
BSU of the quarter worthy? Eom
MrRate 494 reads


I am proud to have MS Julia in the Carolina's who has been so nice and informative with the information that she gives,,,,,,,,,So what is up with so many negative posts? I just do not get it.....Please and thank you.      Kelley White

To your questions on my original post a little while ago.  People just mess with each other on here.  You seem to have quite the 'thing' for Julia.  I cant blame you she's a knockout to say the least.  Maybe you should setup a date with her.  ;-)  I just want pics since I thought of it.  LOL.

Posted By: kelleywhite
I am proud to have MS Julia in the Carolina's who has been so nice and informative with the information that she gives,,,,,,,,,So what is up with so many negative posts? I just do not get it.....Please and thank you.      Kelley White
You see Kelley,
When the "board-boys" (bored-boys? lol play on words, because they do indeed tend to act as though they get bored...) get all antsy and have no-one to pick/prey upon, their little world goes to shit. You know the old saying... about "tearing someone down to build themselves up" and all that jazz?

Sit back, and observe....

True enough, I am sure Julia has had her faux-paux, as have I myself, however, fortunately for me, the "BB" haven't tried (recently) to crucify me or make me the board pinata, as they have "TRIED" to do so with her, quite unsuccessfully (IMO) see... they go into a feeding frenzy to push until a lady has (what they refer to as I believe) a "hooker-meltdown."
Ah, yes, there is nothing the boys enjoy more than a good-ole melt-down, am I wrong?

However, they haven't been successful.... *sniff sniff* Awwww.

Julia is quite the businesswoman, I will say so myself. I have learned a few things from her, I am proud to say.
Whatever I agree with or not, I have learned from. So, yes, I am proud.... :)

I guess the "BB" haven't ever heard the expression, "Bad publicity is better than no publicity."

Now coincide that with the leaks from the ladies room, and accusations being thrown around...  
And yes, Gentlemen,  the ladies are aware.
Loose lips sink ships, mates. And that goes on BOTH ends.

Stuff is pretty transparent when you actually sit back and watch....

And for my final commentary of this crap-fest, I myself have had enough. What can I do about it? Other than straight-forwardly call a duck a duck? Or log off.... That remains to be seen.... I do know this, all the cruelty disguised as the flippant commentary and brutal grazings back and forth, really leave a very bitter taste in my mouth.... I have to wonder what woman/man/parent/friend  has twisted these men (originally) into such unremarkable callous fiends....  
No wonder us ladies have to screen like hell....

It has taken what was once a very fun "play-yard for pervs" into a horse of a whole other color, now hasn't it?

I wonder.... Once the board boys scare all the hoes away, who will they play with then?



~Over & Out


Thankyou kindly.

I noticed!  

And I can only post what I feel.

As grams says, with me, "What come up, comes out."

And my mom says, "The only thing you get when you bite your tongue, is a mouth full of blood."

(Reoccurring theme this week, ironically.)

I do believe in tact though, it does go a long way. I know, I still need work on it, but I don't like to sugar coat things to the point of misinterpretation. (That would be self-defeating, now wouldn't it?)

All these people.... so worried about everyone else's yard.... Maybe they need to water their own grass, Mmmmm?


But for me.....  I can only be me.

Thankyou darling.  
Hopefully, I will be catching up with you soon!

I don't care it it's Julia or anyone else. A constant harangue directed at someone is much more a reflection on those posters than it is on their target. Quite revealing of the quality of their character, really.  

Yes, everyone makes mistakes and sometimes they rise to the level of needing to be called out. But hey, isn't that a two way street?

I'd hate to see anyone leave the boards... they're much more interesting and fun when more people play. The more that post, the less any single voice dominates the conversation.

Do tell  LOL

Posted By: MasterZen
I don't care it it's Julia or anyone else. A constant harangue directed at someone is much more a reflection on those posters than it is on their target. Quite revealing of the quality of their character, really.  
 Yes, everyone makes mistakes and sometimes they rise to the level of needing to be called out. But hey, isn't that a two way street?  
 I'd hate to see anyone leave the boards... they're much more interesting and fun when more people play. The more that post, the less any single voice dominates the conversation.

