
i politely disagree with some of the replies
wrench11 499 reads

i don't think you need to raise rates. you are not below the market and where you live that may be the standard. it's a fine line i guess, there are girls that charge 2x your rate that have some real crazy stories too. either way you will eventually run into a few weirdos if you do this long enough. i do however agree that 30 min sessions could attract penny pinchers but who knows. you look great btw

Okay guys so we know that there is this huge misconception that providers(really even women in general) that we are "supposed" to look like friggin barbie dolls. I'm writing this based off of quite a few reviews that have been written because they felt dissapointed, deceived, because I and other women should be perfect looking like other providers because we are not perfect enough whatever the case might be. I've had so many clients that repeat often even the ones that write about my imperfections. This creates lots of pressure and unnecessary stress for me and a lot of other providers to go off for procedures to love put under the knife, so that we can be perfect. It also creates a air of negative self concept which in turn begats negative self esteem. Look not all of us are perfect but if you guys want to continue seeing really true genuine awesome in mechanical providers I would advise you to stop acting like little boys when you don't get your way man up, or just turn around. I will speak for my self. I am not perfect please read on don't just read one read all... I'm am sick of this and will be going in for surgery before march to fix these inadequacies. My pictures are up to date they were taken just a few weeks ago..... My stomach is tight I have few very few stretch marks.. And yes my blobs are perfect they are no grandma Rita either. But I'm cool person and a great lover and if you missing that genuine connection and lack of attention you are getting from other provider then, yes we are perfect for other. Other than that if expecting to see a barbie doll I'm not it......

Somedudesjunk808 reads

Like it or not, looking hot is an unwritten expectation for most guys. It comes with the territory. It's part of the business you are in.

There is no shortage of civvie women who are imperfect. That we can find on our own.

A lot of us had/have careers where we received some ugly critiques when we didn't perform as expected. I kept enduring the heat/stress because the rewards were worth it. Hell, I had to sit through some ugly film/video sessions when the coaches reviewed how we played the week before. That was high school.

Good luck, hope things work out for you.

Posted By: Mariamaria
Okay guys so we know that there is this huge misconception that providers(really even women in general) that we are "supposed" to look like friggin barbie dolls. I'm writing this based off of quite a few reviews that have been written because they felt dissapointed, deceived, because I and other women should be perfect looking like other providers because we are not perfect enough whatever the case might be. I've had so many clients that repeat often even the ones that write about my imperfections. This creates lots of pressure and unnecessary stress for me and a lot of other providers to go off for procedures to love put under the knife, so that we can be perfect. It also creates a air of negative self concept which in turn begats negative self esteem. Look not all of us are perfect but if you guys want to continue seeing really true genuine awesome in mechanical providers I would advise you to stop acting like little boys when you don't get your way man up, or just turn around. I will speak for my self. I am not perfect please read on don't just read one read all... I'm am sick of this and will be going in for surgery before march to fix these inadequacies. My pictures are up to date they were taken just a few weeks ago..... My stomach is tight I have few very few stretch marks.. And yes my blobs are perfect they are no grandma Rita either. But I'm cool person and a great lover and if you missing that genuine connection and lack of attention you are getting from other provider then, yes we are perfect for other. Other than that if expecting to see a barbie doll I'm not it......

While all clients are different, most seek providers that offer a different experience than they would get with either their wife or girlfriend.  

That said Maria, you are a beautiful woman and should never be made to feel otherwise.

My 2 cents....  

In this industry your looks/body is what the first catches a potential clients eye.  

They don't want someone they have at home. They don't want someone whose body looks similar to the wifey and gf they already have.   They want the fantasy.  But even with a few flaws the providers attitude and they way the provider makes the client feel can always keep them coming back for more.  

And your stunning. Don't let anyone tell you different.  

Jaime :)

Get some really good professional pics, exquisite lingerie, mind the ambiance of your incall, and raise your rate.

I'm a regular gal and I've never had anyone say something like that. Other ladies, chime in here- lower rates = tougher critics, right?

And FFS!!! Do NOT hack yourself up because of a critical review!!! Chin up, girl.

cubsfanws433 reads

I couldn't agree more.  There is something about half-hour rates that doesn't quite match a man's perception of a classy lady or a lady he considers for a GFE.  No disrespect intended.  I continue searching when I realize they are an option.  Good luck.

some men see women for their looks.. some for their age.. some for their height.. some for their intelligence.. some for their kink.. some for the sense of humor etc etc.  There is room for us all.  Unfortunately there are some men who feel powerful in criticizing. I dont really understand that. As long as you do no harm,  present yourself accurately, do no bait and switch, aren't Mrs Grumpy Pants, aren't disconnected by talking on the phone etc, and don't rip anybody off.. there is no reason at all to be negative imo.  Most mean are wonderful.. so occasionally we have to take the jerks to appreciate the good ones I reckon.  Just know that it happens to every single one of us at some point if you stay in the game.  Sorry though, I know it is hurtful.

