
Re: Oh, my goodness, that strikes a chord....
darrell01 28 Reviews 591 reads

Posted By: Tabu
Back when I first started (yes, dinosaurs roamed the earth, LOL) I had 3 or 4 guys tell me about TER, then they kept stringing me along about writing my first review. Finally, one of them broke down and admitted that he didn't want anyone else to know about me.  
 Guess that plan didn't work out too well... here I am, 11 years in!  
 Even if you want to keep her UTR, it probably won't matter. The good ones will make their own way into the hearts (and pants!) of hobbyists. You might as well write a glowing review... and you'll probably reap the benefits of her gratitude!  
She is planning stay UTR for a short while until she gets herself relocated from out of state. It's rare for me to be friends beyond this hobby but this one is new and seemed to need help on how to stay private in this business. I'll certainly do a review once she says it's ok.  

I'm perplexed at times when I meet a "new to the biz" lady who rocks my world and I want to help them with a fair review yet don't want her to become less enthusiastic or unaffordable due to my glowing reviews. I always try to include fair and  I know I'm not perfect and so I'm only critical on things that matter. Sometimes a well kept secret is great if she intends to be a part time or low volume provider. Such a conundrum, what's a guy to do?

She "rocked your world" say so and give her props for it. You can never go wrong with being fair and honest. I doubt one review will push her to the unaffordable zone. She will have to rock a lot of worlds for that to happen. Should she becomes less enthusiastic after one great review, then that's on her and she is foolish. Fools don't last long in P4P. Most hobbyist know that providers are at their best for their first reviews, but the true test is will she be consistent? I hope so.

Posted By: darrell01
I'm perplexed at times when I meet a "new to the biz" lady who rocks my world and I want to help them with a fair review yet don't want her to become less enthusiastic or unaffordable due to my glowing reviews. I always try to include fair and  I know I'm not perfect and so I'm only critical on things that matter. Sometimes a well kept secret is great if she intends to be a part time or low volume provider. Such a conundrum, what's a guy to do?  

She's THAT good.  So good you dont want to review her so she attracts more guys then the price goes up etc.  I got it man I really do.  Not to mention Im kind of stingy.  I just am.  Normally when I come down from my orgasm induced buzz Ill give the lady a good review.  Mostly because if she made it great for me then I have no problem helping her out in some small way outside of giving her my money.  :-)  Im also kind of a nice guy so why the heck not right?  Give her some kudos, Get her some more business maybe, then......fuck it give her another call.

It's AWESOME to be the first review writer for a provider that is going to soar in Hobbyland. I had that pleasure once and it still brings a big smile to my face when a provider asks, "Do you know _____?" And I get to reply, "I wrote her first review" There is a bit of pride (I knew her back when ...) even if you can't afford her now.

Posted By: Leon3798
She's THAT good.  So good you dont want to review her so she attracts more guys then the price goes up etc.  I got it man I really do.  Not to mention Im kind of stingy.  I just am.  Normally when I come down from my orgasm induced buzz Ill give the lady a good review.  Mostly because if she made it great for me then I have no problem helping her out in some small way outside of giving her my money.  :-)  Im also kind of a nice guy so why the heck not right?  Give her some kudos, Get her some more business maybe, then......fuck it give her another call.  

Yes, all those years ago---Miss Lindsey Lamour asked me to review her, and not having a clue about TER at that time, I labored over that review before hitting the send button. THEN Some providers and hobby guys ripped me a  new one(fake pics, white knight, etc. ad nauseum:)) After all the shouting and shouting back, some guy from another board said that he was putting his $ on the Lady being what she was said to be----AND SHE WAS;P~~~  I always ask permission to review, then I sit down with her and go over all the questions TER will ask, and I ask if she is good with what I will note that she does and does not do. I explain the rating scale and note that it is a marketing tool for her to attract clients for a dance. Based ONLY on TER's 1-10 scale, I put that down. The personal scale is what I, and I alone, find attractive---beauty is in the eye of the beholder, you know:)) I don't give her that info at that initial meeting.
If you have the $$$ to keep her UTR as your own, then do so, otherwise support her efforts to make this career choice one in which she has a chance to make a better life for herself:))

I want see reviews before picking a lady. Nothing worse than a bad provider and nothing better than a great one. Review her, it helps everyone, especially her.

If she's that good her price will likely go up eventually anyway. OTOH, there's lots of providers with 8+ performance who haven't raised their rates past $200.

Bottom line, I'm sure all the guys here would appreciate you taking one for the team and reporting your findings whether good or bad.

