
I can't say I can't wait to meet you because all I wish is to never meet you eom
Marine3346 1454 reads
1 / 28 must be feeling very lonely and you are taking it out on hard working single moms. They already suffer every from being mistreated by the people like you. In their already unpleasant job, they put up with wife cheaters and liars. And on the other hand they have you how who tries to make them feel even lower. You don't offer pain relief. All you offer is more pain and suffering. Let them do their and enjoy your limited time them. They have to go home and smile to their children, don't their tired smile away.

GaGambler 488 reads
3 / 28

I wonder how good he felt after writing this OP?

I bet you he went back and read it five times and then masturbated to it.

What compels guys to suck up to EVERY hooker on the board, does it really make them feel all studly to tell their fellow whore mongers to be nice to the hookers that fuck them?

DamienScott 445 reads
4 / 28

Is Turdwell back?

Posted By: GaGambler
I wonder how good he felt after writing this OP?  

I bet you he went back and read it five times and then masturbated to it.

What compels guys to suck up to EVERY hooker on the board, does it really make them feel all studly to tell their fellow whore mongers to be nice to the hookers that fuck them?

Tony_Montana 442 reads
5 / 28

His mention of single moms makes me think that he's probably referring to one provider in particular who has recentlyh made her presence known in a BSC kind of way and has bragged about her status as a single mom.

I wonder what's in it for marine3346. Is he her pimp? Or is he just white-knighting for the hell of it? Who knows?  I've always thought marines were supposed to be the epitome of manhood. I guess this description doesn't apply to the OP, though.

MissErinBlack See my TER Reviews 664 reads
6 / 28

-Not all providers who are hard-working have children. Some providers are hard-working because -- oh, i don't know-- they need money.  

-Not all providers "suffer from being mistreated".  In fact, some recent studies done in Canada are showing quite the opposite.  Those who purchase time with providers aren't awful, abusive, or exploitative in most cases.  

-Not all providers think this is an "unpleasant job" filled with "wife cheaters and liars".  Most women do this job because not only is the money good, but it allows some providers the opportunity to use their time in other ways aside from working.  

-Not all providers are caused "pain and suffering" due to their jobs.  In fact, last I checked, most providers on this board do this willingly, and actually enjoy the job.  

Thanks for offering up all the same old, played-out stereotypes about providers as victims.  Not only is it disingenuous, it's dangerous.  By stereotyping providers as victims, you're automatically positioning clients as abusers/victimizers.  

Perhaps speaking on behalf of a group of women who are quite able to speak for themselves isn't what you should be doing.  If you want to make a difference in a provider's life, be a great client.

holdmybearclaw 461 reads
7 / 28

I'm kidding. Sort of. LOL

LawrenceOfaLabia 501 reads
9 / 28
Jacque_Jenesais See my TER Reviews 547 reads
10 / 28

Most of our clients are generous, and sweet in person.

I've met a lot of people in this industry, even people from TER (a lot) and they're actually pretty cool in person too.

It can get a little passionate and dramatic on here, but believe me, we are not talking like this in session - this is the last thing we are thinking about lol!

There are some seriously cool people out there. This job is just like most other jobs - you have to deal with people. The only difference is, we are about to bang them and get naked. It's nice not to be insulted or pissed off at someone right before they come over to hook up lol.

I know this message wasn't directed at me because I'm not a single mom, nor am I a mom, nor am I a sugar mama, nor is anyone depending on me - however there are definitely people in my life that have great needs and I really wish I could help them a lot more than I do now.

This is a way to do that. While having fun. I mean - I am frequently getting laid, mostly by guys in my preferred age range - 45+. How much better can it get? lol.

Jacque_Jenesais See my TER Reviews 565 reads
11 / 28

-- Modified on 10/13/2014 12:48:00 AM

MissErinBlack See my TER Reviews 568 reads
12 / 28

this is simply my perspective, but there are some characteristics that make some clients "great". A great client, in my opinion is one who:

-arrives on-time for our appointment;
-doesn't overstay without arranging to do so;
-communicates thoroughly,accurately, and succinctly prior to our session so that expectations can be managed;
-truly enjoys our time together, and leaves unnecessary outside distractions at the door.
-repeats with me if our time together was truly enjoyable, and maybe, just maybe, sends me referrals. ;)

I'll be honest.  I've had very few bad clients. Then again, I don't expect anything from someone that I personally can't deliver, and attempt to treat all inquiries fairly.

