
RSG back to back
dasicorp 72 Reviews 432 reads

Well my dear you haven't experienced the RSG way.I no longer use  that agency but when I did appointments where set back to back.So your best bet was the first appointment of the day.
One time when I went to see someone the guy that was just there had turned right instead of left as he exited the room. I asked if she was with that guy and she told me she was. I paid my donation and we chatted for the half hour I was there he was gross.

I know that we aren't the only one you have sex with but when it's put in front of you it's a bit hard to swallow especially if he's gross lol  

I don't think the same applies today but it sure was the norm a few years back.
Posted By: sexymarafouru
I'm sorry,  maybe you're just speaking of agencies,  there has never been anyone walking out my door while another was walking in...never going to to happen.  
 I've had gentleman call me in the grocery store and ask if I can be ready in 15 minutes?  Right? No!  
Posted By: dasicorp
How about the fact that housekeeping see 10 guys a day knock on the providers door or maybe the fact that hobbist are geting sent up to the room before the other guy has left or is just leaving. My favorite is waiting to the girl to get out of the shower knocking on the doors and waiting 5 minutes because she wasn't given enough time to get ready for the next appointment. I haven't been with RSG for many year but guys got scheduled on the hour or half . If a girl was with a trick till 2p you were sent up after he walked out the door . Girls never had time to get ready for the next guy . It's  was disgusting .    
  I think times have changed now and there isn't that much volume with certain agencies . So if you want less attention don't make the situation so obvious. These kids dress all crazy anyway and what we may think is out of line very often us expectable behavior. However that compounded with 10 at here door crests a bigger issue .

Hi Everyone,
For those who know me and those who don't I have been in business 19 years, it will be 20 in December. NEVER have we ever had a problem with our locations and I don't intend to now. We have been in the same locations all this time, on a very few occasion we have had to temporarily had to cut out a location for a week or two but we could always add it back. Not the case so much anymore. WHY you ask?  

INDISCRETION!!!  my main priority has always been the safety and well being of both my ladies and our members. This has gotten waay out of control.  Seriously I am beyond pissed at how stupid some people can be.

Visiting Independents, for god's sake if you want to know where to go when visiting the city, ask on the PO board or by IM/PM. Guys, I know you would like them to be close to your area but stop telling them to go to XYZ town or saying the XXX belt or the XXX Valley its j just as bad as naming the exact towns. There are only so many hotels in these areas its not hard to figure out exact locations.
Stop putting your exact town in your ads! "Hi guys I am visiting and I will be in XYZ on May 1st-4th" Come on, for ladies who put in there ads they are "college educated" that is not very smart.

Services: Putting more than 1 girl in a room is just asking for trouble, enough said about that.  Not educating your ladies about proper hotel etiquette. I have seen with my own eyes ladies that I recognize from other services websites not looking all classy like on the website, instead looking like they just came from the combat zone or a rap concert. Checking into hotels in half shirts and mini skirts that barely cover their butts covered in tattoos or oversized hoodies and sweats looking like gang members. Girls all standing in front of the hotels talking on their cell phones smoking butts. These are not only the back page girls but classy service girls too!! Last week there was a girl sleeping on the bench in front of a hotel lobby!! Checking into hotels without a suitcase, just a backpack. The hotels are now flagging every single woman under 60 who checks into a hotel, they are watching and I have no intention of my ladies or clients getting caught up in some sting due to other peoples stupidity.

The lobby of a 5 star hotel in a very popular area we have used for 20 years looked like it was having a hooker convention this afternoon. No surprise that an hour later it was crawling with hotel security and LE.
You all can continue to flood these same areas and hotels forgetting that discretion is key. We are going elsewhere.  

Sorry for the long rant and I am not pointing fingers at anyone in particular but to the whole Boston market in general. Lord knows I have made plenty of mistakes and I am by no means perfect but for me, Bonnie, my girls and clients better safe than sorry.


I don't have access to PO board so I made a mistake by posting here. While looking for general info. I got some great advice but also info that was probably too detailed for my comfort.  

So yeah I have to plead guilty here. Let's be safe guys. I'm sorry.

not clear to me what areas are "affected" so now we all get to run scared for a while.

Then again, I met with a provider today off Rt's 128 and 3N, near a big mall thats always busy.  Had no problem.  The hotel where we were is frequented by providers and I know it was a regular RSG spot in the past.

The woman behind the desk gave me a polite smile on my way in.  No questions asked.  I left by going down the stairs at the end of the hallway and out the hallway-end door. I make it a point never to leave thru the lobby.  I'm a precisely one hour guy and the desk could set their watches by me if I did exit past them.

