
DannyGold See my TER Reviews 4033 reads
1 / 54

Over the last few years since my return to the industry my rate has varied - especially based on where I live. Of course I started again at about 400 or 500 which only lasted a bit, as I wanted to filter out certain types of clients, and of course advertise my service at the tier I believe it is.

I was at a happy 600 for awhile. I found that brought clients that were stable, reasonable, yet prioritized erotic self-care at the same level I do.

Then I moved to LA. My rate was up to 800 then! It had to be. Being immersed in pornoland and with clients being farther between, and also not the best clients. I found clients that spend that much regularly, have a certain arrogance to them. I had some great LA clients, but many of them seemed to feel you should beg for their money - yuck.

Well now that I'm back in Chicago, I have been at 700 for awhile - higher than normal. But of course that's the "benefit" of being in porn, right? I dunno.. I'm feeling less accessible to the laid-back, genuine clients I love! Everyone says "raise your rates - your in porn!" But to be honest, I am kinda over porn - I value private dates. And I was comfortable before. I like what I do and don't HAVE to charge more!

So I'm considering rate yet again - especially since I may be going south!

I'm interested to hear from both ladies and gentlemen to hear your experiences and theories on rate and how it has effected your experience of the hobby as a whole.

My verdict so far quality over quantity - and that goes for dollar signs as well as number of clients!


Coach1437 89 Reviews 980 reads
2 / 54


From my perspective, this hobby remains enjoyable because I put some limitations on myself regarding how much I am willing to spend on a date/session.  I know what my max is and, as a result of doing my homework at that rate/tier, I have a pretty good sense of what I can expect.  While there is no direct correlation between how much one spends and the quality of the experience (too many other factors, e.g chemistry are involved), I know that the ladies I spend time with are a great value to ME.  That is very important and cannot be overlooked.  If a guy goes into a date feeling like he is spending more than he can afford, there is the chance that he will expect too much from the lady...not fair to the lady and likely to upset the chemistry.  If you go into a date feeling comfortable about the amount you are spending, it is likely that Money/cost is not on your mind, thus a relaxed attitude and reasonable expectations...a good start to possible great chemistry!  So, the only "advice" I can give is to set your rate at what you feel your time is worth and, hopefully, you will attract men who feel the exact same way:) All the best....and, by the way, great new pictures!!


chicagojoe32 97 Reviews 860 reads
3 / 54

The rates question pops up again.  We have heard from both sides of the aisle on this one, the provider says that this hobby is a luxury and the regular rules of supply and demand do not apply, I charge what I feel my time is worth or I try and weed out the lower level johns when I charge X amount of dollars.  The client says I feel that we need more competition in this hobby of ours and the price should reflect that or I have a set amount that I pay and won't go over that and how dare you say I am not a good client if I refuse to pay your exorbitant rate.....blah blah blah.  Bottom line you charge what you want and if you get clients to pay that rate then more power to you.  Personally I will look at a providers profile or ad and if it goes above even the 400 level I move on and the ones that go 7, 8 or even a K I shake my head, unless there are rainbow farts coming out your ass or unicorns involved I don't see that price point, it usually only an hour meeting and you can only do so much in an hour.  Lola your a beautiful women and u should charge what you want, I understand porn and prego command a higher rate but I would not pay that much.  I am sure I will be demonized but so be it let the hate begin.

harvey44 33 Reviews 530 reads
4 / 54

I am getting a little fetishy lately, and I was eager to discuss that with you...But you were too expensive for me.  So I think you would have had my money at least twice.

So, there's that..

GramParsons 495 reads
5 / 54

Well Said Coach !    My perspective has nothing to do what I think a provider is "worth" because that is hard to put any $ price on.  For me it's what I'm willing to spend on myself and then match the provider with that price point. I recently stop going to live sporting events because of the cost. I can afford to go but I just am not willing to pay that amount.  When you first started doing this I'm sure you had clients you enjoyed seeing but now they can't afford your current rate and it's a bummer for both sides and nobody's at fault. Things change, that's economics, that's life. Lola you have had a lot of life changes in the past couple years so your rate is just a reflection of them. You have always done things on your terms.

ontheprowl14 18 Reviews 567 reads
6 / 54

For me $400 is probably the max... I believe it's the most I've ever paid.  The majority of my favorite providers have rates in the $250 - $300 range...they are fantastic and seem appreciative when I return next time.  I'd gladly pay $350 to a provider I really want to see, but any rate higher than this tends to make me think twice about whether it'll be worth it.  It's difficult to justify paying too much more when there are so many terrific ladies out there I can really enjoy and more easily afford.

