
amen to that! eom
bebedoll See my TER Reviews 234 reads


DuhK1137 reads

I've scheduled with a regionally touring lady. Reviewed and on the scene for awhile.  
Three days out, she alerts me that she needs to move her web presence under the radar and would
be taking her site down, but assures me she's safe and there's nothing for me to be concerned about.
Sure enough, her site's gone and so is her TER profile. I'm just a little spooked about my upcoming date.
Should I be? Why would she do this? Thanks

knows IRL. Or something along those lines.

Maybe ask her if she is comfortable filling you in on what is going on?  

Makes sense you would be concerned. That said, maybe her going utr has nothing to do with worst case scenario things. (Like LE, etc.)

Guess my point is: I have heard of providers suddenly going UTR for many different reasons, and at least in my personal experience, none of them have been legally related.  

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I've known ladies who've done just as you described after acquiring a stalker, or being outed to family and friends.

It may have absolutely nothing to do with what you may think.    

But trust your instincts.  Try to communicate with her, and if it feels wrong, don't meet with her

By all means trust your instincts and err on the side of caution.  The fact that she contacted you though does say a lot about the situation -- namely, that it doesn't or shouldn't concern you.  This doesn't sound even remotely like a set up, and if there's some dangerous person out there following her, my guess is she would cancel the tour and lay low.  

I guess I wouldn't want to be always having some sinister outcome in the back of my mind during a session.  I'd just gut check now and see if that's the case.

The first person that I thought of was to a S.O if the girl hadn't shared that information with him- which some dont.  

But, she could also be dealing with family or friends. A stalker could be the case, but for myself if I acquired a stalker I wouldn't give him the power of changing my marketing and or what I have on the WWW. I don't post my exact locations or anything that could lead to him locating me on ads and such anyways- so pulling them wouldn't really have any effect on a stalker, for me.

because a whacked client found out my first and last name.  

That alone isn't so awful. What's awful is that I am one of three women with that name in the entire nation. With my real name, he was able to find both my parents, my sibling and my real employer.  

It had nothing to do with my ethics, my performance, etc. It was all personal. I could not risk him sending my business information to all the personal contacts in my life. It was then and still is totally safe to see me.

Baba Booey581 reads

But he already had all your personal information.  How did going UTR change that?

At least he couldn't send copies of my ads to my parents, my employer and the professional organization through which I am licensed. Believe it not, many providers have real careers for which we have worked very hard.  

Until you've been on this side of the fence, you will never understand how truly terrifying it is to be stalked and harassed by a client.

GaGambler365 reads

Until you have been on their side of  the fence you will never truly understand their POV either.

I am not going to play "who has the most to lose?" here with you, just pointing out that both sides can have their lives ruined. To repeat your own words "Believe it or not many johns have real careers for which they have worked very hard"

Lets try not to play the "Us against them: game here. No one wins at that game.

And you well know this. You and the other tricks here refuse to acknowledge this time and time again.  

When was the last time a client was raped by a sexworker?  

Or murdered by a sexworker?  

Thank goodness the general population here cannot afford me

GaGambler289 reads

You are convinced that your needs for safety trump those of your clients, being able to afford you is completely irrelevant, it's your "us against them" attitude that sucks.

and for the record, guys get killed, robbed and or beaten by managers/pimps all the time. Have you ever considered changing your handle from "I run the table" to a more fitting "I run my mouth" lol

One last thing, if you really do use a "table" I am wiling to bet just about every guy here could afford you. The ones with any sense just choose not to.

CavalierServente295 reads

But a provider was found murdered in a downtown hotel in Chicago a couple years ago.  And I personally don't know any hobbiest the who was beaten or robbed.  I know several providers who have been beaten and hurt by a client.

Call me a mangina, but I have to say that this hobby of ours is much more risky for the providers than for the clients

GaGambler229 reads

and just because you haven't heard of something, doesn't mean it hasn't happened. and most of us at least have heard plenty of examples where a BSC hooker either blackmailed or outed a guy for some of the weakest of reasons. Things as minor as writing a 7-7 review have ended up ruining a man's life.

This is not a matter of "us against them" I am not saying that the women don't need to be concerned about their safety, but what I am saying is that hookers like "Irunmymouth" are counterproductive to this discussion as she completely dismisses the valid reasons a guy might have for maintaining his privacy. It is she that is fostering this "us against them" mentality, not me.

That is so very terrible, and I really feel for you that happened. *big hugs* Total cause for taking everything down!  

Posted By: I_run_the_table
At least he couldn't send copies of my ads to my parents, my employer and the professional organization through which I am licensed. Believe it not, many providers have real careers for which we have worked very hard.  
 Until you've been on this side of the fence, you will never understand how truly terrifying it is to be stalked and harassed by a client.

So how do you  get new clients?  That must be hard.  

Posted By: I_run_the_table
because a whacked client found out my first and last name.  
 That alone isn't so awful. What's awful is that I am one of three women with that name in the entire nation. With my real name, he was able to find both my parents, my sibling and my real employer.  
 It had nothing to do with my ethics, my performance, etc. It was all personal. I could not risk him sending my business information to all the personal contacts in my life. It was then and still is totally safe to see me.

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