
US Surpreme Court break down? :)
Nnoway 13 Reviews 520 reads

Hey, it's just may work. Especially considering presence of that disabled guy. If would really help if he would also be a veteran, and the disability would be military-related.  
Let's see, I don't see the left-right divide here...  

I'd say:
Breyer, Thomas, Ginsburg, Kennedy, Roberts - "yes"
Scalia, Satamayor, Alito - 'no'
Kagan is a wildcard. Although, the suit is from San Fran, huh...? I'd say Kagan votes with the majority.

Maybe they'll rule it narrowly, allowing sex work to function legally only if requested by someone with a certain type of disability and (but of course!) approved (or even prescribed) by a medical professional. But... then ladies you  more then likely would be paid Medicaid rates (Imagine! :) ) and would have to take in consideration bulk, job security, etc, etc. kind of similar to public defenders.  You would also have to go through sensitivity training, first aid training, and I'm sure some other training that I can't think about. Imagine :)  

You might even get some travel time to boot, again, based on government rates. lo

Lawsuit seeks to throw out laws against sex work

I want to tell about special case that is going to be filed in federal court against California district attorneys and the California state attorney general for violating the constitutional rights of individuals who seek the right to be compensated for or to give compensation for private intimate contact.  This conduct is currently criminalized as prostitution in California.


This case is being sponsored by the Erotic Service Providers Legal, Education and Research Project, a non profit,  We’re a diverse community based group of erotic service providers and community member who work towards empowerment by advancing sexual privacy rights.   One way to do this is launch a legal impact case such as the one I’m going to tell you about.  So far they have a top notch litigator who has experience arguing these types of constitutional cases before the US Supreme court. He is specialist so of course he’s quite expensive, but we think its well worth it.


Then there are the plaintiffs.  The female plaintiffs represent the people who want to assert their right to be hired to provide intimate private contact which is currently criminalized under the anti prostitution laws.  They are ordinary women who have children lives and hobbyies and lives outside of work just like every else.  They just want to raise their families and live in peace with access to equal protection under the law, like everybody else.


Then there is the customer plaintiff, who has stepped forward to represent the right compensate for intimate private contact.  He wants the right to hire comfort without being arrested for prostitution.


The case will also demand the right to associate and right to organize without fear.


The type of relief we are seeking will be accessible to other through out the united states to keep unjust criminal charges from being filed and to keep the police from arresting erotic service providers and instead force prosecutors to provide equal protection under the law.


This court case might take as little as a year to litigate or as long as several years.  The money we are asking for now is most likely an installment.  The hope is that with your help we will end negative social stigma and the resulting discrimination in housing, employment, education, child custody and access to financial institutions for compensated intimate private conduct in our life time. These are constitutional rights and human rights.  They must be upheld NOW!  Now is the time!


For those who keep saying that the justice systems mistreatment of sex workers isn’t right, its your chance to make a contribution and help us take this landmark step by  making a tax deductible anonymous donation.  Thank you for your time.

Research Project

As a board member with esplerp and the founder of the Rhode Island chapter of Coyote.  I am taking on a huge research project through Brown University.  The professor I am working with is a ally to the adult community and has previously published studies showing the collateral damages of criminalization.    
The research results will allow us to give recommendations and we will use this data to lobby Rhode Island politicians for better legislation that includes "equal protection under the law "for both providers and clients.    
We will be using survey monkey and it is completely anonymous . The survey link will not be posted anywhere publicly as I need to ensure the people participating are providers.  I am hoping to interview providers that worked in Rhode Island prior to 2009 and are still currently working today.  
I hope to interview online provider' spa workers and maybe a few strippers.  If you are interested in participating, please send me a PM  
Thank you  

Hey, it's just may work. Especially considering presence of that disabled guy. If would really help if he would also be a veteran, and the disability would be military-related.  
Let's see, I don't see the left-right divide here...  

I'd say:
Breyer, Thomas, Ginsburg, Kennedy, Roberts - "yes"
Scalia, Satamayor, Alito - 'no'
Kagan is a wildcard. Although, the suit is from San Fran, huh...? I'd say Kagan votes with the majority.

Maybe they'll rule it narrowly, allowing sex work to function legally only if requested by someone with a certain type of disability and (but of course!) approved (or even prescribed) by a medical professional. But... then ladies you  more then likely would be paid Medicaid rates (Imagine! :) ) and would have to take in consideration bulk, job security, etc, etc. kind of similar to public defenders.  You would also have to go through sensitivity training, first aid training, and I'm sure some other training that I can't think about. Imagine :)  

You might even get some travel time to boot, again, based on government rates. lo


Laws Against the Commercial Exchange of Consensual, Adult Sexual Activity Challenged as Violations Free Speech, Due Process & Freedom of Association Rights

San Francisco, CA — The Erotic Service Providers Legal, Education and Research Project (ESPLER), a community-based coalition advancing sexual privacy rights through legal advocacy, filed a complaint today in U.S. District Court against Kamala Harris, California’s Attorney General and leading U.S. Senate candidate, and four Northern Californian District Attorneys, alleging the current anti-prostitution law violates fundamental Constitutional Rights.

The complaint contends that California’s current anti-prostitution law unfairly deprives individuals the right to private consensual activity, criminalizes the discussion of this activity between consenting adults, and unconstitutionally places restrictions on individuals’ right to freely associate.