FTMZacharyPrince See my TER Reviews 791 reads
7 / 54

Lola, from your descriptions about the type of client you are enjoying & not enjoying these days, and your assertion that you enjoy quality over quantity, I would really suggest eliminating your one hour option.  I don't think it matters whether you charge 500, 600, or 700 in terms of what attitude your clients will have toward you.  Most one hour clients are looking to get off.  If you want a more laid-back clientele who are seeking a more genuine experience, then I would recommend upping your minimum to two hours.

I tour nationally with a $1K/two hour minimum and see an average of 1-2 clients per day.  There's a market for that price point just about everywhere if you have strong national exposure.  ;)

Good luck with your decision!

-- Modified on 4/16/2016 8:38:47 AM

chicagojoe32 97 Reviews 506 reads
9 / 54

Consider getting off your high horse!  In this crazy world we live finding an hour let a lone 2 to see an escort is difficult, between work and other commitments you are lucky to find a 1/2 hour a day to yourself.  Now, I am being told that if I am lucky enough to find an hour to use toward this hobby I am simply a Neanderthal looking to pump and dump but if I stay for at least 2 hours and pay a K somehow that transforms me into a gentleman willing to enjoy the finer things in life.  Guys pay what you are comfortable with to "get off", which is actually the whole point, isn't it?

LondonBay See my TER Reviews 518 reads
10 / 54

Damnnn 1-2 clients per day and a minimum of 2 hours for a grand!?GIRL!!!you making over $10,000 per week!Get it girl;)Make that Mula!!;)And you're beautiful so you can get away with charging that much;)

DannyGold See my TER Reviews 339 reads
11 / 54

First off, thank you for the compliment!

Secondly, you just very eloquently put exactly the dynamic I am experiencing.

Especially being involved in "porno-world" money flies around faster and harder - and so do expectations and other emotions.


DannyGold See my TER Reviews 427 reads
12 / 54

Thank you! That is a helpful reminder.

Part of some things I have learned over the last couple years is that when rate gets too involved, so does ego.

What you said did remind me not to get caught up on the number and to instead do what I think feels good.

Lowering my rate shouldn't be attached to ego... unless its ego about making a wise choice! ;)

Another thing I didn't like about the faster pace of porn is that you really easily get caught up in your value coming in dollar signs! Yuck.

DannyGold See my TER Reviews 374 reads
13 / 54

No I think you bring a reasonable and blunt perspective to this! I appreciate it.  

That is exactly the trap I'm trying to get out of. It's kind of an unreasonable level of money that causes more tension.

But for the record... i do fart rainbows - it's quite astonishing! ;)

DannyGold See my TER Reviews 396 reads
14 / 54
DannyGold See my TER Reviews 454 reads
15 / 54

I think you make some great points with this! That makes a lot more sense. I personally always enjoy the 90 min option unless indulging in a lot of fetish play then I like longer more.

I think this is a wise choice as well. I have to get done-up, prepared, groomed, enema'd, etc. It would be far more worth it to lower my "hourly" rate and have a larger benefit for the day as a whole.

Thanks for the help love!

DannyGold See my TER Reviews 419 reads
16 / 54

I think you're taking it too personally. It's not a judgement - just a provider's preference. Some love quick visits - I like them on certain days.

But some providers also do like to cater to fetishes and more mentally involved sessions and maybe prefer not to be the type of provider that provides a "quick fix".

Either case if fine just depends on how your needs match up!

chicagojoe32 97 Reviews 406 reads
17 / 54

If that's the case Lola then count me in!!!!  That's a bargain at twice the price!

GramParsons 395 reads
18 / 54

Speaking for the "regular guy" perspective a $1000 is still $1000 weather it's an hour or 120 mins. This subject is like a big onion, there's a lot of layers to it 😜

SPOTYjudge 448 reads
19 / 54

You ever see a lady say that she is not getting any customers. The ones that brag about how much they are getting a day/week/year are over compensating for something.  This leads naive providers to also raise their rates and then they hear crickets when no one calls.

