
You wanna judge
papidog 74 Reviews 1367 reads
1 / 59

It amazes me sometime the stupidity of what I used to consider smart business women. You hire a photographer then post on ter and p411 and other sites you pay for ads and memberships and then you set up a Twitter. All this to get attention and hopefully meet nice clients with whom you can establish a rapport. So hers some free advice I think might save you ladies some money and or loss of business. Your views are for your friends and personal life unless you are unconcerned about the loss of revenue postin them may cause.

Case in point : I was planning on seeing a provider I've had  on my to do list for over a year and I see a post she's in back bay next week. So I  look her up tonight to see the details  
Where and when and set up a date. I've been pre screened and missed her last time in. So I go to her Twitter and she post all the liberal nonsense and rhetoric that is exactly opposite of my views. Now I don't want to fuck her and I don't want her to earn from me and I'm totally u attracted to her ...and bummed out that she is so fucking stupid to post views that are at least opposite of 50 per cent of the public and due to the age of hobbies the probably higher as a group.  

Just because we like young women and pussy doesn't mean we are all liberal or for that matter conservative but when you introduce  extreme views left or right you alienate and that's fine in your personal life but I just don't understand putting in all the effort to gain business then bashing donald trump or Hillary. Politics have no place in the hobby unless the client wants to pay $400 an hour to talk about it.

So she lost my date and her trip will be a few bucks shy of what could be and she may never know how Manu others just want a hour or two sex and escape and not  much else.

Wish she would have shut the fuck up and posted nudes instead of her views.

On a brighter not I'll find someone else to play with next week and I get to shop all over again for my tryst

OnlyLiveTwice 25 Reviews 599 reads
2 / 59

You are right, politics and business are a poor mix.

On the other hand, she probably will not notice the loss of revenue from your cancellation. Some other monger will happily bang her in your place and may even impress her.

Last I checked, "stupid" is not an offense in this land of the free & home of the brave....

Did I forget to say welcome back

LamontCranston69 669 reads
3 / 59

they agree with your point of view, papidog
She has every right to post her views on politics or any other social or economic matter.
No matter what they are.
Granted it might not be good business, but having a closed mind like yours is not good either.
Just my thought on the matter
(P.S. I don't really care if you agree with them)

dasicorp 72 Reviews 613 reads
4 / 59

Who gives a fuck what a providers political,religious or any other views are on anything? Assuming she's in her 20's and you're in you're 50-60's  they are going to be a lot of defferences least of witch is politics. If you wanna fuck girls that are the same age as your children you should be prepared for the generation gap. When you start thinking this is real is when you need to get real.

-- Modified on 11/30/2015 6:32:32 AM

josulli 15 Reviews 443 reads
5 / 59

I expect a lot of differences.. But most of the young girls are way more conservative than I am.. They don't have the life experience I do and didn't  go through the things that make me a committed Liberal.. I have cancelled appointments with someone for exactly the same reason.. they appear to be too conservative.. I don't want to clutter my life with ideas from them..  
In general however, if she's great looking and loves sex.. I do ignore many of the statements and just enjoy myself.. I don't want to know their views if they have some ideas that I find repugnant.. I would much rather have great sex with them.. and usually that's the case..

jdn29 4 Reviews 482 reads
6 / 59

Sex > politics + religion + choice of music (I'll even see providers that like Taylor Swift)

dasicorp 72 Reviews 434 reads
7 / 59

How can anyone judge political views when seeing a prostitue,sounds a bit hypocritical to me. How would your friends and family judge you if they knew about your infatuation with prostitues?

starquarterback 415 reads
8 / 59

"Hate sex"! Don't you just want to blow a load on the pretty liberal's face?

You might want to rethink your politics though too. Conservatives these days are not a brainy bunch and there is too much at stake to let them rule.

nothrofboston 24 Reviews 355 reads
9 / 59


thecandicecarter See my TER Reviews 454 reads
10 / 59

I guess the thought didn't cross his mind to unfollow her on Twitter... What he really needs is someone listen to him explain why he has so much hate inside of him! Scary.

