
Here's why you read them
Dr Who revived 1325 reads

You're welcome

At one time this was a community. A group of mature adults who enjoyed each others company and well as conversation. It wasn't constantly toxic with both hobbyist and providers throwing insults and low blows . Alias's popped up once in awhile but they weren't the norm used to hide behind and be negative . Men I imagine the reason a large amount of you hobby is to fullfill needs not met at home. I am just guessing you don't come to these boards to see nagging and negativity  but for sexy fantasies.  I personally think the temperment of the posts I see is dramatic and very unappealing to men.  
I am old school I think it would be very easy for both sides to be a little less negative.  
Am I wrong guys do you hobby for drama and negativity?  Or would you prefer to conversate and play without all of this silly crap?
Ladies how do you feel about the negative tone?  What do you all think could be done to not have so much silly drama that takes away from the caliber TER used to be?

Just my musings.. ...let's not  make this a train wreck as well please

I agree 100%. I miss our old friend High and Tight.  

Posted By: npmodeling
At one time this was a community. A group of mature adults who enjoyed each others company and well as conversation. It wasn't constantly toxic with both hobbyist and providers throwing insults and low blows . Alias's popped up once in awhile but they weren't the norm used to hide behind and be negative . Men I imagine the reason a large amount of you hobby is to fullfill needs not met at home. I am just guessing you don't come to these boards to see nagging and negativity  but for sexy fantasies.  I personally think the temperment of the posts I see is dramatic and very unappealing to men.  
 I am old school I think it would be very easy for both sides to be a little less negative.  
 Am I wrong guys do you hobby for drama and negativity?  Or would you prefer to conversate and play without all of this silly crap?  
 Ladies how do you feel about the negative tone?  What do you all think could be done to not have so much silly drama that takes away from the caliber TER used to be?  
 Just my musings.. ...let's not  make this a train wreck as well please

It's hysterical to see an old fart of +70 write the nonsense that you do.

I think I remember my Gramps use your language once...while he was in hospice!

Where's that cece review?  

Posted By: macdaddy1944
we just keep feeding the trolls..  

I have not posted anything to you nor have I engaged in any drama with you. Yet you seem to find the necessity of bringing my name into this post about respecting others. What you just posted says far more about you then it does about me. Those reviews are there when I didnt even know that ter existed or how to get such vial remarks removed from TER. I dont have to explain myself, I see plenty of gentlemen that respect me.

Also, there are many women on these boards that accuse others of things they never even participated in. In my opinion these boards do not promote nor do they level fair justice on people's opinions. It is really sad that one can not have an opinion and other can disagree with that opinion but that person should still be respected.

I have quit posting on the boards except on rare occasions because of the way people act on these boards and one knows they would never act that way face to face to one. They have the security of a screen between them and the boards.  

I honestly believe that respect will never be achieved on these boards nor is it anyones intention in general to be respectful on these boards. It's all about tearing others down to make yourself look better. It's sad but that is the truth.

I think some people lost focus on why TER was created. I steer away from all drama. I don't understand what's so hard about avoiding drama as adults, who's main objective is looking to enjoy some adult fun? Hell, bad reviews take that up with who wrote it, if it's a fake review take it to TER admins., don't like someone avoid them, it's not like you all actually have to see each other beside maybe at a Meet & Greet. I just think there's so many ways to avoid drama that some people just love being in it. I say lets go back to the good ol days!!! Just my.2 cents thought :-)

-- Modified on 11/19/2014 10:45:51 AM

Life teaches not to be anxious for anything that is passionately desired. Be very careful in this regard, because the constant penetration of negative thoughts into the subconscious can result in very unpleasant consequences with the resultant effect of low productivity, loneliness and fear...............When a negative thought has been allowed to germinate & bring forth negative fruits, it will be extremely difficult to eliminate......Whatever we confess will eventually manifest & become a reality in our life. One of the most practical ways to handle negative thoughts is to avoid going to places where these negative thoughts are nurtured.............So go else where with the NEGATIVITY...... When I first came to this Site it was fun..........And now not sooooo fun anymore..... I think that we should visit places that can help us eliminate these inner impurities ...Sooooooo with all of that being said YES all of the NEGATIVITY should Cease we are Grown Adults ............There needs to be a Insults board for Small Minded People.............

Mz Sasha of Chicago............

Jack_Inhoff1696 reads

Unfortunately, both guys and gals on here have done some really nasty things.  Things started to get crazy around here, if I remember correctly, at some time last summer, when a certain gentlemen made a post basically tooting his own horn and saying how most of the rest of hobbyists are a bunch of bums who have no hygiene.  This started a major trainwreck.  Since then, we've had one provider openly try to retaliate on here because she didn't like a review (it wasn't a bad review at all. At least I didn't think it was), and then we had one provider make several posts in which she openly boasted about blackmailing and extorting hobbyists along with stating that providers share personal information about clients with each other and that this is how she received personal info on a guy in which she was openly trying to extort.  Add all these things up, and you have a real toxic environment.  

Look, Im not dragging this up to start a crapstorm again or throw stones. I'm just saying what has contributed to this nasty environment.  Even I, at times, haven't been innocent and I've made some stupid posts.  I know this industry is shady, but there is no reason why we can't follow the golden rule in this area along with other areas of our lives.  I'm not perfect at it and I've made my mistakes, but I really do try to treat others as I want to be treated.  