FTMZacharyPrince See my TER Reviews 403 reads
20 / 54

Ok- let's not forget about operating expenses tho my lady.  Have you seen my tour schedule??  Yes I do pull in 6-10K per week on average, but I flew back from India for this tour, I'm flying all over the country non-stop for six weeks, and I stay in really nice hotels all over the country since that's what my clients prefer and expect when I'm charging $1K.  So to be realistic, I'm making around $4-6K per week in profits after all is said and done.  Which still isn't bad considering I'm touring for six weeks.  I'm saving up to open a little restaurant in Mumbai.  :)

Some guys think I'm really beautiful and some guys think I'm horrifying looking- haha.  Very mixed opinions on that one.  Point is there I learned how to market myself to my target audience and invested a lot of time and money in my media, branding, building my client base, etc.

And this isn't directed to you, London, but IDK why the hell people are so offended by a provider who has higher standards than seeing clients for one hour sessions.  Think about hookups in "real life".  I've never had a truly GREAT hookup that lasted less than 2 hours.  Most amazing hookups last 3-6 hours or even spill into the next day.  If someone doesn't have the time or money to see me for 2-3 hours, then that's fine... There are other ladies out there who love the WHAM-BAM-Thank you MA'AM!  It's just not for me.  I want to give a much deeper experience than that and get bored and annoyed with those type of clients.  Hence I don't offer one hour meetings anymore.
Posted By: LondonBay
Damnnn 1-2 clients per day and a minimum of 2 hours for a grand!?GIRL!!!you making over $10,000 per week!Get it girl;)Make that Mula!!;)And you're beautiful so you can get away with charging that much;)

FTMZacharyPrince See my TER Reviews 402 reads
21 / 54

See, that's exactly my point.  If you think the whole point of an encounter is to "get off", then we just aren't a good match.  I would really hate being in session with you.  Hence I can avoid meeting clients like you by having a two hour minimum.  We all need to do what works best for us.  If you enjoy one hour appointments, then see ladies who enjoy them also!  ;)

Also, there are plenty of escorts who offer 2 hours for less than 1K, buddy.  My rate is 1K because I have high operating expenses and prefer to be low volume so I can focus on providing the experience of a lifetime for the guys who make it onto my schedule.  I started out in this biz charging much less, so it's not as if I don't know with certainty that quality providers come in every price range.

But the vast majority of clients who value the JOURNEY more than the GETTING OFF book 90 minutes or longer.  That's a fact.  And eliminating one hour offerings does definitely eliminate the type of clients who are just looking to get off.  Ultimately, it's a lady's choice what kind of appointments she offers.

So don't be mad, bro.  :D
Posted By: chicagojoe32
Consider getting off your high horse!  In this crazy world we live finding an hour let a lone 2 to see an escort is difficult, between work and other commitments you are lucky to find a 1/2 hour a day to yourself.  Now, I am being told that if I am lucky enough to find an hour to use toward this hobby I am simply a Neanderthal looking to pump and dump but if I stay for at least 2 hours and pay a K somehow that transforms me into a gentleman willing to enjoy the finer things in life.  Guys pay what you are comfortable with to "get off", which is actually the whole point, isn't it?
-- Modified on 4/17/2016 9:56:22 AM

Debra_Hollander See my TER Reviews 344 reads
23 / 54

I have a couple of little niggles, and I honestly don't think you meant for your words to sound as though you are judging or stereotyping.  So I simply would like it very much if you could clarify the following for me. :-)

Posted By: Zoey Zacquery

   And this isn't directed to you, London, but IDK why the hell people are so offended by a provider who has higher standards than seeing clients for one hour sessions.
Sorry, but saying that requiring longer than one-hour sessions is a "higher standard".....   are you really intending to say that ladies like London and I have low standards?  

Because that sounds a bit snobby. And really... not very nice, either.  
Posted By: Zoey Zacquery
There are other ladies out there who love the WHAM-BAM-Thank you MA'AM!  It's just not for me.  I want to give a much deeper experience than that and get bored and annoyed with those type of clients.  
I feel the need to White-Knight for my clients just a bit:

Most of my one-hour dates aren't anything like they way you characterized them.  Yes, there are some guys who have that approach and maybe you encountered a lot of them when you did accept shorter dates.  And to be completely honest, back when I was younger.... so were my clients.  And in my experience,  the younger they are, the more likely they are to be Wham-Bam guys.

