
Fair enough
WouldntULiketoKnow 692 reads

In fact, I was thinking of bringing that very point up of how gentlemen " out" other providers for ripping them or others off, but it's not okay for the providers to "out" the guys off?  

As long as I pay my yearly fee for this alias, I will out who I see fit!!!! Provider or hobbyist.

WouldntULiketoKnow2046 reads

A good friend of mine that is touring the Chicago area just got robbed!! He is an RS2K member. The crazy thing is she saw the client during the first day of her tour. It is during his second request for a 2HR appointment to see her he robbed her by saying he would contact the police if she did not give him all her money! She was staying in an upscale hotel ( not that this means anything).  

He was screened via RS2K, VH and provider references.  

Contact me by PM for more info.

ROGM1145 reads

Posted By: niceguyforyou
fucking asshole!
I agree.  

Post his name and info here !

GaGambler784 reads

Outing him here would serve nothing but to get the OP banned. Please keep your dumb advice to yourself, lest someone actually follow it someday and get themselves into a shit load of trouble.

.......have her contact roomservice.  seems to me that something like this ought be in their database so no other ladies get taken advantage of.

my suspicion is that she really didn't screen him.

WouldntULiketoKnow850 reads

No he was screened!!! Until now other reputable providers where scheduled to see him this week who also screened him. He just saw a well know Chicago provider this Monday. RS2K has been notified of the issue. When he was screened the did say he had negative history of NCNS. That's it!! VH as no prior incidents other then one NCNS complaint.  

Should providers now totally stop seeing potential clients that NSNC in fear that the client may rob them?  

Why would she need to screen him again if she saw him last Saturday and there was no issue?  

Let's be very careful not to blame the lady for this. No one deserves something like this to happen to them. This guy is very crafty because he's seeing reputable providers, having a great session with them and then asking the to give references to other providers that he may end up robbing.  

I don't give a shit about putting his info out there. If I can do it and it get out to everyone I will. I even found out where the creep lives. What an asshole!!!  

She says he was fine in the appointment right up til the last minute and his whole personality changed.  

For providers this has to be really scary, because you will never think someone who is basically a regular will rob you

Thank you for all of your information about him. It is nice to know others are looking out for us. I have heard horror stories about this person even though he has been verified. We all need to be careful. Thanks again for the heads up. :)

Posted By: WouldntULiketoKnow
No he was screened!!! Until now other reputable providers where scheduled to see him this week who also screened him. He just saw a well know Chicago provider this Monday. RS2K has been notified of the issue. When he was screened the did say he had negative history of NCNS. That's it!! VH as no prior incidents other then one NCNS complaint.  
 Should providers now totally stop seeing potential clients that NSNC in fear that the client may rob them?  
 Why would she need to screen him again if she saw him last Saturday and there was no issue?  
 Let's be very careful not to blame the lady for this. No one deserves something like this to happen to them. This guy is very crafty because he's seeing reputable providers, having a great session with them and then asking the to give references to other providers that he may end up robbing.  
 I don't give a shit about putting his info out there. If I can do it and it get out to everyone I will. I even found out where the creep lives. What an asshole!!!  
 She says he was fine in the appointment right up til the last minute and his whole personality changed.  
 For providers this has to be really scary, because you will never think someone who is basically a regular will rob you.  

Zana, can you provide a little more details on the horror stories? I suppose there might be more details on the providers-only forum, but a few providers can't access that. (Because a client used the provider's computer to log into his TER account.) Maybe these horror stories will be more helpful than the NSNC in predicting this type of behavior.

I can imagine that a regular might do such a thing if they are suddenly desperate for money, but I'm sure that most clients wouldn't do this.

I don't want to recommend that a provider confront a guy like this, because he might resort to violence and do the provider even more harm. But, I can't help but wonder if the guy could have really gone through with the threat. If there are any criminal defense lawyers reading this, it might be useful to have your advice on how to deal with such a situation

I would love to give you more information. There are a few providers that know the situation and have PM'd me in regards to the violent situation that happened. I couldn't tell anyone else. Who? Just warn other girls that there is someone out there and get suggestions from them. I appreciate all of the help that the other girls gave me. They were truly sweet. :)
I think that most of the gentlemen that have fun in this Hobby do it for fun not violence and it is just the select few that give it a bad rap. The best thing we can do as Providers is do the best at screening and to let each other know (including the great hobbyists out there) of the bad ones.

