
Re:How about visiting Raleigh?
skisandboots 4731 reads

I second this motion.  All in favor say 'Aye'.  It's unamimous, you have to visit Raleigh too.

WenchLizzy7435 reads

I am a very low profile provider, without a website or public contact information, beyond an email address. I prefer to remain that way, because this industry should always remain discreet. I would be happy to share any information with you through email, including rates, reviews (which are consistently excellent) & pictures.

I am most often described as mischievous, with the wit of an educated woman.  My philosophy of intimacy is based a great deal on my pagan spirituality. I believe that any intimacies, whether found in the smallest of touches or the explosion of making love are ways to communicate. When you visit me, I want to communicate to you, what a wonderful body you have. I want to teach you to enjoy every inch of your form. I want us to connect on a level of friendship, beauty & love that may be unknown to you. I want us to grow together.

[email protected]

If you could swing by Raleigh I would love to see you.  Anyone else interested in a detour?

skisandboots4732 reads

I second this motion.  All in favor say 'Aye'.  It's unamimous, you have to visit Raleigh too.

Mercy Lane6841 reads

My latest detour is Raleigh....  If your looking for an educated, passionate, class-act liason I offer specials to those in NC. I moved from NY, and now call Raleigh home. You may contact me via my website email for details.

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