
clarence37 37 Reviews 9058 reads

this is sort of a response to the "ethics" question down below, but i hate getting buried in an old and long thread, so i hope you'll forgive me.

personally, i feel that this board exists for hobbyists first and providers second; i look to it for answers to questions i am not allowed to ask when i want to arrange a session with a lady. a good example is cbj vs. bbbj - ladies, if i ask via e-mail you won't respond, if i ask on the phone you will hang up, and if i ask in the room before we transact business you will tell me "compensation is for time spent only". and i don't blame you, you are right to do that. but if i find out $$$ later that only cbj is available, my day is ruined.

as to the "juicy details", i can fully understand why a lady would not want to be reviewed; i do apologize for my gender, ladies, but you have to understand that HAVING the fun plays a far distant second for us to BRAGGING about it afterwards. guys, get a grip; of COURSE you brought her to five orgasms... we KNOW she begged you to stay past the hour and offered you your money back.... nobody DOUBTS the fact that you were able to nail the mirror back to the wall with your boner in between rounds. but don't you think those details would be better suited to your letter to penthouse forum? ("i am a senior at a small midwestern college... and i NEVER thought this would happen to me..." :-)

anyway, sorry for the long rambling post. my bottom line:
if she gives me great service and asks me not to review, i won't; she earned it. if she does not want the good advertising, it's her choice.

if she rips me off, gives lousy service, advertises falsely, upsells dramatically, answers phone constantly, etc, etc, i will warn my fellow hobbyists and could not care less what she requests.

if the service is mediocre, i will play it by ear. was she nice, but we just did not hit it off? i will respect her wishes. but if i feel she was dishonest with me in any way, i will probably write the review.

below the bottom line: i have never had a bad experience with a lady who was well reviewed on TER.

The primary issue is not whether TER exists for hobbyists or providers, but rather what is the nature of your relationship with the lady you saw.  

Personally, I feel that by accepting an appointment, I acquire both rights and responsibilities.  Part of respecting a woman is to uphold her wishes.  Yes, there are extreme situations in which I would expose deceit and dishonesty.  But, in general, when a woman says "NO," she means "NO."  To act otherwise is disrespect.

OK, gentlemen, commence the flames...

Have fun, MG

-- Modified on 9/9/2003 6:33:12 PM

I agree with you. If I am not ripped off, i.e. cash and dash, bait and switch, 60 minutes becomes 30 minutes, I get upsold, she noshows, etc.... and a lady wishes not to be reviewed, then I will honor her request. If I am not ripped off and I am requested NOT to write a review, I won't write it.

I also don't want to get into the 'Who is this board for' agrument, because the concept may have been that it was for the gentlemen of the hobby, but the reality is that it is also for the ladies of the hobby.

Reminds me of all those people trying to ban porn, if you don't want to look at it, then don't go into a porn shop and don't rent any porn movies. Bottom line is, if you don't want to see a lady that hasn't been reviewed, then don't see any ladies that haven't been reviewed. It's a free market, made up of adults with free will. I say, as old fashioned as it is, it's the ladies choice and I will respect it.  

And Lilly dear, you are a special treat. Men are animals, there was a time when we were hunters, warriors, we pursued each other in games of strength and endurance to win the favors of beautiful females like yourself. In this day and age, we are certainly not what we were, can you imagine most of your clients shooting their dinner and starting a fire with a couple of sticks? lmao Me neither.... most would starve lol

However, we men are creatures of habit and instinct, so just as our ancesters did years ago after a hunt, we pound our chests, brag about our conquests, talk about our prowess knowing that the fun is in the telling of the story and not in the actual living of it. If the truth be known........ how embarassing would that be.............

Aphrodisia6180 reads

And Mag, you continue to be one of my faves.  I do not mind being "hunted," my sweet; it's the gutting a dissection that leaves a sour taste in mouth -- or was it the 3,472 BBBJTC's?

Either Or!


"No" means "No".  As in, "No kissing", "No touching", "No daty", "No BJ" ...  As in "No f-in fun".  This is exactly what we want to know about.

"No" means "No" - we are not talking about rape.  Or are we ? I feel I've been raped (out of some hard earned $$$) on 3 occassions and wished somebody wrote a review.

