
ESCORT DESIGN is locking pics up for us "non paying girls" as of today....angry_smile
FoxyNC See my TER Reviews 738 reads

I am pissed about this myself.... See the more overhead us ladies have, the more we have to spread to our customers...
So you would think a free website would be good, right? Yeah it WAS, until today.... I myself am going to figure out what to do about it...
I may end up buying my own website after this little extortion attempt.

Just saying...

Heads up.

I'm a pretty open-minded girl and I like to know what type of person I'm meeting. How far is too far in regards to asking questions about sexual preference? I don't want to seem rude and crude but I can also be turned on by a little naughty conversation before meeting, and it let's me know what type, if any, toys I should bring. view such conversations as inappropriate before he's in the door, as it could seen as a red flag for LE or at the very least, someone who is indiscreet. I'd say, don't do it before screening is complete and stick with coded language.

Thank you for the sage advice. I will stay mindful then of the code and come prepared for any type of encounter. I've been a little slow to pick up on the code because I'm usually a very literal person but I'll make sure to do my homework.  


would love that, BUT as it was mentioned I would be on HIGH alert.  On the other hand if you're a reviewed provider and safe it might not be a such a huge thing.  Maybe for repeat visits or something like that would be ok also.  As for your toys, do what hobbyists do.  Have a 'standard' load of stuff with all of the time.  ANY guy I think would love to get some naughty emails and conversations, but before its safe I think would scare potential clients away.  My advice, wait for repeats and known safe clients.

Most people on here will tell you to avoid all sexual questions, acronyms, and innuendo all of the time, but that does not make it very easy to do your job.  My suggestion is to pack a "toy bag" with a few things that you think will be useful. A provider I know does this and it is always fun to "see" what she has in the bag this time. It's almost a game to see her to take the toys out, for her to describe them, and for me to give a "yes" or "no" on each one.
It may be safer, and smarter, to do it this way.

As hobbyists, we are told constantly that any mention of sexual acts "at any time" by us will result in the cancellation on your (our) appointment, and banishment from TER, and banishment from the hobby - forever. OK, I'm exaggerating a bit, but talking about sex is viewed as a big No-No and the common logic is to only do it ONLY BCD (behind closed doors-if at all) Also, you run the risk of scaring off hobbyist (fear of LE set up) by talking about sex prior to meeting ... especially as a new provider.  Besides, most of us already have toys of our own :)

Posted By: AvaRay
I'm a pretty open-minded girl and I like to know what type of person I'm meeting. How far is too far in regards to asking questions about sexual preference? I don't want to seem rude and crude but I can also be turned on by a little naughty conversation before meeting, and it let's me know what type, if any, toys I should bring.
-- Modified on 1/26/2015 1:48:23 PM

-- Modified on 1/26/2015 1:51:56 PM

Ms Ava Ray,

Loved the post and the above answer is good. Most guys won't talk specifics for fear of LEO.. And maybe you should be wary of the same. However, my interest piqued, I checked out your web site. What! The only photos available are for those willing to pay for pleasure.. The photo under your Carolina Ad's was interesting, but just wanted to see a little bit more

Must be a new change. I saw the photos about a week ago before the membership thing and they were pretty hot. I do know one provider who screens before granting access to her site, but it's free. Paid membership to view photos is a big mistake IMO

Posted By: SCBodyRub
Ms Ava Ray,  
 Loved the post and the above answer is good. Most guys won't talk specifics for fear of LEO.. And maybe you should be wary of the same. However, my interest piqued, I checked out your web site. What! The only photos available are for those willing to pay for pleasure.. The photo under your Carolina Ad's was interesting, but just wanted to see a little bit more.  

Oh my! That is not something I approved and I will try to fix it immediately! If the link doesn't work soon feel free to email me and I will send you some from my collection.

-- Modified on 1/26/2015 11:48:22 AM

That's the answer we were hoping for :)

Posted By: AvaRay
Oh my! That is not something I approved and I will try to fix it immediately! If the link doesn't work soon feel free to email me and I will send you some from my collection.  

-- Modified on 1/26/2015 11:48:22 AM

I've posted some more pictures with my ad and another one on the photo only board! Again, if you're interested in seeing more send me an email and I will reply tonight.

[email protected]

I almost gave up until I got a little more specific in my search.

Posted By: AvaRay
I've posted some more pictures with my ad and another one on the photo only board! Again, if you're interested in seeing more send me an email and I will reply tonight.  
 [email protected]

Thank you.. It's fixed...  