“We believe it is time to revisit the criminalization of prostitution and put the State to the test. In the light Lawrence v. Texas and Reliable Consultants v. Abbott, the State can no longer simply say that morality is a sufficient reason for regulating private sexual relationships even when it involves the exchange of money,” said ESPLER attorney D. Gill Sperlein. “Social science clearly demonstrates that the criminalization of prostitution puts sex workers at risk of abuse because it discourages them from reaching out to law enforcement.”

Maxine Doogan, ESLPER’s President added “Just as the Lawrence v. Texas decision made same-sex sexual activity legal, and the Loving v. Virginia decision struck down laws prohibiting interracial marriage, this complaint seeks to remove the government from restricting basic fundamental and widely recognized civil and human rights.”

The complaint asks the court to declare that California’s prostitution statute, Section 647(b) of the California Penal Code, is unconstitutional.

I'm not an attorney but am an adoptive parent and an active hobbyist so take this with a grain of salt -  

The consensual relationship between a provider and a hobbyist is very similar, if not identical, to the relationship between a pregnant woman and an adoptive parent(s).  CA law does not allow a contract between the parties but allows the "gifting" of cash and other support to the pregnant woman including cash for her discretionary use, rent, food, transportation, medical, etc. but it is very clear that it is a gift only and does not contractually obligate the pregnant women to complete the adoption as agreed to by both parties.

Why is this any different that the arrangements between a provider and a hobbyist?  We investigate a provider that we think will meet our desires (an adoptive parent seeks a pregnant woman who meets their desires) and then the provider investigates the potential client (then the pregnant woman investigates the potential adoptive parent) and the provider controls the relationship by determining if they want to meet with him/her (the pregnant woman controls the situation by accepting or rejecting the potential adoptive parent) then the two agree on a donation, gift, consideration of whatever you want to call it (the pregnant woman and adoptive parent agree on the "gift" and support that will be provided).

Both of these scenarios are consenting adults that reach a agreement and there are usually gifts exchanged (consensually), what's the difference? In addition, isn't a child's life and well being more important to the State than whether two persons engage in sexual activity.

My two cents!

Posted By: ginainthemorning
Lawsuit seeks to throw out laws against sex work  
 I want to tell about special case that is going to be filed in federal court against California district attorneys and the California state attorney general for violating the constitutional rights of individuals who seek the right to be compensated for or to give compensation for private intimate contact.  This conduct is currently criminalized as prostitution in California.  
 This case is being sponsored by the Erotic Service Providers Legal, Education and Research Project, a non profit,  We’re a diverse community based group of erotic service providers and community member who work towards empowerment by advancing sexual privacy rights.   One way to do this is launch a legal impact case such as the one I’m going to tell you about.  So far they have a top notch litigator who has experience arguing these types of constitutional cases before the US Supreme court. He is specialist so of course he’s quite expensive, but we think its well worth it.  
 Then there are the plaintiffs.  The female plaintiffs represent the people who want to assert their right to be hired to provide intimate private contact which is currently criminalized under the anti prostitution laws.  They are ordinary women who have children lives and hobbyies and lives outside of work just like every else.  They just want to raise their families and live in peace with access to equal protection under the law, like everybody else.  
 Then there is the customer plaintiff, who has stepped forward to represent the right compensate for intimate private contact.  He wants the right to hire comfort without being arrested for prostitution.  
 The case will also demand the right to associate and right to organize without fear.  
 The type of relief we are seeking will be accessible to other through out the united states to keep unjust criminal charges from being filed and to keep the police from arresting erotic service providers and instead force prosecutors to provide equal protection under the law.  
 This court case might take as little as a year to litigate or as long as several years.  The money we are asking for now is most likely an installment.  The hope is that with your help we will end negative social stigma and the resulting discrimination in housing, employment, education, child custody and access to financial institutions for compensated intimate private conduct in our life time. These are constitutional rights and human rights.  They must be upheld NOW!  Now is the time!  
 For those who keep saying that the justice systems mistreatment of sex workers isn’t right, its your chance to make a contribution and help us take this landmark step by  making a tax deductible anonymous donation.  Thank you for your time.  
 Research Project  
 As a board member with esplerp and the founder of the Rhode Island chapter of Coyote.  I am taking on a huge research project through Brown University.  The professor I am working with is a ally to the adult community and has previously published studies showing the collateral damages of criminalization.      
 The research results will allow us to give recommendations and we will use this data to lobby Rhode Island politicians for better legislation that includes "equal protection under the law "for both providers and clients.      
 We will be using survey monkey and it is completely anonymous . The survey link will not be posted anywhere publicly as I need to ensure the people participating are providers.  I am hoping to interview providers that worked in Rhode Island prior to 2009 and are still currently working today.  
 I hope to interview online provider' spa workers and maybe a few strippers.  If you are interested in participating, please send me a PM  
 Thank you  

I am adult worker from Massachusetts who feel very isolated, stigmatized and deprived of my rights of providing adult work freely and with risk free.  
 If you need to video interview me in support in your fight for decriminalizing adult work I am willing to meet you in a hotel somewhere between Ma and Rhode Island and you can do that or you can conduct the survey you mentioned. I have no problem showing my face on video either if it is shown from the sides and not my entire face exposed.
I am dying to express my frustration with injustice our hypocritical society does when punishing  adult work just because is immoral.
Email me here so we can arrange a day and a place to meet.
Regards, Roxane (adult worker from Eastern Europe living in MA, USA)

-- Modified on 3/9/2015 2:42:41 PM

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