
That's NOT a love bite.
Durhamdrew 19 Reviews 227 reads

I don't mind being bitten (I prefer my neck) but down there - oh, HELL no!

I've been on here a couple of years now, and before that, once a looooong time ago, I worked for an agency (circa late 90's, Wichita Kansas...) and I have seen some fetishes more curious than others....
But in all my time in this industry.... I have ALWAYS... always... ALWAYYYYS heard...
"Don't bite it."  

Yeah, the one eyed wonder, Mr. Winky, the old twig & berries.... has always been (to me) told to have a "distinct aversion to teeth and pain."

Until I encountered (for the sake of this post) we will refer to him as "Mr. Bite-It."

Things had seemed pretty normal, a usual date, things going well, laughing, undressing, the usual...
Until he told me to... bite it.

Now, me, being the "pleaser" I am, had to double check to make sure my ears heard correctly...
I looked him dead in his eyes, stopped the process, and asked him,
"Did you just say "Bite it"????"

He did.

So, I tried to use my best delicate teeth-grazing skills and he grabbed my shoulders, pushed me back, and barked, "BITE IT!!!"  

I am thinking, "Does he want me to bite into it like a freaking cheeseburger?"
I am starting to have some serious internal conflict here, expecting a slap up side my head for following instructions, for causing pain.... Apprehension fills me. What if I bite too hard? What if I draw blood? What if I bite the damn thing off?
My heart is pounding.... Fear of not doing a good job, and being the soldier I am...

I apply more pressure... nervously...  
(Ever had escargot? lol It's really chewy....)
And wonders of all wonders, his semi-flaccid man-stick starts to engorge and harden as I am not-so-delicately chewing (still not on full jaw-power here...)
And he is telling me, "Harder."
I tried... to my limits of good sense...
Man.... there's some things I can do.... and then there's things I can not do.

I didn't come with any legal documentation or release forms in my hooker-briefcase... but I digress.
I did the best I could, pushed it as far as "I" could go...
If some crazy review follows me on this one.... Guess I will have to eat it.
I'm just not hardwired to "bite it."

I am shaking my head even now....

Ya'll ever heard of any shit like that???
Is this fetish like a unicorn?
This can not be some secret norm... I just can not accept that it is...
Someone tell me I am not "tripping."




That hurts me just thinking about it. Believe it or not I've known a few guys who had the "bite it" fetish. Not to the extent you experienced but some teeth grazing was expected. Sounds like you had a live one on your hands.

I'm slowly discovering there are more then a few men who like that kinda thing.  
A few months ago I had someone request me to be very hard on his balls. Of course I was scared and it took about 5 min for me to work up to what he wanted because I was afraid of hurting him. I've had a few requests since then.
Then I had someone request I scratch his taint and balls as hard as I could.
About a month ago I had someone ask me to bite it. By this point I'm a bit more comfortable w the thought of doing things that cause pain. First at the base, I worked into the pressure he wanted. Then he wanted me to chomp away on his head. So I did.
I just recently had someone request that I let my teeth run along the shaft as I'm sucking. At this point I had pretty much accepted the thought of pain so I do it, not as tender as I can, but not hard either.  He immediately says softer. Oops!  Haha  

I had seen all kinds of stuff in the BDSM scene, but I have been surprised by the number of "regular guys" w requests like this.

Posted By: FoxyNC
I've been on here a couple of years now, and before that, once a looooong time ago, I worked for an agency (circa late 90's, Wichita Kansas...) and I have seen some fetishes more curious than others....  
 But in all my time in this industry.... I have ALWAYS... always... ALWAYYYYS heard...  
 "Don't bite it."  
 Yeah, the one eyed wonder, Mr. Winky, the old twig & berries.... has always been (to me) told to have a "distinct aversion to teeth and pain."  
 Until I encountered (for the sake of this post) we will refer to him as "Mr. Bite-It."  
 Things had seemed pretty normal, a usual date, things going well, laughing, undressing, the usual...  
 Until he told me to... bite it.  
 Now, me, being the "pleaser" I am, had to double check to make sure my ears heard correctly...  
 I looked him dead in his eyes, stopped the process, and asked him,  
 "Did you just say "Bite it"????"  
 He did.  
 So, I tried to use my best delicate teeth-grazing skills and he grabbed my shoulders, pushed me back, and barked, "BITE IT!!!"  
 I am thinking, "Does he want me to bite into it like a freaking cheeseburger?"  
 I am starting to have some serious internal conflict here, expecting a slap up side my head for following instructions, for causing pain.... Apprehension fills me. What if I bite too hard? What if I draw blood? What if I bite the damn thing off?  
 My heart is pounding.... Fear of not doing a good job, and being the soldier I am...  
 I apply more pressure... nervously...  
 (Ever had escargot? lol It's really chewy....)  
 And wonders of all wonders, his semi-flaccid man-stick starts to engorge and harden as I am not-so-delicately chewing (still not on full jaw-power here...)  
 And he is telling me, "Harder."  
 I tried... to my limits of good sense...  
 Man.... there's some things I can do.... and then there's things I can not do.  
 I didn't come with any legal documentation or release forms in my hooker-briefcase... but I digress.  
 I did the best I could, pushed it as far as "I" could go...  
 If some crazy review follows me on this one.... Guess I will have to eat it.  
 I'm just not hardwired to "bite it."  
 I am shaking my head even now....  
 Ya'll ever heard of any shit like that???  
 Is this fetish like a unicorn?  
 This can not be some secret norm... I just can not accept that it is...  
 Someone tell me I am not "tripping."  

I get all sorts of requests like this... Either bite it, tie it up, etc... The first time it happened I was a little taken off guard but learning each others limits is just an added part of the fun. :)

I've even had someone request that I tie a pretty heavy weight to it that hung a few inches off the ground (I'm sure a few of you know who this is lol)... Thought the thing was going to fall off once everything started to turn black and blue BUT I could tell he genuinely was enjoying himself and so I just rolled with it and enjoyed the fact that I was making him "feel good".  



Posted By: FoxyNC
I've been on here a couple of years now, and before that, once a looooong time ago, I worked for an agency (circa late 90's, Wichita Kansas...) and I have seen some fetishes more curious than others....  
 But in all my time in this industry.... I have ALWAYS... always... ALWAYYYYS heard...  
 "Don't bite it."  
 Yeah, the one eyed wonder, Mr. Winky, the old twig & berries.... has always been (to me) told to have a "distinct aversion to teeth and pain."  
 Until I encountered (for the sake of this post) we will refer to him as "Mr. Bite-It."  
 Things had seemed pretty normal, a usual date, things going well, laughing, undressing, the usual...  
 Until he told me to... bite it.  
 Now, me, being the "pleaser" I am, had to double check to make sure my ears heard correctly...  
 I looked him dead in his eyes, stopped the process, and asked him,  
 "Did you just say "Bite it"????"  
 He did.  
 So, I tried to use my best delicate teeth-grazing skills and he grabbed my shoulders, pushed me back, and barked, "BITE IT!!!"  
 I am thinking, "Does he want me to bite into it like a freaking cheeseburger?"  
 I am starting to have some serious internal conflict here, expecting a slap up side my head for following instructions, for causing pain.... Apprehension fills me. What if I bite too hard? What if I draw blood? What if I bite the damn thing off?  
 My heart is pounding.... Fear of not doing a good job, and being the soldier I am...  
 I apply more pressure... nervously...  
 (Ever had escargot? lol It's really chewy....)  
 And wonders of all wonders, his semi-flaccid man-stick starts to engorge and harden as I am not-so-delicately chewing (still not on full jaw-power here...)  
 And he is telling me, "Harder."  
 I tried... to my limits of good sense...  
 Man.... there's some things I can do.... and then there's things I can not do.  
 I didn't come with any legal documentation or release forms in my hooker-briefcase... but I digress.  
 I did the best I could, pushed it as far as "I" could go...  
 If some crazy review follows me on this one.... Guess I will have to eat it.  
 I'm just not hardwired to "bite it."  
 I am shaking my head even now....  
 Ya'll ever heard of any shit like that???  
 Is this fetish like a unicorn?  
 This can not be some secret norm... I just can not accept that it is...  
 Someone tell me I am not "tripping."  

I don't get those requests
I can't bite it twist or pinch
Not even nipples
I can caress suck and swallow
As far as nipples I can sensually play but my brain can't go any further

Posted By: FoxyNC
I've been on here a couple of years now, and before that, once a looooong time ago, I worked for an agency (circa late 90's, Wichita Kansas...) and I have seen some fetishes more curious than others....  
 But in all my time in this industry.... I have ALWAYS... always... ALWAYYYYS heard...  
 "Don't bite it."  
 Yeah, the one eyed wonder, Mr. Winky, the old twig & berries.... has always been (to me) told to have a "distinct aversion to teeth and pain."  
 Until I encountered (for the sake of this post) we will refer to him as "Mr. Bite-It."  
 Things had seemed pretty normal, a usual date, things going well, laughing, undressing, the usual...  
 Until he told me to... bite it.  
 Now, me, being the "pleaser" I am, had to double check to make sure my ears heard correctly...  
 I looked him dead in his eyes, stopped the process, and asked him,  
 "Did you just say "Bite it"????"  
 He did.  
 So, I tried to use my best delicate teeth-grazing skills and he grabbed my shoulders, pushed me back, and barked, "BITE IT!!!"  
 I am thinking, "Does he want me to bite into it like a freaking cheeseburger?"  
 I am starting to have some serious internal conflict here, expecting a slap up side my head for following instructions, for causing pain.... Apprehension fills me. What if I bite too hard? What if I draw blood? What if I bite the damn thing off?  
 My heart is pounding.... Fear of not doing a good job, and being the soldier I am...  
 I apply more pressure... nervously...  
 (Ever had escargot? lol It's really chewy....)  
 And wonders of all wonders, his semi-flaccid man-stick starts to engorge and harden as I am not-so-delicately chewing (still not on full jaw-power here...)  
 And he is telling me, "Harder."  
 I tried... to my limits of good sense...  
 Man.... there's some things I can do.... and then there's things I can not do.  
 I didn't come with any legal documentation or release forms in my hooker-briefcase... but I digress.  
 I did the best I could, pushed it as far as "I" could go...  
 If some crazy review follows me on this one.... Guess I will have to eat it.  
 I'm just not hardwired to "bite it."  
 I am shaking my head even now....  
 Ya'll ever heard of any shit like that???  
 Is this fetish like a unicorn?  
 This can not be some secret norm... I just can not accept that it is...  
 Someone tell me I am not "tripping."  

The things you ladies have to put up with, but I guess it takes all kinds to make the world go round and round--LOL

Behringer328 reads

A few years ago I showed up to see someone new, and after a brief chat about football and the weather, she grabbed my hand and walked me over to the dresser telling me I had a decision to make. She opened a drawer that was lined with a towel displaying her freakin' dildo/strap on collection and tells me to pick one. Whoa!!!! I might have a fetish or two, but THAT didn't make the list! It turned out she had me mixed up with someone else she'd been chatting with.  

On that note, anyone getting any "bite it" requests....PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE make sure you've got the right guy before you dive in. I'm gonna have "wrong appointment" nightmares tonight!

Bon appetit!


I guess that date of ours has been pushed down the list of your surreal experiences?

Senator.Blutarsky350 reads

...two in the course of a few days is enough. Makes me not want to visit the Carolinas if this is the stuff you all are into... SMH.

I don't mind being bitten (I prefer my neck) but down there - oh, HELL no!

it sounds like I felt when I first heard "Choke me!" or "Spank me, dammit!".  

Uh... ok, but how hard?

OjackieO339 reads

I had a FREAK *Bite Me* a few weeks ago, I swear to god if that everrrr happens again, I WILL rip NUTS OFF! NO, I did NOT ask him to...and WHO TF would do that to a lady? I stopped the process, TOLD HIM He hurt me..His response was *I got carried away**..NO apology?? I looked around to see if my nipple was on the floor somewhere as I did continue, it was still attached, HURT for 2 days, and he is Banned. If they say BITE, My guess would be go ahead, but if they do NOT....WATCH how you contact people.In my experience, if someone wants to be hurt, they will ask for it..

Just like my mom use to do when I ran into a door, or something(I was a clumsy child--LOL) She would kiss it to make the hurt go away---hope to do that to your affected part in a not too distant time frame;P~~~

Behringer262 reads

What he did was completely unacceptable. I'm sorry that happened to you. You should've taken his nuts!


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