
Worry not....
QuinnAdams 2115 reads
1 / 42

Hi all!

First off, Happy Father's Day to all the dad's out there, and especially to my amazing clients and followers. You know I adore you all. :)

Now, I hate to bring up a negative topic on this amazingly beautiful Sunday (and on my day off, when I should be enjoying the perfect weather at the beach instead of scrambling to fix an issue that I shouldn't even need to be dealing with), but I am wondering if anybody here has experience with receiving -- or potentially writing, although you don't need to admit it here -- a false provider review, or if anybody has a sense of why somebody would do this to a provider?

I received one today, which has basically ruined my day and really upset me, as it details what sounds like a horrible session with me. The issue is, this **100% NEVER HAPPENED**! None of it. It isn't even an exaggerated truth; it is a complete fabrication.  

And this negative review threatens to make me unappealing to new clients who might want to meet with me. Anybody who has met me, I would hope, would instantly know this is complete crap, but I have heard a lot of horror stories from clients, and I know that the world of providers is inconsistent at best, so I understand how a falsified account like this might lead to trepidation for those who have never set up an appointment with me.

While I am working with TER to try and get this review taken down as quickly as possible, I am wondering if anybody here -- both providers and hobbyists -- has any experience with this issue that they might be willing to share. Namely, I am looking for suggestions to try and prevent this from ever happening again. There is not much I can do to fix the review currently up there but wait and see how this all plays out and pray that my 25 glowing reviews will put at ease the mind of anybody who might believe such a bizarre story that the most recent review tells.

Part of the reason this bothers me so much is that I try to be extremely professional. Every session I book, I attempt to offer an amazing and unforgettable experience to the client. Of course, I am not perfect and have made a handful of very minor mistakes (mostly at the beginning), but learned from these and have continued to improve as a provider, which has led to a series of perfect scores lately.

I take responsibility for my imperfections and continue to strive to improve. However, I would never commit a series of mistakes so egregious -- calamitous, really -- as was described in this patently false account.  

If anybody has words of advice to me, I would truly welcome them. And in the meantime, I will hope for the best and that those who do read this have the good sense to know it is nothing more than a manifestation of somebody's anger, jealousy, or personal issues targeting a provider who has become increasingly known lately.

Thank you, in advance, for your help.

Help please!

-- Modified on 6/15/2014 4:11:48 PM

LamontCranston69 1458 reads
2 / 42

It was not mean or hatefully in any way. Sounds like someone was having a bad day and it wasn't him at first, but his day got worst.  

I know there are 3 sides to every story, Yours, His and the truth. So I have to ask, was any of his story true?
I mean he did say he saw you a few times before.

Remember if this review is true and your are trying to get it removed to save face,  You most likely got him kicked off of TER. Now is that what you really wanted to do?  

As for why people write fake reviews, there are lots of reason, most of the time it's to get back a girl they don't like or have a problem with.

QuinnAdams 1790 reads
3 / 42

I appreciate your response, but absolutely none of it was true. The most I have ever done in a session (and this is pretty bad, but nothing close to what he is suggesting) is that I answered my phone when somebody called repeatedly and said I would call them back. Then I turned my phone off. It was a friend who was in town visiting me and I needed her to get in touch with me when she landed, which was why my phone was on to begin with. However, I felt badly about even doing that and now try to remember to always turn my phones off before a session begins. And if I don't and they make a noise, I just turn them off then and don't answer or respond.

None of the rest is true! Nobody has ever knocked on the door. I have never spoken to anybody through the door! That is just crazy. This part of my life is something nobody in my personal life knows about, so nobody would know to go to a hotel, let alone which one and which room!! Further, nobody has ever left a session early.  

I appreciate that it is a well-written reivew with some concessions and complements at the start, but the actual experience he is describing simply did not happen. If I were going to try and write something like this to sabotage somebody, I would write it with eloquent and respectful wording too to make it more believable. Otherwise, it just looks like somebody has a bone to pick and is immediately discredited by anybody who reads it.

