
That's pretty much the main benefit of using an agency (from the customer's perspective).
escortnextdoor 1396 reads
1 / 20

Like myself, I assume that any provider active on this board is an independent companion. However, does anyone have experience working with an agency? I'm curious as to what the benefits are, if any at all.

escortnextdoor 626 reads
2 / 20

Thanks a million! This is fantastic, thoughtful advice.  

Posted By: JuliasLittleSecret
is to just use a screener and handle your own correspondence and scheduling.  A screener will run anywhere between $20-$30/screen, where someone who handles all of the details will be a $50/appointment minimum from what I have seen.  AND you have to pay that $50 even if that person has already been screened, so I would never do this.  
 I do my own screening, correspondence, and scheduling, and it takes an ENORMOUS amount of time.  But, I like knowing that I've checked and double checked everything, and my friends like the personal touch.  However, one benefit that ladies who use bookers for correspondence say they enjoy is not having to deal with the details and just getting to enjoy time with their clients.  It just depends on how much time and money you have, and how much involvement would would like with clients and logistics.  I'm sort of a logistics nerd, myself.  LOL  
 My experience with agencies when I started out was very bad.  I was given a hard time about wanting to set my schedule, my location, and limiting the number of people I saw, so I would never recommend working for one.

case321 31 Reviews 540 reads
3 / 20
escortnextdoor 520 reads
4 / 20
Durhamdrew 19 Reviews 521 reads
5 / 20

I won't use an agency myself. Independent ladies are more professional because they view P4P
as a business. Agency providers tend to act like employees at times and unfortunately, some are
bad employees with a matching work ethic. Just my 2 cents.

case321 31 Reviews 627 reads
6 / 20

A bigger target and too many folks involved should all hell break loose.

case321 31 Reviews 572 reads
7 / 20

Maybe next door might be a little close for both of us, I'm best handled in small doses. Maybe not next door but in my area could be cool. If ya wanna sidebar this email me at [email protected]

AuggyDoggy 572 reads
8 / 20

"I do my own screening, correspondence, and scheduling, and it takes an ENORMOUS amount of time.  But, I like knowing that I've checked and double checked everything, and my friends like the personal touch."

Does this explain why some girls seem to take forever to respond to an email, even after we've already made a date

AuggyDoggy 552 reads
9 / 20

"I do my own screening, correspondence, and scheduling, and it takes an ENORMOUS amount of time.  But, I like knowing that I've checked and double checked everything, and my friends like the personal touch."

Does this explain why some girls seem to take forever to respond to an email, even after we've already made a date

kelleywhite See my TER Reviews 542 reads
10 / 20

Wow, I am so glad you asked that question. Imagine going in to see a doctor so to speak. He has no receptionist. Only him. He has to answer the phones and also take your information. Then he has to focus on you and why you came in to see him. Does it take forever??? Omg.........Does he know your name or what you came in for.  

Unless I as an independent person.........focus on the now, do not answer phones etc during appointments etc, and this is one reason I decided I just had to slow down and enjoy, discern, and be in the moment. And it does not always work out..........

Sometimes I get up to 40 emails a day. Do you know how time consuming that is? Then as independents we or I have what I call "The Time Wasters" Notice how most people do not pick up the phone? There is a reason. Some people see our ads, call, ask what I do? can I send pictures? or they will write me several times wanting me to create an "Erotic Novel" of how our date will go. Yet say they do not have access to the internet to read my reviews.........

I worked for 3 agencies before I went "Indy" and although yes, I did have to pay them $75 of my fee, it was well worth it to me. I would check in and I would check out and worked 2 other jobs.  

However, I think I know who Julia is talking about, and yes, he promised me this and that, which lasted for about 3 months, and I then went Indy. Sometimes to me it just feels like I have no time to myself being "Indy" Yet, I have always been pretty much a work alcoholic.

So, there is good and bad, it is just like everyone stated above, it depends on what you want and are looking for. Kelley

cocktail-party 629 reads
11 / 20

...and then go independent. The other challenge of going indy is that you have to shoulder more upfront costs that an agency can help you with (advertising, incall, travel, clothes?). It's common for ladies to use an agency as a way to test the waters with minimal commitment and investment.  

