
Amber32169 See my TER Reviews 2477 reads

It is NOT just about "good and bad reviews"-it's about TRUE reviews. Gents-do you want to read real, factual reviews about what a lady provides and what to expect when you see her, or would you rather read a review that sounds like it belongs on literotica (need some lotion? lol), but as fake as hell?

I've gotten several reviews removed in the past. One gave me a 7 for appearance and a 7 for also said that I did a half hour outcall to this guy's downtown hotel, lmao., I don't even do half hour INCALLS, besides, the gent in question had emailed me for an appointment and he didn't pass my screening (his email address matched his handle on TER AND he emailed me AGAIN the VERY SAME DAY that the review got posted to ask me to meet him for an outcall lol).

Another gave me a 9 for appearance and a 10 for performance...AND it was completely said that I met some guy at a bar and obnoxiously announced that HIS cock was the only one that I wanted that night. I then proceeded to take him upstairs and let him in every orifice, and then let him cum in my mouth...apparently I also "licked my lips" after I swallowed.


Suffice to say, that review was removed, too.

I got on the board to bitch about other reviews-one was bad because a gent came in coughing all over the place and then expected me to kiss him. Um, again-NO! If you are sick, then cancel and go get better. I don't want to get sick, too.

Another guy was bitter because I refused to see him after he lied to me about his references (he has falsely reviewed other girls on TER, btw), and I eventually gave him a chance and scheduled with him. I had to reschedule because of a personal illness, but I gave him a discount for the inconvenience. We met and he ended up bitching because my hair wasn't curled or something (I don't know), my breath tasted like Listerine (excuse me for wanting to have CLEAN, fresh breath), and because I wasn't dominant (I'm submissive by nature...who said I was dominant)? In essence, he just looked for crap to bitch about. However, I didn't ask for either of the last 2 reviews to be removed. They weren't outright falsehoods, though they weren't exactly FAIR either.

Just my opinion, of course. Ladies should be able to respond to reviews, and, if they are able to prove that a review is false, they should be able to get it removed. Fake reviews don't help anyone.

puretwist2552 reads

In recent days, I have seen providers request removal of reviews and posting their perspective on what happened with a hobbyist on this board.

I believe it's fine for a provider to post her point of view.  But to have a review removed because it's negative?  I don't agree with that at all.  We all know that these reviews are "fictional accounts for entertainment purposes only".  One review does not a complete picture make.  I also believe at times some provider's take "artistic license" on their websites with their descriptions, age, pictures, etc.

There is a provider visiting from Michigan whose profile lists that anal is available. After discussion with her, she told me she never does it. So, at a point in time, some things are simply factual...height, weight, what's available, etc. A review may contain some facts, but it is an opinion of the hobbyist and there are no wrong opinions. A true hobbyist will discern the information presented on TER. As a paying member, I want to see all...good, bad, or indifferent.

I have felt for some time that the reviews have gotten nastier than when I started in the biz (I am now retired).

Take a review I had a few months ago.  Now everyone knows I am not a skinny girl and I think anyone who had seen my photos could tell that, but this not too bright guy apparently thought that I would be skinny despite what the pictures showed.  No, he was not a brain surgeon LOL.  I let the review stand because it was a good review overall and I know the general consensus among the guys was that he was an idiot.

What I'm getting at is, it seems like some people are angry at themselves for hobbying and feel the need to get a cheap shot in even if they had a good time.  I have no other way to explain it.

Olivia (Retired)  

I've had providers ask that I edit out certain passages after the review has been posted. I once did remove one negative review at one's request, although everything I said was true. I no longer edit or delete them. They is what they is, as someone once said.

I have rarely reviewed agency ladies because in the cases that I was unsure of exactly who I was seeing, I knew that the person would either change agencies, switch names, quit or some combination. I can say quite honestly, most of those sessions were average or worse. I also would not hesitate to write the review if I saw the same lady (or picture) being fancied as someone who was good and did the right things. Thankfully, most ladies who do not have the heart or "talents" for this business out themselves in  short order. I think that bad reviews are more about the lack of value one feels after the session and yes, that is sometimes consistent with anger and venom. To all hobbyists, please know that some of these ladies won't be into you and vice versa. I also think that this is a horrible way to make a living if your heart is not in it. Ladies, we don't pay for you to have an "off" day; your attitude must be sparkling for that hour or two. If you don't do certain things, make it clear in your ads and such so that dicerning hobbyists can choose wisely. And finally, if a lady is not reviewed or is unknown, you are taking one for the team period. At the same time, if you choose to write a review, be honest. For ladies, you know when you bring you 'A' game and you know when you bring a half ass  session. If you you get less than stellar remarks, know that we all have to learn to take criticism.

good or bad .... because if they say I perform a service I do not or will not ..I am not going to have it up there so that the next person expects it ...I have had to fight my way out of a call or two because someone thought I should do something I won't ..I couldn't walk for almost a month ..

