
Figured this was coming...
HangingwithBears 447 reads

The OP read like a pimped girl, this confirms it. Never heard of this angle before, especially in front of a major store. Pretty ballsy.

The wife and I went to see the Christmas windows at Macy's on State. There are usually a number of homeless or street people hanging around. I saw this one lady around 22-25, holding a sign, "homeless need help." About a 7 in the face, body looked good but with a winter coat you can't tell. She just looked a little too healthy, not gritty enough for a street person.

The wife went inside and I stayed out. The homeless sign lady noticed me and slowly worked her away over. I smiled at her and said hello. Her response surprised me, "for 200 bucks you can take me home and do what you want. I need a place to sleep tonight." She smiled and for a "homeless" person had amazing dental work.

I told her thanks but no thanks. She said "your loss." My building has multiple layers of security, but there is no way I'm taking a street pick up there.  

Maybe she needed a little more for Christmas presents.

used to be in that area every day, never saw anything like that!

While I have no information on the subject other than personal observation and a hunch, it seems that there must be some ongoing, orchestrated campaign to put "homeless" people on the street in shopping areas this year.  I began to observe the otherwise unprecedented phenomenon this spring.

They are not the kinds of panhandlers and street hustlers —generally older African-American men— to which one has more or less become accustomed to seeing over the years.

Moreover, the types of persons in this new wave and their modus operandi seem all too similar to be coincidence —suggesting that these folks are following a set of guidelines.

Who or what is behind this is not clear.  The solicitation angle is a new one —and undoubtedly an offer to be refused on any number of grounds.

As they say on The Drudge Report, "Developing  … "

Her eyes were drifting away and clearly looking at someone/something. That was another reason, if I was interested, that I wouldn't have followed up. I had a feeling she wasn't alone. My old defensive backfield coach taught us to watch the eyes of the receiver to see if the ball was headed your way. Some things have universal application.

The OP read like a pimped girl, this confirms it. Never heard of this angle before, especially in front of a major store. Pretty ballsy.

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