
Definitive guide to tipping:
MissMarieM See my TER Reviews 737 reads

Tip agency girls.  They're splitting with the house so tip as you would a massage, hair cut, etc.  A decent tip if they performed adequately.

Independent and adequate only- don't

Independent and fantastic-  
     Will you be seeing her again?  Regularly?  
Yes: Probably don't; only do if you plan to keep it up.  if you do and then don't another time, I'll wonder what I did wrong.  If you want to do extra, gifts are the best for this.  Even if you give 100 gifts, the next one isn't ever expected, it's obviously a token of affection/appreciation, and I won't be valuing it in my head (wondering if I was 10x better the week before, the way I would if the "gift" were cash/a tip.)

No (Because you play for variety, just hobby rarely in general, just visiting, etc):  Probably do.  A round amount, given at the end is a much appreciated sincere compliment.  It saves me from ever wondering why you didn't come back- I know you had a fantastic time, it just wasn't in the cards.  Very, very much appreciated.  Note: Although everybody likes money, an email or text a day or two later works just as well for me in the sentiment department.

The End

If you're looking for stats: Probably 10% of my dates tip; when they do it's invariably 25%

badassbilly1059 reads

Let's say you had a two-hour session, the cost was $650 upfront.  And you had a great time.

Is it customary to tip when you pay $300+ per hour?  

Should you just always tip?

Providers, don't get any ideas now!  :-)  Just want to know what the usual procedure is. Or if there even is one. Thanks!

holdmybearclaw802 reads

You may find a lot of the answers to your questions at the newbie board. It's under general boards.

to leave added tip then tip what you like.  There is no customary rule.  If you want to leave one, if not the best tip you can ever do is repeat.  But then this is just me talking

Ok, don't think tipping is really necessary. Its not like we're working In a hair salon, where the salon owner gets a percentage out of every cut. Now when it. Comes to escorting, the provider set price is really all you should pay, because she's not splitting that with a boss or making minimal wage. Now, if a gentleman wants to show his appreciation, he should consider bringing a gift. That makes me happier, than a $ tip. Not necessarily on your first meet with a provider,  but
the next time you see her bring the gift. And if your metting her again, it sounds like shes well worth it.
But that's just my opinion.

When the world as a lot of us knew it ceased to be in 2008.  My "dates" were less often and I could not afford the level of tipping that I and my partners were used to.  What I started doing was buying apx. $50 worth of lotto scratch offs and the ladies loved them.  Their was always the chance for nothing but their was always the slight chance of a really extraordinary payoff, and the ladies loved it.  My only ground rule on a significant p/o was "do not forget to tip the dealer", and over the years that I have stuck with this format, and it has been nothing but fun, and yes the dealers gotten tipped a couple of times.  You just have to love the luck of the draw.

Is if you come back and give a good reference.

Guys who don't try to get a discount
Guys who don't accidentally bring less because they thought I charged less than I've ever charged.
Guys who tip me with compliments.

I always appreciate tips, and tippers have been the ones I notice always come back.

But if you want extra TLC, knowing you thoroughly enjoy me is always the way to go.

Even five dollars short will affect you way more than a tip ever will in this business.

No matter where I go, I always tip well. It's to be generous, but it's also so I get VIP service and to be remembered the next time I go.

People remember me at restaurants, car detail places, hair & nails, (they chit chat with me and always do a fantastic job if the place is good,) bars especially, (the dudes usually get served way before me... Until I throw the bar tender a $20 bill in the first drink when everyone else is giving a dollar.)

My best reaction is when I return and more so when I bring a friend in. (Don't do that here though lmao.)

I don't want to be remembered so much at hotels, so I do normal tips there.

-- Modified on 9/13/2014 8:14:07 AM

Tedc11833 reads

Tipping is a very personal issue so there is really no right and wrong. It depends on many factors. Did the provider go out of her way to make sure you had the best time possible, your own philosophy on tipping in general, your personal financial situation, etc.

When I have a great time I tend to tip pretty well. If I am a regular I tend to bring gifts that I know the provider will appreciate because it shows more thought on my part. This is just me and I am not suggesting that you do the same.

Most providers will say that tipping is not expected but appreciated and based on their surprise when I tip I think they are sincere when they say this.

And it's more for me than them. I want people to remember me, want me to come back, therefore do a good job. Then when they don't and I say something, they fix it quicker - because I come regularly and I tip.

But those are usually places I know do good service. Or places I know a tip will give me a better night by getting fast and enthusiastic service.

I give a certain Starbucks $.12 for a $5 coffee because they are complete assholes there, even though I used to give $1.50 even for a drink that cost $2.00. I finally stopped when I realized they were going to keep rolling their eyes at me for asking for room in my coffee, and publicly confronting me for asking a simple question.

In that case, I reviewed them, I stopped tipping, (well, left insulting tips and made sure they knew,) wrote a letter to the manager, reviewed the specific store on Yelp, and let anyone and everyone know that lived around there.