Just watch out and trust your gut. There are some decent agencies out there, but plenty of shady ones too. Consider their incentives - they make money on volume, so they're going to try and work you as hard as they can. The worst ones won't even bother to screen (despite what they tell you) and will basically throw you to the wolves.

cocktail-party 520 reads
12 / 20

Strictly on scheduling and logistics, all of my agency experiences have been top notch. Indy's are a mixed bag; some are total pros and some just have no idea how to manage their business.

kelleywhite See my TER Reviews 524 reads
13 / 20

Yep, you nailed it for sure. I thought it worked out perfectly for the consumer and the person who wanted to work those hours. There is always someone to answer your calls and someone one to accommodate  them.

I did work for Dave at "LAT" "Look at This".........yes, he was a business man, yes he was a hard ass. Yet, to my knowledge when I was there no one crossed his path. It was quite enjoyable after the 75 minute or hour was up. He was running a business. Nothing, more, nothing less.  

He was the screener, booked the appointments and made sure that both the customer and I were happy and the only question he ever asked me "Is will you see Him Again" Paid his taxes, did not mix with the girls as far as I know and there was security knowing he had my back.  

He was my teacher.......what more can I say.....I did not always like it, yet at the end of the week we never saw each other , had our private home life and paid , yes, paid, the taxes and our bills with no stalkers............Ahhhh.......those were the days my friend. And no way in hades did I ever side track him or vise versa..........Kelley

kelleywhite See my TER Reviews 679 reads
14 / 20

Case, I like all your posts and not that you would want my number, yet you are the typical guy who when I worked for an agency would always ask? Can I have your number. We can cut out the middle man. I can pay you more and you do not have to pay the agency........

Wow..............Believe it or not, I did try to start up an agency while in Greensboro. It is not that easy. The girls were not dependable, had guy issues, no transportation or no money to get their own room. I spent more time on the phone listening to their problems.  

I even tried .........I will not go there. When I had What was Called "The Academy of Angels" at one point I was getting tons of calls, yet no one to work. I would tell the gents who I had, which was me in 4 different descriptions........They always ask for "Angel" FYI....And they always ask me for my phone number, which I never gave out........I tell you.......Agencies do have their work cut out for them.

I ask the person who I worked for at "Lat" In Winston Salem how in the heck do you deal with all these females at the end of the day????? His comment was........LOL........."No one wanted to talk with him at the end of the day."  

Bless his heart........I miss him.........Kelley

clarkw.griswold 72 Reviews 468 reads
15 / 20

how the divorcee next door pays for that big house :

case321 31 Reviews 524 reads
16 / 20

I'm glad ya like my posts and as for wanting you're number, I never put much thought into that. Long story but I won't hash it out here as while I'm a lot of things I consider myself somewhat of a gentleman. I would suggest you reread the original post at the beginning of this thread. The lady said she was an independent companion, no reviews to her profile so that would indicate someone starting in this buisness and looking for advice. Miss Julia as usual gave her a well composed and thoughtful response to her query from a ladies point of view. A couple of us fellas chimed in with a gentlemans view of things and I offered her a place to ask questions privately and in a round about way inquired as to her location, NC is a big place ya know. Everyone has to start somewhere and has different reasons and circumstances for being here. All I did was offer the young lady who seems from her post to be a starting independent lady a potential start of her chosen career path if she chooses to contact me.  

You and I have PM'd a time or two sort of friendly like so I just gotta scratch my head as to why ya had to post as you did.  

Best Wishes and thank you for the insight into the dilemmas an agency owner must endure. I'm sure it's a pain in the ass but not sure what it had to do with me.

kelleywhite See my TER Reviews 418 reads
17 / 20

Case, you are an Oak, I do "Stand Corrected" Dock Holiday............Kelley Smouch........

kelleywhite See my TER Reviews 418 reads
18 / 20

Durhamadrew63..........I love you to death, yet,, you would if the price is right and  you felt safe, /believe me............Kelley

Smooch.........................Love Ya! Mean It.............

Durhamdrew 19 Reviews 440 reads
19 / 20

Kelly. Read my last review of Sara at RDU Girls and you'll see why I've
sworn off agency providers. I don't even look any more. I've used some agency providers in the past,
but now I have put ALL agency providers on my DNS list/believe me. There are far too many professional
indy providers, that I know, to choose from. My problem is deciding which of my favorite providers to see and
as far as price goes ... you get what you pay for. I'd pay miss aria rocchi's rates for her time before I'd book with
a bargain-priced agency girl. Why? Because I know Aria is an excellent provider (and my dog loves her) So
quality is more important than price is to me. Sorry to burst your bubble Kelly, but you're wrong.

kelleywhite See my TER Reviews 378 reads
20 / 20

Durhamdrew63, I am not sure how this got off the subject of being that misunderstood. You are completely right. Quality overrides price any time in my book also........Kelley

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