I apologize if I sound like a Mangina.  Doc. Who and GaGambler, feel free to slap me around. I probably deserve it! LOL!

It certainly didn't just start last summer...I think you'd need to go back to 1999 and see how the posts back then were going as well.  Pretty much the same nonsense...just different handles.

Let's face it...every board needs the john who is out protecting the gals from their customers.  And every board needs a BSC gal to remind all the customers that they're just scum and should pay her...or else.  But the posters you allude to are just the latest incarnation of narcissists on here.  Nothing new per se.

Perhaps we can get Zabrina back soon to slap you around?

Jack_Inhoff1207 reads

Posted By: Dr Who revived
It certainly didn't just start last summer...I think you'd need to go back to 1999 and see how the posts back then were going as well.  Pretty much the same nonsense...just different handles.  
 Let's face it...every board needs the john who is out protecting the gals from their customers.  And every board needs a BSC gal to remind all the customers that they're just scum and should pay her...or else.  But the posters you allude to are just the latest incarnation of narcissists on here.  Nothing new per se.  
 Perhaps we can get Zabrina back soon to slap you around?
I believe you about these kinds of threads appearing here for a while....even dating back to 1999. What I should have said was that in my limited time here (I've only been here between two and three years), it had been pretty crazy here.  

And I'll have to say no to that idea of getting that one gal back here to slap me around. LOL!  In all seriousness, it was that thread started by the gal to whom you refer that was a wakeup call to how dangerous some people can be in this game.  

-- Modified on 11/19/2014 4:34:11 PM

Here's the second OP after the initial intro from the TER staff.

Not much has changed since that OP  ;)

Wonder if bob6969 is still around?

Panthera121643 reads

Two posts in the last year including this, and no reviews for over 3 years. Perhaps if you would contribute then you would be in a better position to whine.  

The drama has always been here and always will be. It's the nature of the beast

No reviews for 3 years by choice. Trust my reputation is still as amazing as always.   I stepped away from this community because its been going downhill for at least that long . And actually it's 3 posts as well as a thank you to the Halloween party host so 4. I have set back since re-entering the forum and just watched all the train tracks why would I want to contribute to something like that? As an adult I don't come on here to get into a shit storm so why would I put my 2 cents in on everyone else's shit storms. I am certainly not whining I am just addressing an issue that has been brought to my attention by every client that I've seen since I've been back the negativity from both sides is just kind of nasty. obviously people like yourself seek out this negativity and thrive on it I on the other hand don't. And as you can see from many of the replies other people agree this would be a much better place and used to be a much better place if people would just act like grown ups.  
I thought this was about getting laid.. ..not reenacting high school  

Posted By: Panthera12
Two posts in the last year including this, and no reviews for over 3 years. Perhaps if you would contribute then you would be in a better position to whine.  
 The drama has always been here and always will be. It's the nature of the beast.  

Panthera122083 reads

or will it be 5?  
Like I said, you have done nothing for the last year to improve the board and your second post (the OP) is a whiney one.  

Have some fun climbing back up that hill.

DamienScott1397 reads

Is it always the lower rated with weak menu gals whining here? Just curious.  

Posted By: Panthera12
or will it be 5?  
 Like I said, you have done nothing for the last year to improve the board and your second post (the OP) is a whiney one.  
 Have some fun climbing back up that hill.
-- Modified on 11/19/2014 11:58:31 AM

My dear I don't whine. I made an observation in an effort to see if there is any way of this being an enjoyable place to visit again.  
What do you suggest I post to make a positive contribution?
And I am having a ball making my return I have been welcomed back by so many men and women. For the record I have numeroud reviews waiting in the TER wings I just have to decide if I want to be a part of this community and put a website backup.
Due to the current nature and temperature of this community that takes some thought as I value my privacy.

Posted By: DamienScott
Is it always the lower rated with weak menu gals whining here? Just curious.  
Posted By: Panthera12
or will it be 5?    
  Like I said, you have done nothing for the last year to improve the board and your second post (the OP) is a whiney one.    
  Have some fun climbing back up that hill.
-- Modified on 11/19/2014 11:58:31 AM

Being "part of the community".

Most gals just go about their business and do a great job.  Their reviews are outstanding...most never post on this or any discussion board(s)...and will use the ad board as needed.

Others like, perhaps yourself, like to post...and that's great.  But to slap down the majority of gals who have NO interest in being public with themselves...what is the point in doing so?

I know there is a segment of women here who just love the drama...and have a contingent of BSU (Big Suck Up) guys to complement them on their nitwit posts.  I hope that isn't going to be you.  It never was from my recollection.

But the vast majority of the drama here is from those who feel the boards are the place to rant and rave about their problems in particular this part of their life.  They love the attention or they wouldn't post this nonsense.

