
Well naturally I disagree. IMO it's not the request that is unreasonable
GaGambler 598 reads

What I find troubling is her saying that he is "persistent" in his requests. That spells stalker to me, and THAT is a huge problem.

So I have, what I thought to be, plenty of revealing pictures on my site but one certain gentlemen is persistently requesting a close up of the kitty. I could understand if it was for vd concerns but I have seen him numerous times. Generally speaking I don't do selfies or spread eagle shots, which I told this man, but we've had conflicting schedules for a few weeks and he is persistently asking for a pic of his favorite dessert. Should I stick to my original statement or give him a glimpse at what he's missing

Posted By: AvaRay
So I have, what I thought to be, plenty of revealing pictures on my site but one certain gentlemen is persistently requesting a close up of the kitty. I could understand if it was for vd concerns but I have seen him numerous times. Generally speaking I don't do selfies or spread eagle shots, which I told this man, but we've had conflicting schedules for a few weeks and he is persistently asking for a pic of his favorite dessert. Should I stick to my original statement or give him a glimpse at what he's missing?  
It's your body, it's your choice.

tell him he better listen to the "hand" or he will get use to being with his own hand. I'm sure you have others who would gladly take his place if he keeps asking after you already said "NO"  
You don't have to be rude, but you do have to be firm.

I have to agree with the gentleman's post above durhamdrew63 (Please correct my spelling, lol). It sounds to me that you have set boundaries for your business and your gut instinct  is telling you not to cross it .........or else,  or else, or else.............Hmmmmm, Listen to your gut Instinct.  That is your soul that is your spirit, it is telling you what not to do or you would not have written this post.  If you le let your flesh over ride it, just remember we have to sleep at night. with your boundaries, not mine.......Nuff said. Kelley

Your website is great and the photos give a clear idea of what you are like (which is beautiful).  You should not feel any pressure to give in on a photo like that unless you are 100% comfortable doing so.  Frankly if it were me I would say no since once that photo goes out it could end up anywhere.

Wife or SO if he wants close-ups... you should NOT have to send out or publish photos because he wants them. If he was a gentleman he would take your initial answer as the final answer and drop it.

Or tell him for $10,000 he can take the shot he wants

This is more of a ladies discussion I would think but that has never stopped me before from commenting soooo. Those type of pictures are shown here on Ter by quite a few reputable ladies at times. From the likes on those type of photos, you can tell that it is something a lot of men enjoy seeing. Men are very visual creatures and it never leaves us. From 16 to 90, it never leaves us, lol. If you trust him from seeing him multiple times then maybe it's ok. I would just say leave out your face in the pic if you do send for security reasons. I guess there is something to be said about keeping him pining sorta speak but I doubt if he will lose interest in seeing you from that pic alone, lol. Another concern I could see is getting into a situation where he consistently asks for them. I think that might be an additional reason why many ladies just don't get involved in sending pics that way, even with gents they have seen mulitple times. Back on the security issue, I really do not trust email exchange as being that secure. Accounts are always being hacked into. Another reason why many ladies I would think, keep pictures to their site or on forums such as this. Just a thought. Again, if you did send that way, definitely leave out your face :) It's such a beautiful face though!!

Most ladies aren't that secure with their photos and I think more should be. There is a reputable lady around here who I have noticed is very meticulous with deleting her pictures after a month or so or less from formats including this one. I think it's really smart. Keeps her Internet presence down and that's a good thing in my opinion. Just throwing that out there.

The persistent asking is alarming. Once a lady told me no one time, that's all the discussion needed. Now you say you've seen him multiple times and I suppose I could see there being a playful banter between you two where he could ask more than once and it not be creepy and disrespectful but only you can know that.  

Finally and of course, never do anything you do not want to do. It seems from your message that you feel kind of bad for not giving him what he is requesting. There is definitely something to be said about making your regulars feel special I suppose but that never has to be outside of what you deem fit, ever. A true gent may ask but a true gent will never pressure. A true gent will also ALWAYS respect a lady for having her own sense of what she wants and what she doesn't want to give or share. We are big boys, we will get over it!!!

Now back to being all man with no would be hotttttt to see Im sure. Im definitely not bashing the dude for asking, ONE TIME! Lol. Just keeping it real.

Take care Ava. Stay safe

Having heard all of the negatives regarding providing a client a picture of your Kitty, here is a
different take.....