I don't know who wrote this and the only people who have seen me a few times would never write something of this nature. Nor would I ever act this way in a session. There is a reason my rate is what it is and that I have more appointment requests than I can handle. This is a very small community and word gets around, so if I did things like this in a session, I would certainly not be in the desirable position I am in as a provider.

I appreciate your feedback nonetheless.

bbbj 1350 reads
4 / 42

I must say that was a long story but in your defense the part that turned me in your favor was he said you needed to go to the hotel safe to get his money back..I have never been  with a provider that put the money in a safe after I gave it to her.
The other thing that was interesting was this was his first review and for a guy that has seen you many times not to have a review is suspect.
Also he said you shut  your phone off but it still rang?
But the question I must ask you is do you have a boyfriend?

papidog 74 Reviews 1318 reads
5 / 42

No answer you receive here will satisfy you as the issue is being " falsely " depicted  and that's a maddening feeling. The reason had it been a positive review would be to obtain  free VIP for writing a review.  
The reasoning for a negative are a little more complicated.  
Could be a person that can't afford your tryst time wants to hurt you for no reason other than to be mean.
Another provider jealous of your high rating may also be the culprit.
TER is pretty vigilant about phony postings so you'll be fine and your reviews will remain consistent for as long as you do.

1104910 36 Reviews 1063 reads
6 / 42


You've had too many excellent reviews to believe that one over-the-top negative one from a first time reviewer. (I rather doubt a first timer would go right away for a high end lady like yourself.)

The room safe comment makes no sense to me either.  

Please don't let this upset you. You are clearly a fabulous provider.  

Thanks for the Father's Day wishes.  

(And, of course, it's nobody's business here whether you have a boyfriend or not.

thechauncy 5 Reviews 1090 reads
7 / 42


One thing that comes to mind would be a person you screened out? I have never had this happen and I don't even know the logistics, if you email back and tell them you will not see them or you just do not respond. If you have recently screened someone out you did it for a reason, and I wouldn't put it past a person like that to post false reviews.

DT_lover 188 Reviews 1067 reads
8 / 42

The reviewer is apparently someone with substantial experience reading/writing TER.  A new TER name was made up to write this one review to hide identity.  I would not be surprised if the reviewer shows up on this board with further comments.

I have no inside info on who the reviewer is and no bias for or against Quinn.  I have been reading TER long enough to say this kind of thing does not totally surprise me.

lisaluvs See my TER Reviews 1120 reads
9 / 42

Hi Quinn,
Unfortunately this fake review stuff happens here and there. I myself just went through it last week.  Yes it is extremely upsetting especially when you care and strive to make people happy, as you do.  The best advice I can give is to contact TER and work through through their process.  They have "their ways" of weeding out the bogus reviews.  Fake reviews contradict the entire review system.  TER is fair and respond quickly,  trust them. The gents count on review content when deciding on who to spend time with.  A bogus review can be misleading to them. Why people would waste their time?  I don't know but sometimes it's worth giving the benefit of the doubt. Maybe the reviewer mixed you up with someone else?  I know what your thinking...... could happen though. Work though it with TER and if he never met you as was in my case,  TER will fix the issue.  Hang in there and your gents will most likely see right through a fake review! Don't let it ruin your day it happens to all of us at one time or another.  Xo

tomtruser 4 Reviews 1009 reads
10 / 42

I'm thinking Chauncy has it, someone you screened out perhaps trying to do a little revenge, which means you were definately right to screen out the creep in the first case!

But even if they don't delete the review, I think that normal guys realize that you can't please all the people all the time. From my perspective if someone has many many truly positive reviews then there's an outlier, I generally presume that the outlier was some smelly disgusting creepy guy with yellowed teeth and horrid breath and that's probably the reason. Hard to give top service to someone disgusting. And this guy has a bad post screen name/handle to boot, so there you have it. Assign no weight that that one. Reviews aside, just your posts on here indicate that you care about what you do and anyone with a clue can read your posts and know that you are one of the good ones