If every provider who provided a mediocre experience said "No" and we had to respect that (we're not playing tag and she can say time out - Oh, but I guess we are playing tag) then how would we know.  I'm not looking for a mediocre time.

In regards to the original post it seems that the provider may be sincere (since she contacted the guy and asked his oppinion) so I would not review.  Seems to me that there can be no general protocol - I go by how sincere I feel the person is.

Please forgive me - I know I'm not so mature (not a flame - just thought it tied in).  

I feel your pain. But it's free market, we all just have to decide what we are willing to do.

I think it's pretty simple, if a lady asks not to be reviewed, and she is not reviewed, and some gentlemen won't see a lady that is not reviewed, then her business will show it. She may build up a small clientele of gentlemen that talk to each other back channel, or there may be some gentlemen that like the excitement of seeing someone without reviews, sort of like a blind date. To me there is a certain excitement AND risk to a blind date, and whether hobby related or not, a blind date is still an investment that may or may not pan out.

In any case, free market. You have to decide whether or not you wish to take the risk of seeing an unreviewed lady and she has to decide whats best for her business and manage it accordingly.

-- Modified on 9/10/2003 4:40:34 AM

I have a very different perspective on reviews. I for one am very glad we have TER and the reviews.
As the one who hires the girls,and answers the phones most of the time,I need TER reviews.
Without them I would never be able to monitor the girls performance.  
The first thing I ask a girl I am interviewing is I need to know if she is a GFE, and if she is uncovered or not as I only want to hire girls who are a GFE. Guess what? They all swear that the are great GFE's. Guess again, most of them are not and lie to get the job. Without TER reviews I would have no idea what was going on. I would be accused of lying to clients when I say the are GFE and they are actually not.
I try to honest as I can be and never want to mislead anyone,so I gladly pay to read reviews. Without them I would never know if a girl is doing drugs, ripping off clients,rushing them out the door etc. It is also good to know when a girl is doing a great job in the room.
I print out all of the reviews and show them to the girls, If they get bad reviews, I also show them good ones from other girls so we can compare and help them improve.
Case in point is Frankie, she got terrible reviews and when she wanted to come back to town we had a talk and I told her she could only come back if she changed her attitude. Guess what she is back and I have gotten some positive feedback from clients on her and she has even had some repeat clients this trip.

I do believe however that clients do lie and post fake reviews to get VIP status. Example is Skylar is furious that some client put in his review that she spoke Greek with him! She swears that never happened, and now everyone who sees her tries to talk her into speaking greek. She said she never has and never will.
I also know for a fact that another service was giving one of their regular clients a break for posting fake bad reviews of our girls. Even so I personally LOVE TER and think that this is a great fourm for both hobbiest and providers alike.


Aphrodisia7708 reads


The reasons reviews do not work well in this particular medium and many are not impartial is because:  MANY HOBBYISTS REVIEW SO THEY CAN KEEP THEIR VIP STATUS.  Do you have any idea how many women are reviewed by men they have never seen, AND if anyone thinks it is easy for a provider to have her reviews removed based soley on the assumption that she never saw the hobbyist reviewing her, well think again! Just ask Melinda, for example, who had TWO of these idiots give false reviews.

I think hobbyists should pay full price for VIP and not earn points for reviews.  This certainly would keep things more on the up and up IMHO

Early gooood morning, everyone! lol Yes, I read your posting, Lilly, and it was true: Actually, it was 3 times, and one of them was from a guy who tried to repost a review (same one, mind you), 2 times months apart.

Because of the fact, that I am low-volume, I know who I meet, when, where, how long our session was, etc., lol ;) So, that is why I am able to spot a "fake", when it's up. Trust me, gentlemen, I will out those, who do do this. I chose to do this publicly (in conjunction of letting TER know of this matter),  in order to get my voice heard, when back channeling falls through the cracks. Also, I am a paying member of TER, and I believe my voice should be heard.

