
I'm woth you on that! :) :)
1743906 68 Reviews 1661 reads
1 / 18

I always try to be punctual because I really hate to be left waiting myself. Therefore I will always get to the general area for her incall and find a place to wait till I get the message she is ready. Ok rant on: One of my favorite providers just cannot seem to ever be on time. As a matter of fact she has NEVER been on time and I have seen her at least 6 times. Of all the ladies I have seen in the past year there is really only one that has been on time "every" time I have seen her. Since it's Friday I will even give her a big shout out with a shill. Thank You Emma Banks for always being the sweetheart that you are and always being on time with the exception for the few times you were ready early and told me to come on over. That is a sign of a true professional and someone who actually values other peoples time as much as she does her own. Rant off.

Lady_Rose See my TER Reviews 378 reads
2 / 18

Being on time is important to me. Even with work I'm usually 30 mins early!

organdonor 434 Reviews 409 reads
3 / 18

a common courtesy and something that should be expected of everyone, both ladies and gents.  I am with you in that I always try to be spot on time myself.  And appreciate it when a lady reciprocates.  A little respect and courtesy can go a long way in the hobby world.  And IMHO make repeat visits more likely.  So bravo to the ladies who communicate well and practice common courtesies.  Clients should reward them appropriately with their custom, and if the ladies who fail to do so lose business maybe that will encourage them to improve.

ItalianGabriella See my TER Reviews 556 reads
4 / 18

I absolutely hate being late personally. Work or real life. But you've seen this person 6 times now, so why bother complaining about it?

1743906 68 Reviews 495 reads
7 / 18

Well one reason is she has really good pussy. Another is that once we finally get together it's a great time and I had nothing else to do at those points in time. But other than that, I can't think of a single reason to continue. So I stopped right before I wrote that rant.

Anything else?

TheGovernor 110 Reviews 424 reads
9 / 18

I am always on time also, both in personally and professionally.  I cannot tolerate habitual teardiness.  Some providers are just not wired to be organized, much less punctual. I have moved on.  I once interviewed a candidate for a position, as well qualified as any candidate.  I would not hire that candidate because he was 30 minutes late with no explanation or apology.  It is safe to say that I value and respect my time to the point that I won't put up with that nonsense.  I do realize that things happen at the last minute-that's life.  If it appears legit, I will cut slack.

TrulyMsMocha See my TER Reviews 378 reads
10 / 18

...after 6 dates this rant is a little bit pointless no? :-D
Give up that sweet snatch or always prepare for her never being ready on time.  
Btw is it (her lateness) usually just a few mins like 5-10 or .... ?

-- Modified on 11/13/2016 4:56:36 PM

BellaMaytress See my TER Reviews 631 reads
11 / 18

So.... I will most likely not do myself any favors by saying any of this, but, "Hi, my name is Bella and I am a Chronically Late Provider".  

I'll try to keep it brief (no promises):

1) Yes, a lack of punctuality is absolutely unprofessional. I have no disillusions as to how negatively this impacts how others may view me. And they are absolutely warranted in their frustration and I never blame them for having enough and/or "moving on". So please, before anyone tries to tell me how awful I am, please save your energy, because believe it or not, I already know and would you believe that I cannot STAND this about myself. It's absolutely the WORST. I can always picture the gentleman waiting on me growing more and more impatient by the minute and this will rattle my nerves even more and I'll start having panic attacks,or knocking things over, or my eyeliner will slip, I'll cut myself shaving, or a combination of all of the little things that can cause delays. That brings me to my next point...

2) the "why": So if I KNOW I'm never on time and always seem to have more excuses than everyone else, why the hell can't I change? Am I so arrogant that I don't believe the rules apply to me? Am I so lazy, so disorganized, such a goddam mess that I can't get my shit together for an appointment planned in advance? Well, first of all, I NO NOT DISRESPECT ANYONE'S TIME. I ask for respect only from potential clients that give me the run-around. But I am self-aware enough to never admonish a client for being late to an appointment and in general keep little to no track of the clock once we're together. I understand this may promote a cycle of being late for appointments by not encouraging punctuality in others out of my guilt. I know, I KNOW. Again, I am literally the WORST. But, choose to believe me or not, I DO have a sense of right and wrong in regarding the supreme value of my clients' time. So once i do see my clients, I make every second count and make the entire time out of this world. But I know, there are MANY providers that can be both outstanding AND on time. SO WTF, Bella??? Well, I am a work-in-progress and a goddam pain in the ass. So every time I plan to be on time but I'm not on time, I offer compensation for the headache that is Waiting for Bella, in the form of a partial refund, still keeping the full appointment if the gentleman's schedule will allow, and usually letting it run pretty long (I can't remember the last time my one-hour session was actually an hour. On average, an hour sesh will be 75-90 mins and the 90 min sesh will be 2 hrs-2.5 hrs, etc. etc.). If he has all night and doesn't mind waiting, I'll pretty much throw the clock away and just give him all I've got for a few hours. So, I have a few wonderful friends who actually come back to see me and for them I am so, so grateful. And to all, this is not a permanent component of the Bella Experience.. (and here's the first of my attempts throughout this post to not lose my entire business..)