Posted By: random456
Zana, can you provide a little more details on the horror stories? I suppose there might be more details on the providers-only forum, but a few providers can't access that. (Because a client used the provider's computer to log into his TER account.) Maybe these horror stories will be more helpful than the NSNC in predicting this type of behavior.  
 I can imagine that a regular might do such a thing if they are suddenly desperate for money, but I'm sure that most clients wouldn't do this.  
 I don't want to recommend that a provider confront a guy like this, because he might resort to violence and do the provider even more harm. But, I can't help but wonder if the guy could have really gone through with the threat. If there are any criminal defense lawyers reading this, it might be useful to have your advice on how to deal with such a situation.  

I guess it just show that references should be the main substance in the verification process. What makes this story even scarier is that he was from RS2k and not some guy off of backpage.

I will be emailing for the information soon.

Posted By: WouldntULiketoKnow
No he was screened!!! Until now other reputable providers where scheduled to see him this week who also screened him. He just saw a well know Chicago provider this Monday. RS2K has been notified of the issue. When he was screened the did say he had negative history of NCNS. That's it!! VH as no prior incidents other then one NCNS complaint.  
 Should providers now totally stop seeing potential clients that NSNC in fear that the client may rob them?  
 Why would she need to screen him again if she saw him last Saturday and there was no issue?  
 Let's be very careful not to blame the lady for this. No one deserves something like this to happen to them. This guy is very crafty because he's seeing reputable providers, having a great session with them and then asking the to give references to other providers that he may end up robbing.  
 I don't give a shit about putting his info out there. If I can do it and it get out to everyone I will. I even found out where the creep lives. What an asshole!!!  
 She says he was fine in the appointment right up til the last minute and his whole personality changed.  
 For providers this has to be really scary, because you will never think someone who is basically a regular will rob you.  

What was he going to say if he went to the police, I just paid for sex with a prostitute? She could simply deny it. The police aren't going to arrest her on the complaint of a john, it would be his word against hers. Plus, why would he out himself to the police? Why didn't she tell him to fuck off, and then simply check out of her hotel? Did he physically threaten her? Maybe I'm obtuse, but I'm not understanding this.

WouldntULiketoKnow842 reads

I asked and said the same to her. I cannot and will not dispute why she did not contact the police. It's easy for US to say " why didn't she contact the police" " the police would not have done anything. "  You're right, I was not there, but for all who knows this lady personally know she would not lie about something like this.  

She is a real lay back, reserved provider. She barely post on the boards because she is afraid of others being hard on her. This is not the first time he has done this I bet, and this I am sure you you will not hear the last of him.  

Tell me what does she have to gain or is trying to do by lying on him??? Not like she is trying to have others feel sorry for her to get appointments. She won't even post it herself in fear of people coming at her like this.  

If you guys are doubting her what make you remotely think the cops won't do the same???

You ladies who PM'd me have the info. You all know already he will be contacting you or has already.  

Don't believe her or I. Just be careful because it's real

Yet when I've asked you for any reliable information on which to corroborate your little story you defer to "just trust you".

Sorry...that's not good enough for someone to out someone.  Put up or STFU.

So far your story has more holes than swiss cheese  :(

My inbox is awaiting your reply...and you have my replies from your earlier nonsense.  Try to read them this time....perhaps that's why your story makes no sense?

Posted By: WouldntULiketoKnow
I asked and said the same to her. I cannot and will not dispute why she did not contact the police. It's easy for US to say " why didn't she contact the police" " the police would not have done anything. "  You're right, I was not there, but for all who knows this lady personally know she would not lie about something like this.  
 She is a real lay back, reserved provider. She barely post on the boards because she is afraid of others being hard on her. This is not the first time he has done this I bet, and this I am sure you you will not hear the last of him.  
 Tell me what does she have to gain or is trying to do by lying on him??? Not like she is trying to have others feel sorry for her to get appointments. She won't even post it herself in fear of people coming at her like this.  
 If you guys are doubting her what make you remotely think the cops won't do the same???  
 You ladies who PM'd me have the info. You all know already he will be contacting you or has already.  
 Don't believe her or I. Just be careful because it's real.  

WouldntULiketoKnow647 reads

As I stated earlier, for those who want his info contact me.  

Continue to protect him ChgoCPA. You will not win this one.

And you have a very different story there.  Now I see you've changed your OP story here, and the other email stories are also different.

Why not just use ONE story and stick to it?  

Look up Occam's razor.

Posted By: WouldntULiketoKnow
As I stated earlier, for those who want his info contact me.  
 Continue to protect him ChgoCPA. You will not win this one.

Now how about coming up with a few more versions to this story.

It's a shame that you haven't figured out how to deal with issues.  I thought you were smarter than this.

Posted By: WouldntULiketoKnow
As I stated earlier, for those who want his info contact me.  
 Continue to protect him ChgoCPA. You will not win this one.