Source: I am socially liberal as fuck, many of my regulars are conservative/have better things to do than use someone's personal opinions as an excuse to victimize... #freetherapeuticinsightsfromahooker

papidog 74 Reviews 499 reads
11 / 59

I think I didn't apply my thoughts clearly to the post, mea culpa
I'm not offended or surprised by views of providers and my mind is open to lively debate. Just was saying that from a business perspective why go to all the time trouble and expense to alienate a good portion of your target audience? It's just so stupid to work at a profession, shoot yourself in the foot with views no one here cares about ( this isn't a poli science blog) and then complain about the high cost of
Hair and nails etc.

Their view don't offend me it's what makes America diverse but it's their moronic attempts at being politically relevant on a fuck and suck board

papidog 74 Reviews 383 reads
12 / 59

You see our views are different  in life but exactly the same in so much as we've both cancelled for the same reason. Are we fickle? No it's  just uncomfortable and people prefer like minded people. Your real life friends agree with you more than they disagree. This is not a debate it's common sense  
Advertising 101 ..don't offend or alienate .

2024125 12 Reviews 373 reads
13 / 59

"Wish she would have shut the fuck up and posted nudes instead of her views."

Because she's a provider she's not allowed to be human and have a political opinion?  No, just shut the fuck up and show me your tits.

You're disgusting man.

papidog 74 Reviews 397 reads
14 / 59

Actually I never followed her on Twitter I was just hitting the link on her ads. I'm glad your liberal, congratuLtions based on your age and demographic you are in  The majority and your friends are too. But from a perspective of Your customer who you are here to try to attract with a lot of competition of other pretty ladies it would probably be best to relish those opinions elsewhere.  I'm not angry and never expect my views to be your views or vice versa it's just mazing to me how people don't think when they try to attract new business. I appreciate the " view from a hooker" as you stated but  if you've ever spent money to acquire a hobbiest or run and ad imagine how dumb it is to try to post political nonsense that totally overshadows your goal.  
Save it for Facebook

papidog 74 Reviews 401 reads
15 / 59

Great point  
That's why I was saying political views need not be here. I wasn't judging I don't care who someone likes or hates etc. I just cannot understand what they are thinking when posting that shit on a hobby board.

If she travels to boston from NYC as an example takes a plane or train and get her hair and nails etc. then that's a lot of effort to perhaps needlessly lose $400 minimum for every guy that sees your Twitter and says ...too opinionated or too liberal or too goth etc.  

It's not defendable from a common sense point of view. If she was booked and didn't care she would be on p411 and posting on the ad board and emails pre screened guys etc.  

You cannot defend stupid and being controversial on a fuck board is ok for a hobbiest but the seller should act a little smarter

papidog 74 Reviews 380 reads
16 / 59

She's entitled and damn stupid to post them. Like you are stupid to call names and opine on someone you've never met. I wish that she would have posted nudes for her sake as she may have turned off more than just me. You insult hobbiest and claim I expect her to not have an opinion but you miss the point completely. There nothing chauvinistic about it. Hobby lobby was dumb to take a harsh stand against providing health care to fund abortions as a Christian based company and it hurt business Starbucks was reeling after posting debate and controversial remarks by their founder and lost millions of daily latte drinkers at $6 a pop. Chick filet hurt their franchisees with far right views.

Shut up and pour the coffee

Shut up and give me my chicken sandwich  

Shut up and sell me whatever is at hobby lobby

Shut up and show your that better now princess?

Sensual Missy See my TER Reviews 381 reads
17 / 59

I can understand what papidog is trying to say, but it made him uncomfortable or turn him off of what she had written on Twitter.  Sometimes when someone writes things like that and make you think how stupid she is or was, it does not necessarily means she is dumb.  We are older and wiser and had been there and done that, but in this generation is different, they don't really understand what we see or how we express life in general.  Remember when we were younger, older people thought we were dumb, but we did not understand what they were talking about then?  We realized what they were saying as we got older.  

Everybody has the rights to voice their opinions on anything, even politicians.  Going on to Twitter and read what she wrote and you judge her and made you not want to see her.  You let that bother you and put a problem upon yourself.  Like I said before, this is her generation or what she understands and believe in.  You can't change her and she can't change you either.  The question is, what does sex has to do with politicians?  Would you planning to talk about politicians with her on your hard earn money or just to have a great sex with her?

