
Yep I feel ya, that's why I said it's a sore subject around here...
FoxyNC See my TER Reviews 954 reads
1 / 22

Anyone  ever hear of any M&G in the Carolina's? I was just scouring over the TER Boards, figured I would ask in our region!

MatureGFE See my TER Reviews 771 reads
2 / 22

There was ONE successful NC M&G about 4-5 years ago (maybe longer) and then it seemed some people were more concerned with doing things to make the host or hostess have to cancel them.

I just attended a kick ass one down in S Florida and I went to one in Baltimore recently as well.


jman6900 10 Reviews 636 reads
3 / 22

There was one planned last year in Raleigh but it was called off.   Haven't heard of any others in NC.

MatureGFE See my TER Reviews 521 reads
5 / 22

And things were not kosher to say the least.

I knew when I read about those highly publicized weekend parties were being planned, including all the ladies attending, they would never happen-both times. And of course no mention at all when they were cancelled.

oldted 16 Reviews 966 reads
6 / 22

The only way to be safe would be to back channel approved attendees, not announce on the board. Just have them meet for drinks at a public bar somewhere central, like Greensboro. Don't reserve any house or banquet room that would make someone have to be responsible. Just a social gathering. If two people hit it off they can leave together or meet at their own places

case321 31 Reviews 546 reads
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oldtedsalias 499 reads
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You may not close that night, but you make a connection for possible future transactions.

floyd1039 10 Reviews 450 reads
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The money will probably keep it from happening, but a central social event I like. Keeping any $$ under the radar. There are several concerns. Is it of value to the ladies? The men? The money questions just keep coming and only each person can answer for themselves. I cannot help whatever YouTube adds to this but see the link for an idea.

natashalynne See my TER Reviews 540 reads
10 / 22

but I don't think anyone else on this thread was around back then.  At least the cancellations of the parties in 2011 and 2012 (?) were announced, as were the reasons for the cancellations.  But I think the drama surrounding them turned a lot of us off to the idea of local M&G.  I've attended quite a few M&G in other cities, but I doubt I'll ever go to one here, given the history.

MatureGFE See my TER Reviews 521 reads
11 / 22

and there's always the lurkers who were around "back in the day" who might just recognize themselves!



MatureGFE See my TER Reviews 482 reads
12 / 22

It had a nice turnout and peeps came all the way from Hotlanta.



oldted 16 Reviews 482 reads
13 / 22

Keep it low key, invite those you think won't screw it up, and definitely don't announce it here.

Posted By: MatureGFE
It had a nice turnout and peeps came all the way from Hotlanta.


-- Modified on 4/1/2014 12:22:18 PM

1574698 29 Reviews 536 reads
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Agreed... M & G's  should never be publicly disclosed.  Unfortunately, it must be internal.  PMs to trusted attendees.  But, it can be friend of a friend of a friend as long as the trust chain is not broken.  I would also recommend some kind of "get-together theme"...old friends from a past company, army buddies reuniting, etc...or if you can swing it, rent a place out for the night and have a Plush Affair type soiree!

love.leilani See my TER Reviews 475 reads
16 / 22

Back in San Diego there is a local board that hosts weekly happy hours  
for guys and gals to put a face to names and you get to try out a little chemistry!
Being a student and single mom it made it a fun way to network and get out of  
the house... I wish there were some smaller Provider/Hobbiest ran boards out here,
"the Carolinas" is really such a large area to cover

mona38 See my TER Reviews 522 reads
17 / 22

Sadly, The state of North Carolina refuses to accept Happy Hour,  Establishments can run an all day drink/beer special but can not advertise "Happy Hour". Unless the laws have changed in the past two years. I used to love going to my local watering holes in Cali during Happy hour.  The men were always generous....Note: I was young and not providing.

floyd1039 10 Reviews 581 reads
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I don't know if I can mention another website here, but if you are into other life styles their are regular meetings all over NC. The people that play with ropes and other fetish lifestyle stuff

MatureGFE See my TER Reviews 477 reads
20 / 22

Someone's got A LOT of time on his hands right now!



floyd1039 10 Reviews 432 reads
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The places Google will lead you when you don't feel up to anything else. Some better today though.

ftu398 26 Reviews 419 reads
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And I must say I've been enjoying the 4:30-6:00 happy hour here in N Cali while working hard...  No seriously I have been.. Really, quit laughing..  

I will say though that I'm amazed by the number of people that I see sitting around a bar here at 3:00-3:30 in the afternoon?  What's up with that?  Don't these people have jobs??  

Wait.. Damn it.. I was one of those people.. But really, I know why I was there at that time, it was 6:00-6:30 PM on the East Coast and a long way past beer 30!!!!  I didn't want to be accused of working "over time".

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