Posted By: npmodeling
My dear I don't whine. I made an observation in an effort to see if there is any way of this being an enjoyable place to visit again.  
 What do you suggest I post to make a positive contribution?  
 And I am having a ball making my return I have been welcomed back by so many men and women. For the record I have numeroud reviews waiting in the TER wings I just have to decide if I want to be a part of this community and put a website backup.  
 Due to the current nature and temperature of this community that takes some thought as I value my privacy.  
Posted By: DamienScott
Is it always the lower rated with weak menu gals whining here? Just curious.    
Posted By: Panthera12
or will it be 5?    
   Like I said, you have done nothing for the last year to improve the board and your second post (the OP) is a whiney one.    
   Have some fun climbing back up that hill.
 -- Modified on 11/19/2014 11:58:31 AM

if I was looking for attention or just trying to create buzz I would have posted weeks ago when I came back. I have sat here and looked for something to put valuable input into and there just hasn't been much to offer. so I posted this post today to just see what's really going on because in my opinion there's not a whole lot going on here that's worth even being a part of. As always I post my ads occasionally but generally stay out of the mix. I apologize if I thought this was posing as valid question vs my dinner or what I did yesterday or if my toilet was broken ;)

No need to apologize for your thoughts.

But did you play pinball?

And you didn't put up a public apology for all to see either.  That was a fun read  LOL  (Sorry...TER took that nonsense down...but it was comical).

Maybe I'll go and drag up an old OP from the last 10 years just to add some levity.  There were some doozies back then too  ;)   But then most now wouldn't recognize many of the handles on those threads.  But those same insane threads are started by the handles of today...and many of "us" thank them for their contributions  LOL

Posted By: npmodeling
if I was looking for attention or just trying to create buzz I would have posted weeks ago when I came back. I have sat here and looked for something to put valuable input into and there just hasn't been much to offer. so I posted this post today to just see what's really going on because in my opinion there's not a whole lot going on here that's worth even being a part of. As always I post my ads occasionally but generally stay out of the mix. I apologize if I thought this was posing as valid question vs my dinner or what I did yesterday or if my toilet was broken ;)

DamienScott1564 reads

I thought I was making a general comment. But evidently I must have dropped your 'name' in there somehow? My deepest apologies, my dear. But in the offchance I DIDN'T mention you directly, thanks for making my point. Especially in regards to the "whining" portion of my comment. If the shoe fits.........

Littlestinker1283 reads

Do you really even like women tell the truth now.

DamienScott1076 reads

I hate the ignore button. Never used it. But you're close. As if you care.

Littlestinker1694 reads

You should really grow a dick and blow yourself !

Littlestinker1367 reads

It is always funny when an outsider thinks he knows the local Chicago community better
then the people who live here. We have plenty of good Men & Women here in Chicago if you do  
not like her post grow a dick and blow yourself. Go back to the filth from which you came scumbag.

  The OP is someone who has always helped any and everyone who has asked  even the haters a  
rare quality and even being gone for sometime guess what asshole she is still more popular then
you are here in Chicago and your Homo frat pack cowards. You have to hide behind your alias to  
attack a women do you have balls or a vagina ?  BTW your buddy posting along with you that
is from here well most folks here do not even like him gee I wonder why lol !!!  

-- Modified on 11/20/2014 12:27:13 PM

-- Modified on 11/20/2014 12:29:01 PM

Now tell the truth littlestinker....aren't you better known as buttstinker?  You know what I'm talking about  ;)

Yeah..remember when she posted that up under your other handle?  

And for someone your age I would really think that you can use some language suited for someone of your age.

Oh..and names please.  If you're going to slight posters here...names  LOL

Posted By: Littlestinker
It is always funny when an outsider thinks he knows the local Chicago community better  
 then the people who live here. We have plenty of good Men & Women here in Chicago if you do  
 not like her post grow a dick and blow yourself. Go back to the filth from which you came scumbag.  
   The OP is someone who has always helped any and everyone who has asked  even the haters a  
 rare quality and even being gone for sometime guess what asshole she is still more popular then  
 you are here in Chicago and your Homo frat pack cowards. You have to hide behind your alias to  
 attack a women do you have balls or a vagina ?  BTW your buddy posting along with you that  
 is from here well most folks here do not even like him gee I wonder why lol !!!  
 -- Modified on 11/20/2014 12:27:13 PM

-- Modified on 11/20/2014 12:29:01 PM

Littlestinker969 reads

Look in the mirror bean counter pretty scary lol !

I asked for about it?

You do recall that buttstinker could you not  LOL

Don't forget to make sure that when you post with an alias...then use your other always check to see if you are using the right handle on a reply.

Are your treatments over yet?

Posted By: Littlestinker
               Look in the mirror bean counter pretty scary lol !

Littlestinker1090 reads

you mean when I caught the clap from your daughter ?
    I guess she gets around much more then I thought surprise I should not of been lol !

I meant that STD from a number of months back.  I also believe you reviewed that gal.

Now how about those treatments?  Come can share those with the board.  It's important to own up that you've been a BBFS client...don't you agree?

Perhaps time to let others know about your problem?  Let me know if you need some help in contacting the shrinking circle....seems like you just lost another one now  ;)

You know that using an alias is only good for a period of time...and your time with this one has run out.

Posted By: Littlestinker
       Do you mean when I caught the clap from your daughter ?  
     I guess she gets around much more then I thought surprise I should not of been lol !  

Littlestinker1426 reads

Yes that was indeed your daughter she loved the taste of her own chocolate after                                          I pulled out of her back door and shoved it down her greedy throat
I must of shot weeks worth of man goo in her what a champ perfect 10

-- Modified on 11/20/2014 2:44:31 PM

Did she use the stage name Dr. Who's daughter?