I will admit, I would like myself getting less reviews. I want to add as well, that I am not seeking to have 10 + pages of reviews, that sound repetitive. Again, that makes me look like I am high-volume, which I am not (nor, aim to be). I also want to add, that my statement is my personal view, and it is not a pun towards anyone. I no longer ask for reviews. If a guy would like to do one, I would hope that he ask for my permission first (which, I will say 90% do, thanks gents!), before placing the review. This should be done, out of respect, for I have never ever disrespected client in any way, shape or form. Now, I will probably get some grumbling (please stop throwing popcorn at me, dagnabbit lol) from some of the men on the board about my request, but that is how I feel, and I don't feel the need to sugarcoat it ;)

Anyways, I am done with this subject, and I hope that people can grow from everyone's perspective on this issue.

meow and kisses,

Mel ;)

-- Modified on 9/10/2003 8:08:45 AM

you cant blame the entire coumminity because some ass post false reviews thats up to TER to look into and we should be able to keep our vip status. I dont believe a provider has the right to demand you not post a review unless there are certin circumstances. But a nice clean review with the alphabet is ok.We men do want bragging rights after all some of us spendlots of $$$$$$ but we should ecsise good judgement when posting there is a way to get your message across with out making the provider look slutty. now there are providers who have a reputation for being wild so read her reviews before you post and if they ALL are in line with each other then posts yours but remember when you write a review it will be read by EVERYONE so try to be as tasteful as possible
it is your right to post a review as you see fit but ask for advise if you are new it will help you down the road
In closing if a provider askd you to not write a review ask her why because after all you have that right to know and if it was a super session well maybe respect her wishes but if you had a bad experience you have a duty to inform your fellow hobbist to warn them so they do not get taken
Col hogan

Aphrodisia6211 reads

Well I certainly wouldn't want YOU to write a review on me dollface..your spelling and grammatical errors are enough to drive me to the brink!

should be observed and not crossed.  Two extremes of views have been presented, but, IMHO, the answer lies in the middle somewhere.  I have found that many of the most wonderful women I have had the opportunity to spend time with have asked not to be reviewed....they deserve this courtesy.  I have found other ways to communicate my experience with some who I knew would treat such ladies with the respect they deserved.  And, these ladies have shown their appreciation for my discretion and respect of their wishes.

At the other extreme are the ladies who wish to not be reviewed so they can continue to provide the same mediocre (I am being nice) service unabated.  These providers may post themselves as GFE, mislead in their posts in other ways, or outright bait and switch.  They simply do not want posts to show anything contrary to what they are advertising....this is blatantly wrong and they do not deserve the courtesy I spoke of  and it is owed to the community to alert others.  This is not unlike the obligation of a provider to notify the other ladies of dangerous or otherwise offensive clients.

It is all about respect for each other.  Yes, you have paid and have a "right" to post.  That does not imply an obligation to exercise that right and the respect a hobbiest shows a provider reflects more on him than the lady.  And showing that respect will ultimately your reputation among the ladies and fellow hobbiests.

My .02


OceanRover8565 reads

First and foremost, the point about the number of reviews required to keep a VIP status does not sit well with me either...I WAS a VIP on the "other" board and when the mandate came down and the rules were changed I opted out..because my reviews will come only when I believe they will provide value and quality to both the hobbyists and the providers.

On the subject of "trashing" someone for a poor session, I simply will post..."was not my cup of tea"....most should be able to read into that one.......

On reviews in general, I believe that discretion and respect are the guidelines that should be used in writing a everything in life, not evey provider is appealing to all hobbyists and vice versa, not every hobbyist is enjoyed by every provider.

There are far too many good times out there to get hung up on the one or two disgruntled folks who would start trouble even if they were in a room by themselves..LOL

Practice the hobby with discretion and respect and use the same mantra in your reviews and converstaions..I know, I know, that's naive..but in an ideal world wouldn't that be be nice to have it as the norm....moving a mountain starts with moving a stone at a time.

More than my 2 cents

Take care and stay

-- Modified on 9/10/2003 6:32:39 AM

Aphrodisia9216 reads

We should get married.  I think I love you.

OceanRover8044 reads

Geez...don't say the M word cause it kinda could cause problems as I am already married and I think she would tend to shy away from me doing it least while she is in the picture (hehehe)....HEY but I got a brilliant idea(wink)..can ya hear the wheels turning...why don't we just go steady..hehehehe..then you can still love me..ROFL

Thanks for your sanity and humor on the board..I always enjoy reading your posts..

So whatta ya ya..wanna go steady.

Take care and stay safe

Aphrodisia8984 reads

Steady as she goes..only if I get to wear your high school graduation ring on a chain around my neck (and nothing else of course lol)


OceanRover8290 reads

damn....girl...we are going steady and we haven't even met..what a country..LOL...but hey I just pulled up your website and licked my computer screen like that foreplay and we haven't even met...was it good for you..LMAO...