Nowadays, at least 75% of my gentlemen callers are over 60 and just that: gentlemen.  They don't treat me or our time together in that fashion.  ;-)

Please know that I'm really not intending to chastise, or yell at you, or in any way criticize.  I'm actually hoping that you'll explain you really didn't mean those words the way they read to me. :-

Jacque_Jenesais See my TER Reviews 442 reads
24 / 54

Maybe take a road trip for a few hours, listen to some good music, and think about "back in the day".

When you think upon the timeline of your career, and you hit the "those were the days - I miss those days" - think about what your rate and time minimum was. What do you miss about those days? Why were those the days? Could those days fit with today based on how you have evolved and grown in that time? If not, can you adjust accordingly, and maybe make another "those were the days" in your timeline?

I think a lot of times we listen to everybody else's opinion but our own. And really, the opinions of others - what works for them - may drown out what our body, mind, and spirit is wanting and needing. Sometimes we switch up our marketing and our own standards, based on what makes others satisfied. That can jack stuff up.

Having a shorter minimum can actually be a HIGHER standard than a 2 hour minimum - because your standard for YOU is higher. That "higher" standard is where YOU fit, and where YOU are happy. Where you feel good about you. Not where others tell you to fit.

I really hate it when people try to fit other people into a box. But what I hate more, is when I actually listen and jump in a box I don't fit into, just because someone else told me to.

By golly, just do what makes you happy and live your life. Life is short - don't waste it on what other people think of you. Advice is great, but just don't forget about your own advice to yourself. Maybe there is something you specifically want. I'm wondering if you are questioning a rate you already feel you want, and that's why you're coming here. If you already have a "those were the days" number in your head, maybe meditate on it and take the plunge if it works?

I have never questioned myself more than when I started asking everybody but myself what box I fit in, and what I should be.

Hope this helps - not really an answer, but... lol



-- Modified on 4/18/2016 12:30:23 AM

chicagojoe32 97 Reviews 241 reads
25 / 54

Wow, you are certainly full of yourself aren't you.  Experience of a lifetime that certainly is quite a claim, I hope you offer a money back guarantee with that.  Just think what all those poor saps who don't, "make it on your schedule" have missed, I just thank my lucky stars I am a client like me.  Enjoy your "Journey", I am sure you will do fine, as P.T. Barnum said, "there is a sucker born every minute".

DannyGold See my TER Reviews 462 reads
26 / 54

You have a set of standards for yourself. It's not a "high horse" or being "snobby"....

DannyGold See my TER Reviews 331 reads
27 / 54

I think you answer is actually the most accurate one.

In one response I eluded to my experience over the last few years definitely  pushing me into a "box". Porn is really like that - there isn't a ton of money in it and you are kind of forced to scramble to keep up - continuously trying to find what "box" you fit in to.

That's why I have always valued escorting more - it allows you to create a healthy environment around where you already exist instead of giving pre-made boxes that you can fit into to determine your value.

Thank you. This was actually very insightful and helpful.

I like escorting because it makes me happy - I've gotten too caught up in what my "value" is. :

Jacque_Jenesais See my TER Reviews 392 reads
31 / 54

After I told him what I did for a living, he gave me money then sent me on my way lmfao!

But wow - the memories... it was hawt! And we both had a lot of fun. But we became friends and created a memory. We don't talk anymore, but I will always remember the hook ups lol.

-- Modified on 4/18/2016 2:06:02 PM

Debra_Hollander See my TER Reviews 323 reads
32 / 54

If so, I am genuinely sorry.   I actually tried really hard NOT to sound that way.  

My sincere apologies to anyone I insulted.  :-)

FTMZacharyPrince See my TER Reviews 369 reads
33 / 54

Yup, higher standards for myself.  My standards are not everyone's standards, because what I enjoy most isn't the same as what other ladies enjoy most.  Can't compare apples and oranges - what counts as a higher standard for myself wouldn't be the same for other people.  Sex is very personal.

Some ladies & gents definitely love one hour sessions and there's nothing wrong with that.  But personally, it's not my style.