There is such a thing as deplorable business practices, obviously.
So call em out.

There is also such a thing as beating a dead effing horse, being bullies, antagonizing, alienating the other ladies (Yes, it DOES alienate the more demure ladies... DUH. This isn't such a FUCKING FUN PLACE for us to "frolic" in.... Now is it?)
So, I put my boot on, pull the straps up, staple my heart on my sleeve, and ink quill in hand....
Let's get 'er done!


Now, I will will sheath my pretty kitty claws....


I have a hot date to get to in a couple hours... Time for a bubble bath!


Happiness..... (sigh)

Now I realize that the number of gals that hook in the Carolina's is much smaller than that of say, Chicago or NYC.  But it's cute that you couple of gals (and a few of the dudes as well...can't leave out your shillsters) want to now call out others who post the least obvious to those who have been around for some time and have heard from many others about the continued deceptive practices that "some" of YOU gals continue to do.

There's plenty of war stories out there...take off your rose colored glasses Foxy and realize that all is not as it appears.

As for beating a dead horse...this site goes back to 1999 and isn't going anywhere anytime soon.  The stories are similar...just that the players change from time to time.

In order to actually "call out" someone you need to be more efficient.  Ask your pal Soo...YouWanna how to do it.  She's much better at that than you are at this point.

Posted By: FoxyNC
There is such a thing as deplorable business practices, obviously.  
 So call em out.  
 There is also such a thing as beating a dead effing horse, being bullies, antagonizing, alienating the other ladies (Yes, it DOES alienate the more demure ladies... DUH. This isn't such a FUCKING FUN PLACE for us to "frolic" in.... Now is it?)  
 So, I put my boot on, pull the straps up, staple my heart on my sleeve, and ink quill in hand....  
 Let's get 'er done!  
 Now, I will will sheath my pretty kitty claws....  
 I have a hot date to get to in a couple hours... Time for a bubble bath!  
 Happiness..... (sigh)

Which is more than YOU or HER do.

You got my "name", you got my number, you got my email.

I ain't hiding.
And I don't go radio silent.
And I never, ever hide behind an alias.

I am not using an alias.

You are more than welcome to confirm this with TER...or spend some time on the NB and learn how an alias shows up on the boards.  (Hint)...there's no brown envelope with the handle if it's an alias  LOL

My handle is most assuredly NOT an alias.

You do have a lot to learn  ;)

Posted By: FoxyNC
Which is more than YOU or HER do.  
 You got my "name", you got my number, you got my email.  
 I ain't hiding.  
 And I don't go radio silent.  
 And I never, ever hide behind an alias.

You can see that below your handle is an envelope.  And below that it lists your reviews at 9.

You can create a separate alias in addition to the handle you use as Hector.  That's up to you if you wanted a second handle that wouldn't be tied to your reviews, or your prior posting as Hector.

You can PM either an alias or a regular handle.

Is that what you're looking for?

Im sorry I guess I'm kind of slow today but if I read correctly you said that if you used an alias, a brown envelope would not show up as one does under your handle, correct? How does an alias show if someone checks 'private message me on response' or 'email message me on response'. I would think that even if one used an alias, a brown envelope would appear below the alias as well if one or both of those boxes were checked. An alias has to be attached to an actual account with a non-alias/reg handle, so it would make sense to me this would be the case. Haven't tested myself, so I am asking ;)

I'm pretty sure you can PM an alias without the brown box showing up by just entering the name into the to field of a message being composed, yes. In response to you saying, "You can PM either an alias or regular handle". That wasn't my question however, sorry for the confusion. There may still be some and I should apologize if indeed that is still the case. Lol.
Jet lag makes me slow. Ugh! If I've mistaken what you said, apologies. I don't think I did, so am I incorrect? You don't have to explain anymore if you don't want. I'll research when I have the time ;) Good day.

AuggyDoggy533 reads

But since you have no reviews you must be using this account as an alias and a different account for your reviews, which amounts to the same thing as having an alias.

Or am I wrong about that?

This is my main handle.  

I could create an alias like notauggydoggy if it would make you happy.

You can ask the gals here if I have reviews.  Many know the deal.


