
Re: Yes, especially if you buy it at the thrift store. eom
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  No, it would be packaged and shiny new...

Yes or Hell No!

Yes, I am asking seriously...

Posted By: drbanner
Yes or Hell No!  
 Yes, I am asking seriously...

Posted By: drbanner
   No, it would be packaged and shiny new...


If u approve, then that's all I need to know...

Thanks for your answer LilBit.

   Also really hope to see you someday!

So I'm pretty sure he gets that already. And Ted, don't even think about the next time I see you, lol!



.... I don't stick many toys up my hoohah to get off personally.

Thanks MsMocha....I was thinking the same.  Vibrator sounds like it would be more to the point in terms of climax achievement....

Gotta be brand new and don't be shy about putting a condom on it just to show her you care. Those rabbit vibes seem to be liked ... a lot!  

But ask her what kind of toys she likes before you go picking out something that looks like it could be used on farm animals ... every girl is different (thank God!)

most def brand new.  not even taking it out of packaging...i want her to know it is all for her.

Thank you for the positive answers..

I felt sheepish asking.

Kisses to tha ladies!

.....imo just as powerful. Doesn't hurt it's like 25% or so less cost-wise and comes in pink (purple too). :)

Thanks for the suggestions...
I am gonna look at the Hitachi tomorrow.
I also think something smaller might be more practical...

So I will check out that model you suggested as well MsMocha.

I am really relieved I asked this question...lots more info to go on than I had 2 days ago!


Posted By: BarbiesPlaying  
 Always cracks me up!

Ever see the "Shop Erotic" show that comes on cable at 3 in the morning?  I love how with every vibrator they show, the blonde says "Oh, this is one of my favorites!"  She must have a huge nightstand!  Once they pulled out a huge dildo with a suction cup on the end for hands-free fun.  The thing fell over and was flopping around like a fish!  LMAO!  Damn thing dims the lights when turned on...


Posted By: drbanner
Yes or Hell No!  
 Yes, I am asking seriously...

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