
Jones report and Shakespeare chat group
baseballguy1 5 Reviews 1037 reads

Hey old timers,
Anyone out there have good memories of the Shakespeare private chat group.  We all had Shakespeare characters for names and were all prescreened with the ladies.  Jones Report too… those were such simpler times for sure.  Met some amazing, long term “ girl friends” that were so special and fun!  
Dreaming of great memories of simple times…

yes i was in the jones group as well. And yes the ladies were fantastic!! Great to hear from you.

I think I was part of Jones group - at this stage of my advanced age - I don't remember for sure.  Lol.  Times have changed - but thats life.  

Dirk Diggler here….and Caliban on TPSG !

I remember the chat room in both places where it was so easy to engage with the ladies.  Last year I reconnected with one of the ladies I met from Jones who I lost touch with due to COVID.  

Also remember a get together in Oakbrook Terrace at Gulliver’s in the summer before 9/11 when one of the TSPG ladies from SC visited for a few days and there was at least a dozen gents who attended. And then there was 2 ladies (Kimberly Las Vegas and Candigurl from NJ) who were stuck here the week of 9/11 and we made several ventures up to the Living Room and another establishment n Butterfield Road.

And because she’s still alive and kicking’…..Bebedoll still brings it when I saw her in January.

Wow. Haven’t heard that in a long time

I have some different memories of that TJR.  I remember the main members of that little crew being self-important elitists who used to coerce escorts into giving them discounts in exchange for publicity and good reviews.  Some ladies played along and the ones who didn't were black-balled by that group.

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