I don't know if SNOBBY is the right word, but I know what I like.  Food & sex are two areas where I do feel it makes perfect sense to pursue only what suits me.  I don't like fast food and I don't like one hour sessions.  No negative judgements toward anyone who feels differently on either subject.

But if a lady is looking for clients who value a more well-rounded experience and aren't just looking to get off and go, then my advice is always going to be to have a longer minimum booking.  I used to offer half hour - one hour - and ninety minute sessions, and progressively made my minimum booking longer and longer over time.  This is just what I learned over five years of experience with a progressively longer and longer minimum booking.  My client based has changed really drastically over time as I've made the changes.  I used to love a one hour session.  Nowadays my standards have really changed and I find even two hours way too short, hence I incentivize three hour bookings heavily in my pricing.  And it works great for ME.  I have 30 bookings on my calendar for the next 5 weeks and you can look at my tour schedule to see the kind of cities where it's working for me.

As for accusations that I'm LYING about how my business model is working for me, I think any lady who has access to the PO board can attest to the laughability of that idea.  I regularly contribute helpful and true advice based on my experience to help other women who are navigating the industry, and I have done so for years.

Best of luck making your decision, Lola!  Even tho what I've suggested obviously touched some nerves, you've received a lot of great advice in this thread and I'm sure you will figure out what's the best thing for you.  :)
Posted By: TrulyMsMocha

Jacque_Jenesais See my TER Reviews 353 reads
34 / 54

Just a note before we go on - since I did reply about smoke clouds... I really don't think people are talking about you. You're a different breed in the marketing department. (I wasn't talking about you at least.) If I were to believe one person, it would be you and Tori honestly. The two of you are people I admire as to how the marketing is done. I also agree with a lot of what you say, and am inspired.  

One of the things I did when I came back from hiatus, is I started watching people who didn't blow smoke clouds, never complained about being broke, and never advised me to buy tons of shit on a credit card. lol. You were one of the ladies I watched. We don't talk much, but I've been watching you and Tori, and you are an inspiration for sure. Didn't you train Tori Valentine? You are wickedly smart, and you can feel the confidence through the computer screen. Would I start touring India to mimic you? No. I can't even tour Wisconsin without getting confused lol!

BUT - I am going to say, there are a lot of smoke clouds in the industry, so I'm glad it was brought up.  

Much of what I like to talk about is how to think critically. If someone's stories aren't matching up, and they're giving me advice, and then start throwing out numbers at me while telling me to switch my minimum and change what works for me, I get a tad confused... and I've followed it, and then I've gotten emails that the person is broke and needs advice. I don't get happy about that shit, i get revelations and life teaches me to always check in with myself and my own goals before changing my stuff up based on someone else's success.

There are people who are doing really well based on what I can see... And then there are the people who are content with less, (that's me lol). But people have somehow made me out to be doing extremely well, because I had a good week and I get lots of fun gifts. They start asking me for advice- and I'm talking about ladies I've never met contacting me via twitter PM's on how to tour Chicago, and how to get six clients a day at my minimum. lol!  

They get the "Um, I don't think our goals are the same. What are your goals?" "I want to make 25-30 grand a month." My reply, "You are asking the wrong person. I max out at like xxxx dates in a month." Granted, they're mostly dinner dates to deliver me dates, and I have some travel dates set up throughout the year... but I can't advise a girl how to make 10 grand in three days in Chicago at my rate. No fucking way! lol! I haven't done that in a month. My income is based largely on travel dates, not sitting here in Chicago. I'm in Rockford, Oak Brook, Downtown, and all over the burbs. Then I'm flying out of state with regulars.

Then their whole world is turned upside down, because they built their hopes on their pre-conceived idea of how well I'm doing, and they want some of what I've got, and boom. Sorry - I just took two weeks off. What's even going on in Chicago? lol!

So I have summed up all of the smoke clouds to being - some of those smoke clouds we're blowing in our own faces. They include numbers we put into our head because someone texted up "I made 8g's this week!" But we didn't hear about the weeks they didn't get any inquiries. I highly doubt the lady's intent was to deceive the friend, but they look at me tweeting, having a higher minimum, (based on a $500/hour structure that decreases in time to encourage longer dates,) and being happy/funny/ and even somewhat of a cunt.  