cavernosa-kid 1374 reads
11 / 42

Hi qwuinn.   I ha e to tell you that we have never met (yet) but I love you already, such is the strngth of your Mojo, or whatever is the cuRrent word !!   I think you know what I do for a living.......fantasies abound in men who end up hobbyists......and there is a common onem who AcTUally gets to date this delectable creature in the REAL World ???    The BOYfriend looms large in many mens fantasy lives.......and ythe "payers" can feel very diminished because of their own imaginations.........hoow can one scope this out in advanvce???    Dunno really.....I once saved a woman from marrying a dangerous psychptic now in prison...but he was on paper a decent unremarakble graduate student. But in a short meetinhg he let me into his fantasy life, and I warned my pal the father to break uo the enhgagement.    It happened on its own and nw all is well........more on this topic if you PM me.....we can barter if you are game.......the other way is "tincture of time".    More reviews which are as great as I imagine u will do know how to recognize aberrant reviews over tine.  (Statistics,).  And you will be well....but u didn't expect a kick in the teeth likr Lamont says.  "Shit happens".   Let's just heal this one and talk re this, and I am sure other ladies will come to you with their tales of what has happened to them.   Shutting off the phone is an absolute MUST for all providers, as it allows the outside world into the faantasy experience,   I have been interrupted a few times by fone in the hobby, and god Forbid a knock at the door is worse day we meet when I am feeling 100%.    Till then, ladocque.   Pretty obviious name

lisaluvs See my TER Reviews 1194 reads
12 / 42

Hi again Quinn,
I just read that review. I take back the benefit of the doubt statement. I agree with the gents, its probably someone you chose not to see. Either way let TER do their thing. Your gents WILL see through this in the meantime. Keep your chin up and know you are fabulous! Xo

mercedesann See my TER Reviews 1250 reads
13 / 42

I always thought that providers only receive 10 in performance when they provide greek during a session. Could someone explain to me why some gals reviews show 10 in performance when the reviews present a typical gfe session? I look on TER all the time and see many gals in vegas with 3 or 4 pages of 10/10 but then I go to read the greek part of the review and it is usually simple pansy stuff with not much action presented in the review. I was wondering if maybe men who pay 1000 an hour or 500 an hour are allowed to give the gal a 10/10 since he paid more?  Maybe you guys know why this is  or what the guidelines for numerical ratings are. I will look for the gal I found in vegas that caught my eye and post a link to the reviews I read.  

QuinnAdams 1264 reads
14 / 42

Wow -- I must say when I got an email from a client saying that the Discussion Board posts had turned in a rather interesting way, I was terrified to even look at them, thinking that it was more Quinnie-bashing. I am delighted about the response here, and so appreciate each and every one of you who had provided me with a thoughtful reply and helped me begin to feel a bit better about this issue.

I have a strong suspicion of who wrote this and I think many of my clients probably know exactly who this is, too. They would have had to make up a new name to use TER so it really is the only thing that makes sense; otherwise, the person would probably just use an alias.

The entire story is patently false. I admit I am not perfect and have made minor mistakes, but nothing even substantial enough to merit mention at all (or in any of my past reviews), and certainly nothing like this -- this is hands-down crazy, and frankly, totally unbelievable when one considers my reputation for being highly organized, professional, and serious about my temporary career path.  

The whole review is too bizarre and deviates far too much from my many other outstanding reviews to be taken as anything more than the manifestation of somebody's bitterness and jealousy, and as such, should be dismissed immediately until TER makes it a mute point permanently.

impposter 49 Reviews 1138 reads
15 / 42

There is such detail that without the name "Quinn" repeated several times in there I would have assumed that it was written about someone else but posted to your Profile by mistake.  I've seen that happen before, sometimes due to the client visiting an apartment or shared space, seeing "A" but reviewing "B" by mistake (clues: ad pictures, hair color or other features mixed up) but sometimes even sensing that the guy reviewed a completely different person!  

IS IT POSSIBLE THAT THERE IS A NON-REVIEWED NON-TER "QUINN" that resembles you in some way (the most relevant ways: color, hair, size, shape, services, rate)?  Could he be trying to write a legit review about someone named Quinn who isn't you but that he has really met several times, AND had the nightmare experience, etc.?  Any volunteers want to search Backpage or Eros for another Quinn to help out here.   If that's the case, the guy goes to TER, finds the first (and only) Quinn on TER (you!), copies the Profile info without thinking and writes an honest review about the wrong Quinn.