Everybody has their own opinions on politicians or anything and that is part of life whether you agree with that person or not.  All she did was to express her feelings on twitter of what she believes in.  We made afford hotels, travel, etc., but it is not easy on us either, but we do what we can in life in order to survive.

I hope you don't hate me, but I am not trying to get you to see her, but trying to help you to see and what is happening here in this generation.  I hope this help you papidog.  Remember we were young once and we are older, wiser and mature now.  Peace and Love not war Sweetie!!

Sensual Missy See my TER Reviews 396 reads
19 / 59
dasicorp 72 Reviews 357 reads
20 / 59

what a prostitues politic view or any view is.. I wanna get laid and do not give a fuck about any of her views. The only view I want is the back of her head .

2024125 12 Reviews 385 reads
21 / 59

You've made it pretty clear about the type of person you are and gladly I've never met you.  

Did you ever think that maybe this woman doesn't care about what potential clients think of her political views?  That maybe her business model is different from others on purpose?  Or maybe she is mature enough to look past personal ideals unlike you?  I think you missed all of this while mansplaining, hurling insults and telling her how to run her business.

Your original post is what it is.  Just keep backpedaling, with your mea culpa, and see which ladies choose to follow you.
Posted By: papidog
She's entitled and damn stupid to post them. Like you are stupid to call names and opine on someone you've never met. I wish that she would have posted nudes for her sake as she may have turned off more than just me. You insult hobbiest and claim I expect her to not have an opinion but you miss the point completely. There nothing chauvinistic about it. Hobby lobby was dumb to take a harsh stand against providing health care to fund abortions as a Christian based company and it hurt business Starbucks was reeling after posting debate and controversial remarks by their founder and lost millions of daily latte drinkers at $6 a pop. Chick filet hurt their franchisees with far right views.  
 Shut up and pour the coffee  
 Shut up and give me my chicken sandwich  
 Shut up and sell me whatever is at hobby lobby  
 Shut up and show your that better now princess?

ImagineUs 16 Reviews 355 reads
22 / 59

Perhaps she is saying what she wants to say, and *advertising* for exactly the type of clients she wants to see.  

Has it occurred to you that just maybe young liberal hookers don't want anything to do with hate mongering conservatives?   From everything I've read here over the past 7 years, losing you as a customer isn't going to hurt anyones business.  

It is the epitome of arrogance and entitlement for mongers here to think they have a right to fuck any hooker because they have the cash to do so.  Most of these woman have higher standards than just accepting cash from someone they would otherwise despise.  

Having clients who are more in tune with your ideals or beliefs can be a lot more rewarding than having clients who harbor hate, ignorance and misinformation?

just saying....    Not all hobbists are a prize.

nothrofboston 24 Reviews 326 reads
23 / 59
Ernestine See my TER Reviews 473 reads
24 / 59

Ladies, I'd advise you to do the same. Someone who contains such vitriol against us could easily become scary in person.

GaGambler 345 reads
25 / 59

I bet you if you had made a post saying that you were liberal leaning and that you were hugely offended by her "right wing hate speech" and that she should be aware that spouting off that type of rhetoric was going to alienate half of her potential customer base.  

I have an idea, wait a week or two, or simply do this on a different board. Make the same post in reverse, I bet you get a completely different reaction.

Personally, I get what you were trying to say, Why would a businesswoman want to alienate half of her customer base by bringing politics into the business of fucking?  

If you decide to try my little experiment please drop me a PM letting me know where to find it. I am eager to see if I am right. Or even better, anyone want to make a small wager on the outcome?

papidog 74 Reviews 405 reads
26 / 59

Actually as she has been on my radar I think she's not looking for like minded hobbiest as much as hobbiest ready to be kind and pay her rate. She had complained of boston being " slow" on the last trip and that she might skip Boston due to cost of rooms and cancellations and overall frustration so I'm sure my despicable views that I don't bother to share in the boudoir wouldn't offend her as I keep them to myself. Everyone has a 1st amendment defense for this poor provider but I never said she should change I just opined that it was stupid to post contreversial views when trying to gain business .  