Posted By: AuggyDoggy
But since you have no reviews you must be using this account as an alias and a different account for your reviews, which amounts to the same thing as having an alias.  
 Or am I wrong about that?

GaGambler530 reads

In my case, I have never written a review, under this or any other handle. That hardly makes me an alias, or an unknown. I guarantee you mine is as well known a handle as any on TER. Certainly more people know me, both on the boards and in real life than know AuggyDoggy.

Go back and look at what I wrote, and then look at what you wrote, and then ask yourself why do you have to make it personal, when a simple answer would suffice.

Posted By: Dr Who revived
I am not CURRENTLY using an alias TO POST THIS.
But when I do YOU will never know, because I certainly won't admit to it.

P.S. I do know about the envelope color differential.
Amazing how defensive you became.... Darn near gave yourself away, eh?  
Yes, some of us can read between the lines....

Maybe it's something in the air or water there?  

Care to explain how I "darn near gave myself away"?  I don't get it  LOL

I think you and your friends should spend the next three days trying to figure out if I use an alias.  That should keep you occupied for a while.

I still like that some of your friends (include yourself in this) think that all the brown envelopes and aliases are just one poster.  Easy enough to verify that...try it!

Posted By: FoxyNC
Posted By: Dr Who revived
I am not CURRENTLY using an alias TO POST THIS.  
 But when I do YOU will never know, because I certainly won't admit to it.  
 P.S. I do know about the envelope color differential.  
 Amazing how defensive you became.... Darn near gave yourself away, eh?  
 Yes, some of us can read between the lines....  

I understand about the aliases, I am not that dense. I knew even before your explanation.

I don't have to explain it, or "prove" it.

Yay for me!

I don't HAVE to figure you out, or your aliases out, you already told me....  Unless you delete all your outboxes....
Go back to September 2014....
And on that note, neither you, nor your aliases, nor "figuring you or them out" will put money in pocket, food on my table, nor pay my bills.
I do however heed your wisdom, when you choose to dole it out, I won't knock wisdom when I identify it, no matter the source. Hell, my brother always quotes one of his best pieces of advise ever received, and as he says, it came from a $3 hooker. (I think he had gotten his dick sucked for a dollar menu meal lmao, hey, his choice, not mine to choose her. So whatevss)

I don't have to explain my paranoia....
It just "IS."  

I don't refute it.

I LOVE my paranoia, it has kept me safe on more than one occasion.
Better safe than sorry in Hobby World.

Not playing "your game" you don't make the "rules" for "me."

Good try though!  


You are the manipulative sort, I say that with humor, it takes one to know one....  from one "control freak" to another!
lol can't blame you for trying...  

Guess you don't really get this whole gig.

But you are not as delusional as some here...fortunately.

So take the counsel I had given you prior...use your brain and realize that not all here is as it appears.

Posted By: FoxyNC
I understand about the aliases, I am not that dense. I knew even before your explanation.  
 I don't have to explain it, or "prove" it.  
 Yay for me!  
 I don't HAVE to figure you out, or your aliases out, you already told me....  Unless you delete all your outboxes....  
 Go back to September 2014....  
 And on that note, neither you, nor your aliases, nor "figuring you or them out" will put money in pocket, food on my table, nor pay my bills.  
 I do however heed your wisdom, when you choose to dole it out, I won't knock wisdom when I identify it, no matter the source. Hell, my brother always quotes one of his best pieces of advise ever received, and as he says, it came from a $3 hooker. (I think he had gotten his dick sucked for a dollar menu meal lmao, hey, his choice, not mine to choose her. So whatevss)  
 I don't have to explain my paranoia....  
 It just "IS."  
 I don't refute it.  
 I LOVE my paranoia, it has kept me safe on more than one occasion.  
 Better safe than sorry in Hobby World.  
 Not playing "your game" you don't make the "rules" for "me."  
 Good try though!  
 You are the manipulative sort, I say that with humor, it takes one to know one....  from one "control freak" to another!  
 lol can't blame you for trying...  

