
What's under your Carriage/Hood...??regular_smile
mona38 See my TER Reviews 962 reads

Ladies, It's your carriage ride...Do you have a special name for your Pony??

Gents, It's what's under your hood...Do you have a revving name for your engine??

Aside from our board names, I think it is only fair that we share our inner " Fictitious Pet Names" for sh*ts and giggles!!

something different. I call it "Mini Me" because it's a little evil, hard to control and can get aggressive at times. The whole bald head thing, too... ;)

But feel free to name it whatever you like!!!

Because it's strong enough for a man, but made for a woman.

(Does anyone else recall that ladies deodorant TV commercial or am I just showing my age?)

But welcome to the NC board anyway.
It nice to have someone who can tell us about the "good old days" !

That was certainly uncalled for. If is people like you who scare the women off from fully expressing themselves on the board. Then...........Make a comment, "Why is this Board so dead" Kelley White

Damn Kelly. At least quote the comment so the people like me can figure out who you are complaining about. Guess it's my own fault for coming late, but I'd rather come late than come too soon. ;)

Posted By: kelleywhite
That was certainly uncalled for. If is people like you who scare the women off from fully expressing themselves on the board. Then...........Make a comment, "Why is this Board so dead" Kelley White

She is talking to STP

-- Modified on 3/3/2015 9:18:58 AM

Thanks. I just had to make sure it wasn't me ... again. :)

Posted By: Sexy Carolina
She is talking to STP  

-- Modified on 3/3/2015 9:18:58 AM

GaGambler405 reads

He was obviously talking to ILoveSexyWomen, someone owes someone an apology, and it's not STP that needs to be apologizing.

I think "flat" mode needs to be shitcanned. I am willing to bet that Kelley is using that format and it makes it hard to tell who is talking to who. Plus, she's a bit nuts to begin with. lol

First of all I do not know what flat mode is, and it was not obvious to me that he was talking to I Love Sexy women?????? Excuse me if you thought I was rude, yet you have never me and the things on the board can come out wrong when there is no laughter, facial expression etc. If I owe someone an apology, then I take responsibility for my word and actions. Kelley

Drew, I know I need to do that because it is a bit confusing, Do I just copy and paste the thread I want to quote? I do follow directions very well. Can someone point me in the right direction. Thanks Kelley

-- Modified on 3/3/2015 7:07:21 PM

Drew yes, I was talking to STP who I thought was putting Sexy down. How do I quote the person before me. Help, I do take directions well. Thanks, Kelley

Click on the link you want and the blue box at the bottom left says, 'QUOTE' click that one. It is very similar to replying, but leaves no question to who you are replying to.  

Posted By: kelleywhite
Drew yes, I was talking to STP who I thought was putting Sexy down. How do I quote the person before me. Help, I do take directions well. Thanks, Kelley

Loosen up. It's sarcasim. I'm just having some fun teasing and old [ oops....I mean long time] friend. I have nothing but respect for him. He is a friend.

ILoveSexyWomen is one of the real good guys on the board and someone I've known for years. Pretty sure he understands I was teasing him.

If the dude ever visits this area the hobby economy will see a boost

I am totally confused. Who were you talking to??? I love laughter and humor, yet not when is at the expense of someone else, I used to work at a Comedy club for 4 years. Thanks Kelley

GaGambler390 reads

You should see this option. It will say "view" tree or flat.

Most likely you are viewing in flat mode which makes it very difficult to figure out who is talking and responding to who. Click on "tree" mode and it will sort the thread in a manner where you can easily tell who is responding to who, and possibly prevent you from making unjust accusations about being "rude"

In the days before "New TER" the default setting was tree mode, actually not only was it the default setting, it was the ONLY setting.

AAR Kelly, do yourself and the rest of us a favor and switch to tree mode and you will plainly see that STP was talking to his friend, ILoveSexyWomen, and NOT SexyCarolina

She called it Barney. Cause it's fat and purple when it's angry.

But he likes to go by Rich.

Posted By: mona38
Ladies, It's your carriage ride...Do you have a special name for your Pony??  
 Gents, It's what's under your hood...Do you have a revving name for your engine??  
 Aside from our board names, I think it is only fair that we share our inner " Fictitious Pet Names" for sh*ts and giggles!!!  

I can't share my special Nickname w/o giving away my actual name that I go by. But I will say that my Nickname for what I have under the hood is actually a spin on a very popular car company.

Is it "Yoda"?? LOL!!  It does rhyme with Toyota...Just a wild guess

Nope. And to any future guesses, PM me w/your guess.

As soon as I give "her" a NAME, then "she" has more of a voice/vote/power.....
I already have to tell her, "No!" And break out the ropes & duct-tape on occassion...

Give HER a name? Are you kidding me?
She already has a mind of her own!



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