Not sure how you shot anything given your proclivity for searching for cock.  You are a stud...aren't you?  ;)

Posted By: Littlestinker
    Yes that was indeed your daughter she loved the taste of her own chocolate after                                          I pulled out of her back door and shoved it down her greedy throat  
 I must of shot weeks worth of man goo in her what a champ perfect 10

-- Modified on 11/20/2014 2:44:31 PM

Littlestinker1193 reads

She loved it and begged like a dog for more so I gave her what she wanted I drained my sack.

I have a sneaking suspicion you're actually jerking off to this.

Blech  :(

Posted By: Littlestinker
    She loved it and begged like a dog for more so I gave her what she wanted I drained my sack.

Littlestinker1126 reads

LOL !!!!

             She told me cum guzzling ran in her family she really is a chip off the old block.

Littlestinker1176 reads

Your little girl really loved my cock and balls bouncing off her chin a total cum slut.
  Just ask her she thought I was a stud I pounded her like a diesel piston lol !!!

i hope i live long enough to piss in your dead mouth..

Posted By: Dr Who revived
I asked for about it?  
 You do recall that buttstinker could you not  LOL  
 Don't forget to make sure that when you post with an alias...then use your other always check to see if you are using the right handle on a reply.  
 Are your treatments over yet?  
Posted By: Littlestinker
                Look in the mirror bean counter pretty scary lol !

It's a special list...and you aren't on that list.  Sorry  :(

But given the circumstances I doubt there's much chance of you being around when that day happens anyhow.

Love that littlestinker...err, stinkerbutt handle.  Don't you?

Posted By: macdaddy1944
i hope i live long enough to piss in your dead mouth..  
Posted By: Dr Who revived
I asked for about it?  
  You do recall that buttstinker could you not  LOL  
  Don't forget to make sure that when you post with an alias...then use your other always check to see if you are using the right handle on a reply.  
  Are your treatments over yet?  
Posted By: Littlestinker
                 Look in the mirror bean counter pretty scary lol !

Littlestinker1109 reads

I would bang your daughter right on top of your casket lol !!!!

That we simply regenerate.  Hence it'll have to be someone else's casket.

Perhaps it'll be one of the dudes you were searching for earlier?  It's OK to embrace your gayness...this is 2014.

Here's your post where you are ISO cock in case you forgot....I also linked it below for case this is too difficult to absorb.

Posted By: Littlestinker
 These guys are really worried they figure another new girl OMG !!!  
   They are just jealous that you are getting more Cock then they are as you see they  
 prefer Drama to Fucking  that is there choice.  
   Hiding behind there alias to attack a women just being a women makes you really wonder.  
   TER is about sex and fucking some of these pussies need to get over there drama addiction.  
   Most of these board hoppers like starting shit more then they like to fuck.  
Posted By: Littlestinker
I would bang your daughter right on top of your casket lol !!!!

Littlestinker1140 reads

Do you have dementia ? or do your bifocals have your boyfriends man seed on them.

       The word searching does not exist in that post old man.

                     Keep trying though lol !!!

Yes, the good old days.  There is too much drama on the boards as of late.  I think the majority of us (hobbyist & provider) are here because of the lack of silly drama.  
Other than trying harder to all get along with each other, my other idea is a great, big, fun ;) party!!

just me thinking

You sound like maybe you want to run for office...trying to reminisce about the "good old days".  Nothing wrong with any of's what many like to do.

However if I go back to 2010 here there's very few handles that are still posting (as of today).  Seems like folks come and go rather quickly here.  Heck...when I look at the gals I reviewed (dating back to 2010) nearly 3 out of 4 are out of this gig.

People like to use a board to amuse themselves...or ask about gals...or bloviate about how they're a better john than any other john...or put up retirement ads (quickly followed by the "I'm back by popular demand)...or just to ask innocuous questions about why no one else is admitting to BBFS.

What you (and some others) describe as negativity....others see as entertainment.  

While you were on hiatus TER added some nice new features...learn how to use the ignore button if you don't find certain posts or posters to your liking.  I know it's silly to have to actually click to ignore as most adults can simply just move on to what interests them.

Are you back here to play?  If about attaching a link to your website.

Posted By: npmodeling
At one time this was a community. A group of mature adults who enjoyed each others company and well as conversation. It wasn't constantly toxic with both hobbyist and providers throwing insults and low blows . Alias's popped up once in awhile but they weren't the norm used to hide behind and be negative . Men I imagine the reason a large amount of you hobby is to fullfill needs not met at home. I am just guessing you don't come to these boards to see nagging and negativity  but for sexy fantasies.  I personally think the temperment of the posts I see is dramatic and very unappealing to men.  
 I am old school I think it would be very easy for both sides to be a little less negative.  
 Am I wrong guys do you hobby for drama and negativity?  Or would you prefer to conversate and play without all of this silly crap?  
 Ladies how do you feel about the negative tone?  What do you all think could be done to not have so much silly drama that takes away from the caliber TER used to be?  
 Just my musings.. ...let's not  make this a train wreck as well please

Well I must agree with Tabby,what she has said is true Ive been on this board for over 10 yrs Ive met a lot of good and bad from here. this board has gone down hill in the last few years. Most of you are new, we had monthly meet and greets every one knew each other, all in all we had a good time. Most have retired or have died off. I dont post like i used for the same reasons. So if you want to give me shit go ahead it all rolls down hill.

