
I have slanted eyes, and occasinally take asian providers to "temple"
GaGambler 456 reads

but I am hardly a Buddhist.

That said, I actually agree with the mentality of the OP. I am self employed with virtually no "real" employees, happily divorced with no kids. It's rare that I go more than a couple of weeks without taking an international trip that is much more pleasure than business.

In short I have the freedom to do pretty much anything I want to, mainly because I don't have people or "things" tying me down, and I very, very happy with my life. I wouldn't trade places with anybody on this board.

People get married to "stuff" I don't really care about "stuff" although I value my freedom, I do work hard enough to buy whatever stuff I really need, and I don't get so attached to this stuff that it starts ruling me instead of the other way around. I guess although I am not as fat as the Buddha, I am every bit as happy.

Friendly reminder to a specific bunch of you, before I leave for my (private, undisturbed) vacation  

The fat, jolly Buddha has words for you.  

Know why he’s always portrayed as looking so happy? He’s not attached to Anything

All life is but a fleeting experience. You enjoy the experience, then don’t mind when it leaves

You know when you’re attached when you feel disappointment, anger, betrayal, hopelessness, etc

But isn’t it human nature to be attached to things?

Sure… if you like suffering

For the rest of us, we immensely enjoy the moment while it’s there, explore it’s depths, use all our senses, suck it dry ….then let it take it’s natural course

Does that mean you can’t have feelings, emotions for something?

You can get “into it” as much your desires need

Enjoy. Express Gratitude. (This is really important. When we express our gratitude we attract more of it in our lives) Then let it go

I'm not getting into this anymore...

-- Modified on 8/1/2014 2:24:50 PM

GaGambler457 reads

but I am hardly a Buddhist.

That said, I actually agree with the mentality of the OP. I am self employed with virtually no "real" employees, happily divorced with no kids. It's rare that I go more than a couple of weeks without taking an international trip that is much more pleasure than business.

In short I have the freedom to do pretty much anything I want to, mainly because I don't have people or "things" tying me down, and I very, very happy with my life. I wouldn't trade places with anybody on this board.

People get married to "stuff" I don't really care about "stuff" although I value my freedom, I do work hard enough to buy whatever stuff I really need, and I don't get so attached to this stuff that it starts ruling me instead of the other way around. I guess although I am not as fat as the Buddha, I am every bit as happy.

Buddhism only advises against attachment to material possessions.  Things.  You can't just tack on "people and moments."

BECAUSE another tenet is that we're all already attached to each other, energy, moments, etc, anyway.

I said I wasn't going to do that... What's wrong with me...

GaGambler293 reads

I am not an anything "ist" except for maybe a hedon"ist"

So I can tack on any damn thing I want to. lol

Seriously though, I was only commenting on what the OP had to say. I make no claims to know a damn thing about Buddhism except that the local Thai temple has great food on Sundays, and it makes many of the Thai ladies that come through town very happy to have someone take them there.

Personally I think all religions are almost equally ridiculous when taken at face value, but I try to only argue that topic on the P&R board, except to say that Buddhists are not likely to cause the end of human life on this planet, the same cannot be said about the Christians/Muslims/Jews

I didn't mean you.  EOM

Posted By: GaGambler
I am not an anything "ist" except for maybe a hedon"ist"  

So I can tack on any damn thing I want to. lol

Seriously though, I was only commenting on what the OP had to say. I make no claims to know a damn thing about Buddhism except that the local Thai temple has great food on Sundays, and it makes many of the Thai ladies that come through town very happy to have someone take them there.

Personally I think all religions are almost equally ridiculous when taken at face value, but I try to only argue that topic on the P&R board, except to say that Buddhists are not likely to cause the end of human life on this planet, the same cannot be said about the Christians/Muslims/Jews

GaGambler342 reads

I am the only other respondent to the OP, AND you quoted me, just WTF was I supposed to think?

But thanks for clearing up the fact  that although any reasonable person would have assumed you were talking to me, you were actually talking to somebody else, apparently somebody not even involved in this thread. lmao

Just out of curiosity, since I am the only other person responding to the OP, and you already responded to her, just who the hell were you talking to if not me? enquiring minds want to know. lol

And I'll post my message.  I'd rather not go through it on here, but it really wasn't directed at you.

IsorokuYamamoto294 reads

Lol of course not.  

Posted By: MissMarieM
And I'll post my message.  I'd rather not go through it on here, but it really wasn't directed at you.

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