I am not going to have to go through that again if I can help it ....So I will continue to fight inaccurate reviews always ...

I do not care whether they are good or bad ..they should be honest ..If they are not they have zero business under my reviews ...dishonesty doesn't do any of us any good

Sorry you had to deal with a dangerous situation like that Traci. I would think that everyone can agree that dangerous situations can arise from false claims, and that it should never happen. Sure hope to meet you someday, and I know you aren't GFE.   ;-)

I look forward to spending time with you in the future .....

Reading the responces I found alot of it to be true.  There are guys who will either makeup a review to get a membership.  Also if they haven't seen someone for a while and want to keep their membership they will sometimes review a lady they have seen before but NOT recently.

Sometimes fabrications come into play.

I had to have a review taken down because in order to have pulled it off I would have to have been supergirl.  Able to encompass the world in 20secs.  I also have had to have a couple of reviews pulled because the descrition of me and my attire and services were not what I offer.  Neither you nor I wants completely exaggerated and untrue info out there either.  

It is NOT just about "good and bad reviews"-it's about TRUE reviews. Gents-do you want to read real, factual reviews about what a lady provides and what to expect when you see her, or would you rather read a review that sounds like it belongs on literotica (need some lotion? lol), but as fake as hell?

I've gotten several reviews removed in the past. One gave me a 7 for appearance and a 7 for also said that I did a half hour outcall to this guy's downtown hotel, lmao., I don't even do half hour INCALLS, besides, the gent in question had emailed me for an appointment and he didn't pass my screening (his email address matched his handle on TER AND he emailed me AGAIN the VERY SAME DAY that the review got posted to ask me to meet him for an outcall lol).

Another gave me a 9 for appearance and a 10 for performance...AND it was completely said that I met some guy at a bar and obnoxiously announced that HIS cock was the only one that I wanted that night. I then proceeded to take him upstairs and let him in every orifice, and then let him cum in my mouth...apparently I also "licked my lips" after I swallowed.


Suffice to say, that review was removed, too.

I got on the board to bitch about other reviews-one was bad because a gent came in coughing all over the place and then expected me to kiss him. Um, again-NO! If you are sick, then cancel and go get better. I don't want to get sick, too.

Another guy was bitter because I refused to see him after he lied to me about his references (he has falsely reviewed other girls on TER, btw), and I eventually gave him a chance and scheduled with him. I had to reschedule because of a personal illness, but I gave him a discount for the inconvenience. We met and he ended up bitching because my hair wasn't curled or something (I don't know), my breath tasted like Listerine (excuse me for wanting to have CLEAN, fresh breath), and because I wasn't dominant (I'm submissive by nature...who said I was dominant)? In essence, he just looked for crap to bitch about. However, I didn't ask for either of the last 2 reviews to be removed. They weren't outright falsehoods, though they weren't exactly FAIR either.

Just my opinion, of course. Ladies should be able to respond to reviews, and, if they are able to prove that a review is false, they should be able to get it removed. Fake reviews don't help anyone.

Amber - You're becoming my ATF and I've mever met you.  ;-)

I get a big laugh out of many of the reviews.  I especially like the contortionists that go into 5 or 6 different positions and then in round 2...

God I love you lol.

It is so rare to find someone so eloquent, hot, kind, feminine, down to earth, thrilling, intelligent,young and mildly submissive in one package.

There are some actors/actresses that I would see in any are a courtesan I would listen to anytime, talk with anytime, and W%^K with on demand lol.

Why escorts think they can sometimes is beyond me...  You set yourself up for disappointment thinking you can be all things to all men.  It's just not realistic.

Granted, if a review is truly a blatent lie, it should be exposed...  In instances such as this, it is not opinion, but fabrication.

But if it is just getting a negetive review removed...who will every get 100% positive reviews??  If you do, it's only because the one's you didn't connect with (we've all been there...) don't write reviews, or are too intimidated by all the other positive ones to voice a differing opinion.  I would personally have no problems with all of my reviews not being "stellar", and feel that the mediocre ones also have something to say about my service and who I like to connect with.

As far as a few reviews ruining someone's review researchers cross reference the authors other reviews to see if the readers preferences line up with the authors in making a decision on credibility of a review.  The number of reviews an escort has also has merit in balancing her looks and performance levels.  Reviews should not be taken as gospel about services or rates at any time...the escorts website should be the place to find such information, although reviews should back some of that up.  When in question, go straight to the source...albeit delicately when in regards to certain subject matter. :-)

Certainly inaccurate information (pics, age, discription) should always be noted and outed publicly.