Did you even bother to read my post before your insipid response? Please show me I ever advised her to contact the police? That may have been your ridiculous advice, but it would never have come from me because it would have been pointless. The police would have laughed at the scenario you painted in your OP: a hooker claiming she was robbed by a john because she gave him all of her money when he threatened to turn her in to the police.  

That Beijing said, if this guy is such a bad apple, and apparently Zana knew this already (maybe from the providers only board?), why did she ever schedule an appointment with him? It sounds like she didn't do her research and properly screen.

When people post vague, unbelievable bullshit on the boards that doesn't stand up to scrutiny, or at the very least begs for further information, don't act surprised when it is challenged. And don't have your anonymous minion go on and paint CPA as unconcerned for women's safety. When you post implausible, anonymous nonsense on the board you do women more of a disservice than you could possibly imagine. If their safety is being compromised by this gent, then get all of the facts out in a clear, coherent manner. Otherwise, people do not take you, or the alleged "robbery" seriously.  

Provider safety is an extremely serious issue and should not be trifled with. I would suggest you either come clean with all of the facts so the community is fully aware of this supposed hazard, or at the very least, have the escort who was purportedly robbed go on the provider board and tell her story in detail so those with the most to lose can be forewarned and take appropriate precautions. Either way, quit fucking around with the cryptic bullshit you've posted here, it does nobody any good

WouldntULiketoKnow633 reads

I will answer you on the board and not PM. Do not contact me if you doubt what I am saying. You have the reviewers board for that. I DO NOT WANT ANYONE PM'ING WHO THINKS THIS IS A BULLSHIT STORY.  I have the information and for those of you who has it know this is not something that is unlike him.  

Other ladies also have been saying how "weird" this guy has been. I do not post on the boards a lot, but will do so to provide info to providers when it comes to a scumbag like this!!! Believe or not, a 2 hour appointment is not worth my time and hopefully anyone else's  to go to the extreme an lie about something like this.  

so "Mr. Care to explain" read the post. He scheduled an appointment the last Saturday and decided to rob a touring lady the following Saturday. Don't PM me asking why he didn't take more!  


Could you not believe there are douche bags out there that have nothing better to do then watch touring ladies to see if they are making money and rob them???? Again, don't fucking believe me??? Take your doubt to the Reviewers Board or post your own damn post.defending the bastard.  


-- Modified on 7/20/2014 3:41:45 PM

-- Modified on 7/20/2014 3:42:22 PM

morecoffee637 reads

Here is what Zana said, " I have heard horror stories about this person even though he has been verified."

If there were horror stories already floating around about this guy, how come the verification services did not know?

Did none of the ladies who experienced the horrors of this guy tell the verification services?

I know RS2K to be very good at keeping track of not so nice guys. Cathy will warn the ladies even about things like a member cancelling too much. I am surprised and worried that RS did not know such a major issue

WouldntULiketoKnow670 reads

ferences did not come from Zana. All the other providers said he was " safe" "clean" "polite." The provider he robbed would have said the same thing from there first meet.  

This is point, the guy is gaining good reviews by seeing reputable providers, getting good references and then robbing them. He is building up to doing something violent.  

Why blame someone for lying when it is coming out how this guy is. RS2K had him down as having a bad record but nothing detailed. Further investigation came up with NCNS, but nothing relating to robbing.  

Read "Youdumbass" post. Not dumb ass ChgoCpa.

morecoffee670 reads

I did not say references came from Zana. She indicated that it was well known the guy was dangerous. How did no one else know?  

You say, " This is point, the guy is gaining good reviews by seeing reputable providers, getting good references and then robbing them."

The key word here is "robbing them" which means he has done this before. How is it possible to keep "getting good references" if he is "robbing them."  

A thing like robbing a few providers would result in RS red-flagging him and warning providers, "do not see, he is a robber"

-- Modified on 7/20/2014 7:38:46 PM

WouldntULiketoKnow606 reads

I should not have said " robbing them" but definitely having the intentions of robbing them or using them for references to see other ladies to possibly rob them.  

Again, read "Yourdumbass" post. She met the guy and sensed something weird but decided not to see him again. That is if I read her post correctly.  

My apology for incorrectly stating he " robbing them" as if he has done this before. This is the first I am knowing of him doing it, but he definitely has and has definitely a bad record with other providers he chose not to use as references.

It's all coming out. ChgoCPA seems to know him so well so maybe he can give us ALL some info on him.

That is supposed to validate your story?

Now you've changed it again.  How many more versions would you like to tell?

Maybe share with the class one story?  

Or just keep spinning those plates....and try to keep them from falling.

