
I'm Sure One Of Your Visitors Would Help You...
birdluvr69 75 Reviews 1061 reads
1 / 10

Yes, Virginia, I'm playing Santa Claus to a lil lady who would like this dual purpose toy---IT's A HYDROLIC SALON CHAIR:)) I used it for the above a number of times, and I, and the ladies, thoroughly enjoyed the sessions;P~~~  

I'm cleaning out my storage container, and I hate to see it go to the dump---perfect shape, no stains of any type on it---LOL. NOTHING sought in return, just don't want to throw it away:(( You will need a P/U truck, SUV to haul it, OR I will rent a truck, just not next week, and haul it to you.  Next week in the Charlotte area, then after Taxes---spit, cuss, etc.! sometime anywhere in NC.  

As a toy, it goes up and down to get the perfect height for Rocket entry to those worlds our Johnson's luv to visit:)), also lays back, with a head piece that is kinda separate from the body, just perfect for the lady to place her O so soft thighs into, and either facing a guys face, or facing away with her hanging onto the arms, while the guy's pet "shark" has her "kitty" at his mercy;P~~~ The head piece also is adjustable up to line up with those "sugar and spice" thangs;P~~ The foot piece also drops out of the way to slide the stairway to heaven to the edge, for Johnson's to hide in:))

If more than one lady would like to use it for washing her hair, just PM me and I will put names in a hat and draw one:)  I live far away from the place I use to use it, and don't want to clutter up the new place's garage:((  bird.....  

Marie69 See my TER Reviews 330 reads
3 / 10

Posted By: birdluvr69
Yes, Virginia, I'm playing Santa Claus to a lil lady who would like this dual purpose toy---IT's A HYDROLIC SALON CHAIR:)) I used it for the above a number of times, and I, and the ladies, thoroughly enjoyed the sessions;P~~~  
 I'm cleaning out my storage container, and I hate to see it go to the dump---perfect shape, no stains of any type on it---LOL. NOTHING sought in return, just don't want to throw it away:(( You will need a P/U truck, SUV to haul it, OR I will rent a truck, just not next week, and haul it to you.  Next week in the Charlotte area, then after Taxes---spit, cuss, etc.! sometime anywhere in NC.  
 As a toy, it goes up and down to get the perfect height for Rocket entry to those worlds our Johnson's luv to visit:)), also lays back, with a head piece that is kinda separate from the body, just perfect for the lady to place her O so soft thighs into, and either facing a guys face, or facing away with her hanging onto the arms, while the guy's pet "shark" has her "kitty" at his mercy;P~~~ The head piece also is adjustable up to line up with those "sugar and spice" thangs;P~~ The foot piece also drops out of the way to slide the stairway to heaven to the edge, for Johnson's to hide in:))  
 If more than one lady would like to use it for washing her hair, just PM me and I will put names in a hat and draw one:)  I live far away from the place I use to use it, and don't want to clutter up the new place's garage:((  bird.....  

birdluvr69 75 Reviews 329 reads
4 / 10

Um!  I have everything butt a stripper pole:((  Let's see now, how would I get a pole in the BR so that no visitors would notice it and get suspicious??  I know! Make it out of PVC pipes---nice diameter for stability, 10 foot ceilings, sooo, 2 five foot pieces(just a tad extra) that could be bolted together, and have a broad base and top to keep the  ceiling from being damaged:))  The top piece could also have a hole through it to have a bar that could be inserted and stick out either side. That would be for the lil ladies wrists, encircled by velcro straps and hoisted up to give access to all the delicious lady parts;p~~~ Handcuffs would be too harsh, I'm a kinder, gentler Genghis Khan making the lil thangs wiggle and giggle until they temporarily lose consciousness;P~~~ Alright!, I can make that sooner than my milking table:))  Now all I have to do is convince the Feds/State Tax collectors to give me a deduction for what is surely some items that help increase the circulation, i.e. exercise---you know exercise is healthy for you, especially the "sexual healing" type:))  I gotta stop drinking so much coffee:))

birdluvr69 75 Reviews 323 reads
5 / 10

I tried to find a pic of one like it, butt, all the ones I saw are minus either the head piece that extends to create the space for some thighs(um, making me hungry for "chicken", funny how that word can trigger a craving;P~~~ Anyhoo, OR, the foot piece that drops down out of the way for a lil up close and personal meeting between a "sausage" and a soft pair of "buns" that the "sausage" fits snugly into, in other words, like in electrical terms---a male and female coupling;P~~~ Evidently, one of a kind:))

Marie69 See my TER Reviews 285 reads
6 / 10

I  meant pictures of you and a bun supplier demonstrating the easy access, meet and greet positions you have described

Hubba Hubba
Posted By: birdluvr69
 I tried to find a pic of one like it, butt, all the ones I saw are minus either the head piece that extends to create the space for some thighs(um, making me hungry for "chicken", funny how that word can trigger a craving;P~~~ Anyhoo, OR, the foot piece that drops down out of the way for a lil up close and personal meeting between a "sausage" and a soft pair of "buns" that the "sausage" fits snugly into, in other words, like in electrical terms---a male and female coupling;P~~~ Evidently, one of a kind:))

Marie69 See my TER Reviews 323 reads
7 / 10

Why do I know this????? ;)

Mine is a Lil Mynx. I've had it for over 10 years and there isn't a scratch on it. It looks band new....which is remarkable given what all it has been through

There are all different kinds to choose from. The variety will blow your mind!

Mmmmmm bloooooow

Marie69 See my TER Reviews 324 reads
8 / 10

get your pole back up. They are so much fun to have around!

I don't know if I could handle one that spins. Granny Marie has been taking things a bit slower in her older age. Including pole tricks.

Hey Melissa. TER removed my Wet Wednesday picture. I am officially to vulgar for TER.  

Strangely enough....I am proud of this

Durhamdrew 19 Reviews 231 reads
10 / 10

Or you can just own that freak title and add some mirrors on the ceiling to make sure they know.

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