Sick and twisted this am..LOl

Take care and stay safe

Aphrodisia7444 reads

you are the best virtual BF I've ever had.  It was great, but up close and real is better.  Save those bottle deposits baby...

OceanRover7009 reads

Stop spending my money on the damn machine and spend some on Mr happy...sounds like a good idea...maybe I found the right lady to pull me away from the varoommm varooms..LOL

You are a trip...vitual bf/ that is so unfulfilling..HUH

take care and stay safe

Great point Lilly!

Posting reviews to keep your VIP status alive is not a very good principle. I must own up to the fact that I don't pay for my membership here, but I won't post a review just to keep it alive. When I was a newbie I did, and I regret doing the reviews of the ladies that really didn't want them just to keep seeing the juicy details.

I think the other board made a very bad choice in how to choose their VIP's. Having a paid membership seems o'k, but building up reviews and worthless posts just to get a gold moniker is deterimental to the accuracy of sharing info.

I think the requirements for details is also a problem. Yes I want to know CBJ or BBBJ, DFK or not, but almost every review I write gets rejected at least once before it's posted (some have been rejected 3 or 4 times). I'm forced to keep adding details until it is finally accepted. I beleive there is enough info in the pulldown section of the review sheet, so having to go into graphic details serves no real purpose.

If a woman asks specifically not to be reviwed I won't. If no request is made and either her service is well above my expectations and she is fairly new, or a complete rip-off, I will usually post a review. If things didn't go my way and it was a matter of us just not clicking I won't. YMMV is a big veriable in this hobby. You never really know if someone your visiting just had a complete A-hole experience before you or not, and there has certainly been times I have arrived after a stressfully day without my A game.

Play Safe, NHughty

I always ask the provider if it is OK if I write a review, unless they rip me off of have a crappy attitude.  I've been baited & switch, danced and dashed, cashed and dashed, and have been with providers whose attitude were so poor that I left early after giving them a good chunk of a weeks pay.  After joining TER, I have not been ripped off once.  TER works well for hobbyists and better for good providers.  If a good provider does not want me to write a review, it is the provider that loses out on new revenue.  I don't write reviews to get free VIP status (it does not cost that much anyway), I write reviews because I know how it feels to give a provider $$ or $$$ (yeah, that's still a lot of money to us hobbyists girls) and not recieve what you were told you were getting.  Good providers should not have a problem getting reviewed.  If hobbyists never got ripped off or lied to, then we wouldn't be here.

Aphrodisia7774 reads

Great point, and I appreciate your objectivity.

If a provider does not want to have reviews on TER she can have them pulled and not take advantage of the marketing power they have. However I believe escorting as well movies or the theater are forms of entertainment and are going to get a review of some sort. If you do the job well and please your clientel you are going to get good reviews. If not the reviews will also show that. If providers are afraid of LE and the evidence that reviews create, I say it would also be a good idea to pull their advertising web-sites from the internet. Only providers with a web-site are in TER.
It all comes down to do you want to be responsible for your actions in life or not.

Aphrodisia8079 reads

SO, you equate reviews with responsibility?  Interesting concept.  Sorta like saying condoms are good when used for water balloons.

Catch my drift?  Probably not, but I did not catch yours either.

Regading who this board is more for will vary who you ask.  In the end it's for all of us so we can play safe and not get ripped off.  

If you want to know about covers or no covers, you should do research and build a rapport with hobbiests and providers to earn that type of info.  Of course you will get hung up on, of course no one will respond to it in writing.  

You had me laughing about the juicy details and I agree.  There are those who forget this is about a fantasy.  I thought I was the only one whose boner could be used for a mallet :-)

In the end, we each have to respect each other's privacy - even if it means not posting reviews. Forgetting those boundaries could lead to unwanted legalities and other unsafe issues.

It just struck me reading this thread this morning how well everyone expressed themselves and represented their point of view, no matter what their position.

As is so often the case on this board, this thread is informative, thought provoking and a pleasure to read.


You are the best Mod, ever! :) I do agree with you on the content of the posts, and I have to give everyone a pat on the back, for being respectful towards one another on this issue (I hope that I didn't say this toooooooooooo soon, for it is still early in the day LOL).