Posted By: Dr Who revived
Guess you don't really get this whole gig.  
 But you are not as delusional as some here...fortunately.  
 So take the counsel I had given you prior...use your brain and realize that not all here is as it appears.  
Posted By: FoxyNC
I understand about the aliases, I am not that dense. I knew even before your explanation.  
  I don't have to explain it, or "prove" it.  
  Yay for me!  
  I don't HAVE to figure you out, or your aliases out, you already told me....  Unless you delete all your outboxes....  
  Go back to September 2014....  
  And on that note, neither you, nor your aliases, nor "figuring you or them out" will put money in pocket, food on my table, nor pay my bills.  
  I do however heed your wisdom, when you choose to dole it out, I won't knock wisdom when I identify it, no matter the source. Hell, my brother always quotes one of his best pieces of advise ever received, and as he says, it came from a $3 hooker. (I think he had gotten his dick sucked for a dollar menu meal lmao, hey, his choice, not mine to choose her. So whatevss)  
  I don't have to explain my paranoia....  
  It just "IS."    
  I don't refute it.  
  I LOVE my paranoia, it has kept me safe on more than one occasion.  
  Better safe than sorry in Hobby World.  
  Not playing "your game" you don't make the "rules" for "me."  
  Good try though!    
  You are the manipulative sort, I say that with humor, it takes one to know one....  from one "control freak" to another!  
  lol can't blame you for trying...    
Again, do you REALLY think you are going to get your answers anytime this century from "the pampered chef"; Do you think your tactics (that remain ever the same...) are EVER going to work?
       I would have to assume you HOPE it will work, or why else put so much effort into it....  
 Truly, to alert others?  
Then make an alert... Oh that would be wayyyy too obvious, right?  
And kinda like harassment after a certain point?  
So why is it chasing every single one of her posts isn't EXACTLY the same thing...?  
Prey do tell. )

Self (shakes magic 8 ball) "Will asking nicely, sarcastically, sweetly, rhetorically, and/or bitterly, ever make the board-hounds clean up their act from the Carolina boards, making it a nicer place to socialize for everyone?"

Magic 8 ball says....

Well dang....

So here's the real deal, I know you see this as preventative measures, and all, and "protecting your fellow mongers" and KUDOS for you.... But it has went far enough when the masses start to protest, even the hookers/johns  who *gasp* do NOT fall at the almighty alter of JLS......  

The punishment has by far exceeded the crime....  I think and many are agreeing, take note.
It wouldn't matter if it were her or any other lady.... simply put... Enough is enough.
If you don't have enough tact within yourself to know when it is enough, here is your gentle nudge/sharp rap with a yardstick (take your pick.)

Here is to hoping, against hope, that things will end up the right way....
For you, for her, for the mongers, for the boards.... Until then....
This is gonna take a while....

-- Modified on 1/27/2015 1:58:28 PM

If the intent was to not allow others who aren't "living" in a particular geographical area to post to a local board, then I must have missed that memo.

OTOH it allows you and any others to post wherever and to whomever they'd like.

Isn't that a special feeling?

Posted By: FoxyNC
But I guess you wouldn't understand that, now would you?  

Some people think the rules don't apply to them. I noticed.

NOW you've been fully deputized  LOL

Posted By: FoxyNC
Some people think the rules don't apply to them. I noticed.

I wish I were as eloquent as you...

You know you kinda turn me on, right?

That big .... ol..... BRAIN.. of yours....  


You, Ms Foxy, and Ms Julia were separated at birth, I do declare:)) I have had the pleasure of dancing with the latter, and I found her to be the "sister" to my ATF(now retired/married) of a few back:)) This was her intro to me, and she was spot on with that description. When a lil college girl came to me for help, I knew just who to send her to, as she has that "mom" quality about her, i.e. to want to help those in need. And she did for the lil lady, who went on to become a success in this biz:))  
I LUV these independent, feisty, intelligent women, who make life very interesting, to say the least:)) How they run their business is of no concern to those who have nothing to offer, and who hide behind an alias.

O, Ms Foxy, I'm not too far from your abode in the near future, and, as I have said before, I need to do some face time with you, as "girls with big eyes make me act so funny, make me spend my money;P~~~" R.I.P Big Bopper:((

GaGambler583 reads

Sorry Hector, but you can't have it both ways.