Funny thing about liberals is they are offended when you aren't liberal like them. I hobby I've gambled I drink in my day so I'm obviously not so conservative as I have been accused of on this thread I just find it dumb and unnecessary to post views if you want business

papidog 74 Reviews 405 reads
27 / 59

The outcome would be as you expect..tons of agreement with me  and bashing the " hate monger" provider with people demanding she be outed.

Any provider that sees this thread and the shit show it created would see that like it or not I'm right. Your views are unless in pursuit of making money, unless your here to meet mr. Right

papidog 74 Reviews 427 reads
28 / 59

White listed by those I've seen and " black listed " allegedly from a provider I've never met lol the PC police.

Please don't see any hobbiest ladies that doesn't agree with you views....then apply for government assistance'll need it

Analias 416 reads
29 / 59

Now here is a person to be shunned!!!!!!!!!!

mrfisher 108 Reviews 396 reads
30 / 59

the safest route, but what is life if you're always going to play it safe?

I hold fairly left-wing views, though I enjoy talking to people, including providers, about politics and such because that way I can learn something from them, and they, from me.  There was one provider I met who held very conservative views (She was unaware of mine.) and expressed them in a very crude and demagogic way.  I decided not to see her again despite having a pretty decent time with her anyways.  It struck me later that maybe she was assuming I was a conservative since I am an elderly businessman and feigning conservative views in order to appease me.  If so, what a tragic waste.  If that had been the case however, I'd be even more averse to seeing her again.  I hate that kind of toadyism.  

For the most part the gals I meet and myself have pretty friendly discussions even when our sympathies lie at odds.

it's the old art of learning to disagree without being disagreeable.

(Hint, don't tell people you disagree with to STFU.  People don't like that, and you muddy your message.

papidog 74 Reviews 356 reads
31 / 59

Yet you never saw her again so muddy or not the message was true. It's not change your views as much as there ain't no need to post them if your trying to attract customers in a competitive field

2024125 12 Reviews 392 reads
32 / 59

It's about the aggressive way the OP chose to degrade a woman.

Papidog, you keep contradicting yourself by saying her views "don't offend you" and that you don't mind a debate yet "all the liberal nonsense and rhetoric that is exactly opposite of my views. Now I don't want to fuck her and I don't want her to earn from me and I'm totally u attracted to her.."  Not to mention calling her "stupid" and "moronic" more than once.

The fact you chose this route to go about your difference in opinion says way more about you than you even recognize.  Plus you don't even have the courtesy to name this person, give her the benefit of the doubt or a chance to defend herself.

By the way, TER has a Politics and Religion Discussion Board

GaGambler 365 reads
33 / 59

Whether or not you like the way the OP stated his case, the truth of the matter is when you start passionately discussing politics under the banner of your "brand" you most definitely risk alienating half of your client base by being too vocal about your politics.

I have made this same warning many times on the P&R board to both lefties and righties that if they were going to be too controversial about their politics they might consider doing so under an alias unless they were prepared to lose customers just to make a "point" to a bunch of people whose opinion they would never change any how.

I will agree the OP could have made his case a bit more diplomatically, but that doesn't change the fact that he made a valid point. No matter which side of the political aisle you are on, there are hundreds of millions of people who are going to disagree vehemently with your political views.

papidog 74 Reviews 357 reads
34 / 59

The views don't offend me there is no contradiction

Everyone is quick to criticize an opposing view but I was commenting on  the fact that regardless of what you may consider appropriate it can cost you business. As this thread indicates other hobbiest have had the same reaction in the past. So  it's a heads up. Not a political op Ed

Nnoway 13 Reviews 376 reads
35 / 59

To tell you the truth I think it's stupid of her being in this business to make her political believes widely known. Who cares who pays you: a right winger or a left winger or the so called "mushy middle" :)  

That being said if she is willing to take a loss on that account that's her business. I know of several situations when a provider and a hobbyist engaged in political discussion for pillow talk and both parted on much worse terms then they would've otherwise. People talk politics all the time in this business.  