Mel ;)

To save space, see my post in the suggestion policy board regarding how difficult it is to rate a session with any accuracy.  As a result of that, I’m on the fence about any further reviews.  Give a 9, it goes up as an 8.  Give a 9, it goes up as a 10.  Geesh.  

I am a VIP here, and on the other.  I do not review all the ladies I meet.  I am relatively new to this, but I have chosen to review when what I experienced warranted one.  What I mean is if my session was outstanding, a rip off, or quite different then the reviews I had read (YMMV), then I will submit.  For the sessions that are of the norm, I won’t just add to the redundancy.  I do not post to stay free or gold.  In fact, in both cases I wasn’t even aware of the policy.

The juicy details section is something I do like.  I don’t like reading the Penthouse forum, so those type of  reviews I can live without, I’m sure the ladies can to.  Most of that is redundant, if you check off things in the services offered box, you don’t need to repeat them in the details... unless it was a YMMV issue.  While the first reviewer may have not received DFK, maybe I did.  I feel it’s important to say so to inform my fellow hobbyists.  The details box does allow me to state how my session differed from the services listed.  TER has provided good guidance for my selections, and I review to hopefully return the favor.

I would not post if asked not to, unless it was a rip off.  Anyone who puts up false posts to save the fee is a disgrace to this community & themselves.  I spend more then that on parking fees to see providers.  Now there’s a real issue, over $100 this month!

I had a person back channel me regarding reviews i will not mention names that provider told me that gents can post a review as long as they are granted permission which i think is totally wrong

I agree with Jill that reviews are important because i want to know if a girl is GFE and gives a CBJ or a BBBJ when you are client you have the right to know that helps prevent confussion when i read reviews and CBJ is described i close the review and move on

Ultimatly i think it is up to the client not the provider
but the client should take in to consideration what the lady is saying

sexymegan7880 reads

As I person who was very high volume(as if theres something wrong with it) and now  not as high by choice..higher rates  and fewer customers  means more time to shop for me:) but people seem to be getting mad  that I wont see ten people aday..but I have tons of reviews..tons..I dont even read them anymore..but what I a TER were all we do is review the clients...bad review if he request's asian and has not showered or has a lump of toilet paper hanging from his tells me he read a review that says I swallow when I dont...good review if he brushes his teeth and has clean underwear on and asks me if I'd like a backrub to start...then if we got to post a review of the client under his review of us..then only then would you get the real picture...I had to write:)

That makes sense to me.  Maybe guys like me who show up clean, with flowers and wine, and who are very respectful should get discounts.  No? Well, it was worth a shot anyway.

Aphrodisia5761 reads

Oh baby..then you need to talk to luvbald, who originated the post.  Wine and floweres go a long way and I more than fair for sure.  The amenities are not the issue..

Hey Lily - your pictures are sexy.  How much is your service?

Interesting though, I can see the “appearances” & “services” selections now.

Aphrodisia8090 reads

Oh my precious, let mamma educate you just a smidge..

It's the women who ultimately HAVE the power in this forum pookie.  Even the sleeeeeeziest slut can find some poor schmoo to fork over some mula if it gets his member hard.  You relinquish to us doll..

Reviews are really not that difficult to write if the reviewer follows TER's structure and guidelines, and uses some common sense.  In my own case, I have been writing employee reviews for more than twenty years and that experience helps me in writing the provider reviews. I was a TER VIP member until recently and enjoyed the reviews in the Juicy Details area by some well regarded hobbyists.  Like one of the posters mentioned in this thread, it is difficult to ask frank questions and get straight answers when one contacts a provider for the first time.  I am glad to say that I have had good luck on the very first date with providers I met after reading their reviews on this and the other board.  This is in stark contrast to my experiences with the rip-off artists I frequently encountered through the Boston Phoenix Ads before these boards came along.  After the first date, I form my own opinion about the extent to which a provider met my expectations, and if I feel like contributing a review about my experience with her, I do so in an honest manner.

Welllllllllllll!!!! If I know you from the boards  and I know your safe and ok to talk to about these things then I'll talk to you about them. If I don't know you from the board or if your a newbie I will have to fully verify you first and make sure your SAFE first to talk to before talking to you about those things.

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