Yeah, I'm just feeling guilty about not wanting the secret to get out. I used to think there was no "perfect" until I met the one I'm wavering on.  Heck, when its that good I want them to move in with me, lol!

Lol! I'm trying to get a gentleman to review me now who told me during our encounter that I needed to raise my prices! He gave me a great tip too! If I were her you would get special treatment and be very kindly remembered for that first review...

Trading reviews for favors and discounts is not a best practice.
In fact it is not within ter guidelines to advertise reviews for discounts.
The best way to build and market a business is by delivering quality service.
Just from reading your posts on the boards here I would not put much merit into your first reviews because of your posts regarding discounts and favors for reviews
And I would also caution you with regards to your earlier post regarding sexual discussions
All of us ladies know how much guys love sex and talking will surely give them a boner as will our photos.
But we wouldn't want you to give any boners to LE and it is pretty much a no no to talk about certain activities. You could put yourself and other guys in a vulnerable position.  
Best Regards


Posted By: AvaRay
Lol! I'm trying to get a gentleman to review me now who told me during our encounter that I needed to raise my prices! He gave me a great tip too! If I were her you would get special treatment and be very kindly remembered for that first review...

Thank you Carolina,  I will certainly take heed of your advice and proceed with caution. I'll take all the wisdom I can from you experienced ladies!

Back when I first started (yes, dinosaurs roamed the earth, LOL) I had 3 or 4 guys tell me about TER, then they kept stringing me along about writing my first review. Finally, one of them broke down and admitted that he didn't want anyone else to know about me.

Guess that plan didn't work out too well... here I am, 11 years in!

Even if you want to keep her UTR, it probably won't matter. The good ones will make their own way into the hearts (and pants!) of hobbyists. You might as well write a glowing review... and you'll probably reap the benefits of her gratitude!


Posted By: Tabu
Back when I first started (yes, dinosaurs roamed the earth, LOL) I had 3 or 4 guys tell me about TER, then they kept stringing me along about writing my first review. Finally, one of them broke down and admitted that he didn't want anyone else to know about me.  
 Guess that plan didn't work out too well... here I am, 11 years in!  
 Even if you want to keep her UTR, it probably won't matter. The good ones will make their own way into the hearts (and pants!) of hobbyists. You might as well write a glowing review... and you'll probably reap the benefits of her gratitude!  
She is planning stay UTR for a short while until she gets herself relocated from out of state. It's rare for me to be friends beyond this hobby but this one is new and seemed to need help on how to stay private in this business. I'll certainly do a review once she says it's ok.  

"Reap"? Depends. Check that she gives rimming when she doesn't on that first review will probably get her "wrath" rather than "reap", but what do I know?

Posted By: Tabu
Back when I first started (yes, dinosaurs roamed the earth, LOL) I had 3 or 4 guys tell me about TER, then they kept stringing me along about writing my first review. Finally, one of them broke down and admitted that he didn't want anyone else to know about me.  
 Guess that plan didn't work out too well... here I am, 11 years in!  
 Even if you want to keep her UTR, it probably won't matter. The good ones will make their own way into the hearts (and pants!) of hobbyists. You might as well write a glowing review... and you'll probably reap the benefits of her gratitude!  

on your own then keep her for yourself. But if you're like most of us you just need to write that raving review so that the other guys can help support her in the manner she deserves. Yeah I've been in that situation several times. Unfortunately I haven't won the lottery yet so I need help supporting my ATFs.

Unless you're able to be her sugar daddy, then you're hurting her by not doing your small part in getting her more business. Help her out and she'll probably go the extra mile to keep you around. If you're unsure, then ask her if she needs reviews.  

Live by the golden rule. What goes around comes around and all that shit.

I was so over the moon (happy!) that after Reviewer #1 not only informed me about TER, reviews, & being independent on here, and he gave me a VERY good first review.... Yes, I will always feel endeared towards him & a bit like he is "special." After all, there can be only ONE first.

Wouldn't want to let some other guy steal that special honor, right? Go on, ASK Her first though, but if she says yes.... Pop the cherry.... It will only happen once, and it is slightly special!

Please, be kind, and review the lady. It is only fair...

If you aren't buying the farm, help the lady sow her rows....
Us ladies gotta eat too, ya know

After a long hiatus, I thought I'd respond here.

If she is new, ask how she feels about being reviewed. Some may not want reviews out there (which I ran into twice). If she is open to it though, I would stick to being honest.

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