(To an earlier comment, I don't think "hotel safe" means the hotel safe in the lobby.  I think it either refers to the small safety box provided in most rooms or the hostess's secret hiding place.  Those can be accessed while the guy is in the shower.  She -- whoever she is -- didn't want to reveal the location or open the safe in his presence so promised a future remedy.)  

Even if the review stays put, I would discount it and still try to see you ... in fact, you're on my list of wanna-sees!  

When something weird happens, they say, "Cherchez la femme."  


cavernosa-kid 1207 reads
16 / 42

your own website a "NO" is "mundane borinhg".  Noyt "too old".  " Too unreliable". A definition which msy dovetail with his own (or his wifeAks) sppraisal...........these can be treacherous aters.     Contact me and we talk ????     Sugarladocque

thechauncy 5 Reviews 1402 reads
17 / 42

Yes please! I'll have what he is taking....JK

stolper 40 Reviews 920 reads
18 / 42

Posted By: cavernosa-kid
 In your own website a "NO" is "mundane borinhg".  Noyt "too old".  " Too unreliable". A definition which msy dovetail with his own (or his wifeAks) sppraisal...........these can be treacherous aters.     Contact me and we talk ????     Sugarladocque?  
holy shit...who is this guy and why is he such a creep?

impposter 49 Reviews 1027 reads
19 / 42

Posted By: cavernosa-kid
Hi qwuinn.   I ha e to tell you that we have never met (yet) but I love you already, such is the strngth of your Mojo, or whatever is the cuRrent word !!   I think you know what I do for a living.
Let me guess:  yOu riTe te ad HeD&line$ nd ad koPpy 4 BAck()PAge? No bLokkeD ##$

péineas 1143 reads
20 / 42

...spurned former employers can be quite vindictive at times, I'd wager.

Bob Crane 68 Reviews 1065 reads
21 / 42

You have a great reputation, a bad review doesn't mean anything. One review doesn't carry a lot of weight.

TouchOfGray 28 Reviews 1114 reads
22 / 42

Sounds suspect, this is the only review this guy has ever written.  I have seen Quinn a couple of times and cannot imagine her acting like this.  Sounds like he was writing about some  weird fantasy he had about hiding from her boyfriend. He mentioned getting turned about it

LamontCranston69 930 reads
23 / 42
finisterre 12 Reviews 1043 reads
24 / 42

I have had something similar happen to me after seeing a provider numerous times. For some reason she had a fatal attrition with an absolute looser than came close to destroying her business. The jerk actually  got hold of her cell phone and hacked into her website and outed a large number of her clients. Fortunately I was not one of them… as I never provide someone with my real name and use a clean cell.  

My advise to other customers is that at the first hint of this happening, grab your clothes, get the Hell out of the room, forget about you money. This kind of stuff does happen… fortunately not too frequently.  

We will never now the truth of a he says… she says situation. But it happened to me with another provider who is very well reviewed on this board (and still gets regular 8s to 10s ratings). I will never have anything to do with her again due to the risk of  her crazy SO.  

Regarding Quinn, its too bad that this situation happened. She might want to team up with another well known provider and get a few more positive reviews behind her until this calms down.

bb1976 11 Reviews 1001 reads
25 / 42

the review reads and sounds fake. Everyone will know its bs. He writes that he was in your room Quinn but refers to it as your outcall location. doesnt know the difference between incall and outcall.

sweetnicole1 See my TER Reviews 1043 reads
26 / 42

I have seen many false reviews.
I have had 3 that I know of one was removed 2 remain.
Who's to say what guides someone to be so vindictive.
And you really can't put so much energy into concentrating on what someone else has to say about need to focus on who you are and who you believe you are and treat your clients with respect that you know they deserve.
Those that matter will see through the clouds and see who you really are. those who are important to you will see who you are and trust in what you have to say.
Just be yourself it will all come together

QuinnAdams 1016 reads
27 / 42


Thank you for your sweet and thoughtful answer. I must say, I am really delighted to see that this community has rallied around me and jumped to my defense here. I can only assume that it is because the claims made in this fabricated review are so outlandish that they couldn't possibly be true. After all, if this happened even once -- let alone if it were a pattern -- news would rapidly get around through word of mouth and I would be finished in this world.  