The thing I don't like about the review system here is the number system's too subjective and too many readers only look at numbers and don't read the reviews or do other research.  Again, smart readers cross reference, but there are a lot of people that don't.  If I am a '10' in looks by one person's standards, I know I am not by everyone's (actually, recently given a 6...).  I would never rate myself as a '10' to my clients either, even though a couple of my clients have rated me that way.  Regardless of their own perspective of womanly beauty and charm, it sets up a standard for some that I just don't fit by our current societal standards, and ultimately can set one up for faliure in some circumstances.  I've also had people say they are intimidated to meet me because of my positive reviews...a point that I laugh at considering I view myself as your average girl that just likes to have fun in life. :-)  I guess my point is that too many positive reviews can be a detrement also.  Better to have a healthy balance...


-- Modified on 11/7/2005 9:38:07 PM

I really think any editing or esp. deleting of posts for falsehoods is a bad idea (that could get TER into hot water legally anyway, plus it creates an environment where reviews may not reflect reality if a provider is aggressive about getting bad ones deleted).

However, there is a lot that should be done in the software - (a) allow the provider to respond IN THE REVIEW so the provider's viewpoint is obvious to the reader of the review (this is critical), (b) put the reviewer's average ratings (across all reviews he has posted) alongside the ratings for this provider, (c) create a reverse ratings systems where a provider can rate the reviewer for "accuracy and fairness" and put the reviewer's average ratings alongside the review.  I am always surprised that there is not more done with reviews there is so much that could be improved.

Kudos to all the ladies that keep it real and yes, mean or evil-doing reviewers should not have carte blanche and expect reviews to go unchallenged. But, TER is more for the men who don't date to get ripped off.The numbers of ladies who will promise everything and not deliver is increasing. I will be the first to let the ladies, challenge a bad review, but on my planet they would only get 2 challenges a year. I have been with well-reviwed providers that put less than their best effort; it can happen on a given night. At the same time, I didn't expect to be given a discount because I got what I came for albeit a little less than I cared for. I chose not to write the review because I have seen her since and the behavior was not repeated. It goes both ways. Some ladies don't "feel ya" and it can impact the session.

-- Modified on 11/8/2005 8:54:53 PM

Concrete Charlie2236 reads

Actual solutions too. Well done

The Evil Bitch.1972 reads

it should stay?? Outright service lies should stay??

puretwist1428 reads

I am a fan of Greek.  I know some providers that once did it that no longer offer it to clients. That should be modified. If there are issues, the providers should post them on their websites. I have had issues with providers not placing their racial preferences on their websites.

I think providers see this forum as a marketing tool.  I don't beleve it is.  Use your website for your marketing.  To me, this is Zagat's for Poon.

The Evil Bitch.1268 reads

Lies, as in saying someone does BBBJ, CIM, facials, Greek or even BBFS; and IT NEVER HAPPENED nor does the provider ever offer those services.

I'm not talking about reviews that actually happened.

-- Modified on 11/9/2005 6:33:00 PM

I would agree that a lie shoudl be removed - BUT who decides that it is a lie?  The provider?  TER?  A vote?

That is why I suggested that the provider SHOULD be allowed to RESPOND (not delete) to a review.  She can point out that (a) the entire review is made up if it is, (b) point out evidence, such as that the review talks about things she does not ever do, etc.  Then readers will see the provider's response alongside the allegedly false review.

The best solution for untruthful speech is generally to respond with truth not censorship, and eventually the truthful with overbear the untruthful.  

In order to help shut down repeat liars, I suggested that providers rate the reviewers (solely on truthfulness) so that someone who consistently posts untruthful reviews would have a very low rating and his reviews would be largely ignored.  Alternatively, you could use a "trust" system where, if a TER member agrees with someone's reviews based on personal experience, he can "trust" the reviewer's other reviews and the "trust points" would be used to rank the reviews by likely accuracy.  

My point is, there are better alternatives than censorship and/or deleting bad reviews. I think the deletion policy is a very bad idea, and I already suspect that many reviews are deleted that are simply not favorable.

The Evil Bitch.1705 reads

There is no other alternative for service lies because they do nothing but confuse clients as to what the provider offers and put extra hardship on providers. Now when the client arrives and demands services, the provider will have to explain she never offered the services in the review. The client may feel mislead, thus leading to a big misunderstanding. It's not worth it for either party. Also, if someone is reviewed as doing certain services but they don't, it may scare away clients who don't want that and attract those who do, and cause even MORE problems for the provider who doesn't offer that.

Once again, I'm not speaking of bad reviews, only reviews with false services listed.

I guess if you are talking about a review that says a provider DOES OFFER service X, when in fact she does not, I would agree it is better to delete (preferably delete references only to Service X not the whole review).

But other "lies" I am a lot more skeptical.  For example, take the reverse - a provider could claim that she DOES offer a service that the reviewer claims was denied.  Who is lying?  Maybe the provider thought the guy was smelly and didn't want to go bareback on something that smelled like horseshit, or maybe the guy is lying .. but who knows?  I just think as a general matter lies are more easily addressed with responses.  On ebay, for example, you get a response to negative feedback, and that system works pretty well.

Cement Head1989 reads

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