I am also sorry that I wasn't here to play today, but Pussy, Business, and TER were all calling at the same time. As much as I would have liked to have answered all three calls, business and getting laid won out over TER today. lol

As for "Picking on poor little Julia" even SweetMelissa owned up to posting fake pics on her ad when she was called out for it, and by and large she has lived that down. When JLS/Corrine/GallopingGourmet owns up to her mess, I am sure she can start putting this behind her as well. Until then, I predict she will continue to be the butt of jokes around here and all the other boards she frequents, which are many.

What the hell is have it both ways. I haven't read enough messages of the three of you being discussed but some of them I have read could easily be a woman posing like a man. There is no gender proofing involved here mister or miss or dumbass. I was responding to the notion that all of you are boys thus "male". You know, piss standing up or use your little head to think instead of the big one gender.

I'm a fair person but don't start no crap with me Bueller! I could care less about JLS/Corrine/GallopingGourmet argument and I really wonder what "man" would give a fuck to the degree you give a fuck.

Now get back to your fun boooooooy. In my Vanilla Ice voice. Hey, when I think of you Gambler from now on, that's who I will see ;) lol. Or Kenny Rogers. Is that cool? Rhetorical. Ok, I'm a child sometimes. As I lower my head in shame :(

Good day you Fruit. I kid, I kid.

AuggyDoggy548 reads

I've been following this board for a little over a year, and I have seen some serious personal attacks. What's the point?

Jullia is, from what I know of her, a terrific lady who goes out of her way to be helpful to both women and men. She also has some strong opinions which she is not afraid to express, and I find that refreshing. If you don't agree, argue the merits, and leave off the personal attacks.

Auggy Doggie, the truth be told. Do you smell jealousy in the air.????? Kelley

Panthera12554 reads

Unfortunately, None of the hookers on this ass kissing thread are going to be booking sessions or putting food on her table, but I am enjoying the cellophane.     Panthera12

Panthera12511 reads

Rumor has it that she has written some of my posts onto a big mirror with red lipstick in her bedroom. How's that for admiration?

Maybe it was TS

I get confused easily  ;)

Posted By: Panthera12
Rumor has it that she has written some of my posts onto a big mirror with red lipstick in her bedroom. How's that for admiration?  

Panthera12519 reads

but she is in recovery. The years we just not right, lol. Besides, I don't think that "T" can even cook and she won't clean the kennels. Two deal breakers.

Over you that is handsome. I'm sorry to crush your feelings so crushingly lol.  But you are correct, I don't clean nor cook (for men that is), only I and a few other lil Apple's in me basket. That's men's work in my opinion.  So what are you making me for dinner on our first date? I'm not a big eater, but I'll give you some suggestions when the time is right lol. Dr. Who can do the dishes and watch lol.

Anyway, what in the heck am I doing on this board lol. Was just browsing and ... lol

xx kisses (you boys be nice now)
S/T lol

Posted By: Panthera12
but she is in recovery. The years we just not right, lol. Besides, I don't think that "T" can even cook and she won't clean the kennels. Two deal breakers.    

-- Modified on 1/27/2015 4:34:14 PM

I also don't do dishes...but I'm sure that my good pal JLS will be happy to do the dishes.  And even happier to cook for all of us.  We'll have to buy the I doubt she could possible pay for this in advance.  Seems she's tight on funds again.    

I just don't want her hanging around watching the fun...that would be too creepy, like having my mom around.

Posted By: StevieStyles
Over you that is handsome. I'm sorry to crush your feelings so crushingly lol.  But you are correct, I don't clean nor cook (for men that is), only I and a few other lil Apple's in me basket. That's men's work in my opinion.  So what are you making me for dinner on our first date? I'm not a big eater, but I'll give you some suggestions when the time is right lol. Dr. Who can do the dishes and watch lol.  
 Anyway, what in the heck am I doing on this board lol. Was just browsing and ... lol  
 xx kisses (you boys be nice now)  
 S/T lol  
Posted By: Panthera12
but she is in recovery. The years we just not right, lol. Besides, I don't think that "T" can even cook and she won't clean the kennels. Two deal breakers.    