Posted By: WouldntULiketoKnow
I should not have said " robbing them" but definitely having the intentions of robbing them or using them for references to see other ladies to possibly rob them.  
 Again, read "Yourdumbass" post. She met the guy and sensed something weird but decided not to see him again. That is if I read her post correctly.  
 My apology for incorrectly stating he " robbing them" as if he has done this before. This is the first I am knowing of him doing it, but he definitely has and has definitely a bad record with other providers he chose not to use as references.  
 It's all coming out. ChgoCPA seems to know him so well so maybe he can give us ALL some info on him.

WouldntULiketoKnow522 reads

what happened happened! Nothing in it for for I or the lady it happened to to lie. I posted it to advise the LADIES of what is going on with this guy.  

His info has been reported and those again who want it contact me. DO NOT allow others to post their unbelief in what I'm saying happened and keep you from getting this info. It's here if you want it. I am done responding to the BS post. My story has not changed.  

Chose not to believe me, don't. Get the info and do your own research and watch out for him, because I am sure we'll be hearing about him again.  

Ladies, please be safe out there.

That is not what I said... I said that I have heard stories from others even though he was verified (after the fact).... not before. I would NEVER, ever put any woman (or man in that fact) in any harms way. I think what this person is doing is completely wrong and should be called out. The fact that some (no names) are wanting to protect the hobbyist and not the providers (whom you see) is disturbing to me. I have never had this issue when I was in Porn. At least we all knew why we were there. Whether it was for fun or for pay. No meanness, or stabbing in the back like right now. If you are going to throw my name around please use it correctly.... Oh and by the way.... I don't mind being thrown around (as long as it is fun!!! ) LOL

Posted By: morecoffee
I did not say references came from Zana. She indicated that it was well known the guy was dangerous. How did no one else know?  
 You say, " This is point, the guy is gaining good reviews by seeing reputable providers, getting good references and then robbing them."  
 The key word here is "robbing them" which means he has done this before. How is it possible to keep "getting good references" if he is "robbing them."  
 A thing like robbing a few providers would result in RS red-flagging him and warning providers, "do not see, he is a robber"

-- Modified on 7/20/2014 7:38:46 PM

First off Morecoffee.... please do not do that... everyone can go back and look at my posts.... I have said ... and I quote from an earlier post... by the way.. I do not even know Cathy... I speak to someone else. Whom you may not know.  
This is what I said in an earlier post ~~~
Thank you for all of your information about him. It is nice to know others are looking out for us. I have heard horror stories about this person even though he has been verified. We all need to be careful. Thanks again for the heads up. :)  
You can look it up if you like. No mention of what he says... nothing like that. I have heard  horror stories and would love to share them with gentlemen and ladies who actually care what is going on in this "what is supposed to be fun" area.  
If you are going to Quote someone you should probably get it right!
Love (still)

Posted By: morecoffee
Here is what Zana said, " I have heard horror stories about this person even though he has been verified."  
 If there were horror stories already floating around about this guy, how come the verification services did not know?  
 Did none of the ladies who experienced the horrors of this guy tell the verification services?  
 I know RS2K to be very good at keeping track of not so nice guys. Cathy will warn the ladies even about things like a member cancelling too much. I am surprised and worried that RS did not know such a major issue.  

morecoffee656 reads

This what I said you said in my post: "Here is what Zana said, 'I have heard horror stories about this person even though he has been verified.'

Where did I misquote or attribute anything else to you?

