
Re: Meds
birdluvr69 75 Reviews 838 reads
1 / 11

Disillusionment was noted in his reviews before this note that he announced that he was going to join Sex Addicts Anonymous.

In his prime---30s with $$$, but having spent a bundle, evidently without much joy, or lasting memories of such:((

The Bell will toll for us all in this hobby, at some point, when we either step away and into the "straight" life---marriage, or, just a S.O. for our stroll into oblivion:(( This post, along with my seeing an old (80s?) couple walking(more like hobbling) along the sidewalk today hand in hand, helping one another, got me to thinking on this.    Anybody have an inkling of what it is gonna take to reach your point of no longer finding joy in having temporary girl/boy friends, like this guy?  Addiction?  to me, as of today, probably so, butt, it's like the addiction to air:))  Seeing/listening to a boo ful lil lady in the throes of pleasure from what I am doing just keeps me addicted;P~~~ May he find pleasure in his next path he walks down with a lady regardless of the length of time on that path.

Durhamdrew 19 Reviews 347 reads
2 / 11

Posted By: birdluvr69
Disillusionment was noted in his reviews before this note that he announced that he was going to join Sex Addicts Anonymous.  
 In his prime---30s with $$$, but having spent a bundle, evidently without much joy, or lasting memories of such:((  
 The Bell will toll for us all in this hobby, at some point, when we either step away and into the "straight" life---marriage, or, just a S.O. for our stroll into oblivion:(( This post, along with my seeing an old (80s?) couple walking(more like hobbling) along the sidewalk today hand in hand, helping one another, got me to thinking on this.    Anybody have an inkling of what it is gonna take to reach your point of no longer finding joy in having temporary girl/boy friends, like this guy?  Addiction?  to me, as of today, probably so, butt, it's like the addiction to air:))  Seeing/listening to a boo ful lil lady in the throes of pleasure from what I am doing just keeps me addicted;P~~~ May he find pleasure in his next path he walks down with a lady regardless of the length of time on that path.  

bouinage 402 Reviews 398 reads
3 / 11

It is with a heavy heart that I read your prophetic words, as I to believe that this day will come to all mongers. That sad day when you realize that your done with the mongering world (for whatever reason). If this is truly your retirement, and not just "taking a break", then I wish you the best of luck. A friendly word of advice would be to give yourself a long break before you get into the "civilian" dating scene, this will give you time to clear your head and rid yourselves of "baggage". Unless you have already met someone then CHEERS. Good luck bro!

SouthernGent51 10 Reviews 378 reads
4 / 11

True story:

I've experienced problems recently getting a "boner" and decided last night to prove that it was just a mental state.  I contacted a beautiful and highly reviewed lady who is listed here on TER.  At the last minute she realized that I was two hours away and arrive later that we had originally expected.  Still, I was smitten by her beauty, intelligence, personality, boobs, pussy, and body as a whole.

We sat on the couch, chatted, kissed, necked, groped, stripped, and I found myself viewing a lady who was enough to cause a volcanic pre-erruption.   My "little Willie" just lay there and enjoyed the attention, but would do nothing.

I'm on Lisinopril for blood pressure and one of the side effects is DPD, or dead pecker disease.  My cardiologist and regular physician feel it best NOT to prescribe Viagara or anything similar due to its adverse effects.  

Well, we spent the night trying every trick possible including going outside under the stars.  I trust that she still had a great time with my DATY, as her orgasms rocked my world but left "little Willie" totally limp.  He did blast once in a limp mode, but that was it.

We spent the night and tried again this morning.  She had a few more O's from DATY, but "little Willie" would not get a boner ;-(

As we age, some of us may just start listening to one brain and only dream about the days that we had two, and the lower one was in control.

To the beautiful lady - Thank you for everything including your understanding.

birdluvr69 75 Reviews 283 reads
5 / 11

As the song lyrics said from past boo ful song:  "It ain't ME, you'r looking for,..."---LOL

birdluvr69 75 Reviews 396 reads
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Hey, Drew:))  It was a dark and drunken night---sorry Snoopy---Anyhoo, I was trolling different states boards when I ran across THIS poor lost soul's post, and that triggered the vision from the sidewalk couple, and the beers did the rest:))  I was wishing HIM peace of mind, as HE began his new journey!!! Just saying that it happens to us all at some point:((  I had a visit from a breath of fresh "air" this past week;P~~~  However, having to hold my breath for about 9 more days until I get another breath of "air", if you get my point, uh, she certainly will;P~~~

I have slowed down to a max of 2, or 3 "breaths" a month, and I guess that means the Hobby God has his/her hands on the bell's rope---EEK! I wish all you guys/girls who have walked out the Hobby door, especially the guys whose Lil Buddy is too tired to lift his head anymore Happy Trails:)) Don't forget that YOU can still give pleasure and enjoy that feeling by letting Tommy Tongue do the "talking.";P~~~~~~

Durhamdrew 19 Reviews 346 reads
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I've heard about this before, but I think there may be options.

ckb_nc 51 Reviews 351 reads
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Can you cut the dosage - I take a low dose as well of Lisinopril and Ed is not a direct issue. More just old and tired from life stress

DavieCakes 2 Reviews 232 reads
10 / 11

How much Lisinopril do you take???

I take 20 mg every day, with no (ED) problems......

DavieCakes 2 Reviews 276 reads
11 / 11

Try "Stiff Days" available online.  

Works very well.....if you have an ED issue (better than Viagra, Cialis or Levitra)

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