-- Modified on 1/27/2015 4:34:14 PM

which once you behave like one lol, there may be Chocolate Chip and Peanut Butter for you. Until then, your punishment is to do the dishes I'm afraid. Noone likes to do them, but they have to be done lol. I'm thinking Ms. Julia may want to serve you up rare with a side of slaw to Panthera right about now lol.  

Dr. Who doesn't need a time out does he? lol

xx kisses

(ttys, I'm on vaca in 4 hours lol Yeehaw. So behave until I get back, at least try to ;)

Panthera12460 reads

But I do know that you enjoy steak. I just hope that you like it rare and with vegetables.

I used to work at a Comedy Club in Charlotte a  while back, and I do have to say you missed your calling...........Kelley

Popcorn please............and a glass of wine..........Kelley

But I would have expected a few more Knights here...not the handmaidens  LOL

And how do you know these gals aren't taking cooking lessons?  Maybe how to use the square for deposits?  Or just listening to their problems in general...offering her usual bad advice.

Some gals are really good with helping the newer gals out...others see an opportunity.  

I suspect a few of the gals on this thread will learn it on their own...hopefully it won't cost too much.

Posted By: Panthera12
Unfortunately, None of the hookers on this ass kissing thread are going to be booking sessions or putting food on her table, but I am enjoying the cellophane.     Panthera12

Panthera12535 reads

They have all been beaten down and have been transitioned into sage hobbyists by following in my paw prints.  

As far as the cooking lessons, that would actually be a good idea. Some of these hookers have been students and "graduates" for 15 years and still can't hold down a job in the civvie world. At least if they can learn to cook and clean, they have a shot at nailing down a husband and producing offspring (not that I am encouraging that second part).

Pretty late in the game to nail down a man and start a family.

Nah..most already have kids.

I'm pretty sure that it takes at least 25 years to get the BA in literature.  I can only imagine how many more to earn a Masters in it as well.

The cooking thing is a really good tool to have.  But I've seen many an incall that could really use a serious OCD cleaning type around.

Posted By: Panthera12
They have all been beaten down and have been transitioned into sage hobbyists by following in my paw prints.  
 As far as the cooking lessons, that would actually be a good idea. Some of these hookers have been students and "graduates" for 15 years and still can't hold down a job in the civvie world. At least if they can learn to cook and clean, they have a shot at nailing down a husband and producing offspring (not that I am encouraging that second part).

There are a few who have been hounding her for over a year now, for what? Basically offering two different services?  

I know it wasn't the most transparent transition, but there are plenty of girls who do massage and escort, escort and strip, escort and do fetish, escort and act.... And most of them probably do it under different names to avoid overlap or to very understandably not mix the two "characters", so to speak. I don't know. I think everyone gets the point but I don't think it's as big of a deal as it's being made out to be either. There are a LOT bigger rip offs that should be kept track of than whether someone wants her to cook them dinner vs just hang out in the room. Not to mention that I'm pretty sure her reviews are now combined, so anyone who sees them will know. There's no real need to keep people posted at this point, and I recall the back channel being quite strong here.  

I want it to be clear that this isn't meant in support of either side, because I do see both. I just agree with the ladies who say it's really starting to clutter up the board. Don't you think if people cared, someone from here would be putting in all that work to keep the rumor that she's shady alive?

Just my 2 cents. I don't go here anymore either, so take it for what you paid for it, lol

We have met a few times. I for one wish you still called these parts home, just wanted to express. I love your mind. The man or woman who gets the sensual more mature refined you in ten years or so will be one lucky person. Not that anything is wrong with you now. Lol. Just thinking that side of you will surely be an experience of many wonders.

This isn't really about what you've said here on this thread but others and that other media outlet too.  

OhCharlie! Damn OhCharlie! :) Out the box thinking. Love that shit.