This is what you said... I did not say references came from Zana. She indicated that it was well known the guy was dangerous. How did no one else know?  
~~~ The point I was trying to make and I tried to make before was that I had not known before the fact. If I had then I would have tried to help if I could have. So, please do not put my name out there like that. That is all I ask.

I really appreciate it... :) I have heard horror stories about a lot of gentlemen (not really gentlemen) but unfortunately it happens in our line of work... We would just like to all stick together (Hobbyists and Providers) without all the drama that is happening here on the board as of late.

That is why I post what I post. :) And will continue to do so until the drama stops! :)

Love always!!!!




Posted By: morecoffee
This what I said you said in my post: "Here is what Zana said, 'I have heard horror stories about this person even though he has been verified.'  
 Where did I misquote or attribute anything else to you?  

ROGM683 reads

doesn't entitle a Client to Rob a Provider!  Any Client that Robs a Provider is a Total Fucking Jerk! All these girls are doing is trying to survive. Pay Bills, Rent, Food. These girls put their Safety on the line for us. Even taking a chance on getting Arrested. The last thing they need is a Fucking Asshole robbing them.

Jack_Inhoff654 reads

Before you become mr. white knight to the rescue, you should be sure this is a true story. The OP has changed her story at least once. This might be a little fishy.

What a stupid post, it's like posting "hey, murder is just wrong you guys"...duh.  You pathetic prick, how many times have you bragged about paying "your provider" much lower than her rate, now you're the crusader for provider rights?  There is so much nonsense on this board that I just ignore but hypocrisy and rank idiocy I can't abide.  OP might be something serious so just stay in your mom's basement and wank it you liar, everyone knows you've never actually seen a provider and probably never will.

ROGM572 reads

Posted By: thehumanist
What a stupid post, it's like posting "hey, murder is just wrong you guys"...duh.  You pathetic prick, how many times have you bragged about paying "your provider" much lower than her rate, now you're the crusader for provider rights?  There is so much nonsense on this board that I just ignore but hypocrisy and rank idiocy I can't abide.  OP might be something serious so just stay in your mom's basement and wank it you liar, everyone knows you've never actually seen a provider and probably never will.
Why the Hell do you want to know the Girl I'm seeing?

And not sure why their story would be doubted!  Both the OP and the lady robbed are very reputable ladies and with absolutely no reason to fabricate the story!

The guy is a creep, bottom line!  Robbed a lady, despite previous good references and RS2K verification!

I think all the op wanted to do was warn the ladies in Chicago that do not have access to the PO board!  Not sure why all the nastiness came about! Everyone needs to chill out and stay safe and have fun!

Peace. :-)


-- Modified on 7/20/2014 11:16:39 PM

There have been plenty of gals who understand how to put up a PSA of this nature.  

Your friend went into a diatribe that culminated into an outing of personal information (that post has been removed fortunately).  

If you gals want to lynch a problem.  But you have a board here that is private and that's where the lynch mob is.  As well, there are other places that YOU gals have to get your two pounds with no trial.

For anyone to believe an OP for it's face value...that is naive.  There's more than one side to ANY story.  And your pal changed hers on well as privately.  I wonder why!

Posted By: AngelinaDDD
And not sure why their story would be doubted!  Both the OP and the lady robbed are very reputable ladies and with absolutely no reason to fabricate the story!  
 The guy is a creep, bottom line!  Robbed a lady, despite previous good references and RS2K verification!  
 I think all the op wanted to do was warn the ladies in Chicago that do not have access to the PO board!  Not sure why all the nastiness came about! Everyone needs to chill out and stay safe and have fun!  
 Peace. :-)  

-- Modified on 7/20/2014 11:16:39 PM

First, the OP was anonymous, disorganized,hysterical, and quite unbelievable. Why you feel free to castigate those of us who openly questioned the veracity of the mess she disseminated, we had no idea who she was. So while you claim to personally know her and vouch for her bona fides, we did not have that luxury.

Second, provider safety is a serious issue that should not be trivialized. You cannot cite to one example where any of the posters who challenged the OP ever disputed that.  

Finally, it was only through challenging the OP that further, more relevant details began to emerge about this apparently predatory individual. Your post is just the latest example of that. Some of us do not hold by the mantra that everything an individual posts is gospel. In some instances it is so much fluff to begin with that people do not get involved in the thread. But this posting was as serious as a heart attack, with potentially grave implications. Instead of condemning those who criticized the hysterical rant of the OP, you should be thanking them for thinking with clearer heads and trying to make sense of the mess she was conveying, digging for further information, and attempting to steer the discussion to more appropriate and suitable venues, such as the PO board.  

Once again, people focus on tone instead of content and jump to erroneous, indefensible conclusions!

Stop posting 10 times a week about your sweet and adorable $100 BBFS girl that's "too good for us" and everyone will lose interest very quickly, I assure you.

Posted By: ROGM
 Why the Hell do you want to know the Girl I'm seeing?
The counterpoint is why do you talk about her nonstop but will not reveal her??????

