
I don't have an issue w/threADs, but this board seems to be policed heavily in that regard. -e-
cocktail-party 363 reads


Does anyone feel the same? I understand "sometimes" but its out of control now. Why does ter let everyone post here when we clearly have  dedicated "ISO Board"
If you want some basic advice or "general" discussion that's fine but come on now people.
P.S. When you gents do post in the correct area please put the state and general area and the PM's should start flowing instead of one liners or some of these crazy requests I've seen here lately.
Ex. I'm a newbie looking for an unusual request, I like watersports and bb and that's not the unusual part but having trouble finding a provider but I don't see why. I also have limited funds of 1 x x.

Although I wholeheartedly agree that the one-liners - "who's available?" - are ridiculous. I wonder what kind of response those posts get. Do you ladies actually respond to those vague ISOs? I would think that it says a lot about a guy who's too lazy or incapable of doing some research.

I agree and thank you.
Thing is I'm sure if we tried to post an ad here or even vaguely stating that I'm available in that area around so and so time we as providers get shunned and tell us it's not allowed and you have to post on the ad board.  
I've been accused of fishing and threADS when I was sincerely trying to find out some info.

I think a lot of of the problem if it can be called that is running out of stuff to talk about. Even the GD board is kinda repetitive if ya think about it. Penis size, does she love me, how not to get caught, how to hide money or burner phone etc, is BBBJ safe?, do y'all really like older guys or chubby rednecks?, positions etc. ya get the drift. It's all been covered ( hopefully lol, couldn't resist) but it can get a little redundent at times. This board has always struggled keeping an audience though. You're right there have been a ton of ISO posts lately but I guess any activity is a positive. One thing that I think hurts is there are not a lot of ladies for whatever reason they choose not to participate here. The guys are overall pretty nice fellas but I can talk to the fellas at the bait shop anytime. Get a little banter with the gals and the board will change.

I personally don't have time nor like some of the things that are talked about or said. Some peoples mentalities really make me wonder so I just stay off here most of the time. Everybody hides behind a dress (alias) or whatever instead of having good, sincere convo they tend to bash other people a lot.
Change of topic: How about this weather finally getting nicer. smiles

on the regional boards where the request is relevant to the providers in the area. A global ISO board with every ISO on it would be indecipherable - especially given the lame, non-specific type of posts you mention.  

I totally agree with you that too many of the ISO's are ridiculously written. Many are posted out of sheer laziness. Others are probably no more than time-wasters. I usually ignore them, although some are so poorly written as to be very entertaining.  

Not sure if there is a better way of handling ISO's.

Sometimes ladies don't read the ISO board.  

And not everyone here is a complete bore, some of us can't participate as much due to life (like college -- last final today) and the like. I banter via PM with some of my favorite board posters just because half of what we say goes over some heads and the sarcasm is too much for delicate personalities.  

Also I try to be nice on the regional board. I'm kind of a shit dick on the GD

A"Shit Dick". That's a new one on me ...Learn something new everyday.

Posted By: missariarocchi
Sometimes ladies don't read the ISO board.  
 And not everyone here is a complete bore, some of us can't participate as much due to life (like college -- last final today) and the like. I banter via PM with some of my favorite board posters just because half of what we say goes over some heads and the sarcasm is too much for delicate personalities.  
 Also I try to be nice on the regional board. I'm kind of a shit dick on the GD

If you look at other major cities their regional board operates the same way
If these ISO posts were put on the ISO board replies would direct them to their regional board
Many ladies pick up business from these posts  
They don't bother me
And for many people water sports is not crazy
To each their own
I did not see anyone looking for BB on our board

Posted By: BarbiesPlaying
Does anyone feel the same? I understand "sometimes" but its out of control now. Why does ter let everyone post here when we clearly have  dedicated "ISO Board"  
 If you want some basic advice or "general" discussion that's fine but come on now people.  
 P.S. When you gents do post in the correct area please put the state and general area and the PM's should start flowing instead of one liners or some of these crazy requests I've seen here lately.  
 Ex. I'm a newbie looking for an unusual request, I like watersports and bb and that's not the unusual part but having trouble finding a provider but I don't see why. I also have limited funds of 1 x x.

I've tried the ISO board and clearly stated my location and travel options.   Yet have to wade through PM's from across the country asking me to fly them to me - as if they didn't read the posting.  

But an ISO on the regional board limits the time wasters.  Just like providers, my time is valuable too.

Maybe there's a benefit to limiting ISO posts to one per week per user,  or only on Wednesdays .  But so far it doesn't seem to have been abused.

Just need to smack the back of the head for those guys who let their dick write the ISO post without details.

So, what is wrong with asking if someone is interested ?  Agree with the poster about better to ask on the regional board if they are in the area, better chance of getting a response from someone who is in the area.

Besides, without that, this place would be not only boring, but pretty dead lately......... well except for some stupid posts about testing, diseases you can catch from the hobby, cost of pills so you can play in the hobby.....


If so, I apologize.  

I live in south central VA.  VA does not have a board.

All the ladies I have seen are in RTP or further.

I ass-u-me-d this was the appropriate board for my inquiry.

Much thanks to the amazing ladies of NC I have found so far after months of research.  Not one disappointing encounter, at least on my end.

I think she was just pointing out the lack of conversation here, now go forth and fornicate freely!!!

In all honesty, I think that there is nothing wrong with having ISO's on the regional boards. Posting one on a local board is good , as long as you know what to do. I always laugh when I see some scrub post a last minute ISO with nothing more than something along the lines of "looking for a fun time tonight in Raleigh/Charlotte/etc....  
A hobbyist usually posts an ISO for one of two reasons:
#1: the hobbyist posting the ISO is an out of towner who's coming in to town in the eventual future ( or he's in town already and was too stupid to do his homework). The hobbyist is looking to see who is available, and out of those available who would be a good fit ( I.e. Price range, incall/outcall, special requests, etc...). Usually the hobbyist posts well in advance, 1 month give or take.  
#2: the hobbyist posting the ISO is local who has an open date in the eventual future. In this situation, the hobbyist is looking for a quick way to see who will be in town on a certain future date without having to go from website to website to get his homework done ( I love date-check, but sometimes ladies won't post until the day before they arrive). The hobbyist is looking to get a booking well in advance for both his and the providers benefit.

For the newbies reading this: if you're going to post an ISO and hoping for a response (or more), the key elements for a good ISO are timing and detail:

Timing: as soon as you have a date open up for an appointment, go ahead and get to work on what you're looking for in your date ASAP.
Detail: when posting as ISO, details are crucial. a basic ISO post includes the following: when you will be in the area, the time of day you wish to have your appointment, the location of the date (incall/outcall), and the length of the date. If you're looking for something more specific , more details should be included ( I.e. Clothing requests, fetishes, age specificity, etc...).

If you just follow those steps, you'll be sure to get a response (or more) from numerous. Everyone on this board has seen their fair share of good and bad ISO's.

Since this board is moderated, you would think that those really stupid ISO threads would never show up. Unfortunately they are apparently too busy busting the ladies for threADS and other things that are a bit too silly.

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