I must say Tabby is one hell of a lady. (my white Knight) Have had some good times knowing her.

Well thank you cell man! I know I'm an idealist I'm a lover Im a hippie a nurturer. At one time I was surrounded by a community who loved me for all of those things. Like other said I may be wishing for too much but I know by the responses out here that there are enough of us from the old school that we could change things or at least have parties together and avoid some of the silly crap!

Posted By: cellman
Well I must agree with Tabby,what she has said is true Ive been on this board for over 10 yrs Ive met a lot of good and bad from here. this board has gone down hill in the last few years. Most of you are new, we had monthly meet and greets every one knew each other, all in all we had a good time. Most have retired or have died off. I dont post like i used for the same reasons. So if you want to give me shit go ahead it all rolls down hill.  
 I must say Tabby is one hell of a lady. (my white Knight) Have had some good times knowing her.

I remember a same house on the end of the block that many of a great parties.I miss those parties Also the ones that DJ had !

It's nice to reminisce.  It makes us feel better.  We tend to only remember the better things that happened.

But if you have some time on your hands...go back and read a few months worth of Chicago board posts from 10 years ago.  You'll probably smile a bit...and that's a good thing.  But you'll also see that it was the same nonsense as what you see today.  You just want to remember it how you remember it.

I also know that it's still the same folks who do the M&G's...but those aren't the posting members with whom you are suggesting are assholes.  I've not had any interest in a M&G...but there is always someone else who enjoys that activity.

Maybe if you'd go to a M&G now you'd find some new friends and build some new relationships.  And then I would expect you would see many posts in a very different light.  Kind of how you recall them from a decade ago.

Posted By: cellman
Well I must agree with Tabby,what she has said is true Ive been on this board for over 10 yrs Ive met a lot of good and bad from here. this board has gone down hill in the last few years. Most of you are new, we had monthly meet and greets every one knew each other, all in all we had a good time. Most have retired or have died off. I dont post like i used for the same reasons. So if you want to give me shit go ahead it all rolls down hill.  
 I must say Tabby is one hell of a lady. (my white Knight) Have had some good times knowing her.

CavalierServente973 reads

I have found several outstanding providers from the semi-weekly reviews of Eros ads, as well as from the Friday provider favorites postings.   (Thanks Lamont Cranston)

This is a huge benefit to these boards (it's easy to ignore the crap...I'm not sure why anyone would post some of these things, and even less sure why anyone would read them.)

DamienScott1225 reads

I'M BAAAAAAAAACK!!!!! But with no website or ad. LOL.

You are one of those piss in your Wheaties rain on my parade kinda hobbyists huh?!
Nothing to contribute but the negative shit that is the reason I made my post.  

Maybe you just need a good blow job  
Wishing you a happy hump day


Posted By: DamienScott
I'M BAAAAAAAAACK!!!!! But with no website or ad. LOL.

DamienScott1380 reads

Thanks! But I gotta wait until tomorrow. And she's in the US top 40. But I'd love to know, how does a gal stay listed with no website or ad much less get any business? Always confused me. But then I'm stupid.  

Posted By: npmodeling
 You are one of those piss in your Wheaties rain on my parade kinda hobbyists huh?!  
 Nothing to contribute but the negative shit that is the reason I made my post.  
 Maybe you just need a good blow job  
 Wishing you a happy hump day  
Posted By: DamienScott
I'M BAAAAAAAAACK!!!!! But with no website or ad. LOL.

Obviously my stellar reputation speaks for itself.  I am still here havent posted an ad (outside of TER ) on any site in 7plus years. Haven't had an active website in almost 5. Miraculous that I survive. I am that normal not crazy I give great service and have a pleasent demeanor.  

Enjoy your playtime tomorrow  
Rainbows and unicorns  

Posted By: DamienScott
 Thanks! But I gotta wait until tomorrow. And she's in the US top 40. But I'd love to know, how does a gal stay listed with no website or ad much less get any business? Always confused me. But then I'm stupid.  
Posted By: npmodeling
  You are one of those piss in your Wheaties rain on my parade kinda hobbyists huh?!  
  Nothing to contribute but the negative shit that is the reason I made my post.    
  Maybe you just need a good blow job    
  Wishing you a happy hump day  
Posted By: DamienScott
I'M BAAAAAAAAACK!!!!! But with no website or ad. LOL.
-- Modified on 11/19/2014 5:55:36 PM

DamienScott1398 reads

Yes of course biz is booming. That's EXACTLY why you are here aren't you? Your reviews DO make interesting reading...........thanks for the well wishes tongue in cheek or not.

My well wishes are sincere. Go ahead and subscribe to my reviews and grab some popcorn the best is yet to come ;)
 Smooches and rainbows  

DamienScott1117 reads

To let me know when you get a website up. That's rule one for me. Have a great weekend.

And I even think I know some of the gals that suck it.

McDiaper would blush  ;)

So no need to hold tag day for Damien.

Posted By: npmodeling
 You are one of those piss in your Wheaties rain on my parade kinda hobbyists huh?!  
 Nothing to contribute but the negative shit that is the reason I made my post.  
 Maybe you just need a good blow job  
 Wishing you a happy hump day  
Posted By: DamienScott
I'M BAAAAAAAAACK!!!!! But with no website or ad. LOL.