This is a board that although it is imperfect it is here to share information.  You share none,  you never have.  All you do is talk about this poor girl who gives it away to you bareback, how you dislike Asians, and have no budget for the girls discussed here.    We feel sorry for this unfortunate person and are somewhat skeptical that she exists.    No one cares about  your opinions as you have no credibility.    You represent the bottom feeders of the hobby who take advantage of girls who aren't smart enough to take care of themselves.    When one sees a post of yours at best we are humored, but usually annoyed wondering what stupid thing you are going to say next.   You say we are not good enough for her, whatever mistakes she has made in life she doesn't deserve you.    You bring the mentality of a guy who seeks out drugged out streetwalkers to this board, whatever else it may be it is above that

I know I sound like a broken record, but do people ever read a post before sending their ridiculous, asinine responses? thehumanist clearly, and quite unequivocally stated "everyone knows you've never actually seen a provider and probably never will." How do you even remotely deduce he wants to see the girl you are seeing from that? Are you really that fucking dense and clueless?  

OK all of you "kumbaya" posters, lay into metro bullying the creep.

Posted By: ROGM
Posted By: thehumanist
What a stupid post, it's like posting "hey, murder is just wrong you guys"...duh.  You pathetic prick, how many times have you bragged about paying "your provider" much lower than her rate, now you're the crusader for provider rights?  There is so much nonsense on this board that I just ignore but hypocrisy and rank idiocy I can't abide.  OP might be something serious so just stay in your mom's basement and wank it you liar, everyone knows you've never actually seen a provider and probably never will.
 Why the Hell do you want to know the Girl I'm seeing?
Because we all feel badly for her. You've managed to manipulate her into letting you stick your bare dick in her for a fraction of her standard rate, and then you come on here to brag about it fucking constantly. I for one would gladly tell the poor girl how you're taking advantage of her.  

Only thing is, I'm pretty sure she is a figment of your imagination. I hope so anyway.

Littlestinker770 reads

It is high time you prove to us that she does not have a Cock ! ass clown.

Now you've done it, expect a barrage of posts about your rude, denigrating, bullying description of poor ROGM. lol. Let's see how many of the "kumbaya" innocents rush to the troll's defense on this one.

The guy irks me no end...if "his girl" is real it makes him a sadist wrapping himself in the "she's so sweet and adorable" bit, if she's not he's potentially giving newbies very bad expectations.  There is nothing good about this fool's presence on this or any other board.

Did the guy have a gun or what? It just says he stated he would call the police. I would have told him to call the police. I mean this doesn't sound like a real robbery. It sounds like he just scared her into giving her his money. I think there is more to the story.

GaGambler647 reads

Just what does common sense have to do with anything posted here?

but yes, very valid question. I have to agree that there has to be a LOT more to the story. Somehow the idea of a guy having a session with a lady, busting his nut (sorry for the graphic), and then after putting his clothes on saying to her, "Oh BTW if you don't give me all your money I am going to call the police" just doesn't sound like it could possily be the full story, does it?

Thanks for proving that a woman can have doubts about a story that seems to be missing something, just like the men here. It seems like we are expected to believe every story posted here, even ones cryptically posted by an alias poster, making his/her very first post under that name, which means the OP has ZERO credibility,and if we don't we are immediately branded misogynists. I am glad it's not just the non mangina men that have a problem accepting this at face value.

zelig530 reads

It is one thing to ask questions about the story, and quite another to announce that the OP has zero credibility because your questions haven't been answered. There can be many reasons why this provider didn't want the cops called. It could be that the client/thief appeared to be on the verge of violence without making any specific threat. Or maybe the provider was aware that many vice cops join the vice squad just for the opportunity to extort freebies out of providers that they have the opportunity to arrest. Such a cop would likely arrest the provider even though the case could never be prosecuted, and the provider would probably end up losing all her money (and more) in the process. Or it could be that she has previous legal problems that would make another encounter with the cops into a serious problem for her.  

It is sensible to ask about such things, but you should also cut the ladies some slack if they can't fully satisfy your curiosity. This business is far riskier for them than it is for the clients, and they can have privacy concerns prevent them from telling the full story. You may chose to remain skeptical if they don't answer your questions. But, if you immediately accuse them of lying when all your questions aren't answered, then you have earned the misogynist label.

Personally, I think that it is very unlikely that this is some dishonest attack on an undeserving client, even though I don't understand the full story. I think that the OP is to be commended to bringing this to the attention of those providers who don't have access to the providers only forum - particularly given the venom that every post on this forum seems to attract.

GaGambler691 reads

My point about his/her lack of credibility is posting this from behind an alias, an alias without a single other post to boot.

If a man were to make a post blasting some unknown provider from behind an alias that had never been heard from even once, everyone here would say that person had ZERO credibility. What's good for the goose is good for the gander. I don't have a clue whether the OP is telling the truth, but why does the OP get a pass for calling out a client when we all know a guy claiming a woman stole from him would get nothing but abuse for his trouble. and for the record I have called out LOTS of guys for the very same thing, Making accusations without naming names, and without making the announcement under their "real" fake name so we can decide who has credibility and who does not.

Since when is "equal" treatment misogyny? and if I am a misogynist than so is Leeza.

