
Touring prices
Rufus-T-Firefly 878 reads

I'm in the Raleigh area, and I have seen a number of girls who are based in Raleigh and a number who come here while on tour. The donations for Raleigh girls tend to make sense to me. After all, whatever a girl names as her donation must work for her or she wouldn't have very many takers. I'm usually able to figure out why the rates what they are based on reviews and pictures.

But I'm befuddled by the rates for some out-of-town girls touring here. Some of the rates seem so out of line given so-so reviews and so-so pictures that I figure they can't have very many takers.  

Does anyone know if that is how it is? Or am I just suffering from sticker shock?

You have to keep in mind not everyone writes reviews and everyone has different tastes in women, so just because they have so-so reviews here that does not mean they are not the perfect fit for someone else. Reviews give me a general idea of what to expect, but it up to me to figure out if a provider is what I am looking for and if their rates fits my budget.

And maybe her rates are high wherever she is based. My touring rates are higher based on the city. Nothing huge just enough to help me with my airfare and hotel rate for multiple nights.

Steph xox

Rufus-T-Firefly206 reads

I get that, but if the price goes up so high that she is no longer competitive with other girls who seem to be in the same league, I'm guessing that she might not have many takers. Does that every happen?

GaGambler210 reads

and the proof is when the lady returns home and starts whining about how bad the hobbyists are in such and such city, then when you check out her ads, she turns out to be a rather average looking woman with mediocre reviews trying to get $500+ an hour in places like Atlanta, the Carolinas or Dallas where only the very best are able to command those kind of rates.

So yes, I am sure that happens, a LOT

I agree. Some prices make no sense. That's why we do our research.

I wish my orchids lasted as long as you have been here on ter
I think you are one of the Longest standing "members" on ter and I haven't even seen you naked yet
Are you good with orchids?

-- Modified on 6/29/2015 12:13:12 PM

There has been an upturn of visitors lately that have sparked an interest. But geeze not for one, two, or even three more benjis than the average gift for these parts. Accommodations in Raleigh are a fraction of that found in the large metropolitan areas.

I'd rather have two visits with a favorite knowing what I'm getting into. Or better yet, a double.

Rufus-T-Firefly164 reads

To paraphrase Woody Allen in "Love and Death," I'd like to have three girls, but it's hard enough to afford just one.

I think it's reasonable that if you're used to paying a certain price range to see ladies, that you might have some sticker shock regarding what national touring girls who breeze through town might be charging.  The reality is, if she doesn't get bookings at her preferred rates, she probably won't return.  Those of us who your nationally have almost endless options for areas to tour, and certainly more than any one of us could visit in any given year.  So if a market won't bite at our prices, we simply can't and won't continue to return.  Your town's capacity to pay higher rates doesn't change what a lady feels comfortable charging... She simply won't visit again if there's not a market for her at her preferred rates in your town.  Plenty of fish/towns in the sea/country!

I personally have no problem charging $500-600+ in some markets that are known to be difficult to charge a lot in.  I'm sure there are VERY mixed opinions out there regarding whether I seem average or exceptional.  It all really depends on what you value.  Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.  Many guys I'm sure scratch their heads at my photos and wonder why anyone books me at all.  We are all such different human beings with unique and varied erotic tastes.  You can never really know what kind of draw a woman has for other men!  ;)

When I experiment with a new market, sometimes I get very few bites and sometimes I get booked up well in advance.  I'm happy to say that my first visit to Raleigh seems to be falling solidly into the latter category, so I'll definitely be adding it to my East Coast tour rotation.  :)

Rufus-T-Firefly177 reads

I can definitely see why men would be anxious to meet you. I guess you don't need that many to make the trip worthwhile. I wish I could afford you. :)

Sometimes you have to read the details on the reviews when she's a 6 or a 7 to some other guy. I know of at least one girl who had truly mediocre views because she'd been working for an agency that tended to cater to rather straight laced businessmen who wanted girls that were more of the playboy centerfold typ. She was supe athletic me had multiple tats so they held that against her (kinda the agency's fault but I think they thought she'd be the "bad girl" option for their clients. Well when she went out on her own she miraculously went being a solid 7/8 to a 9/10.

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