3) the how (or maybe this is really they why? who cares): Once upon a time, I was THE MOST punctual. It was incredible...(sorry for friends reading this who I've already told my tales of woe to... scroll through, scroll through!!)
I used to wake up at 3:30 am to run 9 miles and "do the stairs" 25X, then take a shower & get to work by 6:45-7am, way before anyone else arrived. I was a lab manager and while doing my own research (nutrition, molec & cell biology, analytical chem), I did the upkeep of our entire lab, ordering supplies, reagents, anti-bodies; Autoclaved the waste, called in maintenance if the HPLC or the Biosafety Cabinet wasn't working, kept inventory, budget, trained new employees, man I did it all! Then went home at the end of a 12-13 hour day to cook my boyfriend dinner, feed the cats, do laundry/clean then go to bed around 9 pm (lol, how else was I going to get up at 3:30 am?) So WTF happened? I'm still working it out, but my ability to keep track of everything started to crumble once I entered grad school and against all reason, chose a curriculum that was basically a double PhD of two super-hard sciences. While working 70 hrs a week in the lab, trying to get my research off the ground towards a thesis project. While building my escorting "empire' (jkjkjk). I stopped sleeping for months and as I zombie-walked my way through the first couple of years, my ability to keep time and plan in my head how and when tasks would have to be done for everything to fall in place exactly perfect, went to shit. Seriously, any sense I thought i had of the concept of time was obliterated. This in conjunction with being a person who has ALWAYS been disorganized in the sense of having notebooks full of illegible handwriting stuffed with random homework pages/bills/junk mail/birthday cards and a purse that would rival Mary Poppins' in how much of my world I could carry around with me at any given time, AND having the blessing/eventual curse of never having to study in high school, and then legitimately having ADD.. well it's a perfect storm for one to become.. fairly disoriented. My world recently has been thrown off balance in a difficult way. I'm still getting used to not being able to Do It All, and figuring out how realistic I have to be in regards to setting the times of each appointment i accept, and realizing when I have to say no or I have to propose a compromise. How to do this all before it's too late and I've got an angry customer waiting in the parking lot.  

3) The fix/the future: I know that many people juggle a lot and do it with wonderful success. And beyond that fact, this is a business so who the fuck cares about my personal life? I understand and want you all to understand that I know having poor punctuality is inexcusable and people just want their fucking provider to be on time, and I GET THAT! I'm on your side! Again, hating me. I'm the Worst. But my point is, after 33 years, I'm sincerely getting this organization thing working. I've had dozens of jobs in my life where I've had to be on time, so I get that this job is no different. So, I've been setting my alarms and Google reminders and keeping the calendar and putting bills into spreadsheets. I am working on this and yet, I wouldn't blame any one for not wanting the aggravation of paying to see someone who is a "work-in-progress" when what they deserve is an escape. All I've got is that I'm getting better and enforcing routine and whenever I do inconvenience a customer, I do whatever i can to make it right. And when we do finally get alone in a room together?  

I'm a goddamn delight, baby! And my very kind reviewers have backed me up on this. :)

In conclusion, I really didn't write this all to give excuses or even to solicit sympathy or empathy. (I am in general fairly self-deprecating). All I wish is that perhaps, no matter what corrective measure you must take, like choosing to no longer see the Chronically Late Provider (CLP), admonishing her or them or whatever on the boards, that no matter any of this just once consider that the CLP DOES actually value your time and that punctuality, for whatever inexcusable reason, really is that hard to accomplish.  

Thanks, peace out!

ItalianGabriella See my TER Reviews 266 reads
12 / 18
1743906 68 Reviews 429 reads
13 / 18

I have to admit that the reason I kept seeing her for at least 6 visits is the fact that once we finally connected it was some of the best I ever had. I'm normally not the complainer you may think. 90% of the providers I have seen were usually at least a little tardy at some point in the history of the partnership and I really don't mind it much but when it gets to be 20-30 minutes or even longer every time then that really gets under my skin. But for the most part they make it up like I'm sure you do. That usually makes it well worth the aggravation. Maybe someday I'll end up waiting for you as well. Stranger things have happened.