or any combination of three adjectives in conjunction with misogynist....

It just isn't so  LOL

Yet when these poor fools are presented with documentation in words that most 8 year olds can understand they are inclined to disbelieve it.  I guess rumor and innuendo make for more entertaining drama.

But never fear...Zana isn't going to stop her threADs till the drama stops  LOL

It's so much better here now that there are no local mods  ;)

Posted By: GaGambler
My point about his/her lack of credibility is posting this from behind an alias, an alias without a single other post to boot.  

If a man were to make a post blasting some unknown provider from behind an alias that had never been heard from even once, everyone here would say that person had ZERO credibility. What's good for the goose is good for the gander. I don't have a clue whether the OP is telling the truth, but why does the OP get a pass for calling out a client when we all know a guy claiming a woman stole from him would get nothing but abuse for his trouble. and for the record I have called out LOTS of guys for the very same thing, Making accusations without naming names, and without making the announcement under their "real" fake name so we can decide who has credibility and who does not.  

Since when is "equal" treatment misogyny? and if I am a misogynist than so is Leeza.

zelig589 reads

Well, that's pretty amusing, GaGambler, that you don't see any difference between your posts and Leeza's. She just asked some questions that many of us have been thinking about. She didn't accuse anyone of lying or demand that her curiosity be satisfied in order to avoid your abuse.  

The point of the original post was to warn other providers about a dangerous client, and the point of this was to warn providers who don't have access to the providers only board. There are many plausible reasons why the OP might not want to satisfy your curiosity.  

Why is it important for you to judge the credibility of the post? Are you going to see this client? This seems like an important issue for Leeza, but not for you.

But, you are right that I may have been too hasty accuse you misogyny. I guess I didn't account for the level of abuse that is typical on this board. It seems a bit twisted to me, and I wonder if it might make some of the providers that read this board want to pass on some of the clients that post on this board. But, I suppose many of you may be a lot more polite in person.

You had to throw the old "if a gal might pass" bullshit.  That's always sign of an illogical argument.

Up to then you were OK.

Just a reminder....and you know it all too well, the PSA simply can't out anyone.  The OP did just that.  Then went ballistic over being asked to explain, both publicly and privately.

Teach her how to post if you want to be of help next time.

Maybe help her get on the PO board too.  Then you can lynch the dude without interference.


Posted By: zelig
Well, that's pretty amusing, GaGambler, that you don't see any difference between your posts and Leeza's. She just asked some questions that many of us have been thinking about. She didn't accuse anyone of lying or demand that her curiosity be satisfied in order to avoid your abuse.  
 The point of the original post was to warn other providers about a dangerous client, and the point of this was to warn providers who don't have access to the providers only board. There are many plausible reasons why the OP might not want to satisfy your curiosity.  
 Why is it important for you to judge the credibility of the post? Are you going to see this client? This seems like an important issue for Leeza, but not for you.  
 But, you are right that I may have been too hasty accuse you misogyny. I guess I didn't account for the level of abuse that is typical on this board. It seems a bit twisted to me, and I wonder if it might make some of the providers that read this board want to pass on some of the clients that post on this board. But, I suppose many of you may be a lot more polite in person.

zelig676 reads

Wow! I came so close to my dream of having my post approved by you!!

You seem a little confused by the concept of logic, however. I only speculated about whether providers might want to pass on the likes of you and GaGa. This isn't related to the logic of my argument at all.

And still you felt that you had to assert the "providers might want to pass on the likes of you and GaGa"  LOL  (Hint...if you say it 3 times there is a Judaic meaning to it...look it up).

I'm certain that GaG and CPA won't lose a moments sleep over any gal not seeing "us".  I also don't think that GaG is interested in a MFM...and I know I'm not.  Maybe ask macleaky...he's into that scene.

But if that does happen at some point for me...I'll be sure to put up a PSA and then you'll know as well.  Seems like the gals you're alluding to would ever know that CPA has requested a session.  Who's all such a mystery out here  ;)

Maybe you would care to do some more speculation?

And you better than most know that I am never confused on the concept of logic.  We've had those discussions...remember?


Posted By: zelig
Wow! I came so close to my dream of having my post approved by you!!  
 You seem a little confused by the concept of logic, however. I only speculated about whether providers might want to pass on the likes of you and GaGa. This isn't related to the logic of my argument at all.

zelig557 reads

I'm new to this board and have never had a discussion with you before. To tell the truth, I have a hard time understanding the pleasure some of you get from insulting others on this board. You've already seen my feeble attempt at this, and I'm already bored.  

I've read more of your posts than I've commented on, and you sometimes make good points. But, your need to insult your enemies and other posters tends to drown out whatever good points you make. But, I suppose being polite would spoil your fun?

GaGambler680 reads

and then you have the gall to call others insulting? You haven't seen insulting yet, but it's coming.

zelig699 reads

I just wondered if they would reconsider. As far as I know, you haven't done anything that would warrant any recommendation from me. Insult me all you want, if that's fun for you.

I guess I didn't realize that you are more narcissistic than most on these boards.

Welcome to the boards...just realize that words have a way of getting twisted here  ;)