Littlestinker1305 reads

Truth is you wear a wig while you do the deed FWIW Damien says you are good at it  lol !!!

That's my girl, just like I know and love her :-)

Littlestinker1462 reads

I think he likes BBFS with Men better not really sure why he is even here.
     He seems to have anger issues with women they turn him down all the time  lol !!!

I completely agree with you - it's a shame this place has become so toxic. Some of you already know my opinion of the tone of this board. It seems like every post going up turns into a pissing match. This isn't the GD board in case some of you have forgotten the difference.

A good train wreck once in a blue moon is fun but this constant jabbing shit is getting old. I don't feel like posting here with all the BS being flung around. I rarely post on the cesspool GD board and now this board has turned into a cesspool.

Tabby, please post your sanity more often... maybe others will re-learn respect for each other

You post an awful lot for someone who doesn't feel like posting here  LOL

Let's see...last 30 days was 60 posts

Last 60 days was 92 posts

And finally in the past six months (that would be 180 days) was 420 posts.

And those are just the posts that are still up...sheesh...if I could count the ones that ended up pruned...wait, you can do that.

Tabbi says hi...and she's under the impression you're still a good guy.  Boy have you got her schnookered  ;)


Posted By: Polish_Pirate
I completely agree with you - it's a shame this place has become so toxic. Some of you already know my opinion of the tone of this board. It seems like every post going up turns into a pissing match. This isn't the GD board in case some of you have forgotten the difference.  
 A good train wreck once in a blue moon is fun but this constant jabbing shit is getting old. I don't feel like posting here with all the BS being flung around. I rarely post on the cesspool GD board and now this board has turned into a cesspool.  
 Tabby, please post your sanity more often... maybe others will re-learn respect for each other.  

Most of them are one liners and there was a 4-day period of self-imposed silence in protest of all the BS. You didn't know because I was silent but now my secret is out for all the world to see.

Me thinks that if we compared your post counts against mine, I'd look like a drop in the bucket, no Who?

Easy enough for you to do that post count.

Now if you want to include my GD posts...then yep..I win that contest.

But I don't post much on the Chicago least not as much as YOU  ;)

Posted By: Polish_Pirate
Most of them are one liners and there was a 4-day period of self-imposed silence in protest of all the BS. You didn't know because I was silent but now my secret is out for all the world to see.  
 Me thinks that if we compared your post counts against mine, I'd look like a drop in the bucket, no Who?

OK, a couple of times but nowhere near your level of participation. Count all board posts Who, you have me beat by a mile. Work must be slow, lol.

Perhaps that eluded you?

Work...yep, it's November.  Even slower next month.

Kind of the way I set this deal up many many years ago.  It's served me quite well  ;)

And isn't it spelled "cesspool"?

Posted By: Polish_Pirate
OK, a couple of times but nowhere near your level of participation. Count all board posts Who, you have me beat by a mile. Work must be slow, lol.

All board posts count in the tally, the cesspool (sp?) board, this board, the ad boards. Count 'em up and lets see who posts more. This is one contest I'm not looking to win, lol.

Then I can see using all the TER posts.  But the OP was specific to this board.  Hence only the posts here count.

Perhaps we can ask some local politicians for their interpretation.

Is Bruce Rauner available?

Posted By: Polish_Pirate
All board posts count in the tally, the cesspool (sp?) board, this board, the ad boards. Count 'em up and lets see who posts more. This is one contest I'm not looking to win, lol.

you are as Toxic as they come..

Posted By: Polish_Pirate
I completely agree with you - it's a shame this place has become so toxic. Some of you already know my opinion of the tone of this board. It seems like every post going up turns into a pissing match. This isn't the GD board in case some of you have forgotten the difference.  
 A good train wreck once in a blue moon is fun but this constant jabbing shit is getting old. I don't feel like posting here with all the BS being flung around. I rarely post on the cesspool GD board and now this board has turned into a cesspool.  
 Tabby, please post your sanity more often... maybe others will re-learn respect for each other.  

You've got some pals in that tiny circle of yours that are seriously toxic.

You're one of those asswipes that Tabby is referring to!

At least there are no negative comments (yet) by providers.  The $hit slinging by providers always raises red flag about seeing one of them.

Somehow mysteriously disappears.

There are some seriously classic trainwrecks that some of our towns favorite BSC gals had taken down due to the negativity.  Too bad's now more difficult to pull up those insane diatribes to show the newbies just what they might get into.

Posted By: Foodyguy
At least there are no negative comments (yet) by providers.  The $hit slinging by providers always raises red flag about seeing one of them.

That should count for something.

Although most adults don't need to use an ignore feature...they should have the ability to just not click on a users post if they don't like that user.

But what do I know...I'm not in MENSA   ;)

GoGoGretchen1325 reads

There are a lot of traumas out there that can cause someone to carry dark behavior into their other relationships ...  

My childhood was happy and healthy , but , I was an emotionally abusive relationship from 1998 to 2001 ...  That made me carry so much negativity with me ...  Then , my mother died from suicide , in 2003 ...  After those two events , I was probably the meanest I have ever been ...  I wore my cynicism on my sleeve , during my 20's ...  

