
amigo0918 121 Reviews 210 reads

Yes I believe this has happen to a lot of us.  I did it also and canceled, did not want to explain even though I have know my ATF for many years and I'm sure she would understand it was just not a thing I wanted to go thru.  And beside the feeling is not that great when you have clipped the boy.

We've all had reasons to cancel an appointment...things happen, life occurs and the next thing you know, you're contacting your dream date, asking for forgiveness but xxx happened and blah blah blah.
This was a unique one, though.  Last week, the morning of an appointment I was looking forward to, I had an incident in the men's room.  After doing my business, slightly distracted and rushing to get back to finish what I was working on so I could be on time for my more anticipated appointment that day, I caught it in the zipper!  OUCH!  It was not a "Something About Mary" franks n beans moment, but it was enough to break the skin.  Needless to say, there was no way I was going to go and see a beautiful woman with a practically open cut on my johnson, so I contacted her and asked to please cancel.  She was gracious about it, although I did not share the real reason I cancelled...rather just said that something went wrong and I could not make it.
Just thought I'd share that, now that it's no longer causing me pain and pretty much healed up!  Any other cancellation stories outside the norm

I had the same type of thing happen as I was doing a little pre-game manscaping. The "no-nick" clippers didn't live up to their billing. I had to cancel the morning of a date.

Yes I believe this has happen to a lot of us.  I did it also and canceled, did not want to explain even though I have know my ATF for many years and I'm sure she would understand it was just not a thing I wanted to go thru.  And beside the feeling is not that great when you have clipped the boy.

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