-- Modified on 4/22/2016 9:56:36 PM

I sure hope this is a tongue in cheek post, else very dangerous

DT_lover The first Paragraph, even it was done to make a point, was pretty stupid.  I'm sure local LE thanks you.

Posted By: DT_lover
Then again, I met with a provider today off Rt's 128 and 3N, near a big mall thats always busy.  Had no problem.  The hotel where we were is frequented by providers and I know it was a regular RSG spot in the past.  
 The woman behind the desk gave me a polite smile on my way in.  No questions asked.  I left by going down the stairs at the end of the hallway and out the hallway-end door. I make it a point never to leave thru the lobby.  I'm a precisely one hour guy and the desk could set their watches by me if I did exit past them.

-- Modified on 4/22/2016 9:56:36 PM

I have always found everyone I've met in Boston, including (and especially) RSG, to be discreet. What you describe is unfortunate.

There are ways to be discreet at hotels, as a client, and some of what I read here (including in reviews) suggests very indescreet behavior. That ruins it for everyone.

On the message boards... I hate to break it to people, but LE is here. Discreet, consenting, mature-acting adults are the least of their concerns. Showing up at a hotel 2 min before meeting time, dressed unlike the surroundings, and leaving through back doors is STUPID. For fuck's sake, put in the effort to look like you belong

skepticalpatron900 reads

..there is some merit to your post.  Just the other day a provider was naming specific hotels in a post.  One of the dumbest things I've seen in a long time.

On the other hand, when you post things like "covered in tattoos or oversized hoodies and sweats looking like gang members" it's quite obvious that you're grossly out of touch with today's world.  It's 2016, not 1986.

RealHobbiest773 reads

Looking like a gang ho!! I'm a nice hotel. Stupid !!

What exactly does a "gang hoe" look like? Let's just be very clear many  providers don't have any class or very much Adult Entertainment etiquette, But these are the types of girls that men in Boston enjoy booking. I have been in this industry for over 15 years and it is always the trailer park look and Marlboro red box smoking chicks that get lots of clients. They see about 10 clients in one day in the same incall. All the while acting like they have zero home training. These are also the same girls getting hired by agencies in this area. If these girls stopped getting bookings then we wouldn't have these types of problems or security breaches. Maybe agencies would consider training the girls before allowing them bookings. I barely even come yo Boston for this exact reason!! Its a shame that this even needs to be said but here we are, trying to make common sense common.

Posted By: skepticalpatron
..there is some merit to your post.  Just the other day a provider was naming specific hotels in a post.  One of the dumbest things I've seen in a long time.  
 On the other hand, when you post things like "covered in tattoos or oversized hoodies and sweats looking like gang members" it's quite obvious that you're grossly out of touch with today's world.  It's 2016, not 1986.
Have to agree with Jill, classy, conservative dress never goes out of style, why invite any kind of suspicion if not necessary?

Not every single person with visible tattoo work and/or wearing a hoodie is in a gang, lmfao. I wish this mentality would just die already.

Posted By: ValeriyaXO
Not every single person with visible tattoo work and/or wearing a hoodie is in a gang, lmfao. I wish this mentality would just die already.
Jill's point is it hasn't. If you want to be discreet, blend in and don't show up at a hotel looking this way. It just draws unwanted attention. It's a shame that youth is wasted on the young.

When Jill tries to protect her ladies, she's also protecting you!

Serioysly, I've read too many subject lines with locations and descriptions that an idiot could figure it out even if he doesn't hobby.

What's the point? DON'T BE A DUMBASS. That my polite way of saying, don't be a stupid fuck.  

If that seems a bit harsh, I'm sorry, but you're putting everyone at risk, even those that don't use TER. And those, there are many.  

THINK PEOPLE. Metro West, North/South Shore, Boston, Manchester doesn't give too much away.  
When interested, send a pm, call, email, whatever.  

And if writing a town name down like, et's just use  Concord as an example,  C*****d isn't really that hard to figure out.