If you think that MY posts are directed at insulting YOU....then if the shoe fits.

Posted By: zelig
I just wondered if they would reconsider. As far as I know, you haven't done anything that would warrant any recommendation from me. Insult me all you want, if that's fun for you.

WouldntULiketoKnow501 reads

and if anyone wanted more details they could have PM"D for it. I did state at the end of my OP

"Contact me by PM for more info."

WouldntULiketoKnow550 reads

Yes, that is actually the guy did put his clothes on first, after showering and then threatened to call the police had she not given him her money. She he have fucked her and then run out with the money with no clothes on?

She is a very timid, no confrontational provider and I can someone doing it to someone like HER! There are a lot of ladies I know probably would have taken the chance and beat the hell out of him. That's not her.  

So let just wait and give the opportunity to do it to a lady with more "credibility", because it seems like that is what it will take before you guys remotely believe something like this can happen.

GaGambler596 reads

If indeed this is true, and I am willing to concede that despite the kind of "out there" nature of your post, and the fact that if you were a man posting this under an alias you would be given ZERO credibility, but I also concede there is a double standard, but I digress. What's important here is that the ladies believe you and stay away from this predator.

Truth of the matter is, I actually do believe that you are at least by and large telling the truth, I am just trying to hold you to the same standards that we would hold a man to, and you know quite well that not only would I question a man, but I would be much quicker to "bash him" for making unsubstantiated claims from behind the safety of an alias. Of course in all fairness I do realize that a man can "out" a woman for ROB activities under her "hooker name" while a man cannot be outed her under any circumstances. Is that fair? Probably not, but it is the way things are here.

I will confess to enjoying "stirring the pot" but I think I will find another thread in which to do so. It's not like there is any shortage of them on this board. Assuming you are telling the truth, and I will grant that you most likely are, the matter is a serious one, and I won't detract from the seriousness of it any more. Well not in this thread at least. lol Fair enough?

zelig481 reads

It's nice to see you backing off on this. The providers already bear the lions share of the risk in this business, and I think that the clients should give them the benefit of the doubt regarding safety issues like this. I, for one, am glad that there are so many wonderful providers available. Let's not make it difficult for them to raise important safety issues.

GaGambler582 reads

YOU are still a douche bag mangina in my book, and the last thing I am worried about is my ability to book with any escort I choose, any woman who thinks we would not be a good fit because of anything I say on these boards is absolutely right, Uber sensitive hookers are not what I look for in a date, paid for or not.

What I will agree on is that the safety issue that was brought up here is more important that me having fun pointing out the double standard here, but don't worry, on this board I will have PLENTY of opportunities to point out double standards, BSC hookers, and pathetic manginas, So don't think I am going soft here, or that you have a thing to do with it, because it was the OP herself that got me to reconsider, certainly not you. Let me repeat, you are still a douche bag mangina IMO, that has not changed. The OP however has convinced me that her post has enough merit for me to move on to another thread to have my fun. Got it?

zelig609 reads

I'm a douche bag "mangina", huh. I can't say I've seen that word before, and it just makes me laugh. I haven't had a conversation like this since high school.

I couldn't care less if you insult me, but if you could manage to consider provider safety before posting a dozen attacks in future threads, that would be great.

WouldntULiketoKnow693 reads

In fact, I was thinking of bringing that very point up of how gentlemen " out" other providers for ripping them or others off, but it's not okay for the providers to "out" the guys off?  

As long as I pay my yearly fee for this alias, I will out who I see fit!!!! Provider or hobbyist.

GaGambler566 reads

Not because anything I have to say about it, but because it's against TER rules, you can't post "personal information" about anyone here, and that includes deadbeat or even dangerous clients.

You can of course do so by PM and in the case of a dangerous client, surprise, surprise, I support you doing so.

FWIW although the term misogynist is thrown around rather loosely here, one of the things about posting under your "real" fake name is that after a while you get a history, and my posting history will prove that I am at least as likely to call out a guy for bad behavior as I am a woman, but somehow that fact gets lost as every time I have a disagreement with a woman the "M" word get thrown at me.

WouldntULiketoKnow554 reads

Did I post the assholes name? No I did not. I post his description, but gave detailed info to those who PM'd. And yes, I can post whatever I want on TER that they will allow to be posted. I won't have you or anybody else tell me any differently.  

If my OP was not allowed this whole thread will be down

but no one will hear you.

The post outing the dude was taken down the other day...and if you want to try it again I suspect that your handle will at a minimum be moderated...perhaps banned.

There are rules on TER...familiarize yourself with them and maybe...just maybe you'll become a fan favorite.  But rub TER's nose in drivel....and I suspect you'll find out quickly the penalty for doing so.

Posted By: WouldntULiketoKnow
Did I post the assholes name? No I did not. I post his description, but gave detailed info to those who PM'd. And yes, I can post whatever I want on TER that they will allow to be posted. I won't have you or anybody else tell me any differently.  
 If my OP was not allowed this whole thread will be down.  

There are some sick opportunists out there

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