Then they get the real story - not that I'd tell everyone I made xxx amount... but I say "Look. I have a honda that's rusted out in the back with no air conditioning because I don't want to spend money on a car. But i have nice clothes, shoes, hair, skin, and nails, and get great locations because I'm sacrificing my new luxury vehicle to invest in my business, and my music instead."

They're like what - the - fuck? You mean you don't own the top floor condo in the Trump building?

LOL. Nope. Sorry, but you're just not going to see me in Loubitans lol! They're beautiful shoes, but the sound library I'm saving up for, as well as production of my music is two pair of Loubitans a pop. lol!

Instead of louboutins selling my price point, my chaotic, non-conventional lifestyle is what sells me right now. I get requests from regulars to bring my guitar instead of my Lexus lol!

Did any of that make sense, or am I still talking? lol
Posted By: Zoey Zacquery
Yup, higher standards for myself.  My standards are not everyone's standards, because what I enjoy most isn't the same as what other ladies enjoy most.  Can't compare apples and oranges - what counts as a higher standard for myself wouldn't be the same for other people.  Sex is very personal.  
 Some ladies & gents definitely love one hour sessions and there's nothing wrong with that.  But personally, it's not my style.  
 I don't know if SNOBBY is the right word, but I know what I like.  Food & sex are two areas where I do feel it makes perfect sense to pursue only what suits me.  I don't like fast food and I don't like one hour sessions.  No negative judgements toward anyone who feels differently on either subject.  
 But if a lady is looking for clients who value a more well-rounded experience and aren't just looking to get off and go, then my advice is always going to be to have a longer minimum booking.  I used to offer half hour - one hour - and ninety minute sessions, and progressively made my minimum booking longer and longer over time.  This is just what I learned over five years of experience with a progressively longer and longer minimum booking.  My client based has changed really drastically over time as I've made the changes.  I used to love a one hour session.  Nowadays my standards have really changed and I find even two hours way too short, hence I incentivize three hour bookings heavily in my pricing.  And it works great for ME.  I have 30 bookings on my calendar for the next 5 weeks and you can look at my tour schedule to see the kind of cities where it's working for me.  
 As for accusations that I'm LYING about how my business model is working for me, I think any lady who has access to the PO board can attest to the laughability of that idea.  I regularly contribute helpful and true advice based on my experience to help other women who are navigating the industry, and I have done so for years.  
 Best of luck making your decision, Lola!  Even tho what I've suggested obviously touched some nerves, you've received a lot of great advice in this thread and I'm sure you will figure out what's the best thing for you.  :)  
Posted By: TrulyMsMocha

-- Modified on 4/18/2016 7:20:34 PM

Jacque_Jenesais See my TER Reviews 338 reads
35 / 54

I'm not considering anything a high standard based on rates, hours, or even what kind of money the clientele makes. My high standard is the same ... what makes me happy, and where do I fit?

Am I going to listen to someone who is constantly complaining about how clients are treating her like shit in the appointments, or writing her reviews that slam her, just to be outright mean? (I'm not talking about YMMV days - we all have those) And I mean constantly, not once or twice... I don't think I've ever heard you once complain about that stuff.

And I'm also not going to listen to someone who has a great life, but has different goals than me, because that's not where I'm happy. I'm happy locking myself away for two days straight plucking notes into my computer software and writing my own stuff. lol.  

I'm also happy experimenting with clients without charging extra. If a guy wants me to bring out Domination Courtney and I'm in the mood, I'll dominate him lol! But he's paying the same rate. I get women saying "You should have up-charged."  

No, that's a benefit guys get for regularly booking. We all do things that work for us, and if it works for us, that's the higher standard. So I totally agree with the way you do your thing, and I don't personally think you're snobby or judgmental. I think your intent is to help another out with your personal experiences and successes. And that's gold right there.



TrulyMsMocha See my TER Reviews 220 reads
36 / 54
GiaDonnasSecrets See Agency Profile 394 reads
37 / 54

Right ?? Lol, I rarely have 10 hours for once in a lifetime, mind blowing encounters. Some of my best moments have been quick sport fucking encounters in the shower or getting doggy while I brush my teeth. Sometimes you just need to get in and out making one hour perfect, which is a major reason why so many men utilize escorts and don't have a million mistresses hanging around.  

