
I think if a provider is going to be racist
enchantingolivia See my TER Reviews 8663 reads

She should be openly racist and post who she will and will not entertain on her site and in her ads.

I'll see anyone, I'm an EOE (Equal Opportunity Escort) as are the ladies I hang with.

(Mini rant) Why the hell would anyone restrict themselves to certain people?  Maybe I spent too much time an Anthropology class but I like meeting people with backgrounds different from my own.

james34769429 reads

Hello, everyone.  I just got done attempting to meet a provider, but it didn't go to well.  She told me that she didn't serve black males.  I told her that I wish she would of informed me that she didn't before I made the drive along with getting some wine.  She even asked me that I still leave money for the room... I have no problem with her preference.  

I was wondering if there are any providers that have a preference for black males or have never been with a black guy.  Providers or other hobbyist please e-mail at [email protected]

Thank you

She should be openly racist and post who she will and will not entertain on her site and in her ads.

I'll see anyone, I'm an EOE (Equal Opportunity Escort) as are the ladies I hang with.

(Mini rant) Why the hell would anyone restrict themselves to certain people?  Maybe I spent too much time an Anthropology class but I like meeting people with backgrounds different from my own.

I dont always think it is being racist though.  I do think if a lady has a preferance to be only with certain races that it should be listed to aviod confusion.  That is up to her, but be honest and up front...  

I personally am with Olivia, it is cool to enjoy many nationalities as you see things through many different eyes.  It is interesting and keeps this from getting boring.  

Dont let it get you down babes.  Think of it this way, at least she didnt attempt to go through with it and give you seriously substandard services(literally wasting your $$$).  You just saved your self some $ to see someone who does in fact want/desire to visit with you.

Flagg6990 reads

I don't believe her actions were racist either, and providers, like clients, have a right to see who they want.  I do think that asking for money didn't show much class.  I feel that james3476 was a little bit lucky.  Now he can spend his money on someone who wants to be with him rather than someone who was uncomfortable and seeing him just for the money.

As far as a provider advertising her preferences, what kind of flak would she get if she posted on her site that she would only see men of a certain color or race?  I think that many men would appreciate knowing ahead of time, but just as many man and women (if not more) would attack her for excluding certain types of clients.  Wouldn't she be better off trying to be discreet and mentioning this fact in an email or on the phone when setting up an appointment?

the lady can list it as a personal preferance without stating any negatives about why she wont visit with that group, I think she would be ok.  It is just that the ladies in the past who have listed preferances usually slam the preferance so it is veiwed as an attack.  If it could be worded properly I am sure there wouldnt be an issue but to date it has not so we shall see if someone is able to do it.

Usually it's based on negative stereotypes, and it IS a racist reason!

Lamont Cranston7925 reads

'Who knows what evil lurks in the minds of men (and women), the Shadow knows'

In places where men aren't looking. Believe me, most of the time, it's a racist reason!

Lamont Cranston7392 reads

but I don't go looking to validate that sort of thing.

Vanessa-Sue8714 reads long as they are kind, considerate, and a gentleman. If they meet all those requirements, I could not care less what they look like!


Vanessa Sue

Vanessa-Sue8639 reads

Bigger men are so warm and cuddly!!


Vanessa Sue

puretwist8376 reads

it probably makes sense to ask.  You will have an amazing experience with those that are colorblind.  Al Queda isn't the only issue this country must confront.

What a Bi#ch.  To make you drive out there, then say no ... you have every right to be pissed.

You should post her name so that other people can see what type of person she is!

There are a lot of other providers out there, go have fun and be safe.

You should post her name to prevent other brothers from having to go through this.

Hey Sweetie,

To be quite frank.  Many providers are fearful of seeing Black men.  Due to the precognition that they are young and hung. They just can not handle it.

Well lucky for me I am a Black Stallion,and can handle a passionte well-equipped gentlemen. Requesting all gentlemen for a fun-ride.

Suckling Kisses


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