
Hey scaz
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gawd if i am up at 9pm I stayed up late. And if I sleep past 5am I slept it.  I am very much a morning person and have more energy in the morning. By 2pm I start dragging for the rest of the day. lol

So how many of you head to bed early and are up before the sun comes up?  Who are the night owls that are up late into the night doing who knows what?

Me, well due to work I am a night owl but an early riser when it comes when it comes to play time...he he

Not I.

I am up until about 2 AM most nights, usually watching TV and on the  
laptop. (Usually prowling around BP and TER, catching up on email, reading
the news, or, if nothing good on TV, watching old movies on ChromeCast
or Youtube).

I rarely ever get out of bed until about 9:30 AM.

Its' one of the benefits of being (twice) retired! LOL

gawd if i am up at 9pm I stayed up late. And if I sleep past 5am I slept it.  I am very much a morning person and have more energy in the morning. By 2pm I start dragging for the rest of the day. lol

My whole life I've been a morning person! I wake up by 6-6:30am, no alarm clock. I'm wide awake, ready to go, and I don't drink coffee either! The past few years I go to bed a lot earlier, usually by 10pm. Especially being well past the club rat phase and nightly bar hopping. Now that I'm hitting the gym hard I def get to bed at a good time so I can feel refreshed in the morning and ready to hit the weights

Knocking out some playtime in the morning just makes the afternoon seem to float by.  But it's difficult sometimes to schedule mornings due to the lady's or my availability.  Last minute mornings are easy for me, but not so easy from her side.

Someday I want a 6am FBS massage followed by playtime, then brunch.  Ah hell who am I kidding: sex, massage, and food are great anytime!

....even before that I could always get up at 6am or so if I had to. I'm not a morning person but I can put on a morning person face lol.

When travelling I see gentlemen from 2pm on...When I'm home based I'm available from 3-4pm on...

It is what it is with me now!

Steph xoxo

Posted By: scazdude
So how many of you head to bed early and are up before the sun comes up?  Who are the night owls that are up late into the night doing who knows what?  
 Me, well due to work I am a night owl but an early riser when it comes when it comes to play time...he he

I like the night, but +1 on the naps. A true perk of being retired! :)

Posted By: GoldieKnox
Posted By: scazdude
So how many of you head to bed early and are up before the sun comes up?  Who are the night owls that are up late into the night doing who knows what?  
  Me, well due to work I am a night owl but an early riser when it comes when it comes to play time...he he

Yawn!, S t r e t c h! Me and the dog just got up from a well deserved nap, following an early evening(my fav playtime) session with my "50 shades of color" lady, who enjoys the "torture"---had her a new toy that she would have kept being tortured with until the batteries ran out, if I had not looked at the clock and took it away, and got lil buddy Johnson some face time;P~~~  Too early and too late just not my times of day:))

I am definitely a night owl. I had one of my regulars call me out of the blue at 2 am and I was wide awake. Hit the road to Charlotte. We sat and had a few breskies, talked, and I feel asleep in his arms after we had watched 2 TV shows, given each other a small back rub, cuddling. It was around 6am when we feel asleep. Woke up went to the grocery store and just had a warm fuzzy feeling inside.
Never did make love, yet we did in so many ways.................Human touch, talking. like a real fricking date. And of course..........not watching the clock or caring where I have to be except in his arms is a wonderful feeling....................I like the night time, because no one seems to be in a hurry.............Kelley White

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