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Number 6 124 Reviews 22763 reads

Only 5 gazillion ladies working in this town, of virtually every country on the planet.

hi, well my earlier post yielded zero results as to lookin
for I am lookin for an escort in Toronto  in mid-Feb....
am in town from Feb 14-18........sataying downtown (royal york).
..........or if this is not the right way , someone tell me how to find what i am looking for....i want some one who is erotic and imagianative and not afriad to get invloved (if u know what I mean) not worried about the cost...would pay more for sick of laying down 3-400 for someone whose main goal is to get out of room in 20 minutes and make it as impersonal as possible.....massage joints are btter than most of the Toronto escorts i have had lately.............plaese find my bridegette......or a replacement..........thanx

Only 5 gazillion ladies working in this town, of virtually every country on the planet.

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