While this hasn't impacted my business to severely, I am definitely dealing with the ramifications and have received countless emails from clients asking if there is anything they can do, saying how crazy and unbelievable this falsified account of what allegedly happened is, and even questioning me about whether it is true. It is hard for me to imagine how somebody who has met me could possibly think I would allow something this serious to happen during a session; those who know me well know that I never would.

Anyway, I really appreciate the words of encouragement and wisdom. You really made me feel better.


CoffeeBreak 1020 reads
28 / 42

Greek is not the only type of anal sex.  Common definition of anal sex I found on the net:

 Anal sex is when a penis or other object is inserted into a partner's anus.  

 Assuming the other object is a dildo/strap-on or even a partners tongue or finger, may help to explain the abundant amount of 10s for performance that you see in reviews.
I do not know what the official definition of anal sex that TER goes by.
Just giving my .02 worth.

-- Modified on 6/16/2014 12:50:23 PM

QuinnAdams 1052 reads
29 / 42

I am sorry to hear that this actually did happen to you, but I can assure you that this alleged review is a complete fabrication and never happened to me.

If you look at the above comments, it is pretty clear the story is complete bs, and if you read it closely, it bears too many inconsistencies to possibly be real.

-- Modified on 6/16/2014 1:00:48 PM

Maddogwill 65 Reviews 686 reads
30 / 42
sweetnicole1 See my TER Reviews 952 reads
31 / 42

I know everybody likes drama and everybody likes to see a little blood let's not throw any blood just yet

We don't know who it is and the bottom line is no one should care just let it go
Karma always find people like that

Don_Jon_Johnson 4 Reviews 1019 reads
32 / 42

When I started hobbiying I didn't think I would be giving out 10s as I wanted to keep that spot reserved for my ATF. Now that I have had a few experiences, and I can say there are providers that are all around 10s and have not necessarily provided Greek or any other island-related play, on the other hand, I have had an 8 or 9 session a first and write a review about, and then be hooked for months of consistently 10 sessions. I can also see others who look for quantity over quality and just be handing out 10s in the street, so we are not all cut with the same cloth.

Don_Jon_Johnson 4 Reviews 1107 reads
33 / 42

According to the FAQ:

For performance ratings, it is asked that you please save the 8, 9, and 10 ranks for situations where out of the ordinary services are provided (i.e. Blow Job - without condom, Kissing - with tongue, Anal - Yes, and Really Bi - Yes, More than One Guy - Yes). Of course, the 10 rating should be reserved for an experience that is really worth a million!

 An escort provider is only eligible to earn up to a 7, unless she is willing to perform one or some of the following during a session: Kisses With Tongue, Bare-Back Blow Job, Really Bi, and Anal Sex. For each of these services that are offered, her potential max score is raised by one point, with 10 as an absolute maximum.
First time I read this, not sure how many follow these rules 'by the book'.

QuinnAdams 998 reads
34 / 42

There is only one -- and could only be one --  Quinn (Adams)!!! :)

Not sure if that is actually the case, but I thought I would start being playful again. It has been long enough that I have let this bother me.  