I'm generous, but not to people who continually act like assholes when I'm super nice. But if my little 'tip test' works and I get superb service, I return many times and also review well, while sending friends there.

Get my drift? Lol

.....some don't believe in tipping if a provider is beyond a certain price point and that's their prerogative but really it's your pockets/money.  Everyone can give their 2 pennies (myself included) but really up to you.

Thank you thank you thank you!
Baby gets a new pair of shoes...

My 1hr outcall downtown is 350. When a guy gives me a $10 tip, it shows me that he isn't petty about giving correct change. I appreciate it as that helps my parking expenses and I feel like I got a discount on parking for that night lol. Those small fees add up!

Back to topic, when I see that he's made an effort to tip it tells me that this is a generous companion that has an appreciation for a good time. With the 350 downtown outcall, if the guy gives me $400, I'm generally flattered by it and let him know I appreciate it in my follow up.  

If there isn't a tip, no big deal.  

At some point guys that meet me repeatedly will tip at least once. If I've met you over and over and over and you never tip I just assume that you are petty, but it doesn't make me perform less.  

I'm sure the answer will vary from woman to woman. I do not consistently receive a tip and don't mention it on my site so I think that is why because I have friends that always get tips but they have mention of tips as well as a wishlist on their site lol.

LeanMute581 reads

The only problem I have with tipping someone I see regularly is that I'll feel pressured to tip EVERY time after that.

DamagedGoods592 reads

Good to know. Wont ever be seeing you. Thanks for showing your true colors.

and you pay for 1hr each time. Lets say one of those days you tip her one day. Is it expected? Heck no! However an occasional thank you never hurts ;) and I have no regrets giving the OP insight. Why? Because I am not a tip seeker :)

Note: the firmest thing I said is that no tip is necessary. I didn't give a standard or mandatory percentage and again I don't have a wish list or encourage tipping on my site or in my ads. :)

Have a good night.

When a guy sees you regularly that repeat business is your tip.  You should recognize that and appreciate it.

The *firmest* thing I said is that NO TIP is necessary and I meant that hands down. I didn't say it because it was cute.  

An occasional thank you in the form of a tip from someone goes a long way. It sounds like the OP wants to show appreciation. When I put myself in a gents shoes, if I tipped I would more than likely tip someone I've seen multiple times rather than have a standard tip that I give to everyone.  

But my firmest point which is that no tip is necessary defeats that anyway. I guess you didn't see that part?

That's pretty much the opposite of every other business model ever.

As for the rounding up part, I can understand how seeing a $10 would have a "counting out pennies" feel, so why not just raise your rate to $360?  Or make it $350 plus parking expenses

I don't tip my ATF on every appointment but I do occasionally surprise her to show how much I appreciate her. It's always a surprise though, she never knows when it's coming and that's part of the fun of it.

Yes they are always a surprise :-) and believe it or not can give so much positive energy that keeps you smiling long after. Everyone likes to feel appreciated.  

I provide occasional surprises to my favorites in various ways to show my appreciation, but since you guys require discretion I never get to drop it on them by surprise like they do with tips. Any ideas?

I like seeing the smile on her face or the text that comes in later. It definitely gives off positive energy anytime someone does something beyond what's required. We feel better about ourselves and appreciative. It's human nature.

Please don't drop any surprise tangible gifts on me. I had a SB that gave me her panties once...had to dispose of them before I got home, yikes! Then she kept asking me if I liked them... yikes!

A previous ATF gave me a small gift, something I could use at work without drawing any suspicion. I still have it and no one was ever the wiser.

I can see how the panties may not work out too well, lol.  

However a designer pen or nice leather portfolio for a business professional who's normally in an office setting is very unassuming. Thank you for the tip! ;-)

I, for some reason, always feel like I am not doing enough when I have a regular that sees me more than 5 times. Its like I can't keep up with them lol. Little thoughtful things like this will help me get creative.  

I do have one regular that I've met almost 10 times. He's so quiet that I don't think hanging out off the clock would interest him. May just offer him an extension for the time he normally books. I've done that before, but me being me of course I want to hand over something more creative.  

Then there is another regular that I've stayed overnight with so many times I can't count. I don't think I will ever be able to keep up with him LOL. He's at a stage in life where he's seen it all as far as gifts and says not to worry, but I'm not buying that! I've observed he's more into experiences than physical things and it can't be petty because I want the wow effect, so I'll have to really think it through. I'm due to show my appreciation and I want it to be big!

Tip agency girls.  They're splitting with the house so tip as you would a massage, hair cut, etc.  A decent tip if they performed adequately.

Independent and adequate only- don't

Independent and fantastic-  
     Will you be seeing her again?  Regularly?  
Yes: Probably don't; only do if you plan to keep it up.  if you do and then don't another time, I'll wonder what I did wrong.  If you want to do extra, gifts are the best for this.  Even if you give 100 gifts, the next one isn't ever expected, it's obviously a token of affection/appreciation, and I won't be valuing it in my head (wondering if I was 10x better the week before, the way I would if the "gift" were cash/a tip.)