She obviously feels strongly about her politics. Many people do. By making her opinions known in advance she hopefully minimizes the possibility to see those with whom she would likely develop bad vibes on that account. In that I personally think she's doing the right thing. I suspect it's much easier and more pleasant for a liberal to fuck someone whose heart is always bleeding for one cause or the other then to discover in the course of the session that you're absolutely disgusted by their thinking or their views or what have you.  

My advice to the original poster: find yourself a nice conservative values and thinking oriented provider who hopefully also is a good Christian and fuck the living shit out of her! If I remember correctly there is a porn star Jesse Rogers who fits that bill. I'm sure she's not the only one out there.

papidog 74 Reviews 349 reads
36 / 59

As the poster let me once again say I like liberals conservatives Asians blacks whites brazilians and tall and short providers so I don't need a conservative provider I'm not looking for Sara or Bristol Palin.

It was just a heads up to refrain as GA Gambler eloquently stated from a contreversial view on a board where it can never help your business . This provider I'm sure has no idea she hurts herself with her stupid Twitter ( stupid) because it is contreversial not because I personally disagree with the view .

Why turn off potential clients while hosting ? Isn't the object to get paid  as much as possible.

dasicorp 72 Reviews 283 reads
37 / 59

I assure you she will get tons of business if we know her name..maybe if she declares herself a liberal more libs would see her.. So to come to a site for prostitues and talk about there political views is a bit fucked up.. Oh btw I'm sure all the providers you have seen really didn't think you are as great as they said because they lye JS  

Posted By: nothrofboston

-- Modified on 11/30/2015 4:16:26 AM

thecandicecarter See my TER Reviews 316 reads
38 / 59

Agreed. OP's comment was sexist and there is no excuse for that. Other comments about government assistance.. that's classist! Come on.

I'm sure there's another board on a different site focusing on trying to get out anger by swearing at women. It is like Facebook though, people post opinionated stuff all the time, so though douchy, I don't know that he belongs on blacklist for people who are dangerous. Dealing with different personalities comes with every job I guess!

earthshined 334 reads
39 / 59

Posted By: dasicorp
Who gives a fuck what a providers political,religious or any other views are on anything? Assuming she's in her 20's and you're in you're 50-60's  they are going to be a lot of defferences least of witch is politics. If you wanna fuck girls that are the same age as your children you should be prepared for the generation gap. When you start thinking this is real is when you need to get real.  

-- Modified on 11/30/2015 6:32:32 AM
-- Modified on 11/30/2015 6:57:12 PM

earthshined 334 reads
40 / 59

and let us know how that goes.

papidog 74 Reviews 326 reads
41 / 59

I think you mean  Anne Coulter...where is she hosting?

escalade1964 65 Reviews 366 reads
42 / 59

Why would you "post" these thoughts?  

Its a 1 hour date for the love of pete

Analias 336 reads
43 / 59

I think you are mistaking Talk Show hostess for a sex change.

dasicorp 72 Reviews 317 reads
44 / 59

What's wrong u need a hug  

Posted By: earthshined
Posted By: dasicorp
Who gives a fuck what a providers political,religious or any other views are on anything? Assuming she's in her 20's and you're in you're 50-60's  they are going to be a lot of defferences least of witch is politics. If you wanna fuck girls that are the same age as your children you should be prepared for the generation gap. When you start thinking this is real is when you need to get real.  
 -- Modified on 11/30/2015 6:32:32 AM
-- Modified on 11/30/2015 6:57:12 PM

PenleyDuke See my TER Reviews 394 reads
45 / 59

I cannot imagine meeting a new gent and getting into a discussion about politics. I have had many lengthy chats while waiting for his cock to catch up with my mojo. I cannot recall an incident where we had any banter regarding my political views. Factually, I don't have one.  So I would indeed avoid the subject.  I recently had an overnight with a politician. We did not discuss politics. We did discuss everything from sex, to condom brands, to our next date, to his wife, to life experiences, to travel and arts which I could have given two shits less politics. Everything was on a light note. The whole point of us getting together is to have fun and forget about the serious bullshit that is part of real life. IMO you should give the woman a fair shake. She might just knock your socks off and that twitter garbage will no longer be ab issue. You can even tell her that you do not want to discuss politics during your date. Got get yourself a martini and a sloppy blow job. Bartenders in the bean just love to talk about politics and no doubt there will be a drunk chick there who will polish your angry knob for nothin'.

dasicorp 72 Reviews 330 reads
46 / 59

To think that ones political views would taint a prostitutes value is nuts.. . Go back to Jill and RSG that's where you belong..