Great clients understand that I'm in the business of selling myself and selling experiences. My ideal clients interact with me as a service provider; I sell fantasy fulfillment, and I happen to love what I sell.  It's thrilling, gratifying, and also quite flattering that someone would decide to come to me in order to have their fantasies, wants, needs, desires, etc fulfilled. Great clients understand that I find it incredibly rewarding for numerous reasons, including monetary ones.    

I hope that clarifies things.  if not, here's the TL;DR. It's naive, but true:

A great client is generally a person who treats others like they'd like to be treated.

Nicoleta See my TER Reviews 499 reads
13 / 28
HarryWotton 11 Reviews 510 reads
14 / 28

Among other things, this thread proves that you can spell all the words correctly, but without proper syntax and a few punctuation marks here and there, we can have communication failure.    
It was not until this morning that I fully grasped what the OP was trying to state, thanks to all the other astute readers.  Really, when I first read the post last night, I scratched my head and thought "WTF?"  I don't know if it was the wine or the fact that English is my second language, but I tried to read the post from right to left, left to right, bottom to top, I even turned my screen upside down and it still did not make sense.  

The question I had this morning when I logged in again (note to self: sign-up for TER Anonymous), was "where is the vaunted and feared TER grammar police?"    After careful consideration and a little forensic work, I realized that the OP got a pass because it was clearly a jumbled translation from the Google engine that translates Jungleman language to English.  The message, as dictated to the computer by the OP was originally thus:

"Janes with child good, they smiley, poor them because Johns bad, Johns lying cheating with wife mucho worse, leave Janes alone,  uga, uga, uga!"    

-- Modified on 10/13/2014 10:41:43 AM

ray8510 16 Reviews 388 reads
15 / 28

The final phrase of the OP is my favorite: "don't their tired smile away." Huh?

Gemma Coreana See my TER Reviews 424 reads
16 / 28

To get the F-out if this business if they are being treated so badly, instead of complaining.....  Every job, rather it's corp America or being a Hooker is going to have lows & mistreatment...  Ugh.... 😡😡😡😡

GaGambler 396 reads
17 / 28
GaGambler 325 reads
18 / 28

and that you don't need him to speak for you?

I think you women are the ones that should be the most offended by these Capt Save a Hos, It must really depress him to know that many of you are very happy about your life choices and have no need for his protection.

I feel the same way when I see someone lobbying for "special rights" for minorities, minorities like Asians. it really fucking offends me that people might think that I might need some kind of special help to make a success of myself. No fucking thank you, I am doing just fine on my own. All I want is a level playing field, which I already have, and I can take care of myself TYVM

whenever someone thinks that I should consider myself a victim it makes me want to punch them in the mouth. Once upon a time in my reckless youth, I used to give into such temptations, now I simply "want" to punch them, but I don't actually do it. oh the good old days. lol

DamienScott 502 reads
19 / 28

Or calls her outfor being a BSC hooker. Man she just won't stop will she? Can't wait to meet her at the  Chicago M/G.

Tony_Montana 413 reads
22 / 28

Nicoleta, The fact that you are now resorting to accusing multiple posters of being the same person shows just how nuts and unstable you really are.

Didn't you recently say that you had to pursue your studies and that you wouldn't be posting until Christmas time?  Was that another one of your lies? Why are you on here all the time now? Is business that slow?

Nicoleta See my TER Reviews 392 reads
24 / 28

unless he is not interested in seeing such TS as yourself, you shouldn’t worry about him backfiring. The man shovels this hobby in his throat like discounted potato chips and then complains about choking on it. What else can be expected besides hearing his burping in a form of “what’s bad, ugly, or uglier about this or that lady, hmm.. If there is nothing, I’ll exaggerate to the point that everyone will finally see the truth that I’m not into women, yet too scared to admit it, so I’m gonna keep banging till I’m spent, and all that just for the world to see that I am The Maaan!!!...” cuckoo…

-- Modified on 10/14/2014 4:03:37 AM

Nicoleta See my TER Reviews 399 reads
25 / 28
Jacque_Jenesais See my TER Reviews 378 reads
26 / 28
CubaGoodingJRsMama 303 reads
27 / 28
giselle69 See my TER Reviews 299 reads
28 / 28

Did your ART have a bad day?

Listen, I think it's great that you are speaking for us working girls but you're making yourself a target for all the assholes on the board.

Thanks though, it was sweet.  If you're really a marine you should let girls know because most offer military rates...

XXX-Giselle Parker

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