Thanks also for informing us of the PHOTO ONLY board...

LOVE your t-shirt and pool table shots!!!!!!

I am pissed about this myself.... See the more overhead us ladies have, the more we have to spread to our customers...
So you would think a free website would be good, right? Yeah it WAS, until today.... I myself am going to figure out what to do about it...
I may end up buying my own website after this little extortion attempt.

Just saying...

Heads up.

I don't get stupid ads popping up
I don't want guys to have to put up with that nonsense
I also get my domain along with the ad free site
I believe it takes money to make money and it is well worth it
I believe in having as much control over my business as possible
Plus if you advertise on some sites like BP you can't post a link unless you own the domain
For a few hundred bucks a year it pays for itself in the end
Stress can be expensive

I have had my own website before... For soap. :)
(I make soap, ha! Not nearly as profitable, I assure you...)

I considered it, but I found when I was setting all this up, signing up for a free website was just as easy, especially with the builder they have...

But I do see your point on the ads....  They are irritating for sure (and distracting!)

I don't advertise on BP, never have....
Thought about it, though.
Several clients of mine have commented that they have booked with me soley because I couldn't be found there...

I do hear there's a growing trend, though.  
Who knows.

Stigma be damned?

but good insight on the website though



Glad I could help.
On BP I have met Doctors Lawyers Bankers Scientists Business Owners....... all of whom were thrilled to find my ad on BP
In fact most of them all return for seconds  
No stigma
Just pure adult fun between professional

Panthera12627 reads

You are pissed because the "free" website host wants you to pay a little and you call it extortion?  
Talk about an entitlement complex.

is a good deal. So is capitalizing on a sunk cost to maximize returns. Paying more than necessary isn't a good way to maximize profits!!

Then again, sometimes change brings opportunity. A charge for a better product or service may pay off in the long run. it just isn't ever guaranteed.  

Of course, if a service provider raises prices or denies service without notice... I tell them to fuck off and go to their competitors who do not do that. I don't feel cheap doing it, and I don't feel bad for getting a little pissed at them when it happens, either

Panthera12584 reads

You are correct. Paying more is not always the best way to maximize profits. That's economics 101. However, spending and investing wisely is.  
Bitching because something is no longer entirely FREE and being asked as an option to pay a little something is not extortion and perhaps the host is exercising their right to a small portion of the economy and the cheapskates can just go elsewhere.  

She can spend a little less on junk food and easily make up the difference and if she passes on additional costs to her customer base they can suck it up or go elsewhere too. This is America after all.

They did not contact providers of this change and they claim:
" 1,000's of entertainers have locked exclusive content for Gold Pass Holders"!!!  They locked them up and are making the providers pay to become a Gold Pass Holder to see our own photos....

I would be happy to donate to their "Free" site by doing an upgrade, but after this, NO Way!

Panthera12641 reads

but there are reasons why they didn't give you advance notice. They probably designed it to force a quick decision and an immediate influx of capital. It may not have been courteous of them, but business decisions are many times not.

So, they will lose the freeloaders but keep the gold and make a profit. It doesn't sound all that bad when you view it from both sides, especially from a business standpoint. Of course I wouldn't expect all of the "nurses" and "students" to understand this.

I wasn't mad because they would have wanted money....
I was upset that the change was without notice... which yes, does seem like an attempt at extortion.

"If you don't pay, we already locked your pictures up, even though we said locking them was optional."

Luckily, for my cheap ass, it was just a bug and they got it all straightened out!!!

Whew! Now I won't have to hijack my next few clients at the incall,

"Sorry bub, you didn't read the fine print? Prices are subject to change at any given time without any prior notice!"



Guess that WOULD be a little messed up?

(hehe, maybe I SHOULD Put that somewhere on my website in some "f1" font in a corner..... you know, just for shits and giggles...... hrmmm.... Nahhhh.)

Anyways, to be fair, in my defense,
one of my (very guilty) pleasures is electronic games & apps....
And SHOCKER, I actually DO buy/pay on them sometimes, because ya know... I kinda figure game developers might want to get paid for all that hard work they do. They just might like to eat, or pay bills.....
I get it, REALLY, I do.