-- Modified on 11/30/2015 8:44:05 PM

papidog 74 Reviews 343 reads
47 / 59

My post was really aimed at the stupidity of posting shit that's got nothing to do with being sexy and help a gal in her  making money.. Unless you are here for fun  ? If so then I'm wrong but I wasn't offended by her views that I fiound naive and simplistic. I hear it and see it daily but I was amazed at how dumb some people are  to spend all this time creating a presence onLine then fuck it up for no apparent reason.

Many other hobbiest even some on this thread have admitted to stop seeing a gal they were attracted to or diverting away from a gal they planned to see for this very same reason. This was a thinking out loud post. " I think it's probably better to not say dumb shit"  

I'm honest and it offends and I don't care. I'm far from mean and far from angry and see that some hobbiest and providers alike have comprehension problems after they read because to think its pompous or chavenistic or mean to state the obvious that politics and religion don't help you get business in this line of work...if that offends you then your wound too tight.

 I don't care if someone else fills my spot on the dance card and she doesn't miss a beat financially ...I'm not looking for her to fail or punish her I just said I lost interest and now she's less intriguing to me and thinking out loud I posted that, with the idea in mind that since most hobbiest are older than the providers some other guys  may feel the same way too and perhaps a provider or two will think  before they post and it may help them

AllyMoore See my TER Reviews 450 reads
48 / 59

That you Xed yourself out of what would have been a perfectly good sensual session because you went tooling around on social media?

Sex workers do not need to kowtow to the masses with their escort accounts.

The difference between Chik-Fil-A alienating millions of customers and an escort espousing her point of view online is that Chik-Fil-A sells sandwiches.  Sandwiches don't need a personality.

If an escort is a sex tech - like a nail tech or a barber - she can perform her job at the highest level of her ability with anyone.
She is on autopilot and just smiles & works your cock like the pro that she is.

Fine - if that is what you want, okay, there are plenty of women who do that.

If an escort sells based on personality - there are a lot of clients who a) are probably into her politics and want to fuck her because its a bonus he can talk to her freely b) into a raging bitch who will espouse her views no matter how intellectually lazy or underdeveloped c) really don't care about what she says online - he knows she's half crazy anyway to be available to anyone who picks up the phone with her rate and he is all over that shit because she's hot and seems vocal and actually runs a social media account.

I don't like your delivery - but I wouldn't disagree with you.  There is a reason why I personally do not generally tweet politics or religion.  Where I am from these are things that you simply don't discuss.  But additionally I know that my core audience doesn't want to hear it.  

There are so many other ways to express oneself than pretending like the entire political arena isn't bought and paid for and you know whats going on or who to support.  

I personally would rather express myself in other ways - but that doesn't mean that I shy entirely away from controversial positions- and the reason why is because I know who I want my target escort clientele to be and **they** don't have an issue with me saying whatever bullshit I want to say on the internet because they like the way my ass looks, they reckon that I am dynamite in bed...and they're confident that they can successfully impart any advice that they need to in person with me.  

To me, men spending time with women who they are paying is as much about mentorship and sharing as it is all the rest.

By the way -did you share these thoughts with your intended?  Or did you just start railing on your personal pet peeve?

I do hope that you come back in your next life as a woman so that you can sell your pussy as it is meant to be sold.
So much useful advice for us :)

-- Modified on 11/30/2015 10:03:35 PM

papidog 74 Reviews 438 reads
49 / 59

I have no advice for you as it seems you know everything.  

Thank you for the sage advice but I am not interested in how you'd handle it or how good the sex would be if I set politics aside...blah blah blah.

I know you have so much business you don't need clients and they line up for you so you post whatever you feel to stay true to your inner self.

For every white knight that comes to your rescue on this board there are many more that think I'm right and  don't post on this board.
the point of  my posting that I don't care if her business is uninterrupted is because I don't and someone said she won't miss my donation and guess what I don't care I'm not trying punish her or enlighten her either so the answer as whether I sent her my objection to her Twitter  to discuss it is also a resounding NO. . Her views were enough to make me go elsewhere and if she complains about Boston like she did in her  last visit a while back then I guess I've figured out why.

