
I'm disappointed in all the negativity spewed this week myself.
Sexy Talaya 5536 reads

This was supposed to be a FUN week. Instead, everyone is b*tching about stuff that isn't even important.

I am talking about the ONE provider who goes by "Sydney, Kelsey, Carli, Whitney" and now... "NIKKI". She advertises on Eros and RS2K and constantly posts self reviews here on TER and my guess there are plenty of self reviews on TBD as well, but I am not a member there.

Why is she allowed to have all the reviews here? I am curious as to how much money she spends advertising all those different ads on Eros.  It also disturbs me to see they tolerate it as well as RS2K.  Now I am a member of RS2K, but sometimes I think they dropped their level of quality service down a few notches in favor of just making money.

I also find it funny that Vanessa Sue is still allowed here.  Before you all chastise me for that comment, lets go back in history a little and take a look at her.  A couple of years ago she blasted TER on both TJR and TBD.  As a result, they pull her reviews and she cries foul.  Now, almost 2 years later, she makes up a story about a violent attack in the wake of a murder of a popular provider.  She follows up on that by scamming people of money.

I think she is no different than Sydney... yet most of you try and defend her claiming she has an "illness" or "personal issues".  She has issues alright... shes a fraud!

This is just one of many reasons why I cancelled my paid membership to this site.  It supports the wrong people for the wrong reasons.

Its my own fault... I mean I shouldn't expect to find ethics among those involved in an illegal activity... myself being included as one of them.  Oh well, what the hell.

Flame on!!

ellobo695734 reads

Re:How long will this BS go on?

ellobo694808 reads

Like DancingBear125 said:

"Okay folks, that's is enough."

No, you got it %100 right. I, too, had let my memberships lapse but renewed for the sole purpose of supporting those who also have it right. Otherwise, their voices would be totally drowned out eventually. Got to fight the BS.

I'm in total agreement with you TJ. Sydney was actually kicked off this board a year and a half ago. She had a bunch of her customers (myself included) write TER for her reinstatment. I guess they finally gave up and put her back on.  Her newest persona Nikki is actually two pictures of someone else not her. The third picture is Sydney. It's pretty easy to tell the difference if you know what she looks like.

The reality is she doesn't self post as much as you'd think. She gets different clients to put up reviews for her. The deal she used to offer was $100 off services on your next appointment with her for a good review.

That's why she gets so many 8s, 9s and 10s. Don't get me wrong , she is a wildcat in bed. But her appearence is nowhere near an 8 or higher. But for $100 off, to a lot of guys I'm sure she looks a lot better.  

Personally, I grew tired of her and have found greener pastures elsewhere. I find it funny that it's taken someone this long to notice and complain.

I saw  years ago, bareback was offered and I declined and left under a intense verbal barage.  Her appearance was disturbing, malnutrition like skinny and her face was difficult to look at from too much cosmetic surgery.  In the past others have mentioned bareback offered on boards and reviews but those allegations are always removed as Im sure mine will be.  If one searches under her other number 890 9088  there is a review stating that bareback was offered and accepted.  The fact that her reviews for appearance are either very low or very high in my mind supports that she is manipulating the reviewers or self posting.

Buying good reviews? I hope this isn't something that happens with any frequency with other women. And I'm disappointed in the guys who go along with this. Without reviews we can trust, it all becomes a crap shoot.

I do not think it is funny that VS still advertises and still has her reviews live, I think it is dangerous. Unless a newbie researches threads buried deep in posts that are weeks old he will walk into a tenuous position unprepared. Despite her profession she should be spending time getting better, not working. If she hit bottom she needs months to recover, not weeks. And if she did not hit bottom then she is still a powderkeg. And if she is still medicated she definitely should not be working.

The "let it go" sentiment is very bad too. I do not have an axe to grind, I think this is dangerous. I appreciate her friends looking out for her, but there is too much risk here if she truly is back to work already.

Yes, I was always amazed that Sydney had so many shiny reviews. Unlike VS, I met Sydney once. My less than stellar review was rejected due to lack of explicit detail.


By my saying "Let it go" in a previous thread that was CLOSED by the moderator, I was saying it for Vanessa Sue's sake. She is trying to heal and doesn't need you or anyone else to continue hammering her. You don't even know her and you are making these assumptions out of thin air about what she "needs".
She needs to be left alone by people like you that are trying to harm her. Like Mike Seneca told you on the other board...lots of providers are medicated...don't use that as your battle hymn. Renee mentioned that it is only five days from Christmas and that you shouldn't kick someone who is down...what's the matter...can't you stop yourself from bullying a girl? I saw her(Vee) last week over coffee...I know her and know what she needs...stop bothering her. If you really give a damn as you say you do you will give it a rest. If will just damage your own reputation and be perceived as a bully of women.
 Stating your opinion is one thing(nothing wrong there)...but using the boards in a concerted effort to ban a provider that you do not like, is pathetic. Thomas Jenkins stated his opinion, but you have talked of banning Vee, I think you have other motives behind your posts

Sojourner and all, my bad, I posted this on Sunday and when I did not see it on Monday afternoon I assumed it was rejected. That is why I went to the other board. I did not mean to double post or appear to pile on. I think I did understand what you meant and sincerely apologize and will stop. I was proven wrong and bad timing on this post and you and others are right, this helps nobody. Thanks for your patience.

Sexy Talaya5537 reads

This was supposed to be a FUN week. Instead, everyone is b*tching about stuff that isn't even important.

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