Posted By: TrulyMsMocha

Hextyn See my TER Reviews 348 reads
38 / 54
BeautifulLover 302 reads
39 / 54

Honestly each and every provider is different. Having a 2 hour minimum is ideal for people who prefer that, there is nothing wrong with that. Plenty consider this option. Shorter appointments are also ideal for people who prefer a more quicker visit so there is no right or wrong with this.

 It really depends on what you are comfortable with.



-- Modified on 4/19/2016 2:29:41 PM

BeautifulLover 258 reads
40 / 54

I've seen so many ladies remove their 30 mins or 1 hour meetings and simply start at 2 hours or 3 hours, some 90mins so hey it's whatever works.

-- Modified on 4/19/2016 2:45:45 PM

GiaDonnasSecrets See Agency Profile 257 reads
41 / 54

No, more like I run an agency and don't want to keep it poppin for 10 hours, as in, I'm busy. Wtf does that have to do with me running an agency, clients aren't coming to see me, they are going to see the ladies I work with. I'm talking about myself in my personal life, with my partner, not talking about sessions.  

If I was an Indy who wanted to post a threAD response up( making sure to include my web site at the bottom), I would only post great and sexy comments about myself but I'm not advertising myself. I was responding to Mocha's comment.  
Posted By: ToriValentine
You probably should've posted that under an alias.

GaGambler 255 reads
42 / 54

So when hiring companionship I tend to pay the "going rate" in whatever locale I find myself in

To give a few examples, when I am in Colombia the thought of paying more than a hundred buck an hour for a woman that could easily be on a magazine cover is laughable. Now take that very same woman, say she moves to Las Vegas and I want to book with her, I wouldn't think twice about paying $500 hr.  

I live in Dallas, the typical hottie gets about $300 hr here and there are more beautiful women at that price than I could fuck in ten lifetimes, so that is pretty much what I am comfortable paying.

It's not being cheap, it's not being extravagant, it's just that while I believe in being fair, I don't enjoy "overpaying" except by choice as a "gift", When I overpay I feel like a sucker, and feeling like a sucker is not the feeling I am going for when hiring a provider.

Again, this is strictly the way I look at it, I am not trying to speak for anyone else.

GaGambler 332 reads
43 / 54

If you find yourself so much in demand that you start wishing to be "left alone" for a while, you should consider raising your rates just to give yourself a break. If you are sitting at home all day posting on TER and doing crossword puzzles, you might consider that your rate is too high.

There are other factors to keep in mind. Some women get off on the guy who can afford to "meet her rate" other women find these same supposedly "upscale" guys a bit pretentious, demanding and overbearing and other than the money would rather be seeing more "normal" guys.

Sometimes it takes some tinkering and for many women it's not "all" about the money. Sometimes it's like Court said, it's what makes YOU happy. I mean honestly, do you really care what some random guy in Dallas thinks about your rates? The first person you need to make happy is yourself.

StapleCenter 615 Reviews 256 reads
44 / 54

That was funny.  You get respect for not attacking the guy for sharing his perspective on rates!

GiaDonnasSecrets See Agency Profile 257 reads
47 / 54

I feel like I'm in high school again. This shit is so childish, but ok I'll play. I was responding to your post where you said you had great hook ups that were less than 2 hours and I was joining in on the conversation. I believe I clicked the wrong link to respond to though, it was in response to yours and the comment from the gentleman who said he didn't have that much time.  

Enjoy your day.  

Posted By: TrulyMsMocha

WICardinalfan 297 reads
49 / 54

No you were not picking on her.  Period.  

I have read some, not all, of this thread.  I think if the phrase "Different Standards" as opposed to "Higher Standards" might have prevented most of this.

Personally, (and Debbie you know me on this) I do not find Lola's offering right for me.  While a bit of a perv, kink is not my thing.  Does that make me a person who would be considered a lower standard?  I hope not.  

BTW Debbie's standards are very high and when with her I felt I was with a very high class lady.  For the record.

WICardinalfan 222 reads
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WICardinalfan 307 reads
52 / 54
DannyGold See my TER Reviews 303 reads
53 / 54

No, you were respectful! A few posters were more direct - also many focused on what Zoey was saying so I was speaking more generally!

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