Plus, I think one Quinn Adams is enough for the world. Hah

angelexotic See my TER Reviews 1169 reads
35 / 42

Do you have a identifying freckle only some one would know if theyd visited?   Lets say you had a teeny star tat. Not visable in pics, Ask him to try and mention something like for me i had a fake one he said he was here, I have clients that can vouch color of my rug and set up of house, If he cant name the hotel, certainly your regular know exactly what hotel you worked at last week, If he cant name the hotel, he wasnt there, There is the proof they will take it down then,, Lets say you were at The four seasons and the continental and the revere this past week.   Mon fri sat....
   If its fake he aint gonna be able to name either details oin say color your luggage bag, or type of phone, You gotta think of the guys that seen you this week that are known by ter thatl vouch that yes it was a red carpet or a huge blue pukkly luggage bag she always has middle the room, Find somethin to get him so he cant prove he seen you is all. and get proof from the well estabvlished reviewers , I got one remove once was fake i asked him to "ok so you were here?> ok then what color is carpet and when you walk in what room you see first here?" Disprove him by prooving he cannot name any details that proove he was even there. If he can name the hotel you were at or use you may be in trouble! but if not then thats the proof its not real. This WILL not be last time this is common,  
 Just always post asap your account of the review so people hear your voice as well,m Just dont sit back and take it basically,  
   EWe cant review the guys but we sure as hell can go on discussion board and telllm OUR side the story which isnt told in reveiw, Its very traumatizing and it does hurt business bad.  
    When you are doing good then some one does this its very veryt traumatic, Total buzz kill. Even worse if they dont remove, I have 3 reviews with false info they will not remove, Life isnt fair so nthats the way the cookie crumbles, It sucks but thats life.

angelexotic See my TER Reviews 1246 reads
36 / 42

greek dfk, NEVER get any tens, WOW. bummer man,... That bums me out to hear that, i must just suck in bed then I do every possible sex act and still am an 8  average in performance, what a bummer, Pegging, greek prostate massage, Every review says how they came 2 times had great times did greek then I never ever get any tens,

angelexotic See my TER Reviews 984 reads
37 / 42

or some random detail youd only know if were there, there has to be something to disprove, it. And even if fake they WONT always hear you out just way it is .... I had a guy i didnt get confirmation , i get so many cancels if no confirmation day of day before assume its off, He just showed up, i was freaked hadnt heard since weeks agom, He knew lay out of apt by pics and used that to prove or try prove was here, Had 2 others include off the clock relations that arent part my service, Blurring lines, You pay for an hour but then offer to lets say drive some one some where you drive by any how on way home, No need to snitch the gal grabbed a ride with ya before or after, That aint part the appt and shouldnt be reviewed, There is a fantasy they pay for then reality, When the hour they pay for is up i dont appreciate when they review hangn with me as a human not as angel before or after, I make many friends in escorting I may get to know in a very non fantasy non escort human to human way, I persoonally think when they give account of time before and after the appt , I dont think its cool.

CoffeeBreak 904 reads
38 / 42

I asked the question about anal sex on the newbie board in order to find out what the official definition that TER goes by.  Haven't gotten a conclusive answer yet.

As to your scores, I noticed you have a good number of 10s, so I assume you are joking around.  But I agree with you, if you are throwing down in every position known to man, and you still can't get a 10, that's just plain wrong. HaHa

QuinnAdams 984 reads
39 / 42

Thanks for this -- it is really helpful, and I appreciate your taking the time to share it with me.

As for the details, that's a great idea, but my fear is that most clients just don't remember things like that: carpet color, what type of phone I have, etc. Or they can reach out to other clients to get info on details that pertain to me and my body -- identifying marks, tattoos, etc. The hotel thought may work, but that info is also available if they know where to dig.

And you mentioned telling my side of the story: there isn't any because this session didn't happen and this person doesn't exist. I have tried to get that across here on these boards and hopefully this will all blow over soon.

angelexotic See my TER Reviews 1082 reads
40 / 42

regardless by telling your side which is that it is fake, Every one supports you and agreed so at least thats all you can do sometimes,  
I know if they cant name anything remotely only a person that visited you could know. It would have to be like say a well known reviewee seen you this week, If this guy cant state anything to jog your memory then that is the proof,  
 It will happen again, just take it in stride, You l hear rants about it it happens a few times i npticed it did in beginning alot with me, not so much now, they have no reviews so they arent gonna hold any clout, Same goes for good reviews from some one with no other reviews. You see that alot too its pretty comical, but hey people gotta do what they gotta do to survive and it can be a dirty game,  
The pages of 10 10 from some one with one review though thats comical like wise a bad review from a guy with no other reviews , either way its not gonna be believable good reviews or bad from an alias with no reviews is just not even taken seriously,

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