I started feeling happier again from 2008 to 2012 ...  I had loving friends and non-toxic romances around me , during those years ...  I also had very optimistic friends (( who were also very intelligent )) ...  My happy / wise friends told me to stop complaining so much because it made it hard for them to hang out with me ...  " Marinating in Misery " just kills the morale  : (  " Wearing your cynicism on your sleeve " does not prove that you outsmarted your trauma ;;; if anything ,,, it shows that that person internalized their trauma ,,, rather than recovered from it !!! + and + It pushes away new happy bright faces from lighting up life up  : (    

I had another personal trauma last year ;;; I was stalked !!!  That was a horrible event !!!  I lost my pets  !!!  I lost my apartment !!! My dreams were dead !!!  (( I was hurt in other ways I am not going to describe here ... ))  I had to take off work + and + stay with my dad for two seasons !!!  I literally spontaneously burst into tears ,,,  like every other day !!!   But ,,, I refuse to let that undermine my new commitment to optimism and joy  : )    

We have all experienced pain in life ,,, but ,,, we should lift each other out of it ,,, not spread it around  : (  
I don't agree with Roseanne Barr ,,, when she said ,,, " When I am in pain ,,, I like to spread it around !!! " ... Thank God that is supposed to be comedy ,,, not philosophy !!

at least a month.

You do have the right to not click on any post you don't want to.

It's easy  ;)

Littlestinker1531 reads

These guys are really worried they figure another new girl OMG !!!

  They are just jealous that you are getting more Cock then they are as you see they  
prefer Drama to Fucking  that is there choice.

  Hiding behind there alias to attack a women just being a women makes you really wonder.

  TER is about sex and fucking some of these pussies need to get over there drama addiction.

  Most of these board hoppers like starting shit more then they like to fuck.

I can pull up some of your alias posts as well...the ones where you are attacking people...remember?

And just how do YOU know how many or how often anyone here is fucking?  I'm curious to know  LOL

Posted By: Littlestinker
 These guys are really worried they figure another new girl OMG !!!  
   They are just jealous that you are getting more Cock then they are as you see they  
 prefer Drama to Fucking  that is there choice.  
   Hiding behind there alias to attack a women just being a women makes you really wonder.  
   TER is about sex and fucking some of these pussies need to get over there drama addiction.  
   Most of these board hoppers like starting shit more then they like to fuck.  

Littlestinker1307 reads

One of your gal pals told me you need a Viagra IV just to get it up lol!      
                                                Nice handle change !

  After all you are the leader of the band playing the skin flute for years now whatever floats your boat.

      You were born an ass and will die an ass it is the only thing you know. You are so good at it.

                                                   Why change now ?

        Do you ever really talk about Sex?  Or was that back in the good old days remember them lol !  

                                Perhaps it is time for a Drama Intervention best of luck                                            

-- Modified on 11/19/2014 9:00:53 PM

I suspected've now affirmed it.

Posted By: Littlestinker
          One of your gal pals told me you need a Viagra IV just to get it up lol!        
                                                 Nice handle change !  
   After all you are the leader of the band playing the skin flute for years now whatever floats your boat.  
       You were born an ass and will die an ass it is the only thing you know. You are so good at it.  
                                                    Why change now ?  
         Do you ever really talk about Sex?  Or was that back in the good old days remember them lol !  
                                 Perhaps it is time for a Drama Intervention best of luck                                              

-- Modified on 11/19/2014 9:00:53 PM

Littlestinker1160 reads

Funny !

           When is the last time you posted anything regarding fucking with a Women not your BF
  Other then drama???????????

                           Oh the good ole days lol!!

At least you own that you're into cock.  I'm also sure you don't go BBFS in the ass.  Good boy!

Seems I now get how you came up with your alias.  

I trust you love're very adept at it.

Posted By: Littlestinker
       Funny !  
            When is the last time you posted anything regarding fucking with a Women not your BF  
   Other then drama???????????  
                            Oh the good ole days lol!!!    

Littlestinker1236 reads

omen tell me your so lousy in bed they pay you to leave but that was one that saw you
 30 years ago.  Somethings just never change.

     She then said she was out with the girls one night and saw you working a glory hole in boys town.

DamienScott1233 reads

Do you know how to type? And you hate evil trash talker aliases here? Well I hate uneducated asshat, WK aliases here. So have at it.

Littlestinker1209 reads

You should hook up with the Doc or you two already an item ?  

           Don't let the door to Chicago hit you on your way out pussy.

ending a post with a three Or four word zinger. Like standing over a fallen boxer tempting them to get up again, knowing you've got him beaten. Reminds me of a poem by the Country Parson:

Reeking self-importance,
Chest out full span.
Tell-tale indications of
A very little man.

-- Modified on 11/19/2014 11:47:10 PM

DamienScott1165 reads

Posting behind me on yet another board. I'm flattered. Sorta. Glad,you and your buttbuddy here are still so excited about the drama! Thanks for playing!! And I thought you losers hated drama?? What gives??

Posted By: Hardwood469
ending a post with a three Or four word zinger. Like standing over a fallen boxer tempting them to get up again, knowing you've got him beaten. Reminds me of a poem by the Country Parson:  
 Reeking self-importance,  
 Chest out full span.  
 Tell-tale indications of  
 A very little man.