No (Because you play for variety, just hobby rarely in general, just visiting, etc):  Probably do.  A round amount, given at the end is a much appreciated sincere compliment.  It saves me from ever wondering why you didn't come back- I know you had a fantastic time, it just wasn't in the cards.  Very, very much appreciated.  Note: Although everybody likes money, an email or text a day or two later works just as well for me in the sentiment department.

The End

If you're looking for stats: Probably 10% of my dates tip; when they do it's invariably 25%

This one here. If you get a tip once and not the next time, you really think you did something wrong? Why? No girl I've ever tipped on random occasions has ever thought she did something wrong. On the contrary, she was appreciative that I went beyond our agreed amount as a treat. My repeat business lets her know that she's doing a great job but if I tipped her once and all of a sudden she got upset that I didn't do it every time, I'd stop seeing her. In effect, expecting the first tip every time means she's raised my rate. At that point, it's not a tip anymore.

Posted By: MissMarieM

      Will you be seeing her again?  Regularly?  
 Yes: Probably don't; only do if you plan to keep it up.  if you do and then don't another time, I'll wonder what I did wrong.

But if you tip me $100 one week and don't tip the next, I'll assume you preferred last week to this week and I'll adjust things accordingly.  That's one big purpose of a tip- it communicates precisely how well someone did.  

As opposed to a gift, which communicates overall appreciation.  I suppose a gift could be cash (depending on how presented), but definitely before any "services."

Maybe "definitive" was overreaching, but at least I'm giving some actual framework.  When someone is doing something new, hearing "do whatever you like" usually has the opposite effect of the comforting that's intended

I don't know how other guys do it but when I tip, it's thought out ahead of time rather than after the session. The envelope already has the extra amount in it when I arrive. So unless I can predict that she's going to be phenomenal during this particular session, the tip is really a thank you for previous sessions and for making me happy long term. Sometimes I have a little extra and feel like sharing it with those ladies who make me happy. It's not a tip like a waitress or the girl who cuts my hair, it's not related to any particular session but long term experiences. I'd feel bad if she thought she was better one week than another week based on how much extra I gave her. A lack of a tip shouldn't be taken negatively no more than a little extra should be taken as she performed better this particular time. I have no way of knowing whether this session will be better or not but I've already made the decision to give her more simply because I felt like it.

I know it sounds ass backwards but I like surprising the ladies who make me happy at random times when they least expect it. It's the same with gifting, I do it when I feel like it and it's a thank you for being a long-term great provider

It sounds like we agree on everything except semantics.  Despite the acronym, tips in most other businesses are given afterwards.  They are also related to performance.  Except for a maitre d' or a valet, in which case it's more like a bribe ( insure prompt service...).

Everything I'd call a tip, I received separately and afterwards.  Surprising ladies at random times when they least expect it is pretty much the definition of a gift (Intent/Delivery/Acceptance/and most especially, for zero consideration?).  But shit...  it's definitely income.  So...

Jesus, it's my bedtime...  Uncle!  Lol

But you won anyway, look below :-)

Which is the point I was making. I'd feel weird whipping out cash after a session. I used to do this in my newbie days but it was too weird. Once that envelope is down, I do everything in my power to forget about it.

Marie and I differ only in semantics so let's just say that I never tip but do occasionally "gift". Gift is a generic term.

I'm sorry, but how can you assume I said I expect a tip based on what I said, when you have clearly said don't just tip "sometimes" because if you don't do it regularly you will think something went wrong?  

Isn't thinking something went wrong because you didn't get a tip a sign of expecting a tip?

I may have shared my opinion on how guys tip, but I never said anything that revealed I expect a tip under any circumstance.

Do you see how easily words can get twisted up and its better to seek clarity or give the benefit of the doubt before piggy backing on what another says?

Both of our responses demonstrate that there is no rhyme or reason when it comes to tipping, which is why a gent should do what he wants. No definitives. Girls that are tip seekers share their thoughts on it on their website while the rest of us use a standard line. That is why the firmest thing I said was a tip is not required and saved the rest of what I said as only a share of my opinion/perception to provide my insight on tipping. Neither of us said anything bad, but it can be twisted to sound bad real quick!

BTW I don't think you expect a tip by what you said and fully understand you although I have never, not one time in my life, thought I did something wrong because a gent didn't tip me like the last time.

We are all very different and I respect the differences enough to seek clarity if what a lady says is a sign of not delivering good service, but she has a healthy history of reviews that say otherwise. I have been around and have an 8.99 average wit almost 50 reviews. I'm not an unappreciative woman who doesn't provide enthusiastic service by any means. My scores are good because I like what I do and put a lot of thought into it. I tip my clients that repeat in various ways myself which is my own thing and it is not the standard so that is why people may not have understood my angle and just chose to attack.

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XXX-Giselle Parker

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