Posted By: Mariamaria
Okay guys so we know that there is this huge misconception that providers(really even women in general) that we are "supposed" to look like friggin barbie dolls. I'm writing this based off of quite a few reviews that have been written because they felt dissapointed, deceived, because I and other women should be perfect looking like other providers because we are not perfect enough whatever the case might be. I've had so many clients that repeat often even the ones that write about my imperfections. This creates lots of pressure and unnecessary stress for me and a lot of other providers to go off for procedures to love put under the knife, so that we can be perfect. It also creates a air of negative self concept which in turn begats negative self esteem. Look not all of us are perfect but if you guys want to continue seeing really true genuine awesome in mechanical providers I would advise you to stop acting like little boys when you don't get your way man up, or just turn around. I will speak for my self. I am not perfect please read on don't just read one read all... I'm am sick of this and will be going in for surgery before march to fix these inadequacies. My pictures are up to date they were taken just a few weeks ago..... My stomach is tight I have few very few stretch marks.. And yes my blobs are perfect they are no grandma Rita either. But I'm cool person and a great lover and if you missing that genuine connection and lack of attention you are getting from other provider then, yes we are perfect for other. Other than that if expecting to see a barbie doll I'm not it......

This is the ultimate fantasy business. Us hobbyists are looking to scratch an itch that we are not getting someplace else. Whatever that may be, it'll be different for each. And it may be different for each at different times.  

For me, while looking top scratch an itch, I am looking at the on-line presence. Sometimes it for the "bomb-shell", or the funny lady, or the MILF, or whatever. The ladies may be short, tall, thin, curvy, whatever. When the door opens, the hope is that the on-line presence and the real thing are pretty darn close. That's the first impression. That's not to say it can't go into an amazing date or a terrible one at that point.  

The problem we encounter is when the online presence and the real thing aren't even close. To what Bebe is saying, true and accurate representation is the responsibility of the provider. If the provider represents an accurate portrayal and the hobbyist THEN slams the lady, that's on the hobbyist.  

The legendary BeBeDoll is the best example I can think of. She claims, according to her website, to be a generous 6 (though she's underselling herself a bit!). I remember years ago opening the door and she was standing there exactly as portrayed. After all these years, I still think back on that little date and just giggle and think what in the hell just happened. My most memorable dates have been when the fantasy matches the reality, both body and mind.  

My 2 cents is just represent yourself as accurately as possible. If the hobbyist is still critical, then that on them.

You can have the most aesthetically beautiful woman in the world in front of you, and if she isn't confident, she's not going to ooze sexuality. And she won't look as good. (And there will be people pointing out her imperfections CONSTANTLY.) She won't look as good!

Confidence is your airbrush.

Might I also add, (I apologize in advance to people who will get insulted by this.)

It's the rates you're charging. I looked at your pictures, the rate doesn't match the girl. People will insult you to keep your confidence low, so you don't raise your rates. Some people are assholes and selfish.

Also - I've noticed over the years that women will also insult my physique to keep me feeling "less than" so I don't become a massive competitor, and "lay low".

And gonna' work. We tell ourselves who we are. Don't you dare let anyone tell you that you are any less than beautiful, because if they are, they're doing it on purpose! (Unless the lady's photos are severely inaccurate - then that's the fault of the lady, because she is attracting a clientele for the body / person in the pictures, and not attracting those who think how she really looks is a 10.)

Here's a blog I wrote. Most people want to be experts in "who you are". They want to be experts in something, anything! And if you let people tell you who/what you are, for sure they'll be glad to. It's your choice who you listen to.

The $350 rate isi a doozie though. I did notice that rate attracted penny pinchers, (not all - calm down people) which means they are not happy about spending the money, and will try to shake every penny out of you in looks, and in services - because they can't be satisfied.

-- Modified on 2/9/2017 10:32:33 AM

You don't have to agree to a lie you told about yourself in the past "I'm not that pretty, I'm not that smart."

Throw it in the trash. If other people hold you to who and what you called yourself yesterday, you have zero obligation to maintain that old image for the rest of your life.

Throw everybody's thoughts of you - if even created by you - in the trash and start new today.

Ok, I'm done xoxo lol

wrench11500 reads

i don't think you need to raise rates. you are not below the market and where you live that may be the standard. it's a fine line i guess, there are girls that charge 2x your rate that have some real crazy stories too. either way you will eventually run into a few weirdos if you do this long enough. i do however agree that 30 min sessions could attract penny pinchers but who knows. you look great btw

A lot of men love exotic gals.. You fall into that category being Latina... Focus on your service, most men hobby to get a need met, give each client the "king treatment" I say!!  But come on everyone loves a Barbie... I know I loved BARBIE grown up!! Lol lol    

Positive vibes girls!!!