BellaMaytress See my TER Reviews 344 reads
15 / 18

Thanks for your response, sweetie. I totally didn't mean to imply you were complaining in excess, and if you were, it's totally warranted! Like I said, I do understand the utter frustration or constantly having to wait for your date to be ready. So please, don't be ashamed or stop feeling how you feel. Ultimately, you're right to be upset. This is a business and if we want to call ourselves professionals, we can't ignore a large component of profressioanlism, which is punctaulity. I have no argument there.  

I don't know I guess my stupidly long post was to try to shed some perspective from the POV of a CLP. :) I just wish that even as you guys may have had it with providers making you wait around consistently, that the assumption isn't automatically that she disrespects your time and/or doesn't care about inconveniencing you. I can't speak for all Chronically Late Providers, but all I can say is that for myself, I care very deeply about my clients and about making them happy and even as it happens, I HATE inconveniencing them. And the worst is when it's the next date and I've made a promise to myself and to him that this will be the time I'll have my shit together and I start by showering and getting ready earlier and it's looking like I really will give him the surprise of his life by being ready the moment he arrives.. but then. because of some oversight or inadequacy that I hadnt' accounted for, I end up being late once again and again I'm disappointed in myyself and i know he is too.  

But I digress. I'm sorry to cut into your thread and ramble incoherently lol, but i thank you for your kind response. :) I'm glad you are able to enjoy your time with your provider once she's finally ready and on behalf of all of us CLP's, I am truly sorry for the many inconveniences we cause you. I appreciate so much fellas such as yourself who demonstrate so much patience and ya know, no one can fault you for letting off some steam and voicing your aggrevation. Again, you're not wrong here! :)

I would be delighted to see you some time and in the meantime will continue to try to get my shit together so perhaps by the time we meet, your wait will only be 5 minutes or less! lol

Have a spectacular day, darlin! :)


Marie69 See my TER Reviews 348 reads
16 / 18

It's a good reminder that the people we meet up with, like to be and feel appreciated as much as we do. I don't know what I would do without my hobby people (and I don't necessarily mean that on a financial level). They have been a huge part of my life

I also like this thread because I was due for some drama and this one hit the spot ;)

Happy Tuesday Everyone!


Posted By: Bsecret55
Well one reason is she has really good pussy. Another is that once we finally get together it's a great time and I had nothing else to do at those points in time. But other than that, I can't think of a single reason to continue. So I stopped right before I wrote that rant.  
 Anything else?

