
Urban Dictionary Name search link.regular_smile
Durhamdrew 19 Reviews 638 reads

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The French connection is a 3 way, a female partner sitting on your lap facing away while another female lover is performing orally on her!  
Are you ready Mona ?

Thats what Im talking about Mona ;-)


A handgun.  

You carryin' steel?

I'll take a Hot Steel over a cold Steel any day!!

Sexy,Cute and all round smooth talker.  

------- has been mentioned as one hunk of a Sex God.  

Due to this increasingly used term for anyone being good in bed, it has made its self known within the streets!  

Bird: Holy Hell, That was just one ------- experience!  

Dude: Oh i do my best ;)

If I did my real name---not bragging, just going by this source:))   I would have to put xtra locks on my door to keep the ladies at bay---LOL  Hmmm, with my luck lately, I just better leave the freaking door, not only unlocked, but WIDE OPEN:((

25 definitions for Zen, so I guess I can choose the one I want?


Sexiest guy on the planet,loves pussy and has a massive penis  

OMG,zen i want you in my pants  

by babealopoulos November 11, 2010  


OMG! LOL!  I would choose that one too...babealopoulos knows what she's talking about!!

Irish slang word, used mainly in Longford, to describe a girl as beautiful as she is elusive, that will have her victim distracted to the point of writing poetry for her.
Can also be used as a verb.
Guy #1: Hey man, you gotta forget that Steph, she's got you well messed up.
Guy #2: I wish I could but I'm totally Stephed.
by LTFC.Rocky September 03, 2008

Somehow, I have the feeling maybe, JUST MAYBE, I shouldn't be posting that mine is.... BLANK.


Should *I* fill it out?
Leave it blank?
Wait to see....

On another note, Foxy means "1.
Not refurring to a fox itself but is instead o young and beautiful women. Duriving from the ancient british word of Foxismonitism, meaning attractive or sexually appealing, has evolved along the years to become a more well known, and someone slang word, foxy.
Laura Harlow is one foxy babe.
by Dr. J. S. Shmurman January 08, 2005"

Perhaps the "Dr." should use spell-check...ugh.... #eyeroll

Posted By: mona38
Have you ever looked up your name using Urban Dictionary?  
  Do you agree with it's meaning  or is it the complete opposite?  
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A nice guy at times... Can give a temper if pushed. Usually with long hair, and is mistaken for smoking weed.

First part totally true, but I dont have long hair.  I dont smoke weed, but I dont act high either so I guess its 1/2 right.  Either way its pretty funny.

Generally a smart, caring, intelligent, slightly sarcastic guy whose full name is usually Andrew. Also, very handsome and charming. Ass-hole tendencies are sporadic, but infrequent. (I hear you laughing)

Hey, that guy's name must be Drew. That would explain why he's so hot and smart at the same time!

Spot on! In fact, almost every provider has told me I'm handsome LOL. And a few have mentioned A-hole tendencies... good thing I'm charming. :)

-- Modified on 10/2/2014 2:16:01 PM

Scottish usage:  
Someone who (sometimes unwittingly) by speech or action demonstrates a lack of knowledge or misconception of a particular subject or situation to the amusement of others.  

Example: "No. That wisnae wit she meant, ya big numpty!"  


Someday I hope to overcome this in regards to sex...but for now I'm really enjoying classes and the teachers!

A person who is is so cool that people have to give them all his/her love

Hmmm.... perhaps I should drop the last letter & shorten my name to "Solu" which is defined as a state of absolute bliss brought on by a random occurrence, or upon realization that something good is about to, or just has happened to you.  

I've definitely been in that state many times with some wonderful ladies, and I am looking forward with much anticipation to the next solu event!

Well curiosity got the best of me, so I had to give it a go.. I was extremely pleased with the results, except for the blue eyes part everything else seemed pretty dead on.. I hope my friends can agree.. :)

This is the type of girl that once she’s in your heart she’ll stay there for ever; she’s everything a guy could ever want/need. She fascinates you by her stunning looks and great personality, her voice creates a sense of happiness, every time you hear that voice it leaves you speechless, astounded and most of all so so happy. She has these most magnificent pair of sky blue eyes which gleam out and shine, making your heart warm and feeling very much in love. You’ll find yourself on your toes with this girl, she’s full of excitement and surprise, she’s a challenge but not a bad one. This girl is hard to come by, if you’ve got this girl you’re the luckiest guy in the world, as she’s truly perfect. Once in love with her consider yourself locked, her superlative qualities and personality will put you off all other girls for life, as there is no one else like lola.
lola Once in love with her you're in love forever

Timbow599 reads

During intercourse, the guy lays down on his back while the chick gets on top in a riding position. Then the girl grabs onto the ceiling fan and it gets turned on high spinning the girl on top of the guy creating instant satisfaction with no effort from either the guy or the girl.

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