But I worry about the fact that she listed all of these flaws, when she's HAWT AF

-- Modified on 2/10/2017 7:27:38 PM

Posted By: Mariamaria
Okay guys so we know that there is this huge misconception that providers(really even women in general) that we are "supposed" to look like friggin barbie dolls. I'm writing this based off of quite a few reviews that have been written because they felt dissapointed, deceived, because I and other women should be perfect looking like other providers because we are not perfect enough whatever the case might be. I've had so many clients that repeat often even the ones that write about my imperfections. This creates lots of pressure and unnecessary stress for me and a lot of other providers to go off for procedures to love put under the knife, so that we can be perfect. It also creates a air of negative self concept which in turn begats negative self esteem. Look not all of us are perfect but if you guys want to continue seeing really true genuine awesome in mechanical providers I would advise you to stop acting like little boys when you don't get your way man up, or just turn around. I will speak for my self. I am not perfect please read on don't just read one read all... I'm am sick of this and will be going in for surgery before march to fix these inadequacies. My pictures are up to date they were taken just a few weeks ago..... My stomach is tight I have few very few stretch marks.. And yes my blobs are perfect they are no grandma Rita either. But I'm cool person and a great lover and if you missing that genuine connection and lack of attention you are getting from other provider then, yes we are perfect for other. Other than that if expecting to see a barbie doll I'm not it......
Us men do not have a single universally agreed upon type.  Some like petite, some like voluptuous and every thing between and beyond.  My only advice is to make sure your pictures accurately represent you.  You will be some guys type.  Those are the ones you want to attract.  If say you are not a petite blond spinner, you don't want to attract the guys who are looking for that.  On the other hand, if you are curvy with "huge tracts of land", there are guys that really, really like that.  There are guys out there that will think you are a 10.  There are guys out there that will think you are a 1.  You really can't please everyone, so be yourself and use accurate pictures and you will avoid at least a little drama and possibly some bad reviews.  Hopefully that all makes sense.    

... hummahummahummahummahumma ...

Imperfections? Infucking*adequacies*????

If I weren't broke right now I would be setting something up before you leave Chicago. Sincerely.

Please cancel that surgery, whatever it is.

I'm going to say this as though I'm talking to my best girlfriend... it's water off a *censored* duck's back.  

Attraction is relative. We are all only experts in our own experience and what I've learned is there are men who think I am a goddess (and rightfully so *laughs*) and their jaws drop when they see me. Then there are men that wouldn't be seen with a plus size provider. That's fine.

I looked at your photos as well and they looked accurate as all get out to me. In this instance if I were you, recognize it's just the guy's point of view and that it changes with each gent.  

As NudeOpera said, some of it is truly your confidence level. It's owning who you are and what you're about. It's not about trying to be something you're not. I am not out here trying to portray a thin white woman. I stand proudly in my multiracial/multiethnic heritage and my pin-up curves. I own it and it makes a world of difference. Own who you are. Own your looks. Own your beauty. Be the Boss Lady you know you are. Girl, you got this.  
I cannot stress enough how much you should read NudeOpera's blog post and let her words sit with you for a while.  if you want to read some funny testimony, check out my blog post as well. It pretty much talks about what you're going through right now. I hope it helps you shake it off.  

Hell, just listen to some Taylor Swift tonight.

Don't know why ... maybe because I have women friends who have struggled with this whole set of issues, and a daughter who has dealt with them too to some extent--but I really want to encourage the OP to embrace herself as the incredibly beautiful woman she is, if she looks anything like her pictures at all, and I hope she takes what you say to heart. You are absolutely right--all of us guys are different. It's not a reflection on you or the OP if someone's taste is for another complexion or body type. (Something that is also true the other way around, and yes I have to remind myself of that often.) Vive la différence, variety is the spice of life, and there is someone else around the corner who will regard you as a goddess.

I agree with you and I hope you don't take these guys too seriously. I love to meet a great looking woman but as far as I'm concerned nobody's perfect. I've always said that after the first couple minutes of any encounter it's skills and attitude that count. I don't go back to someone because she's got perfect looks. I go back because she connected with what I really like, and honestly not because she's a barbie.

How many hobbyists are so perfect looking?

Just sayin'

With photos from a few different professional shoots as well as loads of self shot photos and videos, there shouldn't be anyone who has any misconception about what I look like. So since I'm transparent about what one should expect me to look like, if I received negative criticism about my appearance, I'd feel ways. And not because I'm not perfect. (Who really is when taking into account that beauty culture exists to reinforce illusions.) What I'd find bothersome is that if I'm not beautiful enough based on anyone's standards, they could have saved both me and themselves the headache and moved on.

If you're set on your procedure, that's real. But jerks will be jerks. And there will always be antagonistic people who are excessively critical about other people's looks. I hope you do find more peace and encounter lots of people who appreciate you as you are.

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