But don't promise me free, when it ain't gonna be free or yes.... I will move my cheap ass to another "free" site that can make more money off of advertisers, banners, and traffic that me and my pictures help bring.
Just sayin! ;

And take all of the reward Instead of sending your possible clients over to other sites to amuse themselves

And I believe it's a wonderful thing to acknowledge when you are unfair with regards to situations like today

So apparently the people of escort design aren't such devious capitalists and my pictures are free to view now. Such an interesting conversation this started though. In my opinion there's a big difference in making wise investments and spending money to make money. We all have to start somewhere and for many at that starting point it's impossible to spend without immediate returns, especially for those who never wasted money on junk food anyways. That's when we get creative and learn to spend wisely. I'm thankful for the free service offered by escort designs but I do not believe they have any right to change the terms of their service without notice in a manner which allows them to make money off my work, and I told them as much. I'm just happy the problem was resolved with only one email.

They were not trying to change the terms of their service
I think it's a shame to bad mouth a free service that corrected the problem professionally
I think it's unprofessional to state the claims without anything to back them up
Yes they offer a service where you can lock photos on your site and you can make money from offering this to your is for you to decide to do this
I myself do not want to
There are plenty of services I am not interested in this business
Getting fucked in the ass is one

There are times when there is a bug here on the Carolina board and we can't get access
Shit happens but we don't go out and say shit that's not true.  
We contact support in a professional manner

I pay about 75 cents a day for my website it's a wise investment and fucking affordabl

I admit that I was one of those that jumped the gun and should have went directly to the site before doing so. I had been away all day and see in Capital Letters and knew in some way this was not good. I went directly to my page and saw that I was locked out too. I went to the direct site and found my answers. Lesson learned!!

I always figure we are two adults and should be able to converse like grownups.
In fact , like you, a little sexy banter prior to meeting enhance's the anticipation.

However, I think it is always up to the lady to initiate.

-- Modified on 1/26/2015 1:58:17 PM

Baneswolf551 reads

then it can be very fun and ca get you turned on.  Works for me!

AuggyDoggy645 reads

Besides the LE worry, which is minimal with a reviewed provider, I'd worry about saying something that would come off as creepy, even if it really isn't, and maybe give the girl some doubts about whether she would want to keep the date.  

I'm perfectly willing to make all kinds of comments, suggestions, and requests in person, when the girl can see my expression and hear my tone of voice, and I can see and hear hers. Also, once we're together, what might seem overly kinky in an email might seem like just what the doctor ordered in the thick of things.  

Then, as a subsequent meeting is in the offing, almost anything goes.

Very insightful comment about watching body language and really listening! I always say I can never start trusting a person until I can look in their eyes. Trust can never be given, only earned.

Posted By: AuggyDoggy
Besides the LE worry, which is minimal with a reviewed provider, I'd worry about saying something that would come off as creepy, even if it really isn't, and maybe give the girl some doubts about whether she would want to keep the date.  
 I'm perfectly willing to make all kinds of comments, suggestions, and requests in person, when the girl can see my expression and hear my tone of voice, and I can see and hear hers. Also, once we're together, what might seem overly kinky in an email might seem like just what the doctor ordered in the thick of things.  
 Then, as a subsequent meeting is in the offing, almost anything goes.

AuggyDoggy495 reads

I'm sending you a personal message.

I can't recieve messages through ter because I haven't gotten to the VIP membership yet... You can either email me or message me through my website.

Take it for what it's worth...


Any conversation eluding to sex or sexual activities as defined by our state's laws (which I do believe the discussion of erotic toys being used would qualify) in this line of work, could potentially be enough cause for law dogs to charge you (solicitation, solicitation of prostitution, sex for hire...  I am sure there are a few more if they want to be dicks about it.)

I would advise you keeping your "naughty talk" limited to your established clientele.

And if I didn't know any better, I would almost utter threAD.
But go ahead, I wish you all the best & goodluck, try & get that first review to get you established!


Panthera12519 reads

Such as free advice (noun) as opposed to advise (verb). I am giving you free advice and advise you to brush up on your English.

Technically, I used the wrong word....

But potato potatoes...  

I need sleep, that is what I need.

Goodnight angry cat-man.

Foxy loves you too.

I let you have this one.  

You win

I think FUCK can be both a verb and a noun, but I'm not sure. My teacher kept giving me a detention every time I asked. Bitch!

Posted By: FoxyNC
Technically, I used the wrong word....  
 But potato potatoes...    
 I need sleep, that is what I need.  
 Goodnight angry cat-man.  
 Foxy loves you too.  
 I let you have this one.  
 You win.  

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