-- Modified on 11/19/2014 11:47:10 PM

There is a pretty easy way to rid the board of negativity (at least for yourself).  Do you see that Ignore button?  I have used it to ignore specific people who constantly post crude or otherwise distasteful comments.  I even had TER remove one particular provider that I felt is disrespectful to men (I guess there is no Ignore button for providers).

Just kidding.

Honestly, the people who engage in the hobby on a lifestyle basis (ex: these boards), are basically using this as a place to deal with shit that is outside of their regular everyday lives.

So, yes sexy fantasies are wonderful to explore here - but so is philosophy and also drama bullshit. Because here, no one REALLY has to deal with it. It wont ever stop, and that's cool.

Just laugh and feel sorry for those who take it too personally ;)

like DamianScott who trolls most every board. You should search his name on all the big boards. See if he ever has a useful kind thing to say about anyone using his alias. How about that, huh?

Littlestinker1074 reads

Useless crap like him should be flushed out of the gene pool.

DamienScott1216 reads

She's told you not to keep getting your feelings hurt. Quit being such a lightweight. You're never ceasing to amaze me. And yes, that was just for you!

DamienScott1310 reads

You just can't get enough can you? Should I be skeered?

DamienScott1085 reads

Finally someone gets it. Well played. xoxo

DamienScott1169 reads

You have such a mancrush on me. You've really helped turn this into an absolutely marvelous train wreck. Everything you claim to desperately abhor. Allegedly. Well done. My work is done here. We've delevered with your help a gorgeous train wreck that Tabby's biz so desperately needs. If only she had a website,she could count the licks er clicks. Have a great weekend.

Panthera121080 reads

See......Everybody is happy now. Just don't get driftwood469 too riled up. You wouldn't want to destroy his fantasy.

If I wanted the drama I'd call my X. Play safe and leave the drama at home.

this has turned into the very thing she is talking about..completely predictable...

Posted By: npmodeling
At one time this was a community. A group of mature adults who enjoyed each others company and well as conversation. It wasn't constantly toxic with both hobbyist and providers throwing insults and low blows . Alias's popped up once in awhile but they weren't the norm used to hide behind and be negative . Men I imagine the reason a large amount of you hobby is to fullfill needs not met at home. I am just guessing you don't come to these boards to see nagging and negativity  but for sexy fantasies.  I personally think the temperment of the posts I see is dramatic and very unappealing to men.  
 I am old school I think it would be very easy for both sides to be a little less negative.  
 Am I wrong guys do you hobby for drama and negativity?  Or would you prefer to conversate and play without all of this silly crap?  
 Ladies how do you feel about the negative tone?  What do you all think could be done to not have so much silly drama that takes away from the caliber TER used to be?  
 Just my musings.. ...let's not  make this a train wreck as well please

All I can say is that I say is that Betsy and I met you at the end of the M & G, and you were simply lovely and nice.  And it was greatly appreciated, as we knew no one.   And we appreciated it!  Several ladies talked to us, and several did not - but those that did, like you, made us comfy and happy!
And when I started looking here I had this feeling of "Oh, this is like high school with frenemies and men calling women BSC and old whores.  I am gonna stay kinda quiet."  'Cause drama is not my bag.  
I am all for positive sexy posting!  Being a provider is a sexy escape.
I think what gets me the most though, is the casual cruelty sometimes, lol.  Or the most confusing - the posts from men about dissecting and trying to break down our business model.  I would think that it being a sexy escape should be for both parties - and this need constantly to make it something else is personally odd to me....
But to each their own, you know?
This is longer than I thought it would be, sorry!  I just wanted to say thanks for being a sweetheart to  us, and I will happily follow you to sexier posting!  

*Moderator* Resending this, because I put my link in the last response, and you flagged it as an ad.  Which it's not.

I agree 100% percent.

However, it seems that any means of electronic communication that does not lend itself to accountability, by allowing people to hide behind aliases, fosters the "beer muscle" syndrome.  If you would not say it to someone's face what makes one think it is appropriate to post.

Play safe.

Unreal the things I have read in this thread.  Some of you are truly disgusting deviants that need therapy. Others of you are the epitome of the reason I posted toxic as can be, gross, evil, uncalled for meanness!  To all of you those of you who had kind words about myself and who I am and my reputation I truly appreciate it!  
Most if not all of you that gave positive feedback can PM me on here or email me I see a party in our future I'm thinking shortly after New Years a reunion of sorts!  

Smooches and rainbows  

Panthera121195 reads

You should be ashamed of yourself causing such negativity and discourse on your home board. Admittedly, I could not have done a better job at conducting a train wreck.

And won't you feel left out  LOL

Posted By: Panthera12
You should be ashamed of yourself causing such negativity and discourse on your home board. Admittedly, I could not have done a better job at conducting a train wreck.

Littlestinker1230 reads

u and Dr. Who and Damien should all have a threesome seeing how you are so much all
 alike  probably already have lol !!!  

        You are a pro at attacking women and hiding behind your alias Pussy !

Littlestinker1055 reads

Ass clown  there are good people here and some like her help others for nothing  
but that is a concept that you can not understand.

      There are people I respect and you and your Homo crew are nothing but human waste.
                                 You should do the world a favor and commit suicide  

                                                 By By now loser !

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