apartment building, to her initial evasive behaviour in my apartment, to her refusal to leaving my apartment, to her calling her "friend" to have him come up and teach me a lesson is entirely consistent with her intent to extort and rob me.
5. You opened the door. You know that was another big mistake.
You're right.  All I can say is that I am Canadian and newly arrived in Chicago.  In my entire life in Canada I have never been concerned about my personal safety.  Never.  Even in situations in bars where yes, I knew I was about to get thrown out, I have always been spoken to, and reasoned with first, before any threat of violence appeared.  Even road rage scenes where irate drivers have followed me home, when I get out of the car, we talk.   When I opened the door last Friday, I was expecting that Courtney's "friend" and I would work out a deal where he would threaten me and I would fork over some more cash and then they would go.  

Obviously things work different in Chicago.  I won't make this mistake again.
6. Can you prove MEDICALLY that you were struck with a hammer or other deadly weapon (and not just a closed fist)?  You didn't say so, but I assume you went to a hospital or doctor to see if there is a fracture or other damage underneath the bruises.

7. Assault with a HAMMER raises the ante and the charges that can be levied against the assailant. It could be anything up to, I don't know, attempted murder? (I'm not a lawyer and I don't play one on TER.) I guess he could say it wasn't a hammer (premediatation) but something he picked up off your table (heat of the moment). Tough call.
I finally got to the doctor's today.  They did report that I was hit very heavily on the cheek and that my eyeball is bruised (iritis).  It should clear up in a week.   No fractures, thank God.

They could not be conclusive about the cause of the injury.  All I can be conclusive about is that after he hit me for the fifth time, Courtney's "friend" was wielding a hammer, a small hammer, but a hammer.  I had not seen the hammer before and I do not own a hammer, so he had to have brought it with him.  It's presence (whether he used it on me or not) definitely put the fear of God into me.
8. The local lawyers (real ones!) you are meeting with should give you the best, local advice.

Good luck.

Personally, I think that pimp needs to be put away, big time.
My first two leads on lawyers have run dry.  I'm following up on a third lead, and then I'm cracking the Yellow Pages.  Could anyone here recommend a Chicago lawyer who would be competent and versed in the hobbyist lifestyle?


" I spoke with one neighbor afterwards, he was quite shaken."

You told your neighbor what you were trying to do and what happend ?

If you post another post asking for a Lawyer I am sure you will get many replies.
I think you need a Criminal Lawyer.

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