
A spin off from the GD boards Toiletries...hotel samples?red_smile
mona38 See my TER Reviews 661 reads

Those one time use of shampoos, lotions, and soaps. Ladies do you ever use them if you forgot to pack your own? or take any with you when departing? There are some chains that I like and their samplings are not bad. I like their compact size and dispose of theirs and add my own. I have a client that saves them and donates the samplings to a local shelter. Do you ladies or gents find any practical uses for them?  I know you are there to put the room to good use and not those little vials of scents!!!
Just a curious thought.....

Smiles Mona

of lotion and another who uses a really good shampoo and conditioner, but those teeny bottles are never enough when I forget to pack my own (I have super thick hair) so I usually end up asking housekeeping for more and they end up giving me more than I need so I usually keep em on me for camping trips :)

I hit Walgreens and buy up body wash, soap, scope, etc in travel sizes and mens' scents so that whatever they need is in the bathroom and isn't the hotel stuff. Some hotel's have great products, and some do not. I have sensitive skin so I don't always like to chance it, but if I know the product line... we all know the raiding the lazy housekeeper's cart trick. But that is rare for me as I have a bag filled with shower time goodies.

...I do often bring my own toiletries but depending on the brands of the samples the hotel is giving I'll take them (name brands). I've been in hotels where they give you pretty much any and every item by request for a man or woman you could think of.

I also bring cozy bath rug/hand towels/blanket/throw/fresh flowers...etc..etc..etc
I remove anything hotel related and exchange with sexy atmosphere and spa like
I'm also a clean and clear
I think you could bounce a quarter off my beds
must have been the military training!

I replace the hotel toiletries/hotel related stuff...etc.. back in place.before I check out.

-- Modified on 3/26/2014 1:53:56 PM

I was in Chicago in the Fall and had an outcall to my hotel room

when I went to shower after the provider had left, the only thing the in bathroom was the bar of soap I had opened in the morning. She cleared out everythign else!

You can call her any name you want because she took something that was intended for the guest and not for his temporary visitor.

So if I took the bottle of champagne your prior client gave to you I would not be a thief just because it was given to you at no charge?

I was agreeing with you that what she did was wrong....and you have every right to call her "Any Name" you want. I was trying to be Humorous, because in a sense it was. I surely did not mean anything else by it. Maybe I worded it wrong and you saw it that way.  As far as the Champagne goes, The bottle would be empty before my guest leaves, because we would share it together.

-- Modified on 4/5/2014 5:51:44 AM

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