
For an old fart...
Dr Who revived 682 reads

You sure do have a potty mouth.

Panthera and the rest of the gang say "Hi"

Did you change that alias yet?
Posted By: macdaddy1944
Fucking Lame..  

EndlessNameless983 reads

I'm sick of hearing the same 5 or 6 people endlessly bitching at each other on here all day long. Everyone knows who I'm talking about. Anyone who agrees, gimme a hell yeah.

You guys are hysterical.

The last OP that did that created the trainwreck she wanted...gets around that one ad per every 7 days problem.

But in your case...looks like you are just bored.

Posted By: EndlessNameless
I'm sick of hearing the same 5 or 6 people endlessly bitching at each other on here all day long. Everyone knows who I'm talking about. Anyone who agrees, gimme a hell yeah.

EndlessNameless659 reads

My intent is to gauge how many other people are sick of seeing you guys f-ing gripe at each other day and night. Over half of the posts here are the same people bitching at each other like teenagers and people piling on when someone else posts something dumb. A few of you run this shit like it's your personal fiefdom and it's old and tired. Post after post of negativity and BS. 80% of the people here don't give a shit about who is a dick or who doesn't like who, or who posted something today that someone didn't like.

Where did you get that 80% value from?

Statistics can be deceiving.

Posted By: EndlessNameless
My intent is to gauge how many other people are sick of seeing you guys f-ing gripe at each other day and night. Over half of the posts here are the same people bitching at each other like teenagers and people piling on when someone else posts something dumb. A few of you run this shit like it's your personal fiefdom and it's old and tired. Post after post of negativity and BS. 80% of the people here don't give a shit about who is a dick or who doesn't like who, or who posted something today that someone didn't like.

EndlessNameless575 reads

Everyone knows it. Have fun.

And I don't see TER changing the name of the board to Dr Who Board.

See...we can have a nice friendly banter!

Posted By: EndlessNameless
Everyone knows it. Have fun.

Posted By: EndlessNameless
I'm sick of hearing the same 5 or 6 people endlessly bitching at each other on here all day long. Everyone knows who I'm talking about. Anyone who agrees, gimme a hell yeah.

DamienScott641 reads

Posted By: EndlessNameless
I'm sick of hearing the same 5 or 6 people endlessly bitching at each other on here all day long. Everyone knows who I'm talking about. Anyone who agrees, gimme a hell yeah.

I love it honey!!!!  
These are crazy threads... I actually have my name put in them even though I had nothing to do with it... what is up with that??? LOL
Keep them up honey!
Love always (and miss you!)

Yep, that's why I post pictures of cute kitties doing cute things. Can't be mean to a kitty lol

Report every instance. There's a little tab at the bottom right of every thread to report the post. Cite the reason, TER's own policy.  

 "Posting rude and mean comments while hiding under an ALIAS will be reported to the site Admin for evaluation. If sufficient cause is found the post will be modified by Admin to EXPOSE your USERNAME.  Flipping an alias is an action of last resort and will only be done if Admin determines that other corrective actions are insufficient due to the nature of the comments in the post.

Fucking Lame..

Posted By: Dr Who revived
Lovie was wondering.

You sure do have a potty mouth.

Panthera and the rest of the gang say "Hi"

Did you change that alias yet?

Posted By: macdaddy1944
Fucking Lame..  

never have used an alias..i think your paranoia is kicking in again..right little stinker?..

Posted By: Dr Who revived
You sure do have a potty mouth.  
 Panthera and the rest of the gang say "Hi"  
 Did you change that alias yet?  
Posted By: macdaddy1944
Fucking Lame..  

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