If he wants a picture of JUST your kitty, give it to him. There is NO harm in doing so. NO facials,
of course. The Kitty pic just becomes a generic photo for his personal pleasure. Even if he shows
it around, no one knows who it belongs to. As you have already seen this man on several occassions,
it is likely that a certain amount of trust and respect have been built up between the two of you, so
you should pretty much know his motives, more so if he is, and has been, a good client and has
treated you well.

A photo of his favorite lady would keep him both focused and interested in YOU and might even
guarantee a return engagement(s). Men often react to "visual" impressions of ladies, so his request
is not surprising, nor is it unreasonable. (In this regard, learn to think like a man...).

As far as the pictures on web sites, unless they are changed often, they tend to get stale with
time, especially if one looks at them many times over. Variety is important too, and this is an aspect of
advertising by many ladies that is often ignored or overlooked. Insert a newer one every now and
then to keep the site interesting.

Giving out a picture every now and then to a client won't hurt you and it might even be good
for business. If you don't provide a picture for him, some other lady will! In any event, it is  
YOUR call. Do what you are comfortable with.


Posted By: AvaRay
So I have, what I thought to be, plenty of revealing pictures on my site but one certain gentlemen is persistently requesting a close up of the kitty. I could understand if it was for vd concerns but I have seen him numerous times. Generally speaking I don't do selfies or spread eagle shots, which I told this man, but we've had conflicting schedules for a few weeks and he is persistently asking for a pic of his favorite dessert. Should I stick to my original statement or give him a glimpse at what he's missing?  

GaGambler599 reads

What I find troubling is her saying that he is "persistent" in his requests. That spells stalker to me, and THAT is a huge problem.

I have to second that emotion GaGambler..........been there, done that and once in the trap it is not a fun place to get out of. Especially if this person thinks he has something he can bully or control her with.........Kelley White

Don't drink the kool-aid from Mr. POSTman. He loves to "stalk" TER with his simplicity ALL the time and THAT should be alarming to anyone by itself. It naturally should be alarming that is. Its a daily ritual of his I might add. Along with all that sex he claims he has I suppose. Check his stats, lol. He didn't say anything that hadn't been mentioned multiple times as far as the persistent asking angle. DC brought the discussion Full Circle and that was a good thing. I applauded him for that and still do. He did not mention the persistence angle as all others did but I am going to leap and assume that he thought about it and saw it as ALL others did. His posts usually have some depth to them.
Your own experiences aren't always the best determinate of the advice you should give if I might add. Different variables all around! Full circle is always better than one-sided thinking especially when you're trying to help someone else out. That Ra Ra one-sided high school stuff is cool for most. Some of us care about the situation as a Whole! We understand that without all the information, it's undoubtedly insane to be at an extreme in thought or outlook and we try our best to see, understand and bridge different aspects within interactions. We TRY our best and the trying means the most. It's not always achievable for many reasons but we try. Sorry but we need more of that in this world and this "fuck board" as so many call it. IMO :)
Take care and again, that Gambler will fool you. I'm sure you are aware of this. You have to pay berry berry close attention to that one, LOL! His ability to have clear original insight is bound to run thin from posting so much. I want to know how he gets to all the boards so damn quick. Tongue-in-cheek!  I imagine one of those setups where he has three monitors, two laptops and he is submitting messages like he is getting paid for it! By the way, shhhhh on this but he has a small midget following. As all idiots do! Ok. Time for my rest now. Social and comic relief completed.

Goodbye and Best Wishes to you Kelley. I mean that :

GaGambler427 reads

Got it.

Great fucking advice.

Are you the new White Knight for stalkers?

Btw. This wasn't my first message on this thread G Dogg! Why ask such a lame question when the answer to that simple question "on its own" is an obvious one. I could school you about what you're missing in your thinking but what is the point.

You're the White Knight for small minds all across the globe. What is that other acronym you and your cohorts love to use, oh yeah BSC. Yep, you're that too! Now go boy. Get back to posting on ALL these boards. Pick up the pace ;) I know you're already in double-digits today. Let's see if you can get to 30 or 40 or 50! Come on. I believe in you. Stalk these boards. Be all you can be!

Stay greasy my man. I need to get these groceries in. I got Gelato. Mmmmmm. Bye now

It's Hector. One of the first TERHOLES I put on ignore for being stupid and boring at the same time. Lots of stupid people on here, but add the sin of being boring and I stop reading. Be careful GG. Hector likes to write long rants that don't make sense when he feels threatened.  