missariarocchi See my TER Reviews 335 reads
17 / 18

Posted By: BellaMaytress
So.... I will most likely not do myself any favors by saying any of this, but, "Hi, my name is Bella and I am a Chronically Late Provider".  
 I'll try to keep it brief (no promises):  
 1) Yes, a lack of punctuality is absolutely unprofessional. I have no disillusions as to how negatively this impacts how others may view me. And they are absolutely warranted in their frustration and I never blame them for having enough and/or "moving on". So please, before anyone tries to tell me how awful I am, please save your energy, because believe it or not, I already know and would you believe that I cannot STAND this about myself. It's absolutely the WORST. I can always picture the gentleman waiting on me growing more and more impatient by the minute and this will rattle my nerves even more and I'll start having panic attacks,or knocking things over, or my eyeliner will slip, I'll cut myself shaving, or a combination of all of the little things that can cause delays. That brings me to my next point...  
 2) the "why": So if I KNOW I'm never on time and always seem to have more excuses than everyone else, why the hell can't I change? Am I so arrogant that I don't believe the rules apply to me? Am I so lazy, so disorganized, such a goddam mess that I can't get my shit together for an appointment planned in advance? Well, first of all, I NO NOT DISRESPECT ANYONE'S TIME. I ask for respect only from potential clients that give me the run-around. But I am self-aware enough to never admonish a client for being late to an appointment and in general keep little to no track of the clock once we're together. I understand this may promote a cycle of being late for appointments by not encouraging punctuality in others out of my guilt. I know, I KNOW. Again, I am literally the WORST. But, choose to believe me or not, I DO have a sense of right and wrong in regarding the supreme value of my clients' time. So once i do see my clients, I make every second count and make the entire time out of this world. But I know, there are MANY providers that can be both outstanding AND on time. SO WTF, Bella??? Well, I am a work-in-progress and a goddam pain in the ass. So every time I plan to be on time but I'm not on time, I offer compensation for the headache that is Waiting for Bella, in the form of a partial refund, still keeping the full appointment if the gentleman's schedule will allow, and usually letting it run pretty long (I can't remember the last time my one-hour session was actually an hour. On average, an hour sesh will be 75-90 mins and the 90 min sesh will be 2 hrs-2.5 hrs, etc. etc.). If he has all night and doesn't mind waiting, I'll pretty much throw the clock away and just give him all I've got for a few hours. So, I have a few wonderful friends who actually come back to see me and for them I am so, so grateful. And to all, this is not a permanent component of the Bella Experience.. (and here's the first of my attempts throughout this post to not lose my entire business..)  
 3) the how (or maybe this is really they why? who cares): Once upon a time, I was THE MOST punctual. It was incredible...(sorry for friends reading this who I've already told my tales of woe to... scroll through, scroll through!!)  
 I used to wake up at 3:30 am to run 9 miles and "do the stairs" 25X, then take a shower & get to work by 6:45-7am, way before anyone else arrived. I was a lab manager and while doing my own research (nutrition, molec & cell biology, analytical chem), I did the upkeep of our entire lab, ordering supplies, reagents, anti-bodies; Autoclaved the waste, called in maintenance if the HPLC or the Biosafety Cabinet wasn't working, kept inventory, budget, trained new employees, man I did it all! Then went home at the end of a 12-13 hour day to cook my boyfriend dinner, feed the cats, do laundry/clean then go to bed around 9 pm (lol, how else was I going to get up at 3:30 am?) So WTF happened? I'm still working it out, but my ability to keep track of everything started to crumble once I entered grad school and against all reason, chose a curriculum that was basically a double PhD of two super-hard sciences. While working 70 hrs a week in the lab, trying to get my research off the ground towards a thesis project. While building my escorting "empire' (jkjkjk). I stopped sleeping for months and as I zombie-walked my way through the first couple of years, my ability to keep time and plan in my head how and when tasks would have to be done for everything to fall in place exactly perfect, went to shit. Seriously, any sense I thought i had of the concept of time was obliterated. This in conjunction with being a person who has ALWAYS been disorganized in the sense of having notebooks full of illegible handwriting stuffed with random homework pages/bills/junk mail/birthday cards and a purse that would rival Mary Poppins' in how much of my world I could carry around with me at any given time, AND having the blessing/eventual curse of never having to study in high school, and then legitimately having ADD.. well it's a perfect storm for one to become.. fairly disoriented. My world recently has been thrown off balance in a difficult way. I'm still getting used to not being able to Do It All, and figuring out how realistic I have to be in regards to setting the times of each appointment i accept, and realizing when I have to say no or I have to propose a compromise. How to do this all before it's too late and I've got an angry customer waiting in the parking lot.  
 3) The fix/the future: I know that many people juggle a lot and do it with wonderful success. And beyond that fact, this is a business so who the fuck cares about my personal life? I understand and want you all to understand that I know having poor punctuality is inexcusable and people just want their fucking provider to be on time, and I GET THAT! I'm on your side! Again, hating me. I'm the Worst. But my point is, after 33 years, I'm sincerely getting this organization thing working. I've had dozens of jobs in my life where I've had to be on time, so I get that this job is no different. So, I've been setting my alarms and Google reminders and keeping the calendar and putting bills into spreadsheets. I am working on this and yet, I wouldn't blame any one for not wanting the aggravation of paying to see someone who is a "work-in-progress" when what they deserve is an escape. All I've got is that I'm getting better and enforcing routine and whenever I do inconvenience a customer, I do whatever i can to make it right. And when we do finally get alone in a room together?  
 I'm a goddamn delight, baby! And my very kind reviewers have backed me up on this. :)  
 In conclusion, I really didn't write this all to give excuses or even to solicit sympathy or empathy. (I am in general fairly self-deprecating). All I wish is that perhaps, no matter what corrective measure you must take, like choosing to no longer see the Chronically Late Provider (CLP), admonishing her or them or whatever on the boards, that no matter any of this just once consider that the CLP DOES actually value your time and that punctuality, for whatever inexcusable reason, really is that hard to accomplish.  
 Thanks, peace out!  

lovtooplay 6 Reviews 367 reads
18 / 18

Dayum Gorgeous,  
Come to SC and you can be as CLP all you want, I'll camp out ;-)


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