-- Modified on 1/26/2015 3:39:30 PM

Not that there's anything wrong with my new home, but I did have to leave behind some of my favorite people to get there! :-)

Well said Miss White. I've enjoyed reading Julia's posts here on the Carolinas board. They are very informative and provide a good insight on subject matter from the view of the provider. And the same goes for you and Miss Foxy. I can easily say that you ladies are more intelligent than half the guys that post on the Board (I'm talking to you, impotent hater trolls). Trolls, it's best just to not post anything on this board if it's just going to be some nonsense that will just startup another waste of board space. It's boring, unintelligent, and a complete waste of time reading. I will make an exception to that. It can be fun reading your stupid brain farts, but only in anticipation of the witty comebacks made by these lovely ladies. These ladies know more about how this hobby goes than you do. So boys, just stay off the board unless you actually have something intelligently important to say. There's no room for negativity on this board. And ladies, thank you for having the time and patience in reading these posts and replying back to them in fashion and with stride. And like the saying goes : HATERS GONNA HATE !!!

Panthera12527 reads

You sound like a lap dog begging for a milk bone.

ooooh, scathing response. I'm just telling it as it is smartass. You're just another unhappy troller who wouldn't have a chance with the ladies that posted on here. It's classless assholes like you who always find a way to bring a mood down. If you hate what's being posted on here, just leave the site . I'd expect nothing less of a response like that from a Beta Male like you. But in the end, you're just a classless asshole.

Panthera12517 reads

I don't see old providers and I don't see fat providers. Every provider on this thread is disqualified. They have no chance, not the other way around.  

It's pretty obvious that you will fuck just about anything that moves. However, I am glad to see that you have been passing by the $60 quick ghetto hookers. You can always step it up a few more notches and see some better class providers.

If you need a fuck board to improve your mood, you are really a sad case and have some serious issues aside from the obvious.

Old and fat? If you're referring to the ladies on this board, You way off. They aren't fat, and they're MATURE. Age is just a number Pal. And in regards to the women I've seen, these women aren't the typical BP ad girls you see everyday. Yes, some of them do advertise on BP, but only because they choose to. When it comes to girls, I don't always go for looks, but I always go for performance and who they are on the inside based on their reviews . I don't know what type of girls you see, so I can't really judge your taste in women. But due to the fact that your profile is locked, I can tell that you're nothing more than a cheapskate who's the real one who goes after any tail that posts on any site. And I'm willing to bet based on how you conduct yourself, you have a hard time booking the high class girls based on your reputation as an impotent  attention seeking beta male. And in regards to a "Fuck Board", don't need one and will never need one.

I agree. Looks don't matter much as I find most providers to be attractive.
I am looking for good service, and attitude.
Plus, there is nothing hotter than a hot MILF lol

Oh, I like the fire and spark in your post, yet that is what he gets off on, Don't let him get to you, seriously..............It is not worth it. Kelley

Understood. But I just felt important to put it out there that he really is an impotent Beta male (Poor guy never really fully developed if you know what I mean) who couldn't get a date with a 100$ bill on his head.

No big mistake.......They will make you feel like going thru puberty again. HGH (Human Growth Hormone) is the kick ass thing that will turn back the hands of time. Gosh almighty I wanted to work out all the time, could see my muscles growing. BTW.......Google it. Kelley

Don't do the testosterone treatments, you may end up like him...........Kelley

Posted By: capsde58
Well said Miss White. I've enjoyed reading Julia's posts here on the Carolinas board. They are very informative and provide a good insight on subject matter from the view of the provider. And the same goes for you and Miss Foxy. I can easily say that you ladies are more intelligent than half the guys that post on the Board (I'm talking to you, impotent hater trolls). Trolls, it's best just to not post anything on this board if it's just going to be some nonsense that will just startup another waste of board space. It's boring, unintelligent, and a complete waste of time reading. I will make an exception to that. It can be fun reading your stupid brain farts, but only in anticipation of the witty comebacks made by these lovely ladies. These ladies know more about how this hobby goes than you do. So boys, just stay off the board unless you actually have something intelligently important to say. There's no room for negativity on this board. And ladies, thank you for having the time and patience in reading these posts and replying back to them in fashion and with stride. And like the saying goes : HATERS GONNA HATE !!!
When it comes to the defending of the professional integrity of said JLS/Corr/Chef, I can NOT do so, because I have not worked directly with her, I have never put money in her pocket, nor hers in mine; I have no dog in that fight. I can not defend her.
What I can defend is her right to NOT be antagonized, bullied, harassed YEAR IN AND OUT.
Thread in and OUT.

I mean.... do you board posters have NOTHING better to do than stalk her?

Ok, fair enough she hasn't answered all your questions... But here's the thing...
That is her RIGHT.

Similarly to this...

When our soldiers go off to war, they may not agree to "MY" opinions or my politics, but they would die to defend MY right to have them, right?

I deserve to have an environment free of this DRAMA BULLSHIT.... I mean.... what did I do to deserve this atmosphere?
I try to be productive, I try to be friendly, I cater to my clients on boards and off....
I think some people think it's okay to violate the rights of many in the pursuit of "justice" of one?
(Ok I wish I could word that better, but really, I don't know how at this moment...)

I'm just tired of seeing our lovely & friendly Carolina board littered with the poop of GD posters.

But you know what man,
Trying to defend the undefendable, is a losing battle.
Trying to talk sense to people who will see none, is insanity itself.

They keep doing the SAME thing thinking they will get different results.
I guess I need to learn by (mis)example, no?

It's late, I'm tired, I worked hard today, and played hard.
All I know... is you are right....

Everyone polluting this board with negativity.... can suck it.
Anyone else wanting to "play nice" feel free to holla' at me anytime

I would have expected a smart gal like you would have more to say than....

snap  LOL do know that you have a fan club as well.  Not as prolific as the one JLS has accrued over the years...but with posts like these you're quickly earning a place on the BSC bandwagon.

Keep up the good work  ;)

People aren't "Bat shit crazy" just because they don't care for your posts. The ladies and gentlemen of the Carolina's are just that. Whatever is going on between you and Julia has nothing to do with the posters here, and they don't need to be beaten over the head with your (et al) feelings. They certainly don't deserve to be spoken to or about as they have been on this thread.  

You, in particular, seem to be a fan of coming here just to call the ladies old and fat. I have to say, they do have a number of MILF types, and they do have a range of BBWs. But there is also a huge spectrum of ages and sizes just like everywhere else, and there is at least one incredible girl in each niche, something not even some larger and more popular areas can claim. You don't know the market, you're just loud. The ladies here aren't crazy, and the guys here don't need testosterone shots for not appreciating someone barging in just to be mean.  

I would like to propose the same question that you asked Foxy earlier: why do you have such a vested interest in something that doesn't concern you? Why do you feel the need to come to a local board and insult an entire region that you don't even play in?  

Like I said in another post, I do understand both sides, so don't feel like you have to answer here, it's all just food for thought. And, a reminder that your problem with Julia isn't a problem with the Carolina's unless you choose to make it so :-)

-- Modified on 1/28/2015 7:57:28 AM

Thought you had nothing here either  LOL

Interesting that JLS can't seem to post herself anymore.  Don't you find that odd?

She has NO problems giving out horrible advice on the NB....but here on her own board...crickets  LOL

I did notice that another popular poster on the NB & DC boards is also running BP ads now.  Is this a trend?

Posted By: OhCharlie
People aren't "Bat shit crazy" just because they don't care for your posts. The ladies and gentlemen of the Carolina's are just that. Whatever is going on between you and Julia has nothing to do with the posters here, and they don't need to be beaten over the head with your (et al) feelings. They certainly don't deserve to be spoken to or about as they have been on this thread.  
 You, in particular, seem to be a fan of coming here just to call the ladies old and fat. I have to say, they do have a number of MILF types, and they do have a range of BBWs. But there is also a huge spectrum of ages and sizes just like everywhere else, and there is at least one incredible girl in each niche, something not even some larger and more popular areas can claim. You don't know the market, you're just loud. The ladies here aren't crazy, and the guys here don't need testosterone shots for not appreciating someone barging in just to be mean.  
 I would like to propose the same question that you asked Foxy earlier: why do you have such a vested interest in something that doesn't concern you? Why do you feel the need to come to a local board and insult an entire region that you don't even play in?  
 Like I said in another post, I do understand both sides, so don't feel like you have to answer here, it's all just food for thought. And, a reminder that your problem with Julia isn't a problem with the Carolina's unless you choose to make it so :-)

-- Modified on 1/28/2015 7:57:28 AM

Don't do the testosterone treatments, you may end up like him...........Kelley

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