So get your picture professionally done then join ter and get a personal trainor  and  get your nails and hair done and get a room in a nice hotel then post stupid shit ...brilliant  

I  keep my views to myself in business even when I see ignorance or  bigotry because it's more important to do my job and get paid then teach the unteachable to gain some petty satisfaction.

Nnoway 13 Reviews 296 reads
50 / 59

Yea, what you say does make logical sense. But you know some people get pretty serious about their politics, more serious then about making money. As I said, I do know about situations and I want to emphasize plural not singular here when post-session talk turned to politics and both parted with disdain for one another.  
So as a provider she may just be filtering out those that she doesn't want to end up having drama with. Kind of similar when backpage ad says no blacks or no whites or noone under 30 or whatever else

nothrofboston 24 Reviews 386 reads
51 / 59

Maybe other conservative gents would want to fuck her even more for her comments. Especially those wacky candidates that entertain me during the debates. HILARIOUS ... get me some more popcorn

My money is on that she knows better than you or I how to attract a man. Unless you're not telling us something?

earthshined 279 reads
52 / 59

Posted By: dasicorp
What's wrong u need a hug  
Posted By: earthshined
Posted By: dasicorp
Who gives a fuck what a providers political,religious or any other views are on anything? Assuming she's in her 20's and you're in you're 50-60's  they are going to be a lot of defferences least of witch is politics. If you wanna fuck girls that are the same age as your children you should be prepared for the generation gap. When you start thinking this is real is when you need to get real.    
  -- Modified on 11/30/2015 6:32:32 AM
 -- Modified on 11/30/2015 6:57:12 PM

earthshined 266 reads
53 / 59

are you sure she is female? lol  i know what "her" name is.

how about Jeane Kirkpatrick? LMAO!

Star Parker is kinda cute and that lady with the glasses Kuppe? but as a liberal I'd have to tape their mouths shut.

-- Modified on 12/1/2015 8:17:22 AM

earthshined 330 reads
54 / 59

and the people who agree with you just pick ladies who don't "bother " them.  

You should do the same. jus' sayin'

papidog 74 Reviews 345 reads
56 / 59

I do exactly should any hobbiest looking for a enjoyable time. Seems everyone has an opinion on political views but my original post was just a heads up that it may effect a provider in a stealth way to post shit that's " cool" or relevant. She'll only book less than 1 /10 th of 1 per cent of her audience so why cause debate.

 I see providers I hope I'll enjoy and vice versa  and  if a provider post shit their target audience is turned off by they harm them self .  And being  ready with references and pre screened I was her target audience so case in point if she did it and it cause two more guys to move to the next picture then it could be harmful to business.  

She can post that she loves Stalin or hitter too and God lover her she'll probably get business from this community but as free as her speech is discretion is still the better part of valor

earthshined 341 reads
57 / 59

do you feel the same way about ladies who post regularly on these boards?

I find myself less attracted to some ladies that post on the boards( not for political reasons/comments) than I would be if  I never read them.
Posted By: papidog
I do exactly should any hobbiest looking for a enjoyable time. Seems everyone has an opinion on political views but my original post was just a heads up that it may effect a provider in a stealth way to post shit that's " cool" or relevant. She'll only book less than 1 /10 th of 1 per cent of her audience so why cause debate.  
  I see providers I hope I'll enjoy and vice versa  and  if a provider post shit their target audience is turned off by they harm them self .  And being  ready with references and pre screened I was her target audience so case in point if she did it and it cause two more guys to move to the next picture then it could be harmful to business.  
 She can post that she loves Stalin or hitter too and God lover her she'll probably get business from this community but as free as her speech is discretion is still the better part of valor

PenleyDuke See my TER Reviews 340 reads
58 / 59

You can do you any way you choose.  I still think you need a martini and a hummer 😉 lol

Eudaimonia 13 Reviews 297 reads
59 / 59

Posted By: jdn29
Sex > politics + religion + choice of music (I'll even see providers that like Taylor Swift)

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