Posted By: GaGambler
Got it.

Great fucking advice.  

Are you the new White Knight for stalkers?

GaGambler453 reads

It seems like whenever a woman I know has problems with a stalker, it almost always is with a guy who is either a mangina, BSU or WhiteKnight on the boards. Very rarely do I hear that one of the "board assholes" is engaging in bad behavior with any of the ladies IRL.

Speaking of which, I see our good friend moronconnection has been keeping his head down over the last few days. Maybe he thinks that we aren't on to him, or that we are going to forget what he's been doing to one of my favorite ladies of late if he drops off the board for a while? No such luck. We look after our own, and once a stalker always a stalker IMO.

Prezactly! I just warned one of our rising-star providers here to be careful with her Whitelisting. Seems the same BSU-Stalker-WKs get "magically" Whitelisted after one visit. Maybe we should add predator to their list

Even Gambler is laughing at you after you admitted that Drew. He just won't tell you. Lol. Did you warn about the other whitelists? Did you ignore the fact that you are in the minority for some god knows reason. Ummmm, that's an obvious NO. So chalk that last question as a rhetorical one. Lmao. Smh at just how fragile you are. I couldn't believe when someone told me you had posted this. God, I love when I mind fuck bullies. There is absolutely nothing better.  
Take care Drewy Drew. Have a great week :) Even on your best day, I promise you, you are not a nicer person than I am.  
Btw just in case you didn't know, one of your two whitelists, is one of my OKs on another site. Lol. Silly silly man. After 5 to 6 decades on this earth, you should be more wise my friend. Just food for thought if you're hungry and trust me, you're starving.  
Who would let such bother them? I hadn't even noticed, why did you? More importantly, why were you left out Drew Drew? Paranoid much? Lmao! Oh, the stuff I've heard about you. It's really not even funny. Get better soon I suppose.

Lol. Come on now Drew Drew! Don't get involved when grown folks are talking! Wtf. YES. I am very boring, Poor me :( Now get back to bullying and then crying on the other boards once you get reprimanded by people who are not as small-minded as you. How is that for feeling threatened? Do I have to explain to you that statement as well? Did it make sense? You cannot be serious. I stand on my own two and that will never change and you know that. In reality mind you and in this forum, I stand on my own two by myself. No assistance desired or required. Never forget that and I believe in you that you won't!
Btw. Your original message on this thread. Come on man. Come on. Don't make me perform psychoanalysis on that. It was so transparently fake. Talk to the Hand!!! Lol. Smh. I know where your mind was at when you wrote that.  
You not understanding the things I write is absolutely the Biggest compliment you could have given me. Soooo, Thank You Sweet Cakes!

It is better to ask questions, than to think you know all the answers. You understand that??!!!! Take your time now, I'm a patient soul.

You have to draw a hard line where you're comfortable, otherwise, give him an inch, he'll take a mile.

Stick to your guns.  Your standards are yours.  Period.  He needs to respect that and go about his business.  I can understand the first attempt, but after a flat refusal he needs to stop. Ive requested some things from some of my regulars.  Sometimes I get it, sometimes I dont.  I always respect her answer, and he should respect yours.

No means no. Don't be pressured into anything you don't already do and don't want to do. This shouldn't even be an issue.

He asked,you said no,end of discussion

Sounds like he doesn't respect the boundaries  you put in place.  If ya don't want to do something he should respect that, if you bend on that when does it stop? Just my two cents which is worth about 1/2 a cent after adjusting for inflation.

he should accept that and not keep pestering you about it. No harm in asking I guess, but there can be harm in not listening!

I'd also suggest that sending a photo by text or email permanently links that photo to your name/number, etc... it is traceable.  

Why not offer to let him snap your snapper when he next books, using his own phone? He actually books (instead of just pestering for pics), and gets his pic without it being traceable to you.

Thank you all for the kind responses.  It is refreshing and heart warming to see so many men who know what no means and how to respect women. It's also great to see how strong the women of this community are when sticking to boundaries when so many traditional boundaries are broken. Thanks to y'all I am resolved to keep it classy and tell any man who wants to push me after saying no good bye.

Any man that does not respect your boundaries is not a gentleman. Saying good bye is best in the end...

I most likely wouldn't even be responding to him anymore.
If you can't take no and respect you then he's not worth your time. What if he gets this pushy in person? It could lead to a bad situation.

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