I wish I had a dollar that I've posted a " this doesn't belong on the discussion board" comment. I'd have at least one free session ... or at least a bj in my car parked at 1234 Main Street in Baw***n

Posted By: sexy1jill
Hi Everyone,  
 For those who know me and those who don't I have been in business 19 years, it will be 20 in December. NEVER have we ever had a problem with our locations and I don't intend to now. We have been in the same locations all this time, on a very few occasion we have had to temporarily had to cut out a location for a week or two but we could always add it back. Not the case so much anymore. WHY you ask?  
 INDISCRETION!!!  my main priority has always been the safety and well being of both my ladies and our members. This has gotten waay out of control.  Seriously I am beyond pissed at how stupid some people can be.  
 Visiting Independents, for god's sake if you want to know where to go when visiting the city, ask on the PO board or by IM/PM. Guys, I know you would like them to be close to your area but stop telling them to go to XYZ town or saying the XXX belt or the XXX Valley its j just as bad as naming the exact towns. There are only so many hotels in these areas its not hard to figure out exact locations.  
 Stop putting your exact town in your ads! "Hi guys I am visiting and I will be in XYZ on May 1st-4th" Come on, for ladies who put in there ads they are "college educated" that is not very smart.  
 Services: Putting more than 1 girl in a room is just asking for trouble, enough said about that.  Not educating your ladies about proper hotel etiquette. I have seen with my own eyes ladies that I recognize from other services websites not looking all classy like on the website, instead looking like they just came from the combat zone or a rap concert. Checking into hotels in half shirts and mini skirts that barely cover their butts covered in tattoos or oversized hoodies and sweats looking like gang members. Girls all standing in front of the hotels talking on their cell phones smoking butts. These are not only the back page girls but classy service girls too!! Last week there was a girl sleeping on the bench in front of a hotel lobby!! Checking into hotels without a suitcase, just a backpack. The hotels are now flagging every single woman under 60 who checks into a hotel, they are watching and I have no intention of my ladies or clients getting caught up in some sting due to other peoples stupidity.  
 The lobby of a 5 star hotel in a very popular area we have used for 20 years looked like it was having a hooker convention this afternoon. No surprise that an hour later it was crawling with hotel security and LE.  
 You all can continue to flood these same areas and hotels forgetting that discretion is key. We are going elsewhere.  
 Sorry for the long rant and I am not pointing fingers at anyone in particular but to the whole Boston market in general. Lord knows I have made plenty of mistakes and I am by no means perfect but for me, Bonnie, my girls and clients better safe than sorry.  

forgive this ignorant child ...

but then again some people on the local board hold grudge forever...

I never said everyone who wears a hoodie or has tattoos looks gangster. However a 20 year old 100 pound girl wearing a hoodie 5 sizes too big for her and a baseball cap that says something in appropriate, with visible tattoos on her neck checking into a 5 star hotel sends up red flags more than if she was in something conservative.

Posted By: sexy1jill
Hi Everyone,  
 For those who know me and those who don't I have been in business 19 years, it will be 20 in December. NEVER have we ever had a problem with our locations and I don't intend to now. We have been in the same locations all this time, on a very few occasion we have had to temporarily had to cut out a location for a week or two but we could always add it back. Not the case so much anymore. WHY you ask?  
 INDISCRETION!!!  my main priority has always been the safety and well being of both my ladies and our members. This has gotten waay out of control.  Seriously I am beyond pissed at how stupid some people can be.  
 Visiting Independents, for god's sake if you want to know where to go when visiting the city, ask on the PO board or by IM/PM. Guys, I know you would like them to be close to your area but stop telling them to go to XYZ town or saying the XXX belt or the XXX Valley its j just as bad as naming the exact towns. There are only so many hotels in these areas its not hard to figure out exact locations.  
 Stop putting your exact town in your ads! "Hi guys I am visiting and I will be in XYZ on May 1st-4th" Come on, for ladies who put in there ads they are "college educated" that is not very smart.  
 Services: Putting more than 1 girl in a room is just asking for trouble, enough said about that.  Not educating your ladies about proper hotel etiquette. I have seen with my own eyes ladies that I recognize from other services websites not looking all classy like on the website, instead looking like they just came from the combat zone or a rap concert. Checking into hotels in half shirts and mini skirts that barely cover their butts covered in tattoos or oversized hoodies and sweats looking like gang members. Girls all standing in front of the hotels talking on their cell phones smoking butts. These are not only the back page girls but classy service girls too!! Last week there was a girl sleeping on the bench in front of a hotel lobby!! Checking into hotels without a suitcase, just a backpack. The hotels are now flagging every single woman under 60 who checks into a hotel, they are watching and I have no intention of my ladies or clients getting caught up in some sting due to other peoples stupidity.  
 The lobby of a 5 star hotel in a very popuklar area we have used for 20 years looked like it was having a hooker convention this afternoon. No surprise that an hour later it was crawling with hotel security and LE.  
 You all can continue to flood these same areas and hotels forgetting that discretion is key. We are going elsewhere.  
 Sorry for the long rant and I am not pointing fingers at anyone in particular but to the whole Boston market in general. Lord knows I have made plenty of mistakes and I am by no means perfect but for me, Bonnie, my girls and clients better safe than sorry.  

How about the fact that housekeeping see 10 guys a day knock on the providers door or maybe the fact that hobbist are geting sent up to the room before the other guy has left or is just leaving. My favorite is waiting to the girl to get out of the shower knocking on the doors and waiting 5 minutes because she wasn't given enough time to get ready for the next appointment. I haven't been with RSG for many year but guys got scheduled on the hour or half . If a girl was with a trick till 2p you were sent up after he walked out the door . Girls never had time to get ready for the next guy . It's  was disgusting .  

I think times have changed now and there isn't that much volume with certain agencies . So if you want less attention don't make the situation so obvious. These kids dress all crazy anyway and what we may think is out of line very often us expectable behavior. However that compounded with 10 at here door crests a bigger issue .

I'm sorry,  maybe you're just speaking of agencies,  there has never been anyone walking out my door while another was walking in...never going to to happen.  

I've had gentleman call me in the grocery store and ask if I can be ready in 15 minutes?  Right? No!

Posted By: dasicorp
How about the fact that housekeeping see 10 guys a day knock on the providers door or maybe the fact that hobbist are geting sent up to the room before the other guy has left or is just leaving. My favorite is waiting to the girl to get out of the shower knocking on the doors and waiting 5 minutes because she wasn't given enough time to get ready for the next appointment. I haven't been with RSG for many year but guys got scheduled on the hour or half . If a girl was with a trick till 2p you were sent up after he walked out the door . Girls never had time to get ready for the next guy . It's  was disgusting .  
 I think times have changed now and there isn't that much volume with certain agencies . So if you want less attention don't make the situation so obvious. These kids dress all crazy anyway and what we may think is out of line very often us expectable behavior. However that compounded with 10 at here door crests a bigger issue .

Well my dear you haven't experienced the RSG way.I no longer use  that agency but when I did appointments where set back to back.So your best bet was the first appointment of the day.
One time when I went to see someone the guy that was just there had turned right instead of left as he exited the room. I asked if she was with that guy and she told me she was. I paid my donation and we chatted for the half hour I was there he was gross.

I know that we aren't the only one you have sex with but when it's put in front of you it's a bit hard to swallow especially if he's gross lol  

I don't think the same applies today but it sure was the norm a few years back.

Posted By: sexymarafouru
I'm sorry,  maybe you're just speaking of agencies,  there has never been anyone walking out my door while another was walking in...never going to to happen.  
 I've had gentleman call me in the grocery store and ask if I can be ready in 15 minutes?  Right? No!  
Posted By: dasicorp
How about the fact that housekeeping see 10 guys a day knock on the providers door or maybe the fact that hobbist are geting sent up to the room before the other guy has left or is just leaving. My favorite is waiting to the girl to get out of the shower knocking on the doors and waiting 5 minutes because she wasn't given enough time to get ready for the next appointment. I haven't been with RSG for many year but guys got scheduled on the hour or half . If a girl was with a trick till 2p you were sent up after he walked out the door . Girls never had time to get ready for the next guy . It's  was disgusting .    
  I think times have changed now and there isn't that much volume with certain agencies . So if you want less attention don't make the situation so obvious. These kids dress all crazy anyway and what we may think is out of line very often us expectable behavior. However that compounded with 10 at here door crests a bigger issue .

I'm learning thanks to ladies like you ;-*

I credit Jill for putting herself out there. She does make many good points about the business.  

Girls should behave and dress properly, when entering and exiting the hotel. Also carrying a suitcase, even if it's empty, is a must for both girls and clients. I always do.  

Also, I would recommend that the agencies and independent providers to stop using low end hotels/motels. Going into a small empty lobby, with cheap construction and hollow walls is a contributing factor to some of these problems

You make some very valid points Powers. But I think providers and agencies alike should have the decency to at least shower in between appointments. Many providers require a date to shower first .. To have some girls required back to back appointments without proper hygiene is just gross.

Posted By: Powers
I credit Jill for putting herself out there. She does make many good points about the business.  
 Girls should behave and dress properly, when entering and exiting the hotel. Also carrying a suitcase, even if it's empty, is a must for both girls and clients. I always do.  
 Also, I would recommend that the agencies and independent providers to stop using low end hotels/motels. Going into a small empty lobby, with cheap construction and hollow walls is a contributing factor to some of these problems.  

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