
AMP information, help, anything, everything
MayberryFloyd 113 Reviews 605 reads

AMP goers that would know please help.  Thanks for sharing any knowledge.  A PM is fine too.  

A friend was telling me how nice a table shower was and since I'd never had one, and since the one below is a really great location for me (Concord), and since I was curious....I went.  Twice now actually.  It's in a shopping center, private rooms, and is very clean.  The massage was most excellent!!!  It was good or better than any I've had local, on vacation, or on a cruise ship.  The lady certainly didn't mine rubbing my ass and I was happy to let her.  Gotta love a good butt rub!  The table shower was indeed interesting and kinda fun.  She certainly didn't mind me being naked and well...I like being naked.  Anyway... both times I've left obviously wanting a little more anyway.  A LOT more would be amazing but without seeming greedy I'd have been happy with a little more.  I can take a hint but I haven't been given one unless the hint is (nothing else is going to happen) and it hasn't sunk into my head yet.  Big head that is.

Can anybody share any information about this place that I don't know.  Please!

Try this.  Once you're in a position that makes it clear you're not LE, just ask what is on the menu and at what cost. If they are in a high LE oversight area, it will remain limited.  If not, I would be surprised if the menu is not more extensive.  This same add shows up all over the place. One significant concern over these places is underage sex-trafficking that has resulted in AMP crackdowns in some metropolitan areas.

Thanks for the input.  I haven't seen anything close to anybody under age.  That's scary.  I'd run the other way if I even suspected.  I appreciate all the feedback.  Most were PM's but there are lots of cool folks on this board.  I don't post very often but I'd happily help others if I could.  Feel free to PM

...if the lady is modestly dressed and made up there will be no extras.  If however, she's fetchingly dressed and made up to wow you, extras are available at an additional price.

Posted By: MayberryFloyd
Thanks for the input.  I haven't seen anything close to anybody under age.  That's scary.  I'd run the other way if I even suspected.  I appreciate all the feedback.  Most were PM's but there are lots of cool folks on this board.  I don't post very often but I'd happily help others if I could.  Feel free to PM.  

GaGambler153 reads

and for the record, underage girls at an AMP are almost unheard of. Most of the women come here from Korea and have to get visas, there is far from a shortage of willing adult women willing to come to the US, make a very nice bankroll and then return home. Why would anyone running any of these types of operations want to risk decades in prison for recruiting underage girls? It just makes no sense and it's why you need to think before mindlessly believing the headlines you read.

I dated a Thai girl for quite some time who worked for an agency that had loose arrangements with other Thai agencies and many of the girls would rotate through just like the K Girls and AMP girls. She did the horoscopes for literally dozens of her friends that worked in this business, many of whom advertised as early twenties and were sometimes suspected of being close to "jail bait" age. The very youngest of these women was 24, I know this for a fact as I knew all their real names and birthdays (although I couldn't pronounce any of them. lol) most of the women were early thirties yet had no problem passing for early to mid twenties.

Please don't buy into the whole human trafficking of unwilling minors bullshit spread by a sensationalist media. The real story of very willing adult women just trying to make a better life for themselves simply doesn't sell as well as headlines of abused women crammed into shipping containers like cattle.

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