
They have no affect whatsoever on my hobbying.teeth_smile
1743906 68 Reviews 385 reads

I'd much rather play with a fine lady than watch a bunch of jocks flex their egos.

Do the sporting events that happen in Charlotte have a positive or negative affect hobbying?  While watching the Panthers game today this question popped into my head.

Just curious.

Hope everyone's new year is starting off on the right foot.

I'd much rather play with a fine lady than watch a bunch of jocks flex their egos.

In my neck of the woods, the Jaguars and sporting events in general tend to be the dominating hobby on Sundays.

Game last 4 hours - thats 4 hours of playtime with a hot girl being wasted.  Thinking of Serena, Tonka Toy, Kelley, Liz, Awesome Jasmine

stevenwilliams....I love your reply! I went to the beach this past weekend with a client/person I have been seeing for about 5 years now. Leaving Friday afternoon and it took up 6/hr to get to the beach.

He told me before hand that he was going to watch "The Panthers" and who ever else was playing. Before I accepted the date with no compensation , my fault, thank you very much, I turned down several more interesting opportunities.......

By the time we got to the hotel after 6/hr of riding..........My spine was not a happy camper. After "The Ball Game," He came in to sleep and I was wide awake, a bit furious. It was a Full Moon, The Beach was outside and He was Wasted..........

Lord have Mercy I have got to learn my lesson or put up more Boundaries in the Future. It was not so much the game...........We had nothing, Nada to talk about.

I gave him a great body massage and went out to look at "Nature and The Stars>" "A Full moon I thought..............Nuff said, I am just glad you would include me in your crowd............Kelley

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