
Sooo what's your sign???
Tabu See my TER Reviews 956 reads
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till yesterday, when I had a potential guest quizz me about my astrological sign. (Gemini, as it happens...)  When I told him, he sighed heavily and said,  

"Wow, I'm really sorry to hear that. I really prefer water signs."

I was truly curious about someone who would pick a companion by their sign, but before I could ask him about it, he disconnected the line.

Not sure if I dodged a bullet, but couldn't help getting a flashback to the 70s!

ruefully yours,


mconnection 58 Reviews 719 reads
2 / 16

Know what was said what happens when Sagittarius get together for  romp, soon to find out!
However I do know very well about the 70's.

Posted By: Tabu
till yesterday, when I had a potential guest quizz me about my astrological sign. (Gemini, as it happens...)  When I told him, he sighed heavily and said,  
 "Wow, I'm really sorry to hear that. I really prefer water signs."  
 I was truly curious about someone who would pick a companion by their sign, but before I could ask him about it, he disconnected the line.  
 Not sure if I dodged a bullet, but couldn't help getting a flashback to the 70s!  
 ruefully yours,  

Sexy Carolina See my TER Reviews 492 reads
3 / 16

Maybe he thinks ladies who are water signs can squirt and gush
I'm a Gemini too and I don't even know what the water signs are

I would say you dodged a bullet or at least some kind of a sign!!
Posted By: Tabu
till yesterday, when I had a potential guest quizz me about my astrological sign. (Gemini, as it happens...)  When I told him, he sighed heavily and said,  
 "Wow, I'm really sorry to hear that. I really prefer water signs."  
 I was truly curious about someone who would pick a companion by their sign, but before I could ask him about it, he disconnected the line.  
 Not sure if I dodged a bullet, but couldn't help getting a flashback to the 70s!  
 ruefully yours,  

case321 31 Reviews 599 reads
4 / 16

It sure holds true to planting and such. Get ya one of those Brownie calendars or a farmers almanac. The planting signs are usually spot on for planting different stuff, ie: ya wouldn't plant tomatoes on the same day as potatoes. Also good to use for weeding pruning etc.  

Also moon phase can be a good thing to know, especially when digging a ditch or setting fence posts. Try it dig a hole and set a post when the moon is waneing and try it again when it's waxing see which ones is the sturdiest.  Wouldn't let them dig my basement untill I checked the moon phase, didn't want a lot of settling when they back filled

kelleywhite See my TER Reviews 650 reads
5 / 16

I find this to be very interesting to a point. I used to love to read Nancy Drew, play Clue, etc, I took this little test on line and it said I would make a good detective, LOL. My question is what if you could read his mind and tell him the sign he was thinking of. Then you both get together, (The Mind Is a Powerful thing) and had a wonderful time!

I picked up my first astrology book when I was 13, written by Linda Goodman. Yet, to have someone's sign read by a professional, they need to know.....TA Duh!

 First the day, ok, mine is Dec !st which makes me A Sagittarius.(Fire,) Fun to be around, seeker of knowledge, spiritual etc.  
Second the time of day you were born which is your rising sign. I was born at 7.30p which on the charts indicates I have a "Cancer Rising Sign.( Water), ruled by the moon and it is a very caring sign , yet when hurt it retreats and becomes a hermit. ETC, ETC.

Third the year you were born determines the Moon sign. My moon sign is Aries, which is also (Fire)

I get the jest of what this person may be saying or thinking from past relationships, yet by no means asking a generic "What sign are you?" In my opinion how can someone tell what your personality is going to be like.

Yet, I do have to agree with Case. The Farmers Almanac basically tells us when to plant. Usually I till my garden under the dark side of the moon, plant seeds under the New Moon, and never ever have surgery  under a full moon.  

Being a Cancer Rising does affect my mood because it is ruled by the moon and the moon has 28 days in it's cycle. A full moon or 3 days before, I find myself restless, I cannot sleep and my house becomes spotless. Look at the animals, and the people during a full Moon, the Energy affects people in many different ways.

And my last comment is if you are feeling depressed or can't seem to shake things, or take things more personally, look at the calendar and see if the moon is waning (Going away) because there is no light shining upon the Earth many people become depressed during this time and don't have a clue as why///

This is just my FYI. and by no means is it truth or fiction, it is just my experience and being a seeker of knowledge this is what I have found about myself. Thanks for letting me share! Kelley

-- Modified on 11/20/2014 2:44:49 AM

Leon3798 52 Reviews 529 reads
6 / 16

That is pretty out there.  But then again its hard to tell with you crazy Geminis!  ;-)  All of the 'signs' as far as I can tell dont mean diddly.  Ive read my horoscope and I could apply it to just about every other person on the planet.  Im not sure what the water signs are.  Pisces, Aquarius......maybe the crab one......Cancer......remembered it.  I know Im not one.  Im a naked chick in a garden lol.

Tabu See my TER Reviews 568 reads
7 / 16

there is something to it... as a Gemini, I've always heard it's about the twins and having two natures.  

Geminis are often creative (check-- a professional writer for 20 years, pre-Tabu), have a flair for the dramatic (not on the stage, but I can do roleplay REALLY well) and known for being erratic (not at all, I'm boringly stable.)

However, the twins part just struck me-- because for 12 years now, I've been leading a "double life!"

Of course, all companions do, but heck, I thought I'd claim it.

Have a great sunny day today!


Leon3798 52 Reviews 501 reads
8 / 16

Well there are some things that are strikingly abnormal but I know lots of people that are my same sign and we're total opposites.  That doesnt Jive.  And Ive met others that are not what their signs say.  But if you look at it from a logical standpoint if you make a claim about a Gemini for example and Billions of people are looking at it you're bound to get quite a few hits right?

clarkw.griswold 72 Reviews 537 reads
9 / 16

You are probably better off NOT meeting him, if signs are what drives him, not telling what kind of nut case he is

clarkw.griswold 72 Reviews 542 reads
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SCGentleman68 4 Reviews 518 reads
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What's wrong with Gemini?  I know that's my sign, I just never read horoscopes or things like that.  I guess I need to do some research.

ThisIsCaylee See my TER Reviews 567 reads
12 / 16

..I "click" better with some signs, others, not so much. I am particularly attracted to Virgos...not that I've ever gone out actively seeking one, though. I usually find out after the fact.  


coopershawk 6 Reviews 497 reads
13 / 16

I had a potential guest quizz me about my astrological sign. (Gemini, as it happens...)  When I told him, he sighed heavily and said, "Wow, I'm really sorry to hear that. I really prefer water signs."    
 I was truly curious about someone who would pick a companion by their sign, but before I could ask him about it, he disconnected the line.  Not sure if I dodged a bullet....
Not to be an astrological buzz-kill, but the last person I knew of who selected providers based on zodiac signs was a famous serial murderer  of those same providers

Durhamdrew 19 Reviews 376 reads
14 / 16

Must be something in the water because I got asked the same thing the other day. A truly beautiful lady asked me what sign I was as she was leaving the other day. I've been asked a lot of things, but that was a new question. I said I am a Cancer I think...why? She is such was really into astrology. I said I don't know that much about the planets and solar system, but I took a class about it in college and all I remember is the Big Bang theory had nothing to do with sex like my big brother told me! She left laughing and saying "Oh man, Oh man! I don't know what she thought was so damn funny? ;) ;) ;)

abczzz 109 Reviews 609 reads
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Tabu